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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

Page 15

by Jaime Marks

  “I want to,” she blushed. Ahh, there was that softer side she liked to hide from him. It still amused him.

  Cymeryn cleared his throat. “I will leave you to rest a while, son, but I’ll be in to check on the two of you.” He met his eyes directly. A reminder of the fact that Astryn was in his bed despite the fact that he really had no right to have her there. “You should get some rest.”

  His Dad turned his attention to her. “Thank you for tending to my son, Astryn, but I want you to understand, this changes nothing. You are still in danger even though he has been returned safely. Over and above that, regardless of whether the two of you intend to pursue what you feel or not, you are free to remain here as long as you like. You shall remain the ward of Kato a Kacyion and Demytria a Grifyn with my direct supervision unless you decide to return to your Father’s care. We will protect you, regardless of the situation.”

  “Thank you, Lord Cymeryn.”

  He watched quietly as his Father left before facing her. His words had been specific for a reason. Something had happened while he was gone and his Dad was making sure he was aware of it. Since she was avoiding meeting him in the eye, she probably didn’t want him to know about it yet. Tough, she wasn’t going to avoid something so important.

  He grabbed her hand and she looked at him in surprise as he brought it to his lips. “Tell me.”

  “Tell you what?”

  Oh how she loved her games. He couldn’t help but smirk. “You know what. What happened with your Father? Cymeryn wouldn’t have made you ward to the Lucerna Lines unless he didn’t trust him.”

  She sighed heavily. “Look, I told you my Father and I don’t exactly have the greatest relationship. He’s not an ass per se, just stubborn, old fashioned, and pretentious.”

  He laughed but bit it back. His chest hurt pretty bad yet. “Is that all? So what did he do?”


  “No, I want you to be dramatic,” he teased. “Yes, seriously Astryn.”

  “You’re not going to like it, Kyle, and you’re still pretty banged up.” She ran her eyes over his body before meeting his gaze. “Maybe we should talk about this tomorrow.”

  “Whatever it is I can handle it. It’s not like I don’t already suspect it, I’m sure.” He searched her eyes making sure it wasn’t anything worse than he thought. Her Father was Fae so he doubted he would do anything to actually hurt her. “I told you that night he wasn’t gonna be happy you were dancing with me.”

  Breathing out heavily she finally relented. “He decided that I need to be courted so he had me entertaining Talerys every chance there was.” She rolled her eyes and looked away.

  Something about Talerys scared her. It set off every protective instinct he had. He knew it would have to be dealt with but he shook off the feeling and focused in more on what she was saying.

  “That male thinks he owns me and he’s been getting worse. Apparently my Father promised me to him after they saw me with you at the ball. He meant to make it official the first chance he had. We got into an argument because I told him I wouldn’t see him anymore. Talerys isn’t my mate. None of the suitors he’d had courting me are and I refuse to bond to anyone who isn’t my true mate.”

  She crossed her arms in a huff as she stared into space. He could see the anger and fire that lit her. Such passion. She bit her lip and he knew she was holding back. It wasn’t just the action but he could sense it.

  He studied her a minute, debating how far he wanted this conversation to go. Yes, she was here in his bed. It was obvious that she’d been there tending to his wounds, but was that out of some feeling of obligation because he was a Prince? Or because she wanted to be close? He wanted to know, and she was going to tell him.

  “How did you know none of them were your true mate?”

  She blushed again and met his eyes a moment. He smiled. She blushed so easily. If she was sticking around without her Father to keep tabs on her she had better get used to it.

  He’d already decided. If Lazurys was already targeting the girl because of him there was no way he would abandon her. It would definitely be easier for her if he could. She deserved more, but since there was no way to change their circumstances, he was going to enjoy this.

  “Tell me, Astryn. We both know you want to.”

  She met his eyes, trying to exhibit the boldness she liked others to see, but he could see the innocent, fragile girl she hid away. Her voice was so soft that he had to strain to hear it and it seemed to make her blush even more. “Because I don’t feel connected to any of them. There’s nothing between us.”

