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Witness Protection

Page 1

by Holly Copella

  Witness Protection

  Holly Copella

  Copyright © 2014 Holly Copella

  All rights reserved.

  ISBN: 0986441686

  ISBN-13: 978-0-9864416-8-4

  To Linda Weiss


  Copella Books: First Paperback Edition 2015

  Cover Artist: Island

  Printed by CreateSpace, An Company


  This is a work of fiction. Names, character, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. The publisher does not have any control over and does not assume any responsibility for author or third-party Web sites or their content.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-one

  Chapter Twenty-two

  Chapter Twenty-three

  Chapter Twenty-four

  Chapter Twenty-five

  Chapter Twenty-six

  Chapter Twenty-seven

  Chapter Twenty-eight

  Chapter Twenty-nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-one

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Chapter Thirty-three

  Chapter Thirty-four

  Chapter Thirty-five

  Chapter Thirty-six

  Chapter Thirty-seven

  Chapter One

  The four-passenger, Bell helicopter flew high above the city, which looked almost peaceful in the late afternoon. It was a beautiful sunny day and the flight had been smooth and tranquil. An attractive woman in her mid-twenties, Jackie Remus, piloted the small commercial helicopter. She was at home behind the stick, giving an innocent impression much like a child on her bike. Flying had been her life since before she could walk. From the time she had been legal to fly, her professional life had been perfect. Flying allowed her to escape back to a time when her father spent his free days sitting alongside her high above the world. Her memories were precious. Sadly, memories were all she had anymore. A fairly handsome man in his early forties, Governor Lyle Kempton, sat in the co-pilot’s seat and enjoyed the view both inside and out. He spent almost as much time gazing at his attractive air taxi pilot as he did the panoramic view of the city below.

  The second passenger, seated in the back, was a sturdy and unemotional man. Jackie didn’t know what to make of Dexter Smyth. He hadn’t said a word since she’d picked up the pair back at the private airfield where she worked. Lyle, or Governor, as he liked to be called, was unusually chatty and perhaps a bit too friendly. She wasn’t sure if he was just enjoying the flight or stolen peeks at her cleavage.

  “Tell me, Jackie,” Lyle announced cheerfully. “What prompts a young woman to become a pilot?”

  “What prompts anyone to become a pilot?” she replied with a look of humor.

  He hid his embarrassed smile and gave her a timid look. “Was that a little sexist?”

  “A little, perhaps,” she replied and brushed it off without care.

  Jackie had grown used to the harmless flirting of male passengers over the two years she’d worked for Titan Air. Being a military brat her entire childhood, she’d heard and seen it all. She became one of the boys at an early age, and the men in her father’s platoon knew it. You didn’t mess with the commander’s daughter. On the other hand, being tormented mercilessly came with the territory. Jackie could take it and dish it out with the best of them.

  “I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  “I’m not offended,” she replied and concentrated on her flying. “My father raised me by himself. Well, him and the rest of his platoon. So I suppose it was only natural that I chose a profession worthy of a Navy SEAL’s daughter.”

  “That’s fascinating--and a little intimidating,” Lyle remarked and held back his nervous laugh. “I guess your father’s a bit of a bad ass, huh?”

  “He was,” she announced then hesitated while shifting uncomfortably in her seat. “He, uh, died during a covert mission a few years ago.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. He died a hero, which is the way he always wanted to go,” she said then gave a nod to the tall building roof in the near distance. “That’s our building just up ahead.” She was glad they’d almost reached their destination to avoid further conversation about her father’s death.

  The helicopter gently set down on the roof’s landing pad and shut down. As expected, there was an entourage of people collected on the roof awaiting the governor’s arrival. Several people from the media approached the helicopter as the governor and his assistant got out. Jackie turned on her seat in the open doorway and started her paperwork for the first half of her journey. Lyle approached her from around the front of the helicopter before the awaiting press had time to reach him. Dexter was quick to intercede and keep them back so that the governor could speak freely to his attractive pilot. The governor laid on the charm while casually standing before her where she was seated within the helicopter.

  “Why don’t you join us for the fundraiser at the old library?” he asked cheerfully. “We can have cocktails and get to know each other better.” He extended a card with the details.

  With the way he’d been ogling her the entire flight, she shouldn’t have been surprised by the invite, yet somehow she was. She hid her humor to the notion of someone like her at a swanky fundraiser. She hadn’t met a man yet who could get her into a dress. She was a little too proud of the fact that she hadn’t been caught dead in a dress since she was five years old.

  “I’m not dressed for a fundraiser,” Jackie teased.

  “You’ll be the most beautiful woman there, I guarantee it,” Lyle announced with amazing sincerity.

  His charm fascinated her, but she still didn’t care for the idea of some soirée with a bunch of rich and pampered elites. It wasn’t the sort of place she’d fit in.

  “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass,” Jackie said.

