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Steamy Stories (Volume 1)

Page 9

by Malia Mallory

  I showed my ex-husband to the door and went back to scrubbing the fresh dirt off of the floor. I had just about finished when someone knocked on the door twice. "Nat, can you answer that please?" I hollered over to him. I heard him get up and go to the door, and after a moment heard his shaky voice call for me.

  I got up off the floor and walked to the door where Nat stood shaking, Master still standing on the front porch. I had to stifle a giggle, imagining what Nat must be thinking. I invited Master inside. Nat eyed him warily and hid himself behind me. Master chuckled and knelt down in front of me, speaking to Nat, "I'm not here because you're in trouble Nat. I'm also an old friend of your Mom's." Nat looked relieved and I told him he could go back to his game. He smiled and ran back to the living room.

  I motioned to the kitchen and Master followed me. I spoke in hushed tones so that Nat would not overhear. "I need to make dinner and eventually get Nat in bed before we talk, is it okay if we talk after that?" He nodded and kissed my cheek. "What's for dinner?" I laughed and said, "Nat's favorite, hamburgers and macaroni and cheese, which if I recall, is also yours." He chuckled at me. "You know it. I'm going to go see if Nat will let me play that game with him in the meanwhile." I smiled sadly as I watched him retreat into the living room.

  While I prepared dinner, I could hear Nat quizzing Master on all of the video games he knew. I had to chuckle when Master started quizzing Nat back about some of the games. As started to set the table and I could hear the two laughing at each other. I had just started to place the food on the table, and nearly dropped a dish when I heard a scream from the living room. Running in there, my heart nearly stopped as I saw Master fall over and Nat laughing hysterically. "What's going on in here?" I anxiously asked, dropping down to my knees to check on Master. I was shocked to see him smile back up at me. "Everything's fine. Your son just completely demolished me in the game." He sat up laughing and shook a finger at Nat, "Just you wait, someday I'll learn how to play this and then we'll see who is laughing." I finally dissolved into laughter, realizing that the two were indeed playing around. Between giggles I said, "Okay you two, come on in for dinner."

  Dinner was surreal to me. Everything looked and smelled delicious. We seemed like a perfectly normal family eating. Yet, we weren't even close to being one. All the feelings in my soul overwhelmed me and made the food taste bland and dry in my mouth, even though I knew it was not. I had to smile as Nat and Master competed with each other over who could eat more macaroni in one bite. The both looked dumbfounded when I beat the pair of them.

  After dinner I cleaned up and put the coffee pot on and glanced at the clock. "Nat, your first day of school is tomorrow. You should get to bed early tonight." Nat gave me a grumpy look and was about to argue with me when Master spoke up, "If you don't do well in school Nat, your Mom will have to ground you, and then I'll have no one to play video games with." This made Nat grin and he ran up the stairs towards his room.

  I hugged Master tight and whispered, "Thank You". He smiled at me and kissed my forehead. I followed Nat upstairs and got him tucked into bed. As I was kissing him good night, Nat asked me, "Mom, will he really come back to play games with me?" I smiled softly at my son and replied, "As long as that's what you want Nat, it's okay with me." He nodded happily and snuggled against his pillow. I blew him a kiss and headed back downstairs.

  Upon entering the kitchen, I saw that the coffee pot was half empty and that Master was not there. I walked around the house and finally found him sitting on the swing on the back porch. He handed me a cup of coffee as I curled up next to him. After taking a few sips of the bittersweet coffee, I sighed softly and cleared my throat. Master stopped me by placing a finger against my lips, "It's okay pet. I know that your son is the most important thing to you in the world. I wouldn't dare dream of interrupting your life with him." I shook my head and knelt down in front of him, looking up into his eyes. "Nat is the most important thing in my life. I do not want him to feel alienated having someone so new in his life. But," I took a deep breath. "But you are my Master. You always have been, and always will be. It would be foolish to deny my heart's desire. I've watched how you interact with Nat. He likes you Master. You will not replace him as a father, but with time, I know he will accept you as more than my friend." Master cleared his throat and cupped my chin in his hands. "What are you trying to tell me pet?"

  I flushed bright red, and tried to lower my eyes, but he held onto my chin, forcing me to gaze directly into his eyes. "Master, I," I faltered, wishing I was anyplace else than there at that exact moment. My words came out in a rush. "Master I am saying that I wish to fully commit myself to you, heart, soul, mind and body." Master wiped the tears away from my eyes and though he whispered into my ear, the words went straight to my soul. "Thank you my little one. I will do my best to provide caring and love for not only you, but Nat as well. I know this process will take time, but knowing that you are mine, will make it worth the wait."

  Master drew out a small package from his pocket and opened it in front of me. Inside the box lay a thin silver necklace looking collar. A small silver key lay in the center, between the coils of the collar. He picked the collar up from the box and encircled it around my neck. I could hear the clasp shut as my heart pounced wildly. He paused for a moment, watching me. I'd closed my eyes, feeling the cool metal encircling my neck and feeling as though the world finally made sense to me.

