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Tall, Dark and Paranormal: 10 Thrilling Tales of Sexy Alpha Bad Boys

Page 222

by Opal Carew

  “You think this Ben Flaherty, the fairy man, wants to overthrow Zemi and wants the ring so he can use the Brotherhood to do it?” Lucifer asked calmly with his hands folded on the table, making him look almost like a CEO in a board meeting or something. He was powerful, perfectly manicured and intelligent but that controlled façade wavered whenever he discussed Zemi. “He wants to harm her?”

  “It’s just a theory.” Kai sipped her wine and noticed that Lucifer’s gaze was drawn to the ring. “Do you want to try and take it off?”

  She extended her hand to him but Asmodeus covered it with his

  “Kai?” Asmodeus cautioned. “We don’t know what kind of effect it may have on Lucifer.”

  “Thank you, Kai.” Lucifer’s voice was edged with irritation as he shot Asmodeus an annoyed look. “I would like to try and remove it.”

  “Suit yourself,” Asmodeus sighed and sat back in the chair. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “It might hurt,” Kai warned as she held her hand out over the table.

  “I’m the Demon of Pride,” Lucifer said haughtily as he reached toward her. “I don’t feel pain.”

  However, as his fingertips brushed the ring, a look of pure horror covered his face and he swore at the top of his lungs as he yanked his hand away. Rubbing the wounded hand absently he gaped at the ring. Kai covered her mouth to keep from laughing, but Asmodeus made no such attempt and laughed his ass off. Kai looked between the two men and wasn’t sure what was more humorous, the look of shock on Lucifer’s face or the guffaws coming out of Asmodeus.

  “I’m sorry.” Asmodeus’ laughter faded and he swiped at his eyes, as tears streamed down his face. “Shit. That was great.”

  “It’s not funny,” Lucifer sniffed and folded his hands on the table again. “However, it is irritating.”

  “Sorry.” Kai shrugged. “I’m not making it do that. It used to burn Asmodeus but not anymore.”

  “That wouldn’t have anything to do with the fact that you have an aura now, would it?” Lucifer made a face of displeasure and pointed to Asmodeus’ arms. “Your marks seem lighter as well.”

  “His tattoos?” Kai hadn’t noticed a difference but with everything that had happened, she was lucky she remembered her own name and wasn’t in a looney bin.

  “Yes,” Lucifer said quietly as he held his arms out for her inspection. “It’s the mark that all members of the Brotherhood possess.”

  Kai nodded. She’d seen it clearly on all of the men earlier but hadn’t noticed a change in Asmodeus’. She grabbed his arm and ran her fingers over the linked circles as the muscles flickered beneath her touch.

  “He’s right.” She looked at Lucifer and then to Asmodeus as she released him. “Yours are lighter—a dark gray rather than the jet black circles on Lucifer.”

  “Strange.” Asmodeus’ brow furrowed before glancing at Lucifer. “But that’s really not important. I’m more concerned about whether or not the Brotherhood will back off while we try to figure out what’s happening with Kai and the ring.”

  “Yes.” Lucifer smiled at Kai. “Well, I can tell you that I’m only concerned about the ring.”

  “Jeez.” Kai rolled her eyes and rose from her chair. Leaning both hands on the table she locked gazes with Lucifer. “You’re a piece of work, you know that? Isn’t it glaringly obvious to you that I have no intention of trying to control you, or anyone else in the Brotherhood, with this ring? What the heck do I have to do to convince you? Sign a contract with my blood or something? I could have taken control over Asmodeus a while ago if that was my intention. Believe me, dude. I don’t want to control the Underworld. Okay? I’d just like to get some kind of handle on my life.”

  “Like I said…she’s feisty.” Lucifer’s blonde eyebrows flew up and a smile played at his lips. “I will admit that you don’t seem to have world domination on your mind but what you need to realize, Ms. Kelly, is that it’s not actually about you. It’s about the Ring of Solomon. You may not want to use it for nefarious purposes against the Brotherhood but there are others, like our friend Ben Flaherty, who do.”

