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Page 4

by Maxene Novak

  I hailed a cab and headed to my favorite salon, where they always made room for me. It was comforting to not have to worry about the small things anymore. I welcomed the ease of it; now if I could just handle the men that had suddenly appeared in my life, that would be great. Truth be told, I did just want to jump them both and have my way with them. It was my past that held me back, that told me it was a bad idea to get into it with these two guys.

  "Hey, Suza," I chimed, strutting into the upscale salon, "I need nails to match this dress and makeup to wow any art mogul tonight."

  "Is there anything I can't do, Cece, girl?" She winked at me and headed to the back. "You know where to go. I'll get Raquel and she'll get the nails done while I make the rest of you beyond glamorous. They will be hypnotized by you tonight, Cece, girl."

  I'd been in the leather and deep-cushioned chair in the V.I.P. backroom for nearly an hour as the two women recreated me. I must have been sidetracked with my thoughts because Suza burst my thought bubble.

  "Anyone in particular you're trying to glam, Cece, girl?" She arched a brow while her own brush swept across my eyelid.

  "There is this man I can't seem to get out of my head today." Nikolas, I thought to myself. "He won't even be at my show tonight, but I just want to show him. Does that make sense?"

  "Absolutely. If you look fierce when we're through, no man can avoid you. He'll regret whatever stupidity ran through his mind when he left you behind. I'm sure of it, Cece, girl."

  "Thanks, Suza. And you too, Raquel." Raquel stayed quiet and focused on her work, but I saw the corners of her mouth pull.

  I'd been seeing Suza for years now. She was one of the only people who treated Ame and me with respect before we'd become elite. It was a gift of ours to give her some of our art to have in her salon. I could see it in her eyes how much she valued our work; it made me happy to do that for her.

  Surprisingly, my thoughts drifted once more to Nikolas. I decided there was no way I was going to bother with him anymore. Why waste my time with a man who clearly didn't give a shit about my work and only wanted my body? I hailed a cab, feeling invigorated with my choice.

  "My god," Iris exclaimed. "Am I dead? You're actually here on time?" She did an overly sarcastic double-take, looking at the golden watch hanging on her pale wrist.

  "Believe it or not, sometimes I can get my life together and be punctual." I strode through the gallery toward her and into the back room. "Will I be rewarded with some pre-show wine?"

  "When is there not pre-show wine, dear?" Iris crooned as she bent for some Zinfandel. She swiftly opened it and had our glasses full in a flourish.

  "Alright," I began. "What is there to do before the show opens?"

  "We entertain our early bidders for your work?"

  "Again?" I gawked, in a little surprise.

  "Dear, you and Ame are literally the best there is in New York right now. You honestly think there aren't early bidders at every show by this point?" I closed my mouth and straightened my shoulders, realizing Nikolas had taken some of my confidence by belittling my work. I knew damn well my work was the best; I was on the same elite level as Ame.

  "Not enough sleep last night, I guess." I finally recovered, sipping my glass. "Let's greet the handsome men who are going to continue my wealth." I smiled at her as she led us to the doors.

  I had been mingling for hours, it seemed, when I finally had the opportunity to sneak into the back room, pulling a heavenly sip from my glass of wine. I'd already sold most of my artwork in the pre-showing for the early bidders, but there was some left. Honestly, I didn't keep track. I generally let Iris dictate how well I was doing, but I guessed it was exceptional. She only smiled that openly when she was making enough money to find some gorgeous men to entertain her. A little refreshed, I stepped back out into the crowd and was swiftly met by a friendly man in a grey suit. He was pleasant to talk to, and I was glad to hear his interest in the only piece I didn't have strong feelings for.

  It wasn't until I'd made my way into the back room again that I was fuming and furious. And enticed. Nikolas had waltzed in here like a damned professional collector and seduced me entirely. That son of a bitch; it had worked, too. All I could think about was tearing that three-piece suit off and having him spank me. To make matters worse, he'd purchased the painting before he'd even entered the doors. A private purchase with Iris. Shit. I wanted him so badly, and I knew it. It wasn't an option anymore to just have Julian. I needed them both.

