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Tall, Dark and Paranormal: 10 Thrilling Tales of Sexy Alpha Bad Boys

Page 139

by Opal Carew

  She felt a hand patting her cheek,


  She opened her eyes to Nyte staring down at her, his eyes filled with concern.

  “My, God, Nyte. That was incredible.”

  He smiled. “You’re incredible.”

  She sat up and realized a warm, red fleece robe now covered her body. He wore a matching one.

  “I thought you might be cold.” Nyte hugged her close.

  When they finally parted, she said, “Nyte, I love you.”

  His eyes softened and he stared at her with such intense tenderness she felt tears prickle at her eyes. He drew her close and cradled her head against his chest. “I’m glad you’ve finally stopped fighting it.” He nuzzled her ear. “So, you didn’t answer my question. Is your answer yes?”

  He had proposed. Growing happiness spiraled through her. She drew back from him, deciding he deserved a little teasing in return for his playing dumb earlier.

  “Well... .”

  He arched an eyebrow. “You have to think it over?”

  “There are a lot of complications, you know. I mean, one part of me is intrigued by the idea of being Rand’s stepmother, but the thought of my rotten cat as a brother-in-law is giving me second thoughts.”

  Nyte shrugged. “That’s easy. I’ll disown him.”

  At the twinkle in his eye, she laughed. “No, that wouldn’t be fair. Not after all he’s gone through to patch things up between you.” She entwined her fingers in his. “I think I’ll be big-hearted and marry you anyway. Do you think he’ll appreciate my sacrifice?”

  “I doubt it.” Remlin’s voice startled her.

  She glanced around to see him standing behind the couch. She flattened her hand on her chest, over her rapidly thumping heart. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

  He shrugged. “Old habits are hard to break.” He strolled around the couch, glancing at the massive arrangements of blossoms. “Nice flowers.”

  She couldn’t help thinking as Merlin he would have looked at them as a smorgasbord of tempting treats.

  He sat down on the couch beside her. Her gaze darted to Nyte, worried about his reaction, but he merely slid one arm around her shoulder--clearly indicating his claim on her--and watched his brother tolerantly.

  “As for you having to put up with me, I’ll be going back to my home world with Clarissa tomorrow.”

  He was leaving? “But--”

  Remlin took her hand and kissed it. “Come now, Lucinda. You didn’t really think I’d continue to wander around on four legs and be your pet, did you?”

  “No, of course not, but--”

  He smiled and the glint in his green eyes reminded her so much of the cat he’d been that her heart clenched painfully.

  “But you’ll miss me?” He squeezed her hand. “And I’ll miss you.” He leaned toward her. “That’s why I’ve brought you something to remind you of the time we spent together.”

  He held up his hands, palms cupped together and blew on them. When he opened them, a tiny black kitten peered over his thumb and cried. A small, squeaky sound.

  “Oh, look,” she crooned. She scooped up the small fur ball and held it to her chest. Its tiny--and very sharp--claws dug into her robe and, as she stroked it, it purred loudly.

  “He can be the cat you always wanted.”

  Nyte reached over and stroked the bottom of the kitten’s chin with his index finger. Its little eyes drifted closed and the purring became louder.

  “But he’s not sleeping in the same bed with us.”


  If you loved this story, you can sign up for Opal’s newsletter to know when Opal has a new release.

  If this was the level of sensuality you prefer, you can find more Amber Carew books on her website, If you would like something a little hotter, check out Opal Carew’s futuristic erotic romance, SLAVES OF LOVE, or for something fun, a lot hotter, and contemporary, you’ll love Opal’s boxed sets, THE OFFICE SLAVE SERIES, BOOK 1 & 2 or THREE HAPPY ENDINGS

  An excerpt of each of the first two suggestions is included.

  Slaves Of Love

  by Opal Carew

  When Shena betrayed Keern, he swore revenge.

  Now she is his slave…

  Shena is a pawn to her father’s desire to extend his holdings. She’s known neither kindness nor love, until one fateful day when she meets Keern. In a few passionate hours together, he teaches her what it means to feel loved and protected. She would do anything to protect him from her father’s greed, but in a moment of weakness, she reveals Keern’s identity and sets in motion a series of events that lead to his brother’s death and her sale as a slave.

  Keern believes Shena betrayed him. When she plays the venomous shrew to push him away and keep him safe, he falls for the act and grows to hate her. When his brother dies, he swears his revenge and tracks her all the way to the auction blocks. He purchases her for his slave, but will he find satisfaction for his rage or will the overwhelming sexual attraction they share make him her slave instead?


  Hot steamy dreams... a sexy stranger... and his two brothers... all add up to a sexy adventure she’ll never forget.

  Shena felt a hand slide around her naked body and pull her backwards against a hard male chest. At the same time, another hand clamped over her mouth, cutting off her scream.

