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Tycho (Loved By A God Book 3)

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by Crystal Dawn

  Loved By a God

  Book 3


  By Crystal Dawn

  2015 Copyright by Crystal Dawn

  Cover by Eagle Eye Covers

  Editing by Eagle Editing

  Any resemblance to any person living or dead is simply a coincidence and all characters are the product of the author’s imagination.

  Dedicated to twins both identical and fraternal and the strong bonds that they feel.

  Author’s note: All characters involved in sex acts described in this story are 18 or older.

  Frozen Origin

  Book 1


  Origin is the best in the field of DNA research and they have finely tuned their craft. They started out with a line of supermen pulling all the best traits from the millions of human DNA samples they had available to them. These supermen were the smartest, fastest, strongest, and most adaptable the human race had to offer, but Origin wasn’t satisfied. When they expanded their facility in Antarctica, they discovered something that made the next level reachable. These were the gods, so far beyond the abilities of man that even with some of their gifts still undiscovered, they put the supermen to shame.

  Origin managed to get by with enslaving the products of their research for years until they rented the talents of those products to terrorists that used them against the US and her allies. A team was sent to free them and they were allowed to be an independent entity, free to rule themselves. They had much to overcome and Origin wasn’t ready to give them up yet. Origin fought hard to recover their losses, but the gods fought harder to remain free especially once they realized that they could have a mate and children when they find the right woman.

  Sierra, one of the team sent in to free them, and Zeus, the leader of the gods, are the first to mate and have children.

  Frozen Origin

  Book 2


  Hermes is captured by rogue Origin agents and meets his future mate under the worst possible conditions. He had hoped to mate a fierce warrior like Zeus did, but is drawn to the timid mousy girl despite his wishes to the contrary. When she helps him escape, he begins to discover she isn’t anything like he thought her to be.

  Origin continues to try to bring the gods back under their control and rogue agents with their own plans are added to the mix. The gods deal with the US military, spies in their midst, and are offered another captured Origin lab to use for their own needs. Zeus offers this to the demons but Lu wants to think about it.

  Several of the other gods suspect they’ve found their mates but they aren’t sure yet. Some of them wonder if they’ll ever be truly free of Origin and if they’ll ever have the things that other people take for granted.

  Frozen Origin

  Book 3


  In Hades, more gods are freed and brought home. A new trend is developing with Origin. They are farming gods out singly to small groups and individuals making it harder to track them. Hades and Doc search for a god that was verified in the possession of an unidentified party. Their mission was largely unsuccessful and they returned to Olympus without the god they had searched for. Was he still alive? They believed he was but the search would have to start all over from scratch. They refused to give up until he was free or confirmed dead.

  Frozen Origin Quickies

  Book 1


  Farmed out to a particularly loathsome female researcher, Morpheus only wants to die so he can be free from the pain and the desire of the vindictive female who tortures him when he refuses to service him. Eventually his fellow gods find him but there are so many more out there in situations similar or even worse than his.


  Living at Olympus in the facility originally run by Origin has its downsides. The main one being it was in Antarctica, miles from civilization. Few females was a downside, many of those few were mates to other gods and off limits, and another was limited recreational choices, a result of the poor location.

  Alternating between working the god’s hotline and patrolling the perimeter, Tycho and his twin, Plutus, are being punished by Hades for bad behavior on a mission. It’s been six months and there’s no end in sight.

  The twins don’t think they look or act alike, but everyone else sees things a bit differently. The only difference anyone else can see is one has green eyes and the other has blue eyes. Raised separately, they’ve never been fully comfortable with each other, but they both want to change that. They just don’t know how to do it. Even sharing a punishment doesn’t make them feel like kindred spirits.

  If they keep trying, maybe they will discover what they need to connect has been there all along. Young, but determined, they’ve tried everything to get back in Hades’ good graces. Maybe all they’ve needed was a little luck. They’re part Irish and it’s March, what could possibly hold them back?

  Chapter 1

  Top Tip

  Tycho felt terribly unlucky, which was saying something since his name was the masculine form of Tyche, the Greek goddess of luck or fortune. As far as he was concerned, it was unfortunate to be named for a female, but as the names of male gods and heroes were used up, that was where the scientist turned. He was also unfortunate to have pulled an extra rotation on the damnable hotline. He’d curse it to hell, but they needed it, and it had been useful in the recovery of his brothers, those who were still locked away by Origin scum.

  The young god couldn’t say if any of his tips had borne fruit, since he turned all his tips over to someone at a higher level for investigating. He was more of an operator, taking the initial call and determining if they should be passed on, or if they were wasting their time. This week there would be no such person for him to patch the calls through to and he would be handling the calls he took himself. Oh joy! A lot was going on around here and most of it was being handled in a secretive way, especially the situation with Cronos. He didn’t really mind not being privy to all the political bullshit the higher level gods dealt with, he just wanted to be out on a mission anywhere but here. He was an above average warrior, fast and strong.

