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Dynamics (Mists of the Fae Book 7)

Page 17

by Jaime Marks

  “By all means.” She waved her hand dismissively. Really she seemed relieved that someone else had brought it up.

  “When Astryn came, my lord, you attempted to warn her off of Kyle. Her own Father went so far as to try to force her to choose another mate. I realize that Astryn is Pure Fae but…” There was a collective gasp at the words but she kept talking, “we only have one true mate. If Kyle is supposed to have been forgiven all of the sins of his past and given a fresh start, I don’t really understand why anyone would feel like they had the right to separate them just because he was born Shade. And if that’s true of him, how do you think that makes the rest of us feel?”

  She watched as Mythos shifted Steph from his lap and walked to the fireplace repeatedly rubbing his head. No one said a word as they watched him. After a few minutes he turned to her.

  “I apologize, Felycia, Astryn. I did not weigh the full weight of my actions or how they must have made either of you feel. That is inexcusable. It is difficult sometimes to see past the pain of things that have occurred and it can be harder to excuse such actions if they hurt those we love.” He shook his head. “Caria?”

  Steph nodded. “Do what you need to, my King. I understand the repercussions if we continue on this path. How we deal with this will set an example and how we handle similar issues that arise outside of our lines will be affected by that precedent.”

  Mythos was incredibly torn. Those words. Pure Fae. He had hoped to never hear them again. Felycia likely did not know the meaning when she used them originally but he was certain that Devyn had explained it to her. He likely told her to be sure to use them when she spoke to him about it. It was necessary. He needed to understand the path he would be taking the Kingdom down if he continued to handle this situation so poorly.

  A King could not rule solely on his own emotion and feeling. He needed to take into account how his actions and rulings affected every Fae in the Kingdoms, not only himself and those closest to him. It was one of the primary reasons the Lucerna Lines ruled as a whole, to avoid situations such as this. When the King became too lost in his own feeling they were there to show him and aid him in seeing the course it would lead to. It was precisely what was happening here.

  They had been trying to tell him for days that he had been overreacting, unfairly judging Kyle, and persecuting the boy unfairly. He had not heard them. His Queen’s safety and feeling meant everything to him and he had not looked beyond it; but Stephynia had. She had not only made concessions but sought answers. She had attempted to come to terms with this even as he had argued for the boy’s very demise.

  Now by his words and actions he had alienated Felycia, who was already struggling to find her place among them. Her points were quite valid. If she felt such a way in this, others would react in kind. She may be privy to more than the average Gray or unawakened, but had he not, himself, spoken out against Kyle to Alyric? It was clear that had greatly impacted the situation with Kyle and Astryn and it was certain Talerys would use it to attempt to reclaim his rights. Had he caused that entire situation with his arrogance?

  He had only been attempting to protect the girl, a girl he had seen grown into a fine young female and had always treated as a niece. If Kyle was truly her mate…he needed to find some way to fix this; not only for Astryn but for all the unawakened. The precedent this would set would be dire. It could not be allowed despite his feelings regarding Kyle.

  Mythos scrubbed his face in frustration but turned to Astryn. “Lady Astryn, will you please go out in the corridor and ask your mate to join us so that we may address this properly? I am aware he waits for you there.”

  She nodded and a slight smile lit up her face. It did not matter what anyfae said to her, she was already bonding to Kyle. He was certain of it last eve but he had still hoped he could save her from the difficult life she might lead with him.

  Felycia was right, however. The sins of an unawakened Fae’s past did not dictate their future, regardless of their birthright. He had to put his misgivings aside and at least give the boy a chance. Hopefully it would be easier with he and Stephynia returning to the Realm of Light in a couple days. They all needed time to ease into this and there had been very little chance for such things.

  Kyle entered the room hesitantly, guiding Astryn in behind him. He shielded her protectively with his body before releasing her to take her seat. He did not sit, but merely stood behind her taking in the room carefully. The way he hovered over her protectively while watching them all as if they may take this chance to attack him spoke volumes. If he were watching this from an outside perspective he would think the male was entering a room full of Shade rather than his Father’s family.