  Master picked up the key and inserted it into the hidden lock on the collar, looking deep into my eyes. "Are you sure this is what you desire my pet?" I swallowed once before bowing my head and placing my hands behind my head. "I am yours now and forever Master." With those words, he turned the key in the lock and I heard a click as my future was sealed. Master kissed my forehead and as he did so, I could feel a few tears that had fallen from his eyes.

  He removed the key from the lock and unfastened a small chain on his own neck. He slid the key onto the chain and fastened the chain back around his neck. I cannot tell how long I knelt there, our eyes fixed upon each other, sharing our love and commitment without a word. After what seemed like a thousand eternities, he leaned over and scooped me up into his warm arms, holding me tight, whispering into my ear, "We are both finally home my dearest little one."

  Epilogue: Alone Again

  Shannon quietly wiped away the tears that were streaming down her eyes with her sleeve. She quickly placed the old tattered journal away on her nightstand so that the ink wouldn't run on its now yellowed pages which contained tales and memories of her life as a submissive. Another sob rose into her throat, threatening to choke her as she allowed herself to fall face forward onto the bed. She sobbed, not caring if anyone heard her, but needing to release the pent up sadness and sorrow that filled her soul. As she cried her hands curled into fists around clumps of the blankets on the bed, her soul yearning to cling to anything and everything.

  When at last the tears had slowed, and her stiff muscles began to relax, She gingerly forced herself to sit upright on the bed. She bit her lip, trying to be strong and force back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes again. She stood slowly and cautiously took a few steps. Once she was sure of her own feet, Shannon picked up the journal from the nightstand. She gently brushed her fingers along the polished wood of the hair brush that had lain in the same spot since her Master had claimed her again. She moved over to the desk and slowly settled into the chair. As she sat there, Shannon ran her fingers along the delicate silver collar she wore, the familiar pain in her heart as her fingertips brushed against the small lock that kept it permanently around her neck. She opened the journal, its dusty smell permeating the room, and picked up her favorite pen beginning to write. As the tears brimmed in her eyes, she knew this would be the last entry ever made.

  Today is a day I knew was coming for a long time. Today is the day I finally said goodbye to my Master. He is and was and always will be the Master of my heart, soul and body. I thought I had lost him once before, but he found
me again. I would not trade any second of the thirty-nine years since that day. He loved me completely as a wife, a mother, a best-friend, a lover and as his submissive. He restored me so I was whole, and made life make sense again. He became a second father to my son, and loved him as though Nathan were his own. Someday I will meet him again, somewhere out in whatever afterlife there is waiting for two soul mates. It is our destiny to remain together for eternity. I will continue on here, knowing when we meet again, he will say to me, "Welcome home my pet."

  From Marie Shore

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  The Haunting of Annabelle

  By Carl East

  Chapter 1

  Annabelle returned the cordless phone to its charger on the office desk. Gazing at the framed magazine covers that lined the walls of the room, she slowly headed for the door, pausing only to turn off the desk lamp. Wandering into the kitchen still dressed in workout clothes she headed directly to the refrigerator. There was a bottle of white wine in there and she was pouring a glass even if it was only 11:30 in the morning. She needed it after the telephone call she just had with her agent. Her mind was racing even though she knew this day had been coming.

  The requests from designers that simply had to have her face and body gracing their haute couture had been steadily declining in the past couple of years. Instead of being the pivotal model in a photo shoot or on the designer’s runway, the offers were dwindling down to being an extra, or perhaps the finishing touch to the group that were being used for the major promotions. It hadn’t been a surprise when her agent called with the latest news that there were still no requests for the upcoming Fashion Week in New York. They discussed a few options, one being for them to contact some of the more loyal designers who were still using her on a sporadic basis even after twenty years had passed.

  She couldn’t seem to put her head around the thought of her agent calling them. She advised him to hold off until she had time to review their discussion. It wasn’t as if she was unaware of the passing of time. Taking a turn around the kitchen while sipping wine didn’t help to calm down the agitation, so she kept moving to the patio doors and out onto the small terrace that graced her condominium. Watching as the city air streamed over her tiny garden of roses, she reasoned that even though a person kept in shape, kept current with the new designers and still had plenty of contacts in the industry it didn’t stop time. When twenty years go by you had to face facts. Time doesn’t stop just because you want it to. It was time to move on to the plans she’d been putting into place these past five years.

  Money wasn’t going to be a problem. She’d had a level head from the start and began investing and saving during her years of modeling. Perhaps it was time to start a business, an investment that she had total control over. Through the years, carefully selected opportunities, along with investments in land and property, added to her wealth and on most projects, she had turned over a nice profit. Maybe it was time to expand from doing it on a part-time basis to a full-time one.

