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Steamy Stories (Volume 1)

Page 7

by Malia Mallory

  As I drove, I listed the things we'd need to pick up while there. "Okay Nat, we have to get you some new sneakers, a few pairs of shorts, underwear, and new t-shirts. I'll let you pick out some of the T-shirts okay?"

  I glanced back in the rear view mirror at his sullen face. He was staring out the window with his arms crossed over his chest. I sighed to myself. Nat had the same look on his face that his father got when stubborn about something. Turning my attention back to the road, I started listing more back to school supplies. "We'll also have to pick up some new pencils, folders, notebooks, a lunchbox and some crayons." Nat snapped back at me this time, "I'm not a baby. Babies use crayons. I want colored pencils."

  Well at least he was back to talking to me. "Okay then, colored pencils it is."

  I turned into the parking lot and maneuvered my bulky van into the closest spot I could find. Surveying the parking lot, I muttered under my breath about the place being a mad house. As Nat and I entered the store, I looked around and decided that yes, this was a mad house. I pointed off to the right side of the store and told Nat to pick out the supplies he wanted while I started finding clothes. He grumpily nodded and walked over in that direction. Sighing to myself I grabbed a cart and headed over to the boys clothing section.

  I propped my purse up in the infant seat area of the cart and started rummaging through racks looking for clothing in Nathan's size. I had just triumphantly pulled a pair of pants in the right size off of the rack when he returned. Glancing at the pile of school supplies thrown haphazardly into the cart, I spotted something else. "Sorry Nat, this trip is for school supplies only. If you get good marks first quarter we'll come back and get it then." I retrieved the small hand-held video game out of the cart and handed it back to him. "Put this back where you found it and we'll pick out your shirts." The look he gave me could have melted the paint off of the walls. Shaking my head sadly, I returned my attention back to the clothing racks. If this was what being a single parent consisted of, I wanted none of it.

  I heard Nat return, his old sneakers squeaking against the polished floor. Glancing over, I saw him digging around in my purse. "My pack gum is in the little pocket on the outside Sweetie, if that's what you're looking for." Nat grunted at me and swiftly pulled out the pack of gum. He popped a piece in his mouth and came over to where I was standing with my arms loaded with clothes. Together we picked out a few new shirts, he even laughed at one of the goofy ones I let him pick out. Laughter, it had been a while since I'd heard him laugh. Maybe we would make it after all, just him and me. Nat behaved himself wonderfully as I had him try on all of the new clothes, not even complaining about me coming into the dressing room with him.

  Once I was satisfied that all of the clothes fit him well, we went over to the shoe department and picked out a new pair of sneakers for him. We finally had everything and headed over to the checkout. The pale teen with the obviously dyed black hair behind the counter looked bored as she quickly scanned the items and dumped them unceremoniously into a bag. The cashier finished bagging all of our purchases and totaled the sale. "That will be $147.62." I whistled through my teeth at the price, but pulled my wallet out of my back pocket. I may carry a purse, but it's so much safer to keep your wallet on your person at all times. I handed her the credit card and prayed it wasn't over the limit. To my joy it wasn't. As she handed me my receipt, I glanced at her name tag. "Thank you Mina." She looked surprised but managed a "You're welcome."

  Nat and I headed for the door when a hand rested on my shoulder, causing me to flinch and jerk away from it. "Ma'am I'm going to need to check your purse." The look on my face must have been one of shock, my mind rapidly tried to explain a hundred different reasons why he would be stopping us. The security guard gave me a grim smile and nodded towards the purse. I had no idea what was going on, still desperately trying to make sense of it, but handed him the purse anyway. I knew that I hadn't put anything in there.

  My heart nearly dropped to the floor when I saw him pull out the video game that Nat had tried slipping in with his supplies. "Nathan Michael Cole," I began to yell, barely paying any attention to the security guard. The guard cleared his throat and said that we should go to the back room to discuss it. I grabbed Nat's shoulder and roughly guided him, following the security guard. When we got to the dingy back room the security guard turned and closed the door so that the three of us were alone. He pulled out a note pad and had me tell him my name, address and phone number. I spouted off the information he requested, still too stunned that my son had tried to steal something.