  Mythos let out a ragged exhale as he studied him. This was not exactly easy but the more he was able to view the situation clearly the more apparent it was that this was necessary. “Prince Kyle a Cymeryn, I owe you an apology.” The boy’s brow rose but he remained silent, guarded. “We try to imbue a sense of acceptance and forgiveness for the Redeemed Shade and those who have been awakened Gray, but I have not exemplified those practices. You have every right to be here as progeny of the Cymarcion and Grifyion Lines, Cymeryn’s son, and Prince of Night.

  “I will not try to claim that I trust you, but regardless of your past, as King of the Fae it is my duty to help guide you in finding your place amongst the Lucerna Lines. Instead I have gone out of my way to alienate you and even gone as far as attempting to come between you and your mate. I, of all Fae, should know the importance of allowing each Fae the free will to find their true mate. For these reasons and more I apologize, Kyle.”

  “You don’t owe me an apology, King Mythos. I not only understand your issues but respect your stance as well as your need to protect your Queen,” he replied respectively, his gaze continually surveying the room as if he were in an exposed field. The tension in his stance remained.

  “That may in part be true, but it does not negate my responsibility to the Kingdoms to lead by example. The discrimination that has occurred in regards to your mating cannot be allowed. It will set a precedent that will take us down a road that could very well lead to our undoing.” He breathed deeply. “It is a lesson my own Father taught me in preparing for my rule in order to prevent repeating certain mistakes. Mistakes I should have recognized I was repeating with you.”

  Kyle nodded. “I understand but I’ll continue to respect Steph’s need for distance.”

  Mythos hesitated. He was apologizing, humbling himself, offering him free access and the boy was still attempting to choose the path he thought would make the situation tolerable for everyfae else. Perhaps he had actually judged him harshly.

  “No, Kyle, you will not. Your place is among the Lucerna Lines. It is your duty, as such, to participate in the day to day operations of the Kingdoms as well as determining our laws and customs. It would not only be wrong of myself and Queen Stephynia to deny you this right, but it would also give the wrong impression to our subjects. It is more important than ever to present a unified front.”

  The boy shifted uncomfortably and came around in front of Astryn. Kyle knelt facing Stephynia. Frowning a moment as he took in the changes in her he lowered his head. “Steph, er- Queen Stephynia, you’re the one I’ve wronged and the last thing I want is to make any of this shi-…ah, anything more difficult on you. I understand the King’s reasoning, but I also realize that some things take time. If you’re not ready for me to be around, I’ll give you that time.”

  She met Mythos’ eyes and he nodded. They had already discussed this when she had told him everything that John had shown her. The boy was being moved today. He could not stand the idea of him having access to his, caria. John was too close here to risk the strength of the bond she had described. He was to be transported to the penal colony for the Tainted. They had already determined he could never be trusted.

  “Prince Kyle, rise,” Stephynia spoke quietly. “I went to see John yesterday.”

  Kyle hadn�
��t moved but his head shot up at those words. “Steph…I mean, Queen Stephynia, I know you have no reason to trust me, but you really, really need to stay as far away from him as possible. Even imprisoned and restrained he poses a threat to you.”

  “I know, though I appreciate the warning. I also know exactly what happened that night. You might not have helped me, but you didn’t hurt me as bad as I believed either.”

  Kyle looked at his feet. “It doesn’t excuse the part I played.”

  “No, but for the sake of the Kingdoms, your sister, and your sires, it’s something that we need to move past. So unless you decide to give me another reason not to trust you I don’t want to hear about it again. We’ve both awakened. Let’s leave the sins of the past where they belong.”

  He nodded thoughtfully then stood and tentatively turned to face Mythos, but when he looked at Astryn, Mythos could see his resolve harden. This time when he turned to him he met him in the eye with the strength and resolve of a Fae, not a boy. “I don’t have an issue with anything else you’ve done up until this point, Lord Mythos, but interfering with Astryn’s rights and alienating her was unacceptable. For that, and only that I will accept your apology. Make no mistake, however, you did alienate her and you owe her the same courtesy.”

