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The Unlucky Viscount

Page 16

by Emma Brady

  "That's not good enough. I don't want my daughter to be miserable in a situation I put her in.”

  "She's not miserable, that much I’m certain."

  "Not now, but how do you know it won't turn that way over time? I saw how distraught she was that you got hurt. I'm not sure if that was love, but I wanted her out of the club so she wouldn't be in danger any longer. Since then, she has watched you beaten and is now sitting alone with your attacker."

  "You think I can't keep her safe?"

  "I think that you had more trouble in your life than I thought and she's getting pulled into it with you."

  "I would never let anything happen to Rachel."

  "You would protect her like you did your sister?"

  Alex went from being anxious to being angry and he knew his face was turning red from it. His voice came out louder than before, with a sharper edge to the words.

  "It's one thing to ask me about Rachel, but Daphne is none of your business."

  Gerald wasn’t startled by the tone of Alex’s voice, but he did exhale a long breath.

  "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that." The older man shook his head. "I'm just worried about her. I know it’s my fault that you two are stuck together. If I was wrong she's the one who has to live with it."

  "I know she didn't want the marriage to begin with, but I promise you she is not unhappy. I plan on doing everything in my power to make sure she isn't hurt.”

  "If we capture Deckland in this trap, you will get most of your fortune back and you won't need the club anymore. You won't need my daughter anymore."

  Alex had thought about what it would mean to get his own money back. The money might have been the reason he agreed to marry her in the beginning, but it had nothing to do with the way he felt about her now. A change in his fortune would not change that. They were going to have a real marriage, no matter how things went tonight.

  "I'm not giving her up."

  Gerald locked eyes with him, and in that moment of silence, Alex tried to convince the man that he was determined. Rachel was more important to him than any amount of money. They were interrupted when they heard someone in the hallway yelling. Both of them went out to see what was going on.

  "He has a knife." The frantic-looking servant said to Gerald from the other side of the security man who kept Gerald's private office private. "I saw him with it and I ran to get you as quickly as I could."

  "Is he threatening Rachel?" Gerald asked, pushing the servant out of the way.

  "No, he just laid it on the table very calm like, but it was so big, sir." The servant's eyes were wild and frantic with fear. "Ms. Rachel didn't seem upset by it, but I couldn't just let him have it without you knowing."

  The servant didn't follow as the two men both took the stairs two at a time. Alex ignored the pain in his leg, focused only on reaching Rachel. They pushed through the crowds in the main room, ignoring the alarmed reaction they got. Rachel was in danger and if Deckland had caught on to this being a trap, he might do something violent against her. Gerald paused just outside the door, listening for any indication of trouble. It was quiet and that gave them both pause. They didn't want to interrupt but Alex wasn't comfortable with her being alone in there with a man carrying a big knife. Alex gave Gerald a nod before reaching to open the door.


  RACHEL REMAINED CALM as Deckland pulled the knife from his inside coat pocket and laid it down on the table. He didn't make any kind of threat, but she knew he was laying it there as a reminder that he was a dangerous man. She saw one of the servants, the one who usually refilled the glasses, duck out of the room. Going to get her father, no doubt. Weapons were strictly forbidden in inside the club. They were coming close to the end of the game and he was not happy to be losing.

  "You know you are not supposed to have that in here." She spoke calmly, not letting her nerves show.

  "I forgot I had it."

  No doubt that was a lie. She had been watching him very closely and knew when he bluffing. Still, she couldn't force him to leave when she was so close to winning everything from him.

  "You must be in a dangerous line of work to need that every day."

  "I'm successful, which creates a lot of enemies. There was at least one man here tonight who would like to see me dead."

  She had to pretend she didn't know he was referring to Alex when he said that.

  "Surely you don't think I could be a threat." She gave him a slow smile. "I'm as harmless as a kitten. Twice as soft."

  She could see the darkest part of his eyes grow and knew he understood what she was implying. The hungry look was enough to turn her stomach coming from him, but she needed the best edge against him that she could get. If flirting helped her win the game then she would tolerate it.

  "Why did I get an invitation to this game? I don't know any of the members to this club."

  "You applied to be a member. Gerald likes to see how a player will do before he admits them."

  "So this is a test?"

  "More like an introduction. A chance for you to impress us."

  "Us or just you?" He smiled at her, and she could see the glint of his teeth. "I could think of many ways to impress just you."

  Rachel could feel her skin crawl at the thought of him touching her, but she continued to smile. So far she was winning, slowly enough that he didn't throw a fit. She wanted him to remain distracted enough not to notice how many hands he had lost.

  "Mr. Hatwell-"

  "Call me Marcus. Unless you would like me to call you Miss Raven?"

  "No, I would never want us to be so formal."

  "Perhaps you could tell me your real name and we can become more intimate."

  "How do you know Raven is not my real name? My mother might have had a fondness for birds."

  He chuckled, even though he was still losing his money. She kept looking at his hand, imagining in her mind the card he most likely held and which ones were still waiting to be dealt. If she played it right, there would only need to be one more round before he was finished.