  “I won’t hurt you,” a strange male voice promised. The hint of an unfamiliar accent tinged his words. Off-world and educated.

  She froze in absolute terror at being held in a man’s grasp while naked and vulnerable. Yet at the same time, the feel of his body against hers set off some very strange feelings. Arousing feelings. Her throat constricted painfully, and she clawed at the steel arm fastened around her waist, desperate to free herself.

  His grip tightened, pulling her more firmly against his body.

  “Listen to me.” His words rasped in her ear. “There’s a group of soldiers heading this way, so stay still and don’t make any noise. You don’t want to draw their attention.”

  Soldiers? She froze in terror.

  “They won’t be content to just watch politely, like I did. If I remove my hand from your mouth, do you promise not to scream?”

  She nodded. Whether he spoke the truth or not, she didn’t know, but she was too terrified to chance it. He released her mouth, but not her body.

  “Let me go,” she demanded, her voice a harsh whisper.

  “I don’t think so, neisha.”

  His light, teasing tone sent her off balance, and his use of the endearment confused her. Neisha was not a term an off-worlder would use. In fact, with the slight drag on the last syllable... Could he be a local?

  “If I see your luscious body again, I may not be able to control myself.” His words melted through her.

  She became aware of her nipples tightening, her vagina contracting. He’d watched her swim. Oh, God, he’d seen her taking pleasure.

  Memories of the pleasure rippled through her body, but this time she imagined his gaze as a tangible feeling caressing her body as her fingers caressed her intimate self. Images superimposed on her memory, of him leaving his hiding place, of his strong, tanned hands touching her body.

  He loosened his hold on her slightly as he used one hand to remove his cape, then eased her away from him just enough to slide it around her shoulders. She grasped it and pulled it close around her, fastening it at the neck. The rich, smooth feel of the fabric, unmistakably ancula, a Tarun fiber, surrounded her with warmth and an odd sense of security. The heady, male scent enveloped her.

  He gripped her arm with a gentle but resolute hold and guided her with him into the wooded area overlooking the pond. She struggled, trying to free herself from his grip, desperate to get away from him, her insides shuddering uncontrollably at the powerful and unfamiliar feelings of attraction to him.

  His hair, dark brown and wavy, curled around his ears and neck. His warm bronze eyes watched her as he e
ffortlessly guided her along, yet she didn’t feel threatened by his gaze, not like she always did with her father’s men. Their stares, which seemed to strip her of dignity, always frightened her.

  “We’ll stay here until they pass,” he said.

  “Let me go,” she insisted.

  “No. You don’t believe I’m telling the truth about the soldiers. Until you see them with your own eyes, which should be in about five minutes, I’m going to hold tight.”

  She was far too conscious of his arm around her waist. His other arm slid around her, and then his hand flattened on her upper chest just below her collarbone, pressing her tight against his strong, broad chest. His leather belt and metal buckle pressed into her lower back, and his pelvis pressed against her buttocks. Only fabric lay between her bare bottom and his... She felt a blush flame across her face, and she struggled against him. Oh, God, she felt a bulge grow against her. Her movements were arousing him. Blinding fear lanced through her, challenged by a powerful desire to experience the tender loving of a man.

  Drawn back to the memory of him watching her earlier, it was far too easy to imagine his chest naked against her swollen breasts, to imagine him moving his pelvis against hers in a forbidden act.

  Five minutes in his arms. She didn’t think she’d survive the conflicting feelings wreaking havoc on her sanity. She would find a way out of this. Maybe if she gave him false confidence in her submission...

  “Fine,” she said tightly and slumped against him. As she’d hoped, his hold relaxed a little, and she thrust her elbow into his solar plexus, then pushed back with all her might.

  The Office Slave Series, Book 1 & 2 Boxed Set

  by Opal Carew

  Four irresistible executives. One powerful boss.

  Can she surrender to her ultimate sexual fantasy?

  Sylvia loves to read erotica, and after her latest read, she’s developed a sizzling fantasy about submitting to the sexual whims of four incredibly hot business partners. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she’d have the opportunity to live out her fantasy... until her friend decides to make it happen. Now she’s about to become an office slave to four irresistible executives…

  Just when she thinks that her ultimate sexual fantasies have been brought to life, the fifth partner -- the boss -- intervenes and offers her complete domination.

  Can she give up total control to the man behind the voice?


  Her ultimate sexual fantasy brought to life...

  “Sylvia, thank you for including us in your fantasy.” Then Mike winked and opened the door.

  She followed him to the end of the big table in the open area where he gestured for her to sit down. He tapped something on his phone, then leaned back in his chair.

  “The others will be here in a few moments.” His tone was more business-like now, rather than the easy banter of before.

