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Fight 4 Us (Book 5): Agreement

Page 1

by Grenda, Brian





  CHAPTER 3 - 0900

















  Citrus Oaks has become a chaotic war zone, thanks to Joseph, and the Conquerors. My once quiet neighborhood has become disrupted, and forever changed now.

  Joseph looks at the two Conquerors that blew up the house across the street from the South entrance with the rocket launcher and orders them to check out the wreckage across the street.

  The men exit the cul-de-sac that Joseph is standing in, and walk towards the South entrance.

  The South entrance is destroyed. The lookout towers are blown apart, the gates are lying in the road and grass. The cinder blocks that once stood over six feet tall are lying in piles in the road.

  As the men exit the cul-de-sac, one of the Conqueror men sees a man lying face up in the ruble of the cinder blocks and debris near the South entrance.

  The two men approach the man’s body in the ruble, and stop to see if he’s alive or not.

  “Looks to be dead, but I want to make sure,” says one of the men as he takes out a rusty knife from its holder on his belt.

  The other man grabs the man’s left forearm and says, “He’s dead man. Don’t worry about it. We need to check out the house across the street. I want to make a good impression on Joseph, and I don’t want to mess this up.”

  The man holster’s his knife and says, “Okay Dave, but I’m taking care of this guy when we get back.”

  The two men exit through the South entrance, and they start walking towards the house they blew up with the rocket launcher.

  As the men exit Citrus Oaks, the man who was lying in the ruble wakes up.

  The man moves a piece of cinder block away from his left shoulder and wipes the dirt off his face.

  It’s Shaun.

  Shaun was on watch at the South entrance lookout when Joseph attacked.

  The rocket narrowly missed Shaun, while he was on the lookout platform. The explosion luckily only knocked Shaun off the platform and into the grass.

  Shaun is alive, but partially trapped underneath the South entrance debris that is lying on his legs.

  Gunfire, screams, fires, and explosions fill the air as Shaun tries to gather his mind around what just happened with Joseph, and the attack on Citrus Oaks.

  Joseph yells out some orders to his men, and then starts walking towards Shaun.

  Shaun sees Joseph carrying a huge broadsword over his right shoulder.

  Shaun tries to push some of the debris off his legs, but he is stuck under a large solid piece of the South entrance wall.

  Shaun reaches for his handgun which would be on his right hip holster, but the holster is empty. His gun must have fallen out of his holster, when he fell off the South entrance lookout platform.

  Shaun blindly reaches for his handgun in the debris, but he can’t find it.

  Shaun sees that Joseph is getting closer to him, and he feels an overwhelming sense that he will be killed by Joseph.

  Joseph is three feet away from Shaun and stops.

  “You comfortable down there? Where is Ryan?” asks Joseph.

  Shaun says, “He’s not here.”

  “Where is he?” asks Joseph.

  Shaun replies, “I don’t know. I think he went to find your mama.”

  Joseph laughs and says, “Funny guy. I like funny guys. They are always the ones to start crying, when I make a joke.”

  Shaun jokes, “If you don’t mind Joe, can you help me get this heavy ass group of blocks off my legs?”

  Joseph laughs and says, “C’mon puny man. You can do it. Which one is Ryan’s house?”

  Shaun tries to wiggle his legs free out from under the blocks, and he is able to get one of his legs free.

  Shaun tries to distract Joseph and says, “You blew up his house already. You shot a rocket into it.”

  Joseph looks across the street, and sees the two men he sent to check out the house across the street. The men are just getting to the house.

  Joseph shouts, “What’s taking so long guys? Hurry up! Check out the house, and kill anyone alive inside!”

  Dave replies, “Yes sir, Joseph! We are going inside now!”

  Dave and the other Conqueror man arrive at the front door of the house and hear someone coughing inside.

  “No way someone survived that explosion to this house. The top half of the house is gone, and the second floor is on fire,” says Dave.

  Dave opens the front door to the house and finds the house a smoky filled mess.

  “Cover me Jake. I’m going in,” says Dave.

  Dave walks into the house through the front door. He points his gun towards the sound of coughing and shouts, “Okay asshole! Come out wherever you are!”



  Several rounds of automatic weapon gunfire rips Jake in half, as he waits by the front door of the house Dave just went in.

  Dave walks out of the house to check on the gunfire and is immediately shot in the chest and head.


  The group of men that just killed Dave and Jake walk towards the house and shout, “Is anyone alive in here?”

  “Yes! I am!” shouts a man in the smoke-filled house.

  “Who are you with? Conquerors or no?” asks the man who just shot Dave.

  “My name is TJ! I’m not a Conqueror!” shouts TJ.

  TJ starts to cough more and more as the house continues to become filled with fire and smoke.

  Odin runs over to TJ and licks TJ’s hand.

  “There you are boy. I’m glad you are safe,” says TJ to Odin.

  TJ shouts, “I need your help man! I can’t find my friend! Her name is Janet, all the smoke is making it impossible for me to see in here!”

  Suddenly a man comes into the living room with TJ and says, “We have to leave the house. The house is about to totally go up in flames. I’m a firefighter EMT. We have about a minute before the whole house goes up in flames.”

