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Complexity Page 14

by Maxene Novak

  Julian walked through my doors, being led in by Laurel. She gawked at Julian for too long before catching herself and looking back at me flustered.

  "Julian Horne is here to see you, sir." She gestured at him, casting her gaze to the ground.

  "Thank you, Laurel. That's all." She scurried out, closing the door silently behind her. Julian looked at me, smiling easily.

  "Do you surround yourself with beautiful women exclusively? Or are you just this lucky?" He smirked at me, provoking me.

  "I don't hire my own secretaries, if that's what you're asking." I crossed my arms, leaning on the front of my desk. "Why are you here, Julian?"

  "I came to talk to you about Cecelia."

  "I think you've said enough about her. Is it not enough to break her heart, leaving her for your ex?" I glared.

  "You know it's not that simple, Nik. And that's not what I mean. I'm with Sidney, I'm happy. But I still want Cece to be happy, I want to be friends with her."

  "Well, I'm not stopping you anymore." I was tired of this conversation already.

  "You kicked her out, Nik. Why?"

  "She chose to leave by not trusting me."

  "She's a mess about it. She told me you're not returning her calls. She's sorry, Nik. Can't you forgive her? Our situation has been a mess until now. You're finally getting what you want."

  "I don't need her, Julian." His words were sinking in, tearing at my chest. I didn't want to hurt her.

  "Bullshit. You haven't been able to forget about her once. I can see even now you're messed up over her being so upset. Can't you see how much you two actually need each other?" He lifted a hand into the air, suggestively. I stared at the ground, not wanting to look at him. It was a lot to process.

  "It's complex." I finally admitted.

  "Go see her, Nik." his voice softened. "I'm out of the picture, you've got her and she wants you. What more is there to think through?" He moved to head back toward the door to leave. I didn't say anything back to him. I didn't need her; I could easily move on. Yet she always fought her back to the forefront of my mind, being the only thing I could think of when I went to sleep at night, when I woke up in the morning.

  Now the only man that was standing in my way was helping me again, telling me I had Cecelia to myself.

  "Goodbye, Julian," I finally said as he was halfway through the door.

  "See ya around, Nik." He winked at me as he left, and just like that, my head was all messed up. I sat back down in my desk, thinking about what to do – whether to let Cecelia go, or if I had to have her.

  I'd been sitting there for hours, it seemed, before I finally knew what I had to do. I couldn't stand the fact that Julian almost had her, and he had resigned himself. I don't know how I could possibly survive seeing her happy with someone other than me. It had to be, and I could see that now. I'd never felt this strongly about a woman; I couldn't let her get away. I grabbed my jacket from the coat hook and made my way to my elevators. Laurel stood from her desk eagerly.

  "Laurel," I began.

  "Push back your meetings, sir?" She smiled timidly. I looked back at her, smirking.

  "Yes, Laurel. Thanks." Then I was on the elevator and on my way down, heading out to my Lexus. I flipped through my contacts, hoping I still had it saved.

  As I slid into the backseat and driving, she picked up.

  "Iris. It's Nikolas Bertrand."

  She purred over the phone, excited by my phone call. She was so transparent. All this woman cared about was money. As long as she got that, she was happy.

  "Nikolas. Good to hear from you again." She inhaled something, probably a cigarette. "What can I do for you today? Is there something I can help you with?" Her voice was like silk, trying to lull me.

  "Is Cecelia's work being put on tonight?"

  "Yes, of course. It's just a small show, but dare I say her work has only improved since the last piece you bought. Every single one is beautiful in its own right." She was laying the sales on thick.

  "Good. I'll take them all. One million dollars apiece should be enough to guarantee I take home all the works." Silence on the other line. I waited patiently while she counted the money in her head.

  "Nikolas, that's an exceptional amount. But, if that's what you want, then I can manage that." She paused again. "Cecelia does have some buyers who are very fond of her work. Should the situation arrive where they are determined to pay more for her art, what would you like me to do?" Cecelia was in good hands if this was who secured her money for her. She was bleeding me for everything I had.

  "Simply outbid them every time by another million." She coughed over the phone before recovering again.