  The guard cleared his throat and said, "Ma'am I'm going to have to completely search your belongings and bags to make sure nothing more has been taken." I nodded at him barely paying attention to a word he was saying, all the while glaring at Nat and telling him how much trouble he would be in when we got home. The security guard took his time slowly rifling through my purse and our shopping bags, making sure that only items purchased where in them. When he was satisfied with that, he turned back towards us. I was caught in mid-yell, with my finger shaking and pointing at Nat, whom still had not said a word. I let out an exasperated sigh and turned back to the guard.

  The security guard was standing there with his hands folded over his chest, trying very hard to hide a smirk that had the corners of his mouth twitching. I don't know what came over me, Lord I really don't. I was so angry and frustrated at Nat that I lost my temper and strode towards the guard, jabbing my finger into his chest. "And what do you think is so funny about this?" I demanded.

  The twitch disappeared as he quickly grabbed my wrists and using one hand to pin my right arm behind my back, used the other to adeptly start fastening handcuffs around my left wrist. The guard then grabbed my right arm and I felt the cool metal slide around my wrist seconds before I heard the familiar click of the lock fastening. He guided me over to a chair and forcefully, but gently pushed me down into it. "Stay." He commanded me. I glared at him angrily, and shouted "I am not a dog, how dare you speak to me that way."

  The guard shot me such a look that I immediately regretted my words and sat quietly watching. He walked over and knelt down in front of where I had sat Nat and looked him straight in the eyes. "What's your name son?" he asked in a gentle tone of voice. Nat looked over at me, fear written across his face and I nodded at him to continue. "Naaa Naaaat, Nathan. Nathan Cole" He managed to stammer out. "Well Nathan Cole, do you understand what's going on here?" the guard asked him.

  Nat nodded his head slowly and replied, "I put a video game in Mom's purse even though she said I couldn't have it." The guard nodded again and asked, "And why is that a bad thing Nathan?" Nat swallowed and answered, "Because you have to buy it." The guard firmly caught Nat's gaze and said, "Do you know what happens when you steal something Nathan?"

  I could see the look of recognition spreading across Nat's face. He had just realized what he had done. "If I steal, Mom will get mad at me, and I'll go to jail." Nat answered slowly. The guard smiled at Nat and stood up. The guard opened another door in the room and flipped on the light, revealing what looked to be a staff break room. "Nathan, I want you to sit in here for a minute while I talk to your Mom." He instructed Nat. Nat jumped up from his chair and practically ran into the room. He plopped down onto the couch and sat looking expectantly at us as the guard shut the door, turning back to me.

  He gestured for me to stand and turn around, and I could see he'd gotten the keys for the cuffs out of his pocket. I sighed and said as I stood and turned around, "Nat isn't a bad kid, he's been acting out a lot lately and I know my divorce has really done a number on him. He realizes what he's done was wrong. What will I have to do, pay for the game, a fine, or something like that?"

  The guard didn't answer my question. I felt him move behind me, with one hand on my arm, but to my shock and dismay, his other hand rested on my hip. I felt him move in closer, his chest brushing against my back, lowering his head so that his face was next to my ear. My heart started racing
and all I could think of was oh my god he's going to assault me. I started to lift up my leg to kick backwards, hopefully catching him in the knee or something, when his gentle voice stopped me. He softly whispered in my ear, "It's been a long time since I've seen you Shannon. You still look as divine as ever. You don't seem to even remember me, but I certainly remember you."

  That voice. It made my heart stop and then start pounding so fast and loudly that I could feel it with every muscle in my body. Had I been so lost in my own problems and worries that I hadn't recognized the familiar tones of that voice? I trembled slightly and whispered, "Barry?" The low chuckle from deep in his throat spread a rush of warmth through my entire being as he slowly turned me around and gazed into my eyes. His hazel eyes had always seemed to pierce through clear into my soul when I was forced to look into them. Time had not changed that.