  Odin growls at the man.

  TJ says, “Odin down.”

  “I’m not leaving without her! We have to find her!” shouts TJ.

  The man says, “Okay. Stay low, and feel for her. Do not stand up.”

  TJ, Odin, and the man search for Janet and stay low on the ground.

  TJ crawls near the steps and shouts, “Janet! Is that you?”

  “Enrique are you okay?” shouts two men as they stand at the front door.

  Smoke pours out of the open front door.

  The light coming from outside helps TJ see better.

  “I’m okay, we are looking for a woman guys!” shouts Enrique.

  TJ sees a leg and crawls towards it.

  “Janet! Please wake up!” shouts TJ.

  Enrique and Odin run over to TJ. Enrique sees that Janet isn’t conscious.

  Enrique picks up Janet and shouts, “We need to leave the house now!”

  TJ and Odin exit the house.

  Enrique follows behind them carrying Janet.

  Joseph saw the whole altercation go
down, and sends more of his men to where TJ and Enrique are.



  Conquerors are firing at TJ, Enrique, and Enrique’s men.

  “Cover us!” shouts Enrique.

  Enrique carries Janet, and puts her in the grass away from the burning house and gunfire.

  TJ and Odin follow.

  Enrique sees that Janet is unconscious, is not breathing, but has a faint heartbeat.

  TJ sees that Enrique is about to start cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and stops Enrique.

  “I got this Enrique!” shouts TJ.

  Enrique moves out of the way, and TJ starts CPR.

  TJ checks Janet’s airway and starts to give chest compressions.

  Janet’s airway is clear, and TJ gives her two rescue breaths.

  Enrique goes to help his group combat the Conquerors.

  The Conquerors have taken cover against some trees and nearby cars.

  Enrique and his group take down several Conquerors. The attacking Conquerors are no match for Enrique and his group.

  TJ provides a couple more rounds of CPR, but Janet still hasn’t come alive yet.

  TJ fears that he will have to put down Janet, and he doesn’t want her to become a zombie.

  While Janet is lying in the grass, TJ takes his knife out of its holder on his belt.

  TJ looks down at the knife and says, “Come on Janet, wake up. I don’t want to have to do this.”

  Odin comes over to Janet and licks her face.

  “No Odin! Stop!” shouts TJ.

  Janet suddenly wakes up and starts coughing.

  TJ is instantly relieved, and gets a huge smile on his face.

  Janet coughs and jokes, “Why is my face all wet? You are that bad of a kisser TJ?”

  Janet and TJ start laughing.


  “Nice shot Ichiro!” shouts Enrique.

  Joseph sees that his men are losing the battle across the street.

  Shaun tries to get his right leg free from the South entrance wall debris, but it’s wedged too far down in the grass and is trapped under several cinder blocks.

  “Should we help them across the street, Joseph?” asks a Conqueror male.

  “They are fine! We have to take control of the homes, and the people still alive here at Citrus Oaks!” shouts Joseph.

  Joseph and his men continue going into homes, taking belongings out of the houses, and killing anyone they see.


  A Conqueror male kills an elderly man trying to get to his car.

  Phil, Matt, Nicole, Kylie, and Lisa see Joseph and the chaos as they look out from inside Shaun’s house.

  “I really hope Shaun is okay,” says Lisa.

  Phil looks through his rifle scope and sees that Shaun is okay, but he is still trapped near the South entrance.

  “Man, this neighborhood is turning into a war zone. Shaun is alive, but we have to help Shaun. Joseph seems to be toying with him,” says Phil.

  Matt looks at Kylie and Nicole and says, “You need to go home, and barricade yourself in the house. Stay quiet, and in the back bedroom.”

  Before Kylie can respond, Matt says, “Please go now. I don’t want anything to happen to you.

  Nicole looks at Phil and says, “Be careful Phil. I better see you later.”

  Lisa says, “Well, I’m not staying in here. I’m defending my house.”

  Lisa picks up a rifle and goes into her backyard.

  Phil hands Nicole a handgun and says, “I will see you later. Take this gun, but stay inside your house.”

  Nicole hugs Phil and kisses him.

  Kylie feels the need to kiss Matt before she leaves.

  Phil shouts, “Go through the backyard, and stay quiet girls! We will provide cover for you to get home!”

  Phil looks at Matt and asks, “You ready for this?”

  Matt picks up an automatic rifle and says, “We must protect this place.”

  Phil and Matt meet with Lisa in the backyard of Shaun’s house.

  Phil looks at Lisa and Matt and says, “Let’s keep it quiet. Don’t fire unless it’s necessary. Do not attract unnecessary attention.”

  Lisa clips on a body armor chest plate and says, “No problem Phil.”

  Lisa opens the white privacy backyard gate door and starts shooting at Conquerors.

  “So much for being quiet,” says Matt.

  Matt and Phil provide cover fire for Lisa.



  Lisa shoots a Conqueror in the head.


  Lisa is on the war path, and only concerned about getting to Shaun and making sure he stays alive.