  "Of course, Nikolas. I'll be sure that you secure them all tonight."

  "Always a pleasure, Iris." I smiled into the phone.

  "Thank you, Nikolas." I killed the call and relaxed in the seat, knowing what I had to do for Cecelia now. I wanted to see the art, feel everything she put into it.

  I decided to text Julian next, to see where he was. I assumed that he would be with Cecelia tonight for her show. He responded saying that they were at her studio apartment just blocks from the gallery. I wanted to be close to her; the anticipation inside of me was rising.

  When the Lexus was in front of the gallery, Iris was waiting for me to let me in. She was all smiles, oozing her charm like the perfect saleswoman. I asked that she leave me alone to look at all the artwork. It was then that everything here hit me.

  It was every single place that she and I had been together. I was fixed, looking at my own apartment building, seeing it through her eyes. Even my Lexus sat in front of the building, recalling that night we got home from Providence and it was pouring rain. She was huddled underneath me as I protected her from the rain and ran into my building's lobby. She was giggling when we got into my elevator and her makeup had still managed to smear all over her face.

  I walked to the feature piece and saw that she had made it the most precious memory we shared. Her bed covered in golden sheets and blankets, looking so regal. That was when she'd told me about her past and been honest with me. It was when she'd trusted me to keep her secret for her. She trusted me to withhold judgment and just listen to her. I felt like an idiot for not realizing how much Cecelia really did trust me.

  I felt my smile widen, feeling more and more eager to see Cecelia now. I wanted to be near her, touch her, hold her. I wanted her to know that I couldn't let her go. I was glad that I'd pre-purchased all of this now.

  Chapter 21

  "Okay, so you're telling me that if Chris Hemsworth was standing naked in your bedroom, you'd do nothing?!" Julian exclaimed. He and Ame were arguing about gorgeous men.

  "Not a thing. Oh, I might try to put clothes back on him so he'd leave sooner."

  "You're insane! It's Chris Hemsworth!"

  Ame shrugged, indifferent. "I'm quite happily married with Oliver. With him around, I have no need for anyone else." She glanced over at me then. "Except maybe you to drive me fucking nuts." I rolled my eyes at her.

  "How did I get dragged into this cat fight?" I moved to the kitchen where Oliver was, looking for some snacks and finding nothing. "Sorry, I almost always order out."

  "I don't know how you and Ame manage to stay in such great shape with how poorly you guys eat." He shook his head, looking through the food menus I had.

  "Honestly, we usually live off wine most of the time instead." He laughed, disgusted with my answer.

  "Why did I even say anything?" I laughed, and then Oliver's face got serious. "Listen, Cece. I just wanted to make sure that everything's okay. Do you actually want that Julian guy here?" I followed his gaze over to where Julian was lounging casually.

  "Yeah, I invited him. We're good."

  "Ame doesn't tell me everything, but I could see how you were the other day. Ame doesn't get worried that often."

  "I know. It's okay, though, really. Julian and I are just friends." It was bittersweet, but I was glad that at least Jul
ian had stuck around for me. Nikolas had been avoiding my calls and messages for over a week now. I gave up on trying to talk to him and invite him. My stomach felt hollow, thinking about how I'd pushed him away, ruining what we had.

  "You deserve to be happy, Cece. After all the shit you went through." He looked at me frowning.

  "I like that you're a total overprotective brother. It suits you."

  "Someone's got to be when the two of you start drinking."

  "If I recall, the last time we partied, you were the one who got too drunk." I raised an eyebrow at him, reminding him of the first night I'd met Nikolas and Julian. It was such a weird night.

  "We don't talk about that night," he said, his expression lifting and going back to our regular banter.

  "Oh, my mistake. Good to know." I followed him back to my living room, slumping on the couch next to Julian, his legs outstretched. He winked at me while we watched some random reality show.

  "All good?" He looked at me sideways.

  "Yeah. Just thinking about tonight is all." The gallery showing was tonight, and I'd managed to get Iris all of my paintings in not only on time, but early. She'd thought I went insane or stole these paintings from someone. It was a later showing, but it was also a small one. I'd only had to paint around seven or eight pieces. I'd taken advantage of the five days trying to distract myself and done them all then, consuming myself with my work.