  Lucifer rose elegantly from his seat but kept his gaze on Kai and out of the corner of her eye, she saw Asmodeus stand as well. The tension level in the room went from zero to sixty in a split second.

  “As long as you wear that ring, my brothers and I are at risk.”

  “I can take care of myself,” Kai countered.

  “Perhaps,” Lucifer said quietly. Sadness rimmed his eyes. “You are powerful, Kai, no one will deny that, but you are not immortal. You are made of flesh and bone. You should be kept someplace safe until we can remove the ring from your finger.”

  “She’s not going to the Underworld,” Asmodeus said firmly. “That’s not protecting her, it would be tormenting her. I won’t allow it.”

  “It’s not up to you,” Lucifer kept his stony stare on Kai. “Kai is an intelligent woman and I’m sure she’ll come to the most rational conclusion. I can’t imagine Kai wants to spend her life running and fighting. Do you, Kai?”

  “No,” Kai murmured. She grabbed her glass and went to the kitchen door. “But you know what? I also don’t want to spend it wondering. I need answers. I want to know why the hell my grandmother ditched the family and why my mother never went looking for her. I also want to know who the other six Custodians are. I want answers and I’m not going anywhere until I get them.”

  The sunlight streamed through the windows into the dining room and Kai let out a weary sigh as she leaned against the doorjamb. The yellow light, with dust particles drifting through it like glitter, looked almost like liquid gold.

  “I want the truth,” Kai whispered as she reached out and swept her hand through the rays of the sun. “I need to know.”

  The dust danced around her fingers as if it were alive and everything around her seemed to fall away as subtle tinkling sound filled her head. Smiling wistfully, Kai ran her index finger through the fluttering, glittering dust within the golden light. It sounded like wind chimes and as the music grew louder, the ray of light expanded as though the sun were rising at a rapid pace.

  Kai could hear Asmodeus shouting her name but he sounded far away and the enticing, gentle sound of wind chimes consumed her. The golden light covered Kai, making her feel weightless. It was like being wrapped up in the arms of her mother and soon all she could see was light.


  It happened in a split second.

  One instant Kai was standing in the doorway of the kitchen and the next she vanished. Asmodeus screamed her name and lunged toward her as the unnatural swath of light swallowed her up --but he was too late.

  Shaking with incandescent rage, Asmodeus turned slowly toward Lucifer who stared at him through a furious, burning gaze. Neither of them had to say a word. They knew exactly what happened.

  Kai had been taken by the Fae.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The veil of sleep lifted and a smile played upon Kai’s lips while recalling the beautiful dream. She’d been swimming through golden, glitter filled air. It was the most liberating sensation she’d ever experienced and her body still hummed from the energizing memory.

  Stretching her arms over her head, Kai let out a sound of pure contentment. She hadn’t felt this rested in years but it was probably because the bed was as soft as a marshmallow and the blankets were so luxurious, Kai likened it to being inside a cocoon of cashmere.

  Bed? How did she get in bed? Oh shit, not again.

  “Asmodeus?” Kai murmured.

  Her eyes flew open as she shot up in the bed and scanned the unfamiliar surroundings. She was in a bedroom, albeit a beautiful one, that conjured up images of a quaint B&B she once went to in New Hampshire. It wasn’t that place exactly, but the feel was similar to be sure.

  Asmodeus was nowhere to be seen and Kai was totally alone in the massive, lavender and white bedroom. She lifted the covers to find she was no longer wearing her clothes, but a simple white nightgown.

  “What the heck is going on now?” Kai whispered to the empty room. Was this the Underworld? Had Lucifer pulled a fast one and tricked them somehow? She pursed her lips while surveying the pristine condition of the room. “If this is the Underworld then sign me up. This place is nicer than my old apartment.”

  Kai could tell by the feel of the air that it wasn’t the witch’s lair beneath Larrun Mountain. The energy in that place had a distinct vibration that she didn’t feel here and it was probably because the witch’s lair was underground. No. This place, wherever it was, had a vastly different feel than anywhere else she’d ever been.