  “Hmm,” he reached up caressing her warm cheeks. “You’re hiding. Tell me how you can be so sure you don’t feel any connection to them. Don’t hide from me.”

  “Because…I’ve never felt anything like I feel with you with any Fae else,” she whispered.

  “Is that so…” He smiled still caressing her cheek before forcing himself to be more serious. “And your Dad knows this?”

  She nodded looking at her hands almost in shame.

  He lifted her chin slightly so he could see her eyes. “Hey, whatever your Father did, whatever he thinks, it’s alright, Astryn. You’re here now, ok?”

  “Yeah, but it’s not just him. Lord Mythos tried to talk me into going home or having Dad come here.”

  “Don’t worry about him. If my Father says you can stay here under his protection, he means it. He’s not going to let anyone go against it.”


  “Now, tell me.”

  She sighed again looking at him. “You’re persistent you know that?”

  “It’s a gift,” he teased with a grin.

  “He locked me in my room and told me I had a month to either accept Talerys or choose another suitor. Otherwise he’ll chose for me and Talerys would be my mate. At the end of the month he was going to have me bound immediately. I tried to reason with him and explained that I felt the pull with you, that you were my mate. I even told him I would publically refuse to complete the rituals with any Fae else. Father wouldn’t hear me. He said there was no way you’re my mate because you’re Shade even though I reminded him that you were awakened Gray. Soooo…” She trailed off.

  “So?” He prompted her.

  “I all but called him a hypocrite and as soon as he was gone I climbed out my balcony, jumped over to the lyra tree, and climbed down. I took off to the area where I knew the entryway would be, hoping I could see somefae go through and follow them. I figured once I made it to the realm one of the patrols would find me and bring me here so I could talk to Lord Cymeryn, but he actually came looking for me first and found me by the entryway.” She looked down and to the left. He was beginning to get used to her tells when she was hiding.

  “What else? Did my Father find you alone?” He demanded. If anyone had hurt her…

  She sighed and grimaced. “Yes and no. I thought I was alone but a Shade tried to attack me as your Father found me. He took care of him pretty quickly. I wasn’t hurt but it could’ve been worse.”

  He closed his eyes and breathed deeply. She had no idea how lucky she was that his Dad had been there and one of the Tainted, or worse a Shade, didn’t manage to get her out of the realm. He looked at her a moment before he tugged on her hand pulling her a down so her face was closer. She scooted down and lay on her side facing him.

  “First, even if this sounds like I’m lecturing you, I’m not. I’m actually impressed and maybe a little honored. I just know more of the situation than you do right now, ok?” He waited until she nodded. “Whatever happens, from here on out, I need you to promise me you’re never gonna just take off on your own like that again. You need to get away, you come to me, my Dad, Kato, your Personal Guard, but not alone.” She nodded again when he paused. “Uh, uh. Say it, Astryn, and I want to know that you mean it. I will never restrict you, but I want you safe.”

  She stared into his eyes. “I promise, Kyle. I won’t just take off on my own.” />
  He measured her words and sensed her carefully to be certain she meant it. “Good girl.” He leaned forward carefully, still wincing from the pain and kissed her forehead. “Now, I’m sorry.”

  “For what?”

  “Because the crap with your Father and the danger you’re in is because of me. You don’t deserve any of it. If I thought that walking out of your life would make you safe again, I would because you deserve so much more, but it isn’t going to change things.” He studied her thoughtfully. “I don’t expect anything from you, Astryn. You aren’t obligated to me, do you understand? I don’t want to walk away from you, but I won’t force you into anything either. Regardless of what you choose I’ll make sure you’re protected and provided for.”

