Talking Back
Page 50
Bork, Robert
Christopher as emissary to
Clinton, Bill, involvement in
Jackson, Jesse, as emissary to
Milosevic as leader of
Boxer, Barbara
Bradlee, Ben
Bradley, Bill
Brady, Nicholas
Bremer, Paul
Brenner, Sid
Breyer, Stephen
Brezhnev, Leonid
Brinkley, David
Broder, David
Brokaw, Tom
Brothers to the Rescue
Brown, Alma
Brown, Bob
Brown, Campbell
Brown, Jerry
Brown, Michael
Brown, Ron
Brown, Willie
Browner, Carol
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buchanan, Pat
Buckley, William
Burford, Anne McGill
Burns, Nicholas
Burton, Dan
Bush, Barbara
Bush, George H. W.
Buchanan’s support of
as Clinton, Bill, opponent
Dukakis’s debate with
with Gorbachev
Iran-Contra scandal influence on
Mitchell’s coverage of
Perot and
presidential campaign of
press and attitude of
Quayle’s nomination by
Scowcroft as national security advisor for
as U.S. vice president
Bush, George W.
axis of evil
Baker, James, as advisor to
doctrine of
Clarke on counterterror policy of
democratization of world of
foreign policy of
Internet as key in campaign of
popularity of
presidential campaign of
Rumsfeld as secretary of defense for
Bush doctrine, of preemptive action
Bush at War (Woodward)
Byrd, Robert
Caesar, Sid
Camiel, Peter J.
Campaign finance reform
Cannon, Lou
Capus, Steve
Caputo, Lisa
Carlucci, Frank
Carter, Jimmy
Castro and
as Clinton, Bill, envoy to Haiti
Iranian hostage crisis influence on
Kennedy, Ted, as opponent of
Middle East peace and
Mitchell’s coverage of
Reagan’s defeat of
Carter, Rosalynn
Carville, James
Casey, Bill
Iran-Contra scheme involvement by
as Reagan, Ronald, campaign manager
as Reagan, Ronald, CIA director
Casey, Bob
Castro, Fidel
Carter and
Gonzalez, Elian, case and
Mitchell’s interviews with
Castro, Raul
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Casey, Bill, as director of
on Hussein’s weapons program
Iran-Contra scheme involvement by
Iraq intelligence mistake of
on Iraqi terrorism threat
Wilson affair and
Chafee, John
Chamberlain, Nancy
Chancellor, John
Cheney, Dick
gays in the military and Powell, Colin, and
Gulf War involvement of
on the Iraqi threat
on military force
Office of National Preparedness, as head of
on presidential campaigning
as presidential running mate
as secretary of defense for Bush, George W.
Cheney, Lynne
Cheney, Mary
Chernenko, Konstantin
China Syndrome, The,
Chirac, Jacques
Christopher, Warren
as emissary to Bosnia
as emissary to Vietnam
as Gore’s legal aide
as Iranian hostage negotiator
as secretary of state for Clinton, Bill
Chung, Connie
CIA. See Central Intelligence Agency Cianfrani, Buddy
Clair, Virginia
Clarke, Richard
Cliburn, Van
Clinton, Bill
Albright, Madeleine, as secretary of state for
with Arafat
Bosnia’s involvement and
as Bush, George W., opponent
Carter and
Christopher as secretary of state for
Dole as opponent to
Flowers scandal and
gays in the military and
Gingrich as opponent of
Gore as running mate of
with Greenspan
Haitian involvement of
on health care
Helms as opponent to
Iran and
Kerrey relationship with
Kerry, John, as supporter of
McCain as supporter of
McLarty and
media relationship with
Middle East peace involvement of
military relationship and
Mitchell’s coverage of
NAFTA campaign of
at Normandy
Nunn and
Perot as opponent to
presidential campaign of
with Rabin
Somalia peacekeeping operation of
Tsongas as opponent of
Vietnam wall visit of
Whitewater scandal and
Yeltsin summit with
Clinton, Chelsea
Clinton, Hillary Rodham
in China
health-care plan of
media relationship with
Mitchell’s coverage of
in Mongolia
political influence of
Senate race of
as senator
Travelgate scandal and
Whitewater scandal of
Cochran, John
Cohan, George M.