  Scanning the spacious room for any clue to where she might be, Kai’s attention was captured by a familiar object on the nightstand. It was her grandmother’s spell book. Kai frowned. She was here and so was the spell book, but there was no sign of Asmodeus, or anyone else.

  Kai was alone.

  Heat bloomed in her chest as panic began to creep its way in and right about now, she’d even be happy to see Lucifer’s smug face. She scrambled to recall what happened but the last thing Kai remembered was being in the dining room of her grandfather’s house talking to Asmodeus and Lucifer.

  And a glittering ray of light.

  Flashes from the dream flickered through her mind. She remembered standing in the doorway of the kitchen and running her finger through the beam of sunlight as it streamed in through the window. Beams of light and wind chimes. That was the very last memory Kai had before she woke up here.

  “But where the hell is here?”

  Pushing the covers off, she swung her legs over the side of the bed and shivered when her bare feet touched the cool wood floor. She spotted a gauzy bathrobe draped over the white wicker rocking chair in the corner and quickly pulled it on. The shades were drawn but sunlight streamed in around the edges, giving the room an ethereal glow. The walls were trimmed in lavender but everything else was a pristine shade of white. The bed, a large wardrobe on the other side of the room, the side tables and even the loveseat, was stark white.

  Kai tiptoed over to the door but the glass handle wouldn’t budge and heat prickled down her arms as she realized she was locked in. She stepped back and closed her eyes, wrestling for control of the volatile energy as it rippled beneath her skin. To her great relief, the power recoiled and though it still hummed in Kai’s chest, she knew there was no longer a threat of blowing anything up.

  Kai’s breath caught in her throat and she froze when the familiar sound of wind chimes jingled on the other side of the door. She tiptoed over and pressed her ear to the cool surface. Straining to listen, Kai’s heart began to pound as she heard the sound of footsteps.

  Someone was coming.

  Kai ran over to the bed, dove beneath the covers and immediately pretended to be asleep. Her heart thundered in her chest and she struggled to keep her breathing steady. The sound of the door opening shattered the quiet of the room and Kai stilled

  “I know you’re not asleep.” The teasing, singsong tone of a woman’s voice drifted through the room along with the enticing aroma of pancakes and bacon. Kai’s stomach growled loudly. “Why don’t you stop playing possum and sit up and have some breakfast.”

  Kai, with the covers pulled up to her chin, steeled her courage and opened her eyes but nothing could have prepared her for what she saw. A woman she’d seen only in a few old pictures smiled at her lovingly.

  It was her grandmother, Kristine.


  Twelve hours had passed since Kai vanished into the beam of sunlight, but it felt like an eternity and Asmodeus thought he’d go mad with worry. Lucifer, who was equally unsettled by Kai’s departure, assured Asmodeus that he could get him to the Fae dimension.

  Asmodeus had his doubts because no member of the Brotherhood, other than Lucifer, had ever traveled to the Fae realm. Given the fact he and Zemi were still in their off-again phase, getting there seemed next to impossible. But Lucifer muttered something about a potion before leaving for the Underworld in a flash of smoke and fire.

  Standing on the porch of Kai’s house, Asmodeus looked out over the moonlit property and swore. For the first time in his bleak existence, he felt remarkably out of place. Not having Kai by his side gave him a heightened sense of uneasiness and nothing would soothe him except being with her.

  Zephyr meowed loudly at his feet as she wove her way around his ankles, rubbing against him seeking affection. He let out a sigh before scooping up the persistent Siamese and scratching her behind her ears.

  “I miss her too,” Asmodeus murmured as the cat purred loudly in his arms. “We’ll get her back.”

  “Since when did you start talking to cats?” Lucifer’s irritated voice floated out of the darkness. “How mortal of you.”

  The cat leapt from Asmodeus’ arms as Lucifer strode up the steps, looking every bit the arrogant bastard he was.

  “Did you get it?” Asmodeus asked impatiently. “Did you get the potion?”

  “You can relax.” Lucifer smirked at the cat as it hissed at him before running off. “Whoever has Kai, obviously hasn’t gotten the ring or we’d be dancing around like a couple of drooling minions by now.”