  I went home that night, opting out of celebrating my shows' continued success. I didn't want to stumble across him tonight because I knew I wouldn't be able to resist him. He was consuming my thoughts entirely, my attention shifting back and forth from him to Julian. Over and over.

  It wasn't until morning that I noticed I'd somehow managed to fall asleep. I'd had a restless sleep, dreaming about Nikolas' sculpted and naked body mounting me. Then, when he'd finished me off, Julian would appear and have his way with me. Both of them taking turns with me, satisfying me entirely. Reality hit me like a disappointing brick.

  I knew I shouldn't go back to the way things were before these two showed up, but I knew I couldn't choose between them. I needed them both. I just hoped they'd see it that way. I quickly texted Nikolas before I regretted it, gripping his business card like a lifeline. Just like Julian, he responded immediately to every single message I sent. He infuriated me, but it only made me hunger for him all the more.

  It was done. I'd see them both on Friday; all I could do was wait now. If those two men were who I thought they were, then I wouldn't have to wait very long. Nikolas' words rang in my head from the gallery for the rest of the week.

  Chapter 5

  My pent-up energy flared up as I walked in the door, spotting Cecelia. Then I saw Julian seated across from her, and I felt my blood boil. He followed her gazing at me, and then a smile flashed across his face. While I was used to countless women ogling me, it was relatively new to see him watching me feverishly. I kept my expression even and made my way to the table, ignoring Julian completely.

  I kept my focus on Cecelia, who was staring at me with her lips slightly parted, turning me on. She didn't remind me of all those other women, but she had me snared. I needed to have her, feel her against me. I made a point of sitting right next to Cecelia, resting my arm across the back of her chair. I eyed her as she shifted in her seat, exhaling deeply. I felt a smirk threatening to cover my face, but I suppressed it. I didn't want to give anything away to Julian.

  "Evening, Cecelia." I reluctantly looked to Julian. "Julian." Cecelia looked taken aback.

  "Hey," she shifted again, "I'm guessing you're probably both wondering why I decided on a triple date."

  "I don't mind," Julian chimed in. I buried the glare that came to my face. I saw Cecelia's expression lighten at his words. She almost seemed hopeful. This woman was curious. I was aroused by the possibilities she could be planning. What kind of woman had I decided on?

  "I'm sure you're about to fill us in." I found the waitress at the bar, who seemed to ignore everyone else in the bar except our table. I easily signaled for a round of drinks. Her face lit up, and she hurriedly nagged at the bartender to bring them over. After a few moments, she laid out three martinis for us, leaning in too closely to me, vying for my attention. Lately, though, I didn't find brunettes attractive, and ignored her advances until she finally moved away to another table.

  Forgetting about her completely, I was focused back on Cecelia. She seemed worried about something, but I couldn't pinpoint what. I glanced at Julian, who, in contrast sat at ease, enjoying being around her.

  "Well, I'm attracted to both of you, but I can't really decide ... and ..." I was eagerly waiting for her to finish. I grew to hate Julian more and more by the second, though the fact that I had to compete only made me more attracted to Cecelia. I hungered for the thrill of winning her over. "I just wanted to get to know both of you more, and it's New York, after all." Her shoulders relaxed
visibly. This was when I could see her status and power coming through. Cecelia was an elite member of this city; her presence demanded someone who could match her. I was painfully aware of the way that designer dress pushed her breasts together. I glanced down at her legs, pleased to see that while her dress was long, it had a sexy little slit riding up to her thigh. It was just enough exposure to make me hungry for her.

  Since I'd met Cecelia, all I'd wanted was to bend her over and have her every way I wanted. It was growing more and more unbearable being around her. I needed some kind of release.

  "Not a problem, Cece." I glanced back at Julian to see him winking at her; his charisma was overwhelming. The man was smoother than I gave him credit for. He never dressed himself overly well, but he always wore it exceptionally well. "Unlike some attractive, powerful men, I have no problem sharing. Especially for a girl like you." He rested his chin on his hand, staring at her easily, soothing her. It irritated me how simply he spoke to her, calling her Cece. He reached out, leaving his hand open, like a bear trap.