  Mythos measured him. It was a move he had to respect. He had claimed his responsibility and owned the fall out his actions had caused, but he would not tolerate any mistreatment of his mate.

  He turned his attention to the daughter of his friend, a girl he had held as young, and swallowed his pride. Owning one’s mistakes and faults was the necessity of a strong ruler. Another lesson his Father had imparted.

  “Lady Astryn a Alyric, it was wrong of me to imply that you should forsake your mate or to interfere in anyway. You had already made it clear that you were displeased regarding your Father’s reaction to the matter and came to this family seeking not only protection for your welfare but refuge from further persecution. It was incredibly insensitive of me to add to your distress. Please accept my humblest apologies and know that your decisions will be honored. This issue will be addressed appropriately with your Father; although perhaps, not by me alone for obvious reasons.”

  “Thank you, Lord Mythos. Your apology is accepted,” Astryn replied formally.

  Kyle nodded to him and turned to Kato. “Kato a Kacyion, I have a decree to make, but I have no idea if I’m doing this right.”

  Kato smirked but nodded. “Go ahead Kyle. I believe I can bear with you in this case.”

  “While I’m aware that prior to Astryn a Alyric becoming your ward her Father had accepted at least three suitors, I am Astryn’s mate. As such, I, Prince Kyle a Cymeryn request the formal Right of Courting as well as the rights to her awakening should she see fit to accept me.”

  Kato tuned to Astryn. “Is this your wish, Astryn?”

  She smiled so brightly that Mythos felt even more foolish for having intervened in this. He had never seen the girl quite so happy. In fact, this had to be the most relaxed he had seen her in years.

  “Yes, Kato. I would bond with him today if it were possible, but he’d make me wait anyway.”

  Mythos watched the interchange between them. Kyle winked at Astryn with a smile but otherwise kept his attention on Kato. The boy respected her. If it were not for the other suitors he would probably even hold off on this decree. He was only acting to assuage her fears and relieve the stress of the situation for her.

  Kato glanced at Mythos but continued. “As the Lady Astryn’s Custyion, I, Kato a Kacyion, Fae of the Forest and High Councilman of the Realms, bonded mate of the Lady Demytria a Grifyion, do so grant you, Kyle a Cymeryn of the Cymarcion Lines of Lucerna, Prince of the Night Throne of Balance, the Rights of Courting Astryn a Alyric. Should she still accept you when such time arises, the rights to her awakening are granted as well. Since none other has stepped forth to claim these rights since the Lady has become my ward, you are granted the First Rights of Courting. I will accept no other requests without the Lady Astryn’s expressed request.”

  Kyle nodded in acceptance. “Thank you. I’ll always honor and protect her.”

  Mythos cleared his throat. “I, Mythos a Mythion, King of the Fae and betrothed of the Lady Stephynia a Ceryn do so witness these decrees.”

  Kyle relaxed slightly and sat on the arm of the sofa besides her taking her hand. “Better?”

  She smiled and nodded. “Much, thank you. I was really worried.”

  He smiled warmly and kissed her hand. “I told you I’d find a way to deal with it before it became an issue. You need to trust me, Astryn. I’ll always protect you, even if it’s just from annoying suitors.”

  Kato raised a brow. “What do I not know, Astryn?”

  Kyle looked up, “Guardian Gavyn stopped by to see her before breakfast. Apparently one of the Scholars who came over this morning was looking for her. Talerys a Taleryn sent word that he would be arriving with her Father later today. He wanted her to know he’d be calling and had something important to discuss regarding their future.”

  Kato sighed. “I see. Am I to assume this is one of the gentlemales you were courting?”

  Astryn huffed, “I was never courting any of them, but yes he was one of the suitors my Father chose. As a matter of fact he’s my Father’s favorite and they probably meant to make the decree official. I’ve refused him every way I can think of and I don’t want to see him.”