  Pure, unadulterated fury fired through Asmodeus. Quicker than lightning he grabbed Lucifer by the front of his shirt and slammed him up against the wall, sending splinters of wood flying through the air.

  “Careful, or you’ll break Kai’s house,” Lucifer quipped. Asmodeus held him there, eyes burning, he kept Lucifer pinned but all the son of a bitch did was smile. “To say nothing of my waning patience.”

  “How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t give a shit about that ring?” Asmodeus seethed, his face just inches from his brother. “Not anymore. All I care about is getting Kai back here safely. Do you understand that you selfish bastard? Can you possibly comprehend caring about anyone or anything more than your own miserable ass?”

  “Careful, brother,” Lucifer said in a barely audible tone as his eyes flickered to bright red. “Given that I’m the one who has your ticket to fairy land, I suggest you let me go. Otherwise, I might change my mind about helping you.”

  “Helping me? That’s a fucking joke.” Asmodeus’ jaw clenched and he growled as he shoved his brother one more time before releasing him. Stepping back, he fought to keep his anger under control because like it or not, he needed Lucifer’s help. “You don’t give a shit about Kai. All you care about is getting the ring away from the Fae. The only person you’re concerned about helping is yourself.”

  “Love has blinded you, hasn’t it?” Lucifer smoothed the fabric of his shirt before reaching into his pants pocket and pulling out a small, black bottle. Rolling it between his fingers, he leaned casually against the wall and leveled those sharp, green eyes at Asmodeus. “It’s actually not just me I’m concerned about, brother. I’m surprised at you, Asmodeus. Allowing a woman to take priority over the Brotherhood?”

  “I’m sure you are.” Asmodeus folded his arms over his chest and met Lucifer’s intense gaze. “Zemi knows better than anyone that you would never allow a woman to interfere with you duty. Doesn’t she?”

  Lucifer stilled and his mask of arrogant calm wavered briefly as he closed his fingers around the precious potion in his hand. Fighting to keep his cool, the muscle in his jaw clenched, but Asmodeus knew him well enough to know that he’d touched a nerve.

  “Drink this.” Lucifer tossed the bottle at Asmodeus, who caught it in mid-air. “It’s my last dose and you’re on your own once you get there. Kai will have to figure out how to get you back but since she’s part Fae, the woman should be able to use their light travel.”

  “Where did--?”

  “It’s left over from my momentary lapse of judgment with that woman,” Lucifer groused, referring to Zemi. “Women are nothing but trouble. Love and emotions are a sure fire way to fuck up your existence and something tells me you’re going to find that out the hard way. Stand in a beam of light and drink that. It will take yo
u the Fae dimension, but I have no idea where you’ll end up or who’ll you find there. When I went it was always to see…well, for all I know, you could land in Zemi’s castle and then you’re really screwed”

  “You’re not coming?” Asmodeus asked with more than a little surprise. “You’ve literally been raising hell about getting the ring back and now you’re sitting this part out? I thought you would want all seven of us to go.”

  “First of all, that elixir will only take one of us at a time and secondly, showing up with the entire Brotherhood would be nothing short of a call to war. Besides, our presence there would be of little help,” Lucifer murmured. “Your only hope is that Kai was correct and Zemi doesn’t want that ring in the first place.”

  “I’ll get Kai and bring her back with the ring.” Asmodeus clutched the bottle tightly and kept his sights on Lucifer. Back straight and hands at his side, his brother always looked ready for a fight. He brushed past Asmodeus and strode down the steps before stopping in the driveway. “I’ll fix this,” Asmodeus called after him.

  “And then what?” Lucifer asked quietly. He turned around slowly and leveled a stern stare at Asmodeus. “What do you plan on doing with her? Will Kai work side by side with you in the Underworld ushering the damned to their eternity of torment? You can’t stay here and if you are foolish enough to attempt it, then you’ll destroy her. Even that ridiculous prophecy in Kai’s spell book confirmed it.”

  Asmodeus opened his mouth to respond but snapped it shut because he had no idea how to answer that question. He tightened his grip on the potion, a sense of foreboding crawling up his back. Lucifer was absolutely correct.


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