  "Thanks, Julian." She took his hand, relief covering her face. Then, I couldn't take any more. I had to have Cecelia; I wouldn't let her fall for someone other than me. I worried that she would want more from me, but in this moment I contemplated my chances. My need to have Cecelia overtook any of my issues with women.

  "As I told you before, I won't be giving up so simply." I let my voice soften, focusing on her, blocking out Julian. I drew her in, making her attention turn to me. It gave me immense satisfaction to see her smile at me, her hand loosening in Julian's. It made me hard having her slowly giving in to me. "I'll have you any way you want." Her smile widened further.

  "I think I remember you saying that earlier." She smiled, responding to me wryly. She beamed at my response, clearly relieved. I watched her relax, my erection growing. My urge to have her was growing unbearable. I needed a release soon. "So, you're okay with this, then." I found myself nodding along with Julian. "Good!" She clapped her hands together, giddy. I watched her chest press together even more tightly than her dress was already doing. "I've just got to run to the restroom. I'll be back in a little bit." She rose from her chair, giving me the further pleasure of seeing her standing before me, her long legs exposed just enough through her dress. She gave us each a seductive glance and then she left us.

  When she'd rounded the corner and was out of sight, I let my face become neutral, removing emotion. It was how I comfortably conducted business, and that applied to handling Julian. His relaxed smile lessened slightly as his fixation moved from Cecelia to me. I could see the mental shift take place before my eyes. The softness of him erased and a more aggressive ease overtook him. He knew he wouldn't have to be gentle in my presence.

  "Looks like she's made her choice." His eyebrows rose quickly for a moment before relaxing again. "Now what'll you do? You don't like to share, right?" He was provoking me, trying to elicit a reaction from me. He hardly seemed like someone who could get under my skin, but he was someone Cecelia saw as equal to me. It was extremely aggravating.

  "I'm aware, Julian," I acknowledged, "but I don't plan on giving in."

  "It's not like it has to be competitive." He leaned in closer to me.

  "Yes. It does." I leaned away from him, relaxing in my chair. "I'm not easily satisfied. Ms. Garrison, she's …" I paused, actually struggling for the right word, "unique to me. I need her." I cursed myself mentally for revealing too much. I was too pent up.

  "Really?" Julian leaned back, surprised. Fuck it. I would tell him the truth and scare him off.

  "I'm a powerful man, Julian. I have primal needs, energies that I need to release. In my position, it's easy to find a way to release that energy, but I get bored quickly. I've finally found someone that holds my attention, that makes me work for my needs. You can't give that to her, so give up." I stared at him blankly. My sexual appetite was almost insatiable; now he knew that. I expected him to grow nervous, but he only seemed to be more interested.

  "Cece won't have to choose one of us if she doesn't want to. I'll stick around until she does; I won't be scared off by your alpha male threats." He adjusted in his seat, a slow smile growing. "As for your needs, I can help with that."

  "I've experimented with a variety of avenues of release, Julian. I don't think you're prepared for my appetite."

  "I'll be the judge." He lowered his expression. "For instance, I can tell you've been hard as a rock underneath the table since you sat down. You haven't gotten off at least since the gym, but I'd guess it's been even longer with how grumpy you were at the gym."

  "I won't be backing down, Julian. If you're that hungry to suck my dick, then by all means, get it over with and move on."

  "Why don't we head to the bathroom for some privacy, then? I think Cecelia's going to be in there for a while. I could tell she had a lot to think about. She's probably on the phone with her friend from the club." I felt my dick stiffen further, thinking of Cecelia talking about me, preoccupied with me. It was also arousing to have Julian so desperate for me, but he was still latched onto Cecelia.

  "Let's go." I adjusted my pants as I tipped back the remnants of my martini, Julian doing the same. Once I had my erection under control, we excused ourselves to the washrooms. My body instinctively readied itself, knowing it would have some relief soon enough. I'd wanted it to be Cecelia's mouth on me tonight, but I'd have Julian if that meant some alleviation. It wouldn't be the first time a man had been on his knees in front of me.