  He grabbed my hip tightly, pulling me into himself, his other hand sliding through the strands of my hair, guiding my lips towards his own. My body melted against his as he kissed me, all of the nerves in my body responding, sending a tingle down my spine that was so intense that I swore sparks flew off of the handcuffs. As I inhaled his clean scent, all of the memories, emotions and desires flooded back to me as though someone had broken a dam deep within my soul.

  Just as the tears were threatening to spill from my eyes, he broke the kiss, pulling back so that I could see him. He'd gotten older, not that I hadn't as well I ruefully reminded myself. Gone was the look of innocence that he'd once had. The man who stood before me now was still as handsome and rugged, but was now coupled with confidence making him look like a completely different person than he had so many years ago. The lust burning in his eyes was the same as I had remembered. They still brightly reflected everything he was, everything he had to offer.

  Barry put his hands on my shoulders and turned me around, slowly unfastening the cuffs that bound my wrists behind my back. When they were free, I turned and hugged him, a thousand questions burning in my brain. He smiled at me and said, "I recognized you as soon as you walked in the door. You're still so beautiful. You didn't notice it, but I followed you while you shopped. When I saw your son try to pawn the game, I had to take my chance. I needed to reconnect one more time with you."

  Nat. How could I forget about my son. I quickly ran over to peer through the glass into the room where he waited. Nat was flipping through a discarded video game magazine, unaware of what had transpired on the other side of the door.

  I turned back to Barry, desperately trying to regain control of my racing heart. I shyly looked up at him, trying to act like the adult I now was. "What are you going to do about the video game?" I asked, not daring to look into his eyes.

  Barry took a step forward and tilted my chin up so that I was looking at him again. He smiled at me and replied, "Nothing. I'm going to let Nathan off with a warning. Has his mother forgotten that I did the same for her all those years ago?" I blushed furiously, and answered, "If I'm not mistaken, when his mother was caught she was given the choice of being turned over to the police or turned over the knee of a certain security guard."

  Barry grinned back down at me. "She has the same choice now. I found that game in HER purse, not on her son's possession. The difference this time is that she also has to promise to speak with her son about the consequences of stealing." Honestly, up until that point, I did not think that I could have blushed more. I was wrong. I started to speak, "Barry, things are different now, I…"

  His finger pressed against my lip stopped me as he spoke. "One last time Shannon and I promise to be gone from your life for good." My body was betraying my mind. My heart knew, my body knew. I had never stopped loving this man, never stopped loving and needing my Master. I nodded slowly, giving into my own needs and desires.

  He smiled at me and said sternly, "Tonight then. Your son should spend some time with his father. Do you remember how to greet me?" I slowly and deliberately nodded, feeling more alive than I had for many years whispered back, "Yes Master." He proudly looked down at me and patted my rear as he walked over to get Nat from the other room.

  As he walked us to the car he spoke again to Nat. "Now young man, I don't ever want to hear of you doing anything else like this again, or next time you will not get away with it so easily." Nat nodded as solemnly as a ten year old could and said "I won't ever do it again." As I closed the car door once Nat was inside, Barry whispered to me, "Seven PM pet, make me proud."

  I confess that I drove home in a daze. I vaguely remember talking to Nat about what had happened, and how I wanted him to stay out of trouble. I remember calling Nat's father and talking to him about it, and getting him to agree to take Nat for the night. Thank the gods for small favors. In a daze I kissed my son goodbye and told my ex-husband to go easy on Nat, as I had already grounded him for the incident.

  It felt automatic as I prepared for Him. I went to the bathroom and carefully showered, letting the hot water soak into each muscle, and then taking my razor and shaving away every trace of body hair below my neck. My fingers must have trembled when I brushed my hair out and tightly braided it into a long single braid down my back. I know I felt as giddy as a child in a candy store as I smoothed out the sheet on my bed and went to the closet for the old shoe box that had gathered dust for years.