  By the end of it all, I'd ended up with a bunch of scenery collections of places in New York. they were all places that I'd been with Julian and Nikolas. It was my feature piece that I'd been the most surprised with. It was a still of my bed, the sheets all rustled and strewn about, but it was my favorite gold duvet cover with silken gold and black sheets. It always made me feel like a princess, which I knew was petty, but whatever.

  My thoughts made me think of Nikolas then. He was so honest with me that day, listening to everything I said about my past, without judging me for it. I didn't regret telling him about it all, even if I didn't think I'd ever see him again. Not after everything that had happened between us. I rested my chin on my hand, sighing. It meant a lot to me that I'd been able to share that with him, be open with each other and know each other. I didn't want to bum anyone else out, becoming aware of my surroundings and shoved my sad feelings deep down inside me, ignoring them.

  "So, when's the pizza getting here?" I whined to Oliver, bouncing back.

  "Don't know. Maybe 10 minutes?" His arm was wrapped around Ame, who was leaning into him.

  "But I'm hungry now," I whined again, poking fun at him, acting like a child. He responded by throwing a pillow at me, which I ducked out of the way of.

  "Wait like a normal human being." I giggled to myself, relaxing back into the couch, feeling better. The gallery would be nice to get back to for once.

  After we finished al the pizza and I drowned my sorrows into endless carbs, we made our way to the gallery on foot, since it was only a few blocks away. I was more and more glad each day that I had a studio apartment right by the gallery. It made life so much easier. Iris spotted us while she was having a cigarette outside. She snuffed it out quickly in between her heeled foot and the ground before calling out to us.

  "First the paintings are early, now you are too?" She exasperated as we approached. "I must be dead."

  "I appreciate the confidence, Iris."

  "You know you don't need any more of that. Your work is walking all over everywhere else in this country. After Ame's show, you two won't have to work for months. Maybe not even the rest of the year." I squinted at her, wondering why she'd said that. I never even had to think about money, but I still had to work.

  "Iris, what was in that cigarette?"

  "I wish there was more than pure tobacco in there." She had left us behind on the street, walking through the doors without us. She was always so dramatic and over the top. I couldn't picture her acting any other way.

  When I walked in after her, I couldn't help but marvel at the gallery. It was never quite the same feeling, seeing my work on my easel, then when it was on display so expertly like this. It was like seeing completely different art, like it had grown since I last saw it. I looked at each piece I'd created, enjoying each one and the memory attached to their locations. Nikolas' penthouse gave me a bittersweet experience, but it was the golden bed that held me in place.

  It was by far my favorite piece of the collection, and it held so many feelings and emotions in it. I wondered if I could handle selling this one. Once I did my lap of the room, Iris was already in the process of bringing me a glass of wine, preparing us to meet the pre-buyers.

  "There actually aren't any pre-buyers tonight," she chimed after I'd taken the glass from her.

  "What?" I stared back in disbelief.

  "It's a smaller show, so I wanted to draw more of a crowd for it. I didn't allow for there to be pre-buyers this time around."

  "Oh, alright then. If that's what you want." I was surprised at her sudden change in regular plans. Normally, Iris tried to have as many pre-buyers as possible to make the most profit. Oh well, it gave me a glimmer of hope that I might be able to keep that golden bed.

  "Now drink this wine with me so I'm not considered an alcoholic." she clinked her glass with mine, laughing before taking a sip. I shook my head as she strolled off, enjoying her drink. I went back to the room where Ame and Oliver were relaxing while we waited for the show to begin. Julian was still looking at all the paintings; all his attention was directed to them.

  "Should I be concerned that Iris didn't schedule any pre-buyers for this show?" I asked, sitting down next to them. Ame's eyebrows raised under her sharp-cut bangs across her forehead.

  "Probably. I don't think I've ever had a show where there weren't pre-buyers. The only time that would ever happen is if someone had already bought your art."