  “Of course,” he suddenly announced then grinned boyishly. “Fundraisers are boring.”

  Jackie smiled knowingly but didn’t comment.

  “Why don’t you meet me at the library afterwards around nine,” he suggested while maintaining his enthusiasm. “We’ll grab a bite before heading back.”

  She wasn’t sure why she considered his suggestion, but she’d have to eat at some point anyway. He was an undeniably handsome man and seemed gentlemanly. She suddenly didn’t see the harm. It might even be fun.

  She returned the smile and nodded. “Okay, I’ll meet you at the library at nine for a late dinner.”

  “Great. I look forward to seeing you tonight, Jackie,” Lyle announced, now beaming with delight.

  As Lyle turned and left, Dexter gave her a quick once over. He grinned almost slyly, which didn’t settle well with her. She suspected she wouldn’t care for the man had she gotten to know him, but that look reinforced her suspicions. Something about him set her on edge, and that wasn’t easy to do. Dexter joine
d the governor as he approached the awaiting crowd of reporters, party planners, and the mayor himself. Once the crowd was swept away and down the roof stairs, Jackie eyed the card in her hand. She smiled and nodded her approval.

  “Dinner with the governor?” Jackie remarked softly aloud to herself and placed the card in her pocket. “Definitely an improvement over my last dinner date.”

  Her last dinner date, which she fondly referred to as ‘the date from hell’, was nearly four months ago with a dashingly handsome man she’d flown across several states. It was a fun afternoon of casual conversation and mild flirting. He boasted endlessly about his acting career, which didn’t impress her, but it wasn’t a total turnoff either. Over dinner, she discovered that his ‘acting’ career was actually the beginning of a promising porn film career. His biggest selling point was offering her a role in an upcoming shoot. She wasn’t sure what vibe she had been transmitting prior to his announcement, but she knew what vibe she’d sent directly afterwards. She graciously declined his offer and smiled her way through dessert, but the experience was enough to swear her off men for the last four months. Dinner with the governor had to be an improvement. He was, after all, a career politician, so he had a certain image to maintain. It’d be nice to have dinner with someone respectable for a change.

  Chapter Two

  The slightly beat-up, yellow taxi pulled up to what was once an old mansion converted into an impressive library. There was little surrounding the stately library except a few new homes that appeared recently built and considerably dark both inside and out. It was a little before eight-thirty that evening. Jackie got out of the taxi, knowing she’d arrived too early, and took a moment to admire the structure. The building had to be over one hundred years old with detailed stone exterior and glass sunrooms added to each end in recent decades. With the painstaking restoration to the outside, she could only imagine some of the original mansion remained on the inside as well. The small parking lot and curbs were void of vehicles, announcing the fundraiser had ended some time earlier. She wasn’t sad that she’d missed it. According to the card the governor had given her, it ended around eight, leaving her to wonder why he wanted to meet an hour after that. She didn’t pretend to know anything about fundraisers and the lifestyles of the rich and pampered. Perhaps those things lingered on after the fact. Although, that didn’t appear to be the case tonight.

  From the corner of her eye, she noticed movement from a black SUV parked along the street. It seemed odd that with all the available parking directly in front of the library, the vehicle would be parked so far down the road. She hated being suspicious of people. It was usually unfounded, but she was raised by a man whose career relied on being naturally suspicious of others. She headed toward the brick library steps and kept watch of the man out of the corner of her eye as he followed behind. He caught up to her as she reached the steps. Her attention immediately shifted to him. If he was up to no good, she intended to see it coming. To her surprise, he was a neatly dressed man in his thirties. Neatly dressed didn’t necessarily equal trustworthy, but, as their eyes met, she didn’t see anything sinister lurking within them. In fact, he was quite appealing to the eyes. He immediately smiled as they continued up the steps toward the impressive doors.

  “I think we missed the excitement,” Harris announced pleasantly while keeping his eyes on her.

  She held back her laugh. “I doubt that.”

  “You aren’t here for the fundraiser?”

  “No, I got roped into a date.” She cringed at how much worse it sounded when she said it aloud.

  His look was more puzzled than surprised by the comment. “Hmm, exciting date--” he remarked then teased while grinning, “--at a library.”

  Harris opened the thick, heavy door for her. She admired his chivalry and smiled her appreciation. He followed her inside. Jackie was immediately awestruck by the mansion still visible beyond the bookshelves. They were clearly standing in the living room or some formal sitting room. An old stone fireplace highlighted the room, standing out in breathtaking glory. To the left was the librarian’s desk with a tall counter. Although newly added when the mansion had been converted, the desk was possibly antique with detailed woodwork. Jackie focused her attention back to the neatly dressed, seriously cute man standing alongside her.

  “I’m pretty sure we’re just meeting here,” she informed him and smiled playfully in response to his teasing remarks.

  Jackie was suddenly aware that she was flirting with this man and secretly shamed herself. She didn’t usually flirt with the neatly dressed, businessman type. She was more into the rugged military type. She reeled in her playful side and attempted a more casual appearance.