  I locked the bathroom stall behind us, glad Cecelia had chosen a high-end lounge with spacious stalls. The floor-to-ceiling doors were helpful, and I turned to face Julian, glowering at him as I unzipped my throbbing cock. He licked his lips lazily, but I could see his body was responding to mine. I pushed down my underwear, releasing my shaft and throbbing head in the open. Julian fell to his knees easily, his face level with my crotch.

  As soon as his lips touched my head, I gripped the back of his head and viciously pushed him down it, making him take all of me at once. His throat tightened on my head, making me moan. He gripped my bare ass and continued to slide his mouth up and down me, licking away at me as he went. I kept a fistful of his hair, forcing him to take more of me when I wanted, to the root. I could see his own dick hardening; he loved the taste of me. A small groan of pleasure escaped his lips and it spurred me, hardening further.

  Then Julian moved one hand to my balls, fondling them gently as his sucking grew faster, less careful. I could feel his teeth graze my shaft, forcing a growl out of me. I warned him by ramming his head all the way down my shaft again suddenly. His throat tightened around my tip again and I moaned audibly, pleasing him. I could feel the pre-cum drizzle out of my tip; I was close. Julian then gripped the base of my cock and began jerking me off while he continued to stroke me with his mouth, his tongue flicking the opening at my head. I felt the urge to come in his mouth rising inside of me. God, I needed a release. He was so desperate to have me it seemed like a means to an end. He sucked me as hard and fast as he could, jerking me as he went with intense speed. His tongue lashed around me feverishly, his whole body working for my pleasure.

  I was so focused on Julian's hand gripping me so tightly that I wasn't prepared for him to suddenly let go and deep throat me to my base. The shock and delight of it put me over the edge. I savagely gripped the back of his head, holding him to the base of my cock as my orgasm wracked me. After several spurts, I could finally breathe again and released his head. Julian lapped up my semen eagerly, swallowing it all.

  When I was done, I backed away, still half erect, and took some paper to clean myself. Julian recovered smoothly, seemingly pleasured by the deed. His eyes glinted, watching me. I was only temporarily satiated, and we both knew that as I zipped myself backing up.

  "I know what Cece wants, Nikolas," Julian said, polishing himself in the stall as I straightened my suit. "And when neither of us backs out, I'm going to fuck you hard." I paused in the stall, staring
back at Julian. My expression of disbelief slowly turned to realization, then pleasure. A small part of me didn't believe Julian, but if what he said was true, then Cecelia could very well be the thing I needed most. I could handle Julian if she wanted us both in that way.

  Now that I was freshly sucked off and we'd cleaned ourselves up, we headed back to the table where Cecelia was nervously waiting. When she caught sight of us together, excitement and anxiety crossed her face. She quickly recovered by raising a new martini to her lips. I loved the way her mouth moved. While Julian was more than satisfactory, he wasn't what I truly craved. Julian gave her a winning smile, calming her nerves. I gave her a reassuring nod and I watched her shoulders relax.

  "Is everything alright?" she tempted. I felt my erection returning again.

  "We're good," Julian teased. "Are you?" She responded well to him, her body becoming fluid. I was envious how easily he could manipulate her body.

  "I'm good." She took a hesitant breath, about to speak, but I knew I wouldn't have a better opportunity.

  "Cecelia," her attention focused on me again, giving me pleasure, "tell me what I need to do for you to be able to fuck you tonight." Her jaw went slack and her mouth gaped. That damn mouth would end me. "I need to fuck you, Cecelia. Let me please you until you're screaming my name." She was stunned at my words and didn't fully comprehend what I was saying at first. I watched her as realization hit her, and her body reacted. I could see she wasn't wearing a bra under her dress, because her nipples suddenly hardened and her cheeks flushed. I turned to see Julian looking satisfied and equally pleased with my words.

  "Cece," he winked at her, "neither of us are going anywhere. We want you, however we can have you." His mood was light, giving her hand a reassuring pat. She looked from him to me slowly, gauging our presence.

  I knew Julian was right when I saw her eyes begin to shine and her legs squeezed together next to me. When she said she wanted us both, she didn't mean separately. Her hand at first cautiously reached for my leg, sliding up me until she rubbed my dick, panting as she felt how hard and ready it was for her.


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