  "So, it's a bad sign, then." There was no way I sold all this work. It was scenery pieces, which all of which were personal. Only other posh New Yorkers would want them or even care about them.

  "Who knows." Ame closed her eyes, relaxing into Oliver, who sat there, stoic and silent. He was looking through his phone, likely checking his emails. Sometimes I forgot that Oliver was one of the wealthiest architects in the city. He was so easy-going and always there for Ame, it easily slipped my mind how powerful he was in the business world.

  "Oh well, I kind of want to keep that feature piece anyways. It's growing on me." Ame opened her eyes to glare at me.

  "Any reason in particular?"

  "Just reminded me of how much I love myself," I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes, annoyed.

  "I'm sure," she said, knowing me better than that. I sipped at my glass, thinking of Nikolas. It was a moment I was having trouble forgetting. I wanted Nikolas to come tonight, but if I had no pre-buyers, that didn't exactly give me hope that he would even know about it. At least Julian was here. He was already a good friend.

  I walked back outside, feeling intrusive on Oliver and Ame back there. When I walked back out, I saw Julian standing with a beautiful and reserved black-haired woman. He stood there with his arms around her, both of them looking curiously at my art. I approached them, half-excited to meet Sidney for the first time.

  "Cece, this is great." He smiled, his arms relaxing around Sidney's waist now.

  "I'm glad you like it." I smiled, my eyes moving from Julian to Sidney. "Sidney. I've heard so much about you. It's great to finally meet you." I smiled at her kindly, extending my hand to her. She had big soft brown eyes, and she stared back at me, a little star-struck. I wondered why. She took my hand abruptly, shaking it nervously.

  "Hi, Cecelia. Your work is fantastic. It makes me envious. I can barely write, let alone make anything as beautiful as this."

  "Ha, I'm sure you're not as bad as you think. I'm very fortunate to have this ability and be successful."

  Julian cut in then. "Well, we can't all be as awesome as you, Cece, girl." I could see looking at the two of them ho
w happy Julian was with her. It made me glad that we'd ended things if it meant he could have this. He deserved it. It also gave me a pang in my chest, thinking that I'd thrown that away with Nikolas. I shifted my weight, standing there in my heels.

  "Well, some of us are artists in their own way." I looked back to Sidney. "Julian tells me that you own your own restaurant. I'll have to fight my way onto the waiting list." She blushed at my compliment.

  "I'm really excited with how well it's going. I didn't expect it to do that well."

  "That's great. You two are going to be a power couple."

  "Not as powerful as you and Nikolas Bertrand though." She smiled at me, believing she was being kind. She didn't know that Nikolas had left me, grown tired of my issues. Julian smiled back at me, as if he knew about some inside joke that I didn't.

  "Well, who knows. It's still early to tell." I tried to smile through it, not letting on that I'd blown it with Nikolas. "If you'll excuse me, I think the show is going to be starting soon, and Iris forces me to change outfits for the shows. I hope you guys enjoy everything." I touched her shoulder and waved to both of them as I headed towards the back, feeling a little gloomy. Why hadn't Julian said anything to Sidney about my falling-out with Nikolas?

  I went back into the other back room where Iris was and searched for my silver plunging backline Prada dress. I deftly changed into it, trying to forget what Sidney said earlier. She didn't know any better. I wondered why Julian hadn't told her if they were already so back into sync with each other. Iris was on the phone with someone, and she'd turned away from me, muttering too low for me to hear. Why was she acting so weird right now? She shooed me away, so I slipped my heels back on and went out, making the rounds for the showing that was starting. I did my best to forget about Nikolas and focused on my show.

  By the end of the night, I was brought back to my golden bed piece. I was exhausted from making the rounds and being approached by so many people. I was grateful that Oliver and Ame had come along; they had fended off a lot of people tonight, sparing me. It felt like I had talked to so many people, I wondered what Iris was doing tonight that I had no pre-buyers. It really seemed like people wanted my work. Ame's words about someone buying the whole lot beforehand popped into the back of my thoughts, reminding me that it was possible. I doubted it, but almost as soon as I'd thought of Iris, she appeared, walking towards me.


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