  Kyle meant it. There was no doubt that he wanted Astryn. The pull he felt, this connection between them, was intense; but his world would always be dangerous. There would always be threats and any female he claimed as his own would be a target. Alayne and Syneous wouldn’t stop and now there was a very real concern that Lazurys himself wanted him. He’d brought this danger to her world and he’d make sure she was taken care of, but he wouldn’t consign any female to a life with him against her will.

  She pursed her lips as she listened to him and sat quietly considering her words. After a few minutes she met his eyes again. “I don’t care what the danger is, Kyle. Our entire existence is danger. I could have walked out of my house before I met you and been taken by a Shade simply because he was in the area and I caught his eye. I know males think females are like some delicate flower…”

  Reaching over he caressed her cheek as he cut her off. “Hey, not me, ok?” He held her gaze making sure she knew he meant it. “I don’t doubt you can hold your own. This isn’t about that. This is about giving you the choice, Astryn.”

  “Then I choose you, Kyle,” she stated simply. “I want to see where this goes.”

  “Then that’s what we’ll do.” He smiled.

  Sliding his hand behind her neck he gently pulled her closer. When she was close enough he leaned his head forward and just softly kissed her lips. Her cheeks were beet red when he pulled back. He watched as her fingers came up to her lips and she looked at him in complete surprise.

  “Mmmm, that was your first kiss?” It wasn’t really a question. He could tell by her reaction. When she nodded he let his arm slide down to her waist and pulled her even closer. “That wasn’t really a kiss. That was just a peck, mea. Do you want me to kiss you?”

  She blushed but nodded boldly. “Kiss me, Kyle.”

  He pulled her body flush to his side and captured her mouth, kissing her with the hunger he’d felt since the first moment he took her in his arms. Slowly he coaxed her lips open and slid his tongue inside of her, licking, caressing, and tasting her mouth. He knew he couldn’t take it any further but if this was the first real kiss she ever had, he was going to be damned sure she never forgot it.

  After another moment he slowly pulled back. She was beautiful. Her eyes still closed, lips slightly parted and bruised from the force of his kiss. Her hair was a bit messy from his hand entwining it, face flushed. He bit his lip wondering what she would look like the first time he made her come for him.

  She opened her eyes and smiled slowly. He reached up and ran a finger over her lips and smiled back at her. “Sleep, baby. You look tired and I won’t last much longer myself. We both could use some rest.”

  Kyle wrapped his arm around her holding her to him. He watched her, running his hands over her body and through her hair until her eyes finally drifted closed. He was almost out himself when the door cracked open.

  “I hope you did not keep the poor girl awake too long. She has been fussing over you tirelessly,” Cymeryn spoke quietly from where he stood in the doorway.

  “She just fell asleep,” he all but whispered not wanting to wake her.

  His Dad nodded. “How are you feeling?”

  “Achy, sore. Like I’ve been through hell and back, but I guess in a way I was.”

  “Indeed. For him to inflict that amount of damage and not have outright killed you…You must have shown him incredible strength in withholding whatever information he wanted.”

  He grimaced. “He wanted to know who she was.” He gently kissed her head, still feeling guilty for drawing her into harm’s way. “I messed up. I must have been dreaming and I called her by her name.”

  “You cannot control every dream state, son. It is likely she is part of what you were holding onto in order to survive it.”

  “I should have protected her better.”

  “You did the best you could in the moment. You bought us time to find and protect her. She is safe. Focus on that and keeping her safe now that she is at your side.”

  He nodded with a yawn.

  “Rest son.” His Dad turned to go but he hesitated. “You realize she will not be sharing your quarters? With the issues her Father has with this mating and Mythos’ reservations you cannot risk portraying impropriety.”

  “Where are her quarters?”

  “We will discuss that with Kato in the morn. Let her sleep and rest. It has been a long eve.”

  Kyle watched him go before kissing her head again. He felt a little ridiculous. He was never this clingy but for tonight he needed to feel her. She made him forget the pain and nightmare of the last few days. Holding her while he slept let him know that she was safe. Lazurys wasn’t done with any of them. He had no idea what the Dark Lord had planned, but no matter how it looked, it had been far too easy to escape his domain.