  “You’re a little late yourself.”

  They stopped only a few feet into the main room. He turned to face her while casually placing his hands in his pockets. His charming smile almost certainly told her he’d sensed she was flirting with him. Or was that wishful thinking on her behalf? Jackie again shamed herself and pushed any lustful thoughts from her mind.

  “I’d heard the governor was here, so I thought I’d try to catch him,” Harris replied.

  “He should be here,” she announced and almost laughed from the irony. “He’s my exciting library date.”

  Harris’ look nearly froze as he stared at her. He immediately covered with a forced smile, but it was already too late to mask what he was thinking. “The governor, huh?” he remarked then gently cleared his throat. “You’re not exactly his usual type.”

  The comment surprised her. “What’s his usual type?” Jackie suddenly asked.

  “High priced call girls, strippers, teenagers--”

  She stared at him a moment and attempted to keep her mouth from falling open. She felt an unsettling pang within her stomach. She was almost certain the annoyance showed in her eyes.

  “Great,” Jackie muttered.

  Harris chuckled softly; almost seeming relieved by her reaction, and smiled in response. “I’ll gladly give him your regrets if you’d like to bow out gracefully.”

  She felt hostility building within her. She was trapped in a cage with no way out. “Unfortunately I’m also his pilot, so I’m sort of committed,” she remarked with disgust.

  “Pilot, huh?” Harris asked with surprise then grinned almost boyishly. “That’s, uh, wow, pretty sexy.”

  Jackie’s mood immediately lightened by his tone and words. His directness was more of a turn-on than her usual repulsion in those situations. She entertained another indecent thought and immediately wondered what the hold was this man had on her.

  “If you change your mind, you can wait in my car,” he informed her while maintaining the smile she’d already grown to admire. “I’d be more than happy to take you to dinner when I’m finished.”

  Despite wanting to jump at his offer, she pulled her emotions back and kept them in check. “I don’t even know you.”

  “You don’t know the governor either,” he countered.

  Jackie hid her smile. Her father would like this man. Harris handed her his card and flashed a knowing smile. He was obviously convinced she intended to change her mind. As he walked away, Jackie wished she could, but her schedule was tight, and it would be impossible for her to back out of her dinner date now. She glanced at the card in her hand. It read ‘Special Agent Harris Benton, Federal Bureau of Investigation’. Jackie’s eyes suddenly lit, and she felt a shockwave of lust shoot through her entire body. Next to military men, she had a strong desire for law enforcement. Her attraction to this man was now explained. Her heart suddenly ached. She still couldn’t change her plans. She was the governor’s pilot for his return trip home. Jackie wouldn’t allow her petty desires ruin her flying career with Titan Air.

  “Hmm,” came a woman’s soft murmur from the desk area. “Pretty dreamy.”

  Jackie suddenly realized she wasn’t alone and looked at the desk. A lean woman in her mid to late forties, Vicki, leaned on the checkout desk with h
er chin propped in her hand while staring after Harris. Her grin conveyed her lust for the man.

  Jackie hid her embarrassment and found it amusing. “You overheard that?”

  “Not that I was eavesdropping,” Vicki announced and giggled as she straightened. “Sound has a way of traveling around here, especially when it’s empty.”

  Jackie placed the card in her pocket and approached Vicki behind the counter. She looked around with admiration and quickly changed the subject. “This place is stunning.”

  “It used to be the governor’s mansion before they moved into the city,” Vicki proudly informed her. “The city wants to tear it down. Libraries are fading with the dinosaurs. The governor is fundraising to preserve it as a historical site. It’s over one hundred years old, you know.”

  “I noticed the stone work,” Jackie remarked. “That fireplace is gorgeous. I love old buildings.”

  “I know what you mean,” Vicki agreed. “They give me the tinglies.” She looked around with a dreamy smile. “These walls have seen it all.” Vicki focused her attention back on Jackie. “Elite parties, births, deaths--” She raised her brows lustfully. “Juicy scandals.”

  “I’m sure you’ve heard some good stories,” Jackie replied. “Anything shocking?”

  “Oh,” she announced dramatically, “plenty of that!” Vicki leaned on the desk and looked into Jackie’s eyes while grinning. “You want something chilling? I could show you the old fruit cellar. It positively medieval. The place is so creepy, it’ll give you nightmares.”

  As sick as the thought was, Jackie was completely fascinated by the suggestion. “I’d love too.”

  “Few people know about the fruit cellar,” she announced slyly while walking out from behind the desk. “It’s tucked away, almost like a secret room. You wouldn’t believe the things old-timers speculate happened there.”

  “I can’t wait to hear about it,” Jackie announced and felt guilty for her giddiness over the macabre. At least she wasn’t alone. Vicki seemed a little too enthusiastic to share the tales of horror and scandal.


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