  “I don't mind if a woman is a bit of a mystery. Keeps it from getting dull."

  She watched Deckland slide the remainder of his money into the center of the table. He must have been very confident in his cards, though Rachel predicted they were not enough to beat her own. This would be the last round, and then they would be finished and he wouldn't bother Alex any longer.

  "You are a mystery as well, I hear. No one knows exactly where you came from or what you have been doing for so many years." Rachel moved her matching fund into the pot. "Lots of rumors, but I know gossip is not always the truth."

  "What have you heard?"

  Rachel had to be very careful here and not give away too much.

  "You came from New York, but grew up here in London. Must have gone somewhere in between to make your fortune. My guess is the Indies?"

  Deckland laughed. "No, I didn't go that far. South Africa is where I spent a few years, learning the ways of trade."

  "Do you plan to return there?"

  "No. I don't think I would be welcome there now."

  "More of those enemies?"

  "They exist all over the world."

  Rachel could imagine that there would be people looking for him in any country he went to. A swindler seldom made friends.

  With a flourish, she laid down her cards next to his and won the game. He looked shocked as he stared down at the last of his money being pulled toward her.

  "I guess I just didn't have Lady Luck's favor with me tonight." He tried to sound unbothered by the amount of money he had lost. "Perhaps another lady will show me favor instead."

  Rachel stood from her chair and smoothed her skirts with both hands. "I'm afraid it is late, and I'm ready to retire for the night."

  She turned to leave but felt him grabbing her arm. The knife was still on the table, but it was within easy reach for him. Her heart began to race and she gave her arm a tug, but he wouldn't let h
er go.

  "I'm a customer and I have paid more than a fair amount for the pleasure of your company."

  "You paid to play the game. That's the only thing you were promised."

  "Then I demand at least one more round."

  "You have no money left to play with." She grinned when she said that, making his expression grow darker.

  "I still have a few valuables I could offer." Deckland reached into his coat again and her body tensed. "I know for a fact that this would be worth a great deal to the right person."

  This time it wasn't a weapon he produced, but a gold pocket watch with a sapphire attached to the front of it. It was nice and would fetch a good price if it was sold, but she was curious about why he had said that.

  "Valuable to whom?"

  Now he got that wicked gleam in his eyes again.

  "Someone very important would do anything to get their hands on this, but I won't tell you who until you win it from me."

  "Then how do I know how much to bet in return?"

  "I'm not asking for money. I would ask for a full night of your company."

  She yanked her arm free. "I'm afraid you think I'm something I'm not."

  "Everyone has a price." He was leaning across the table, licking his lips at her. "I just need to know yours."

  Rachel knew there was only one last thing she could get from him and it would be more than enough to ruin him.

  "I heard that you recently became partners with a textile company. Your shares in that might be worth the risk."

  She could see him trying to decide if he thought it was worth it to him as well. She allowed him to look her over like a pastry in a sweet shop without flinching. This wasn't part of the plan, but if she was able to take this from him, he might never come back to London. He would be so thoroughly ruined, he could do nothing but leave.

  "Fine. One round to see who gets the prize."

  He sat down and placed the watch next to his knife on the table. Rachel wasn't going to forget that the weapon was there and could still be used against her.

  "What is the meaning of this?" Both her father and Alex burst into the room at the same time, glaring first at Deckland and then at the knife on the table.

  "I'm just playing one more against the lovely Raven here." Deckland said calmly. "Then I will take my things and be leaving."

  "I don't care how much money is at stake, players are not allowed to bring weapons into my club."

  "It's not money we are playing for now."

  He gave Rachel another of those looks that made her stomach turn. She could see the anger in Alex's eyes.

  "What exactly are you playing for?"

  She should have required the stakes be kept a secret because neither Alex nor her father was going to be pleased to hear it.

  "The lady has agreed to be mine for the night if I win."

  The room got so quiet Rachel thought she could hear the sound of her own heart beating. She looked at Alex, and he wasn't angry but worse, he was so deeply hurt. Her father was the angry one, balling his thick fingers into a fist.

  "No one propositions my daughter!"

  Deckland's eyes grew wide and a smile spread across his lips. "I didn't know she had such a fine pedigree. That will make bedding her even better."

  "You won't even get to touch her."

  Gerald took a step forward and Alex was right behind him. If Deckland moved for the knife, one of them could get hurt.

  "Enough!" Rachel stood up and addressed all three men. "I had already agreed to the terms. To stop now would be a forfeit, and I refuse to allow that."

  Alex's face softened as he realized she was doing this for him. "I would rather leave with you than my revenge."

  "Are you kidding me?" Deckland laughed. "Why would she do that?"

  "Because she's my wife."

  Alex was staring right into her eyes as he reached up and removed her mask. She could have stopped him, but she didn't. She didn't care if Deckland knew who she was at this point. She ignored the gasp he gave and let her husband kiss her. It was soft but reassuring. She knew then that she didn't need to give him more, that he was happy with what he had and she no longer felt she needed to prove anything.