  The man from the other office walked to the chair next to Mike’s and sat down, glancing at her speculatively. He had short cropped, sandy hair, a wide face with a square jaw, and warm, brown eyes. He wore dark blue jeans and a shirt. A moment later, two men appeared from the hallway, and Sylvia’s breath caught at the side of the tall biker named Slade she’d seen entering the building earlier. Man, this fantasy was getting better by the minute. And the man by his side was the cyclist he’d spoken with at the door.

  The cyclist’s short, straight hair was a little damp—he’d probably taken a shower—and he wore dress pants and a striped shirt, accentuating his narrow waist and broad shoulders. Thoughts of him naked in the shower, water sluicing over his muscular body sent a quiver through her. Her gaze shifted to Slade, still wearing his jeans and T-shirt. Clearly, he was the rebel of the bunch.

  They sat down and she glanced around the table at these four men, who used to be male strippers. They were all gorgeous and soon she’d be having hot, kinky sex with them all.

  “This is Sylvia, the woman we discussed a few days ago. She’s here because of the arrangement to compensate for her brother’s debt,” Mike said. “Sylvia, this is Granger Smith, Neil Craig, and Slade Forrester.”

  She nodded as she gazed at their serious expressions. Tension curled inside her.

  “So, she’s going to be our office slave, right?” Slade said.

  “Yes, that’s the arrangement,” Mike answered.

  “Good, then I think we should start right off with seeing what’s underneath those clothes she’s wearing.

  Her gaze locked on his and his charcoal eyes glittered as a slow smile spread across his face. Heat washed through her.

  “Excellent idea.” Mike said.


  They brought her ultimate sexual fantasy to life...

  Now it gets real.


  Sylvia opened the office door and stepped inside.

  A suited man sat behind a huge, mahogany desk, staring at a large, sleek laptop. His glossy hair, black as a raven’s wing, was cropped short. His face, with high cheekbones and angular jaw framing full lips, was striking. He glanced at her with piercing steel-blue eyes and her breath caught. He was intensely masculine. And incredibly sexy.

  “Miss Reed.”


  His gaze took in her face, then drifted down her neck and settled on her chest. Heat washed through her at his intense scrutiny. Her nipples puckered as he blatantly stared at her breasts. Then his gaze drifted downward again, slowing over her stomach, then settling a few inches below her navel. She felt as if he could see right through her skirt to the black lace panties beneath. Her vagina clenched.

  Her breath held, and when his gaze slid back to her face, she was elated to see approval in his eyes.

  “Are you ready to submit to me?”

  Her throat suddenly went dry. This was her last chance to change her mind.

  She drew in a deep breath, then nodded.

  God, the man had barely spoken to her, and she had just agreed to do anything he wanted.

  “You will call me Sir, or Mr. Grant.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Now take off your panties.”

  Other Books by Amber Carew

  Contemporary romance

  The Cinderella Obsession

  Virgin Spy

  Virgin Wanted

  Contemporary fantasy romance

  Christmas Angel

  Magical Dawn


  Contemporary futuristic romance

  Captive Lover

  Other Books by Opal Carew

  Contemporary erotic short stories and novellas

  Taken By Storm (prequel to His To Possess)

  Debt of Honor

  Ready To Ride series

  - Hot Ride

  - Wild Ride (Sep 2014)

  - Riding Steele (Oct 2014)

  Three series (also available as the boxed set Three Happy Endings)

  #1: Three (also available in the anthology Northern Heat)

  #2: Three Men and a Bride

  #3: Three Secrets

  The Office Slave series (also available as The Office Slave Series, Book 1 & 2)

  #1: The Office Slave (this is also Red Hot Fantasies #3)

  #2: The Boss

  #3: On Her Knees

  Red Hot Fantasies series (also available as the Red Hot Fantasies Boxed Set)

  #1: The Male Stripper

  #2: The Stranger

  #3: The Office Slave

  #4: The Captive (coming soon)

  #5: The Bridal Affair (coming soon)

  Futuristic erotic romance

  Slaves of Love (also available in the anthology Turn Up The Heat)

  Celestial Soul-Mates series

  Book 1: The King and I

  Book 2: The Commander’s Woman

  Book 3: Passion Play

  Book 4: Love Unexpected (tbd)

  Book 5: Fantasy Bound (tbd)

  Fantasy erotic romance

  Crystal Genie

; Contemporary erotic romance

  His To Claim (Sep 2014)

  His To Possess

  His To Command



  Secret Weapon

  Total Abandon

  Pleasure Bound


  Forbidden Heat

  Secret Ties




  Twin Fantasies

  Contemporary serial erotic romances

  His To Claim

  #1: No Strings

  #2: Savage Kiss

  #3: Rock Hard

  #4: Wild Ones

  #5: Breaking Storm

  #6: Perfect Rhythm


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