  I will never forget the smell of the old dusty leather as I parted the soft wrapping inside of the box and pulled out my collar. It had lain for so long, and yet had been crafted so finely that the leather was still soft and supple. It curved naturally around my neck, the cool metal of its single ring brushing lightly against my skin. I remember trembling as I pulled out the only other item from the box. A long solidly crafted wooden hairbrush emerged and I held it to my nose, inhaling its scent before resting it on the night stand by the bed. My heart and soul must have known, though my brain was not fully ready to accept it when I threw away the now empty box, instead of placing it back on its shelf where it had sat gathering dust, nothing more than a memory for me, till now.

  I nervously drew my robe around me and went about the house closing the blinds. Ten minutes to seven, I clicked the answering machine over to field all calls. Five minutes to seven, I started pacing the rooms. As the first bell from the clock struck Seven PM, I stood behind the door, waiting. The first gong, my muscles are tense. The second gong, my stomach starts doing flips. The third gong, my mind is screaming I cannot do this. The fourth gong, the first drop of arousal starts to slide from my slit, dripping down my thighs. The fifth gong, I realize my nipples are hard, erect nubs, throbbing with desire. The sixth gong, I hear a car pull up and freeze in place. The seventh gong, I hold my breath.

  How many seconds standing there had passed I do not know, will never know. My breath rushed out of my lungs when He knocked, two sure and strong knocks against the front door, one for the past, one for the present. I breathe slowly and open the door. He enters and closes the door behind Him, as he turns to face me, my robe falls away from my shoulders and I kneel with my legs parted. My pounding heart is making the ring on my collar vibrate slightly as I bow my head and interlock my fingers behind my neck, feeling the smooth leather of my collar. My voice does not sound like my own ringing in my ears as I say to Him, "Welcome home Master."

  Chapter 2: Reborn Again

  My heart pounded in my ears as Master took his time inspecting me, slowly walking around my body as I trembled. It felt as though my body shook with each step he took, slowly circling me, becoming reacquainted with my body. Once, twice, three times he slowly circled. It took all the willpower my body possessed not to break my position and pounce on him. Had it really been that many years since I had knelt in this position, so exposed and vulnerable? My mind felt as though it had been racing for an eternity, desperately wanting his return to be permanent and knowing that I was being too greedy with my desire for him.

  I had just determined to myself that I would enjoy his presence while it lasted and that I would regret nothing, when Master
stopped in front of me finally. I knelt there shivering under the power of his gaze. My attention was now riveted on his shoes, tattered old sandals. I had forgotten his love of them and the realization of the familiarity of this scene, this act, made me smile to myself. He reached down and patted my head, stroking away the lose piece of hair that had fallen in front of my eyes. He uttered one word, "Stay."

  As he moved away from me, I could hear him pick up the bag he'd dropped in front of the door and walk away. Moments later I heard the creak of the stairs as he started walking up them, and then nothing. I was once again lost in my own thoughts. I wanted desperately to move and stretch my muscles as they began to grow tight, but my former training had already set in and I knelt there, closing my eyes and getting lost in remembrance.

  I was just starting to get to the point where I could not have held my position any longer when I heard the telltale creaking of the steps again, knowing he was returning. He stood in front of me again and attached a leash to the ring on my collar saying, "Follow me little pet. You may walk, but keep your hands in position." I slowly rose up onto my feet, groaning softly as my knees cracked, wobbling a bit as I tried to steady myself. Once I was steady, Master jerked on the leash enough to indicate for me to follow him, but not enough to make me falter.

  He led me up the stairs slowly and headed straight for my bedroom, pausing at its entrance. "My pet, do you remember our safe words?" I nodded my head as my heart beat faster, answering, "Yellow for caution and Red for stop Master." I don't know if he intended to do it, but he suddenly swept me up in his arms and held me tight. As he broke the embrace, He smiled at me and said, "Then it begins pet."


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