  Matt and Phil take out several Conquerors with gunfire.

  “Go now!” shouts Phil.

  Nicole and Kylie run to Matt’s house and safely make it inside.

  Phil shouts, “Lisa take cover!”

  Lisa runs behind a car.

  A group of Conquerors make their way down the street towards Phil, Matt, and Lisa.

  Matt runs behind the big oak tree in front of Bobby G’s house, and Phil runs over to Lisa behind a parked car in the street.

  Joseph puts down his broadsword in the grass and shouts, “Enough of this crap!”

  Joseph walks to his truck, and picks up the rocket launcher. He loads a rocket onto the front and starts to walk down the middle of the street.

  “Cover me!” shouts Joseph to his men.

  Shaun sees that Joseph is aiming his rocket launcher at the car that Phil and Lisa are behind.

  “Lisa!” shouts Shaun.

  Phil sees that Joseph is aiming right for the car that he and Lisa are behind.

  “We need to move now!” shouts Phil.

  Phil grabs Lisa’s right arm and starts to run to the house that is behind them.

  Joseph smiles and shouts, “Bye, Bye!”

  Joseph pulls the trigger to the rocket launcher, and the rocket goes flying towards the car that Phil and Lisa were just hiding behind.


  A huge explosion goes off.

  Shaun isn’t sure if Lisa and Phil made it out safely, and he starts screaming in fear.

  A Conqueror walks over to Shaun and points his handgun at Shaun’s forehead.


  Shaun hears a gunshot go off.

  Shaun grabs his forehead and looks up at the man that was about to shoot him.

  The man falls to the ground.




  A surge of gunfire goes off through the smoke-filled air of Citrus Oaks.

  Bullets fly from the guns of William, Bruce, Jeremy, and other Warriors.

  Joseph turns around and notices that all his men are dead. William and his Warriors killed all the Conquerors that were attacking Citrus Oaks.

  Joseph is the lone survivor of the Conquerors.

  Joseph starts laughing as he sees who walks through the smoke, and down the middle of the street towards him.

  “What’s so funny?” I shout as I walk towards Joseph.

  I make eye contact with Joseph and take out my katana.

  “What are you wearing? Is that a dress?” asks Joseph.

  I walk right over to Joseph and swing my katana at his face.

  Joseph steps backyard as I swing my katana towards him, but my katana cuts the bridge of his nose.

  Joseph’s nose starts bleeding.

  Joseph screams in pain and shouts, “You are going to pay for that!”

  Joseph picks up a severed leg of a nearby body that was lying in the street, and throws it at me.

  I easily dodge out of the way of the limb.

  Joseph threw the limb to distract me, so he could get his broadsword that is laying in the grass.

  Joseph reaches down and picks up his broadsword with his right hand.

  William and Jeremy help Shaun get up from the ground, while the other Warriors take out the remaining Conquerors and several zombies that h
ave made their way into the neighborhood through the wide open South entrance.

  I hear the gunfire from the Warriors but remain focused on killing Joseph.

  It starts raining.

  First a light rain, then it gets heavier and heavier.

  Joseph swings his huge broadsword at me, but I easily move out of the way.

  I swing my katana and cut off Joseph’s body armor chest straps.

  The huge heavy body armor Joseph was wearing on his chest and back falls into a puddle of rain water in the middle of the road.

  “It didn’t have to be this way Joseph! We could have both survived in this world! You didn’t have to come after us, and take what wasn’t yours!”

  “I don’t take. I conquer. I don’t care about you, or any of the hundreds of other people we have taken from,” says Joseph.

  Joseph lunges at me with his sword.

  I slide out of the way, and Joseph crashes into the side of a parked car at the side of the street.

  The rain is coming down very hard now. It has put out the fires that the Conquerors made in the neighborhood and across the street.

  “It’s over Joseph. Surrender! Your men are all dead! I may spare your life if you surrender!”

  Joseph stands up and says, “It’s never over, until I say it is. Never surrender. I will never yield to you or anyone.”

  Joseph’s nose, mouth, and shirt are completely covered in blood now.

  TJ, Odin, Janet, Enrique, and Enrique’s men come over to William, Lauren, Bruce, and Jeremy.

  TJ looks at me and asks, “What is Ryan wearing?”

  Bruce replies, “Samurai armor.”

  William turns towards TJ and Enrique and says, “Hello Enrique. I’m guessing you made out okay in this battle.”

  Enrique responds, “Yes sir. I didn’t lose any of my men today.”

  “Excellent. Glad our casualties are at a minimum,” says William.

  Lauren looks at William and asks, “Shouldn’t someone help Ryan? I don’t want him to get hurt.”

  Joseph clumsily swings his sword at me, I dodge out of the way and counter his attack with a katana swing of my own.


  I slice Joseph’s right hand off.

  William looks at Lauren and says, “I think he’s fine Lauren. It will be over shortly. Ryan won’t be harmed.”

  Joseph drops his sword and screams in pain as he looks down at his right wrist. Joseph’s right hand is gone, and blood is gushing out of Joseph’s right wrist onto the street.


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