Cohen, Bill
Colbert, Claudette
Cold War
Common Cause
Compton, Ann
Condit, Gary
Couric, Katie
Craig, Greg
Cranston, Alan
Cronkite, Walter
Cuniberti, Betty
Cuomo, Mario
Dai Bingguo
Daley, Bill
Danforth, John
as affirmative action supporter
as political moderate
as Thomas, Clarence, supporter
as vice-presidential possibility
Daniels, Brady
Darman, Dick
Daschle, Tom
Davis, Patti
Davis, Sid
Dayan, Moshe
Dean, Howard
Deaver, Mike
as chief of staff for Reagan, Ronald
as confidant to Reagan, Nancy
with Reagan, Ronald
DeConcini, Dennis
De Niro, Robert
Dennis, Wayne
Denton, Harold
Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
Devenish, Nicolle
Devroy, Ann
DiMaggio, Joe
Dodd, Chris
Doder, Dusko
Dole, Bob
as Clinton, Bill, opponent
as political moderate
as Senate Republican leader
as vice-presidential possibility
Dole, Elizabeth
Domenici, Pete
Donaldson, Sam
Donovan, Ray
Dorismond, Patrick
Doss, David
Dostum, Abdul Rashid
Douglas, Michael
Dowd, Ma
Downie, Len
Drudge, Matt
Duarte, Jose Napoleon
Duberstein, Ken
Duberstein, Sydney
Duckett, Josie
Duelfer, Charles
Dukakis, Michael
Bush, George H. W., debate with
Jackson, Jesse, challenge to
Mitchell’s coverage of
as presidential candidate
Eagleton, Thomas
Edwards, John
Ehrlichman, John
Elizabeth (queen)
Ellerbee, Linda
And So It Goes,
Evans, Don
Exley, Zack
Fadul, Mahjoub, l Fahd (king)
Fahrenheit 9/11
Family and Medical Leave Act
Federal Reserve chairman. See Greenspan, Alan
Fenwick, Millicent
Fineman, Howard
Fischer, Betsy
Fischer, Dave
Fiske, Robert
Fitzwater, Marlin
527 groups
Flick, Bob
Flowers, Gennifer
Flynn, ML
Foley, James
Foley, Tom
Fonda, Jane
Ford, Gerald
as copresident choice of Reagan, Ronald
hospitalization of
For the Record (Regan)
Foster, Vince
Francis, Fred
Franken, Al
Franks, Tommy
Friedman, Steve
Front Page, The (Hecht and MacArthur)
Fuller, Craig
Galica, Krzysztof
Gangel, Jamie
Gantt, Harvey
Garang, John
Gartner, Michael
Gay and lesbian issue
Gender discrimination
Gephardt, Richard
as Democratic candidate
as Iraqi war resolution supporter
as Kerry’s running mate possibility
Gergen, David
Germond, Jack
Gerson, Michael
Gingrich, Newt
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader
Giuliani, Rudy
Glenn, John
Goldwater, Barry
Gonzales, Steven
Gonzalez, Elian
Gonzalez, Juan Miguel
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gorbachev, Raisa
Gordon, Michael
Gore, Al
Christopher as legal aide to
as Clinton, Bill, running mate
Gulf War and
Perot and NAFTA debate
presidential election and
Gore, Tipper
Government, climate in
Graham, Billy
Graham, Bob
Graham, Katharine
Greenberg, Paul
Greenfield, Meg
Greenspan, Alan
with Clinton, Bill
as Federal Reserve chairman
Keating and
Mitchell and
women and attitude of
Greenstein, Lewis
Greenstein, Susan
Gubash, Charlene
Guinier, Lani
Gulf War
Baker, James, involvement in
Biden’s vote on
Cheney’s involvement in
CNN coverage of
Congress’s challenge to
Gore and
Kerry’s vote for
Mitchell and
Nunn and
Powell, Colin, involvement in
Haddad, Tammy
Hadley, Stephen
Hagel, Chuck
Hager, Bob
Haifa (princess)
Haiti Aristide
as leader of
Clinton, Bill, involvement in
Helms’s influence in
Powell, Colin, as envoy to
Haldeman, Bob
Hale, David
Hamilton, Lee
Hammond, Darrell
Hariri, Rafik
Harkin, Tom
Harriman, Averell
Harriman, Pamela
Harris, Don
Hart, Gary
Hart, Karen
Hatch, Orrin
Health-care plan
Hecht, Ben
Heinz, John
Helms, Jesse
as Albright, Madeleine, friend
Annan and
as Clinton, Bill, opponent
Cuba influence of
Gantt challenged by
Haitian influence of
on MIAs in Vietnam
political perspective of
Hersh, Seymour
Hill, Anita
Hinckley, John
Holbrooke, Richard
Hoover, J. Edgar
Hornig, Roberta