  “You do not have to. In fact, Kyle would have to approve it as he currently has First Rights and only you can revoke them,” Mythos interjected. “Kato and myself will handle the issue. Though, depending on what your Father requests I may need you present, but you would address only us in that instance. You have no need to interact with them.”

  She visibly relaxed. “Thank you.”

  Mythos smiled but it was forced. How was he going to tell one of his oldest friends that he had to simply accept he no longer had any say in his daughter’s life unless she allowed it? If he knew Alyric, he was bringing Talerys to reassert his claims and formalize their Courting, potentially also stating his intention to perform the Bonding once the girl awakened.

  Mythos had met Talerys. He was driven and was closer in age to he and Alyric than Astryn, not that it mattered. Sometimes it took decades, or in his case even a century, to find one’s mate. If the pairing were not true mates they did not so easily connect, however. It often meant a lack of shared interests and left one side feeling awkward and uncomfortable. Further, Mythos suspected the Fae cared nothing about love. The mating would be a means of gaining prestige and higher rank amongst the Scholars.

  Such relationships hurt the fabric of their society at its core. Fae mated for life. If a Fae bonded to another besides their true mate they were resigning him or her to a life of emptiness without them as each Fae had only one true mate. Well, aside from his sister but she had lived three lives so in some ways that still made sense.

  He looked up as Stephynia took his face in her hands and guided him to her lips. She was lovely in her awakened stated, slightly taller and fuller in all the areas he adored. If he thought she had driven him crazy before he had not understood the meaning. He wrapped his arm around her waist holding her to him.

  “We’ll figure it out together, my King. You did the right thing today,” her voice whispered through his mind.

  “Ah, caria, as long as I have you I truly believe we can survive this war and rebuild our society as it was always meant to be. It is a hope I never had and I have made so many mistakes.”

  “No one can manage the fate of the world on their own, Mythos. We’ll get through it together. One step at a time.”

  His heart warmed and his tension eased. For the first time in a long time he knew what is was to feel completely at ease. She was the Light in his heart and a blessing he could never begin to thank the Divine for. He did not know what he would do if ever he lost her.

  Chapter 16

  Wytheryn rolled his eyes as he looked
up to find Grifyn standing in front of his cell. The male had been to see him every day at least once. This morn he had Wycelion with him. As if seeing his brother Redeemed would sway him.

  “I can sense your contempt with my choice, brother,” Wycelion sighed. “I do not expect you to understand but I have hope in time that you will. I asked Commander Grifyn to allow me to see you. I know he is family to you, and Byryn as well, but so am I. I wanted to see how you were adjusting for myself.”

  “What, not willing to take the great Byryn at his word?”

  “I trust our brother completely, and I respect Commander Grifyn, but that does not mean that I do not care for you enough to involve myself,” he replied. “I thought you should know, Byryn, Staryana, and Kyle have been returned safely.”

  Wytheryn rose slowly taking in the information. That was not what he expected. His brother and his whore were to be taken to the Dark Lord and Kyle likely reclaimed by his blood. Why would he release them? None left his realm of their own accord. There was more at work here.

  “What state are they in?”

  “They were greatly wounded upon their arrival but the Kings of Balance were able to heal them and sever the connection between them and Lazurys,” Grifyn offered. “I am sure Byryn will be to see you once he has attended to things.”

  He didn’t want his brother to come see him. He wanted to know what had happened in the Dark Domain. He wanted to know where Alayne was and why he had not claimed his treasured bride bringing Byryn to his knees. Being here, unable to get a true sense for what was happening, it was untenable.

  “Wytheryn, you are Brood. We are of the same blood, the same essence. Will you tell me where it is you have been these long years? Why is it you hate Byryn so?” Wycelion requested.

  So this was what they were after. They wanted the secrets of his past in order to twist and manipulate him better. It was a commendable strategy but one that would not work. He knew better than to reveal anything that might allow them to uncover any weakness. He had been well trained by his Master in the event of his capture. They would find nothing of use.


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