  Chapter 14

  Byryn stood just outside Mythos’ suite. He should really go see them but he was tired and frustrated. He’d woken up while the twins had rebalanced him and looked for Kyle and Staryana immediately. Kyle was safe and stable in his bed with Astryn but Staryana had still been with her Mother and the Divine Being.

  Cymeryn said he needed rest but what he really needed was his mate. He’d spent the night pacing and agonizing about everything. Now he was standing here just trying to reacclimate to reality.

  He could hear them all talking as they shared meal as if it were any other day. That was the last thing it felt like to him, but it was for them and he needed to remember that. What had happened in Lazurys’ domain couldn’t be allowed to taint his life.

  It wasn’t exactly that easy. What had happened between he, Staryana, and the Dark Lord had impacted him greatly. It still haunted him. It wasn’t the torture. He could have lived through far greater than he’d received. It was the fact that he had not only willingly submitted himself, but Staryana as well.

  He logically knew it was the lesser of two evils. He understood the alternatives. It didn’t matter. It felt like he had tainted something so pure between them that they could never get back. They had sealed their bonds, completed the Bonding giving themselves to each other…as they gave themselves to Lazurys.

  What did that mean? Were they bound to him in some way? He didn’t think so, but still, it had corrupted the entire experience and he couldn’t fix it. Whenever she thought about their Bonding she would think of the Dark Lord. It hurt to know he’d had a hand in destroying that memory. This may be any other day, but it felt like he didn’t even have the right to take part in it.

  Maybe it was the fact that she still wasn’t by his side. Marcus and Cymeryn had brought her home this morning but they were tending to her in their quarters. He wasn’t allowed near her until they were sure her essence was clean and balanced. They were even blocking his connection for the most part.

  It was driving him crazy. He needed to see how she was for himself. He needed to be the one caring for her…but did he even deserve that right? Why wouldn’t they just let him see her? Were they afraid that he would hurt her? Really he couldn’t blame them if they were, but why not just talk to him about it? Didn’t she want to see him?

  He couldn’t stand the waiting anymore. He’d been up all night, unable to sleep with all the questions that were tea
ring at him, and still had no answers. The only way he’d get the answers would be to see Staryana but he couldn’t even touch her mind. There was nothing he could do about it until his Fae in law let him see his mate and sitting looking at four walls wasn’t going to make that happen any faster.

  He couldn’t do anything for Staryana right now, but Byryn knew everyone else was worried. He figured going to breakfast this morning, seeing his son and his sister, making sure Steph came through her awakening ok, that was what he should be doing. They needed to see him, to know that he was back and everything was fine, even if it wasn’t. So why couldn’t he just walk through that door?

  “Because while the rest of the world kept going, we existed in our own personal hells that neither of us feel we deserve the right to be free of,” Kyle spoke as he walked up beside him. He glanced tentatively at the door. “I’m sorry. I sensed you and well…sometimes your thoughts are so loud now that I can’t shut them out. I don’t know why they weren’t before.”

  He nodded absently. “It’s the blood-link. It takes time to strengthen and I had to give you more blood when we misted you last night. It seems to be processing faster, especially now that you know it’s there. Healer Sanytia said it would get stronger once my blood and yours fully integrated. I thought that would have happened days ago but it just seems to keep getting stronger.” He didn’t really feel like discussing that at the moment though.

  Breathing deeply he measured Kyle, taking in the fading bruises and exhaustion that probably mirrored his own. Really it wasn’t that noticeable. If he didn’t know what he was looking for he probably wouldn’t even be able to tell he’d been tortured.

  Byryn looked back at the door of the suite. “You know you can’t go in there, right?”

  “I know, but Astryn’s in there. Until she leaves I’ll be monitoring the hall and the suite. The least I can do for the girl is make sure she’s safe.”


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