Hu Na
Hubbell, Webster
HUD. See Department of Housing and Urban Development
Hudson, Rock
Hume, Brit
Hunt, Al
Hunt, Benjamin
Hunt, Jeffrey Woodruff
Hunt, Lauren
Hussein, Saddam
Aziz as foreign minister of
Biden on
capture of
Kuwait invasion by
Rice on
trial of
weapons program of
Huxley, Judith
Huxley, Matthew
Ifil, Gwen
Imperial Hubris (Scheuer)
Imus, Don
nuclear program of
Iran-Contra scandal
Bush, George H. W., campaign influence on
Casey’s involvement in
CIA’s involvement in
McFarlane as envoy in
National Security Council’s involvement in
Nicaragua as part of
North’s involvement in
Poindexter’s involvement in
Regan’s involvement in
Shultz’s involvement in
Weinberger’s indictment in
Iranian hostage crisis
Carter’s administration influenced by
Christopher as negotiator in
Mitchell’s coverage of
Reagan, Ronald, policies influenced by
television coverage and
Iraq war
Iraqi terrorist threat
Iraqi war
Iraqi weapons of mass destruction
Islamic Jihad
Ismail, Mustafa Osman
Jabari, Lawahez
Jackson, Henry “Scoop,”
Jackson, Jesse
Jackson, Pops
Jacobs, Eli
Jeffords, James
Johnson, Lyndon
Jones, Jim
Jones, Paula
Jonestown massacre
Jordan, Hamilton
Jordan, Vernon
Kalb, Marvin
Kantor, Mickey
Kaplan, Rick
Karzai, Hamid
Kassebaum, Nancy
Kay, David
Kean, Tom
Keating, Charles
Keating, Frank
Keating Five
Kelley, Virginia
Kelly, Ray
Kemeny, John
Kemp, Jack
Kennedy, Anthony
Kennedy, Bobby
Kennedy, John F.
Kennedy, Ted
Kerrey, Bob
Kerry, John
as Clinton, Bill, supporter
Democratic campaign of
Edwards as running mate of
Gulf War vote of
Iraqi war resolution supported by
McCain as possible running mate of
POW and MIA talks in Hanoi of
residential campaign of
running mate selection process of
Kerry, Teresa Heinz
Khallad. See bin Attash Khashoggi, Adnan
Khatami, Mohammad
Kim family
Kim Jong Il
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kinsler, Mrs.
Kinsolving, Lester
Kirkpatrick, Jeane
Kissinger, Henry
Kohl, Helmut
Koppel, Ted
Koresh, David
Kovens, Irv
Kramer, Marcia
Kramer, Michael
Krugman, Paul
Kuala Lumpur summit
Kurtz, Elaine
Lake, Tony
Lamont, Ned
Lampietti, Sheela
Landon, Alf
Lavrov, Sergei
Lazio, Rick
Leahy, Pat
Lee Teng-hui
Lehrer, Jim
Lehrer, Kate
Leigh-Pemberton, Sir Robin
Leigh-Pemberton, Rose
Leist, Libby
Lemmon, Jack
Leonard, Bill
Letterman, David
Levin, Carl
Levy, Chandra
Lewinsky, Monica
Lewis, George
Lieberman, Joe
Lin, Maya
Lindsey, Bruce
Longstreth, Thacher
Lord, Art
Loren, Sophia
Lugar, Dick
Lukasiewicz, Mark
McAuliffe, Terry
McCain, John
campaign finance reform of
as Clinton, Bill, supporter
Keating Five, as one of
as Kerry running mate possibility
McCain-Feingold campaign finance law of
POW and MIA talks in Hanoi of
McCain-Feingold campaign finance law
McCarthy, Joseph
McClendon, Sarah
McCord, Charles
McCormack, Sean
McDougal, Jim
McDougal, Susan
McFarland, Bob
McFarlane, Robert “Bud,” 72
McGannon, Donald H.
McGovern, George
McGrory, Mary
McGuirk, Bernard
McLarty, Mack
McNamara, Robert
Madam Secretary (Albright, Madeleine)
Maestro (Woodward)
Magaziner, Ira
Mandel, Bootsie
Mandel, Marvin
Margolies-Mezvinsky, Marjorie
Markey, Ed
Marshall, Thurgood
Massoud, Ahmed Shah
Matthews, Chris
Matthews, Eugene
Matthews, Jessica Tuchman
Meacham, Jon
Mears, Carroll Ann
Bush, George H. W., attitude to
Clinton, Bill, relationship with
Clinton, Hillary, relationship with
Meese, Ed
Mengle, Kline
Michel, Bob
Middle East peace
Arafat’s involvement in
Barak’s involvement in
Carter’s involvement in
Clinton, Bill, involvement in
Rabin’s involvement in
Middletown, Pa.
Miklaszewski, Jim
Mikulski, Barbara
Miller, Glenn
Miller, Zell
Millstein, Gilbert
Milosevic, Slobodan
Missile defense plan