  Pinching off a dead rose, she walked back in and went through the kitchen for a refill and a salad, and then back to the office where the computer sat silent. Flipping the switch and rolling up her sleeves to the elbows, the review of emails came first. Junk mail had now graduated to spam, and one by one she deleted them off until she caught sight of an email alert from a property broker she’d dealt with on a sporadic basis in the past.

  The e-mail was about a property in upstate New York that would be coming on to the market. The attached pictures showed a handsome estate surrounded by woodland with forests and a mountain in the distance. The agency was suggesting the possibility of it being utilized as a country home or perhaps a bed-and-breakfast if one had the inclination. Pondering on the other details listed, it definitely seemed like an opportune time to set up an appointment for a walk-through.

  Calling her former contact, they spent several minutes catching up and then arranged for a viewing of the property. The appointment was scheduled for the following weekend and arrangements were made to have her met at the railroad station. This was definitely turning out to be an improvement over the morning phone call. The idea of a bed-and-breakfast appealed to Annabelle. It was definitely something she could invest in, and the complexity of having to make improvements to the property was something she needed right now.

  The days passed so quickly, that when an offer for a spot on the runway came from a new designer, she graciously declined. Perhaps if she wasn’t so available it would increase her appearance value. Playing a little hard to get never hurt anyone and besides, what did she have to lose? Shrugging her shoulders, she switched gears to concentrate on packing a suitcase for the weekend real estate trip. She needed to include her workout clothes, a pair of good walking shoes and a few mix-and-match pieces that would go from day to night. Might as well check to see what the area had to offer if she was going to purchase real estate there. Years of heading out to last minute shoots made the packing a snap, the only thing left was her cosmetic and toiletries case.

  Chapter 2

  The train platforms were crowded with people heading out of the city to homes or vacation spots. Her destination was announced, and she noticed while boarding that there appeared to be a fair amount of people with carry-on bags heading out for the weekend. Heading to her reserved seat, she spent the time reviewing her notes on what she had found out about the town so far. Several banks, restaurants, small theater groups and a lake nearby were obvious pluses. The town already had riding stables and sailing docks on the lake. She reviewed the information on a small resort that offered skiing in the winter. What they didn’t have was an upscale bed-and-breakfast for the young trendsetters that loved to be catered for. The time passed quickly and when she checked her watch, she realized the distance they’d travelled from the city. Probably the main reason why the town still had opportunities available—the train arrived just as the evening lights were coming on in the quaint streets.

  As promised, a cab was standing by with the local driver holding up a homemade sign with her name on it. He hurried to take her piece of luggage, and said arrangements had been made for her to stay at a local hotel, which turned out to be a quaint mom and pop organization. The old Victorian House had flowers on the path leading up to a wide classic front porch with assorted rocking chairs, seats and tables that invited guests to relax. The couple that greeted her at the front desk still used the classic sign-in book, but the operation was updated to handle several credit cards. A room off the entrance had been converted to a seating area and was prepared for cool nights with a fireplace ready to be lit. Comfortable chairs were scattered around and several bookcases lined the far wall.

  Her bag was promptly carried up to a room that faced out to the front of the home, and looking down, she saw people strolling the storefronts under the old style streetlights. The room was more than comfortable, if a little small, and it had a bathroom with shower stall. Everything was as neat as a pin. She was grateful for the offer of a light meal when she finished unpacking. The couple offered country breakfasts and family style meals, which were included in the room’s price. If enough notice was given, they even packed picnic lunches for those hiking or going to the lake.

  Settling down later that night, she was eager to walk through the property she was considering. Her last thought as she drifted off to sleep was the softness of the pillow she was resting on and she dreamed of color swatches and bedding accessories.

  Chapter 3

  The singing of birds woke her up earlier than usual. The absence of city sounds like the familiar taxicab horns blaring made the sounds of birds almost surrealistic. Her eyelids were coaxed open by the light streaming through the front windows, and suddenly an aroma reached her nose, and her brain kicked in. I definitely smell coffee, was her next thought as she push
ed her feet into her slippers and headed for the bathroom.

  She tidied the room and headed down the stairs to the smells of bacon cooking and bread toasting, and as she rounded the corner past the front desk, she heard the clink of silverware on plates. The oak dining room table was set for twelve and had a vase of cheery flowers placed in the center. Along the wall stood a sideboard loaded with covered platters, and lifting the lids was like Christmas morning. Crisp bacon, savory sausage, and fluffy pancakes had been prepared and toast stands were at the ready. Jars of homemade preserves were lined up in a row along with pitchers of orange juice and milk, and a basket of fresh assorted fruit sat nearby. She heard steps coming from a connecting room and the owners smiled when they saw her surprised expression. Mary asked how she wanted her eggs cooked and Annabelle could only respond “eggs too?” They laughed when she told them her customary breakfast was a protein shake and a fresh orange.

  “Well, it’s never too late to start living,” Mary replied.

  Not taking no for an answer, and with a shake of her head, she headed back to make Annabelle one scrambled egg ,and passed her husband bringing out the fresh brewed coffee and assorted toast for the stands.


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