  "You bitch!" Deckland grabbed his knife and jumped over the table towards Rachel.

  Alex blocked her from him, but Deckland landed the sharp blade into his side, and he fell over clutching his shirt as it became soaked with blood. Rachel screamed but couldn't go to him because Deckland wrapped an arm around her quickly. She felt the sharp edge of the knife against her neck and the warm stickiness of Alex's blood against her skin.

  "This has all been a trick. A scheme to get my money." Deckland cried out to those in the room.

  "You mean my money." Alex said, sounding breathless from where he lay on the floor.

  "It was no longer yours once it left your hands."

  "And now it has changed hands again."

  As the two men argued, Rachel tried to inch away from the blade, but Deckland pulled her in closer. She could smell the combination of brandy, smoke, and sweat coming off of him. She turned her head away from the wretched smell and the knife cut a thin line across her neck. It stung enough she cried out.

  "Don't move, or I will spill real red all over that lovely gown." Deckland whispered against her ear.

  "Deckland, let her go." Gerald stood near the door, fuming with anger.

  "I don't think so. I'm going to need her to make sure I make it out of here safely."

  Deckland shoved her forward, keeping himself pressed up against her back. He had one arm around her waist while the other kept the blade firmly against her throat. He was heading toward the door, where her father stood blocking his escape.

  "You better move before your daughter gets hurt." Deckalnd said over her shoulder.

  "I'm not going to let you take her." Her father answered.

  "Would you rather she be alive in my carriage or dead in this room?"

  At first Gerald said nothing, but when Deckland pressed the knife tighter against her skin, she whimpered. That sound was enough to make her father move out of the way. Deckland chuckled as he moved them both out the door.

  As they walked through the main rooms, people stopped what they were doing to stare. Rachel recognized many of the men from the balls and events she had attended. She guessed by the looks on their faces they recognized her too. Her secret was out now and she wasn't going to be able to go back to being just a lord's wife.

  "I had heard that Alex got married recently in order to pay off his debts. I didn't know he would go so low as to marry a woman with your reputation."

  "What reputation is that?"

  "Ruthless. Heartless. Unbeatable."

  "Sounds like me."

  "Yet you married a man who lost everything. A sad match."

  Deckland had no idea who Alex really was. He saw him as just a wealthy gentleman not smart enough to see a lie when he was told one. Rachel knew how untrue that was.

  Outside the club, Deckland’s driver already had his carriage pulled around, and he shoved her into it. He followed and instead of sitting across from her as most gentlemen would, he squeezed in beside her, keeping the blade now pointed at her ribs. With his other hand, he banged on the roof of the carriage and they started to move.

  "Where are you taking me?" Rachel knew the further they got from the club, the worse her odds were of making it out alive.

  "I'm taking you to a place that Alex and I used to go when we wanted to discuss business. I'm hoping he remembers where it is and comes looking for you."

  "Why would you want him to come after you?"

  "So I can do what I should have done the first time and kill him."

  Rachel felt a chill run through her.

  "You don't need to kill him. You can do what you did before and leave London."

  "Unfortunately you have made that impossible. I left every pound I had on that table tonight." He leaned in and pressed his lips against her ch
eek. "Perhaps I can enjoy myself while we wait for your husband."

  He let his free hand brush up her arm and it made her shudder. He must have enjoyed the reaction because he smiled against her cheek. Rachel closed her eyes and willed her body not to move, not to show any signs of weakness to him. She knew Alex and her father would come for her. She just needed to be strong until they arrived.

  "Are you frightened?" Now his voice had deepened, vibrating against her skin in the most repulsive way.

  "No, should I be?"

  "You don't know me but you know about me. I'm considered a very bad man by most people."

  "Bad men don't scare me. I grew up around my father and he is definitely a bad man."

  "Then you might be enjoying this. I know Alex couldn't be a very exciting partner."

  She wasn't sure if he expected her to defend her husband or agree with him about it. She chose to do neither and remained silent. Deckland continued to stroke her arm and nuzzle her chin but she ignored him. It wasn't easy when the feel of him made her stomach sick. Finally she was saved when the carriage jolted to a stop. Stepping out she realized that they were in a warehouse district, somewhere near the docks.

  "This is where you and Alex used to go?" Rachel always imagined him to be more of a White's type of man before the incident.

  "Yes, that was my idea. I couldn't afford running into anyone he knew Part of my plane to remain in shadows."

  "You wouldn't have been able to create a new identity if they had seen you."


  Deckland pulled her towards an empty office front and didn't need a key to get in because the door had been broken. She wondered if it was in such disrepair back then.

  "This was going to be our office one day, in the fairy tale I told him. It didn't look this bad, but that was years ago." Deckalnd forced her into a dingy looking chair in front of the window. "We could come down here to talk about how great it was going to be. Some cleaning and some new furniture, it could have been great. At least that's what I convinced Alex to believe."

  "Why rob him? Why not actually use the money to start the company?"

  "That would have been far too much work. Plus, I'm not good at being a partner. I don't share well with others."


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