  So he’d made a few mistakes and rushed in where angels fear to tread, but with the help of his team they’d all made it out and recovered their wounded brother. How long would they punish him for a minor mistake? It had been six months of torture, divided between manning the hot line and securing the perimeter. Both jobs boring, but the hot line required dealing with offensive people and dirty females who offered all manner of services that he couldn’t partake of because he wasn’t allowed to leave. Maybe that was even the worst part. He had blue balls and even his hand couldn’t aid him with it because he was just too tense.

  He swore he’d developed callouses on both hands from switching back and forth if he ever managed to ease his nerves enough to ease his sexual tension. The Valentine’s Ball had passed and he’d been on perimeter duty and unable to attend. His punishment just kept going and going, driving his suffering higher and higher. Hades had little sympathy if he felt someone had not followed his orders. Even the mellowing that had come from mating, hadn’t caused him to be less strict in that regard.

  Tycho entered the room where they took calls and took Plutus’ place. Plutus was named for the Greek god of wealth and he was Tycho’s twin. They looked similar, but they weren’t identical no matter what everyone else seemed to think. They were rare in that they were siblings, but even more unusual because they were twins. That’s why they had been named for what the scientists considered similar gods. The female scientist that had named them, thought wealth and fortune went hand in hand. Though they were brothers, they had not been raised as such. They had been kept separated and even
been moved to different facilities, once they were old enough to understand their relationship.

  They were uncomfortable around each other, unsure of how to act or what to say. Tycho hoped this would change someday, but for now he had no idea what to do. Once he sat down and took the headpiece, Plutus quickly disappeared. It was better that way than to sit staring at each other, not knowing what to say. What a strange world he now lived in, but at least he was free, they were masters of their own fate and he would answer these phones as if he wanted to if it would help locate and release the rest of their brothers.

  “God hotline, how may I help you?...No ma’am, we don’t strip at parties…I’m sorry too, I’m sure your daughter will be a beautiful bride…You have a nice day too.” Tycho sighed. This was going to be one of those days, he could already tell.

  “God hotline, how may I help you?...I’m sure you’re very handsome, sir. I’m just not interested in males that way...No, I’m not a hater. I believe everyone has the right to chose and that includes me…Yes, I’m sorry we weren’t able to come to an agreement. Thank you for calling.”

  “Bad start?” Hermes asked.

  “I’ve had two calls. One was a mom looking for a stripper for her daughter’s bachelorette party, the other was a man looking for a sex slave.”

  “I’m sure you’d make a great stripper and an even better sex slave,” Hermes said with a laugh, just as the phone rang. Tycho shot him a hateful glare as he reached for the phone.

  “God hotline, how may I help you?”

  “Is it true you give rewards for people who find gods who are kept prisoner?” said a young voice.

  Tycho sat up straighter. This could be a prank call or it could finally be a legitimate lead. “Yes, it’s true. Did you have information for us?”

  “I do, but I need to know that you’ll help my mom. She’s stuck working for these guys and they’re fucktards.”

  “How old are you?”

  “I’m almost twelve. What does that have to do with anything?” the youngster asked indignantly.

  “I’m just trying to understand the situation you’re in and why you would use such a bad word at such a young age. Young men shouldn’t talk that way.”

  A giggle came across the line. “I’m safe then because I’m not a young man. I’m a girl, I guess you can’t tell the difference.”

  “That makes your language even worse.”

  “Mister, do you care about the god being kept in the slammer or are you just the word police?”

  “I care, can you tell me his name?”

  “I can and he is a god, but he has an ordinary name. It’s Jason, but I swear he’s a god.”

  “Okay, where is Jason being held?”

  “You gotta promise to help my mom first.”

  “How do you want us to help her?”

  “She’s got my little bro or sis in her stomach and we barely make ends meet. She’s tired and sick all the time. You gotta give us a place to live and make sure she’s taken care of till the baby comes,” the young girl’s voice was very sad.

  “We’ll see you’re both taken care of,” he vowed.

  He really didn’t have the authority, but he’d keep Paige and her mother himself if he had to. He couldn’t understand how humans left those the most in need, like these two, to struggle on their own. The elderly who should be revered for making it to old age, their wisdom should be appreciated and they should be taken care of. The very young, they were the next generation. They might be scholars, doctors, scientists, or they might be the one who cured a horrific illness, found an alternative energy source that was clean and limitless, or negotiated peace for the whole planet, but only if they survived to grow up. Then there was the ill and infirm. How could you not feel sympathy when anyone could end up that way? Why didn’t they see the possibility that it could be themselves or a loved one that was ill and uncared for?

  Once they freed Jason, the humans would have two less needy souls to worry about. He would see them cared for no matter what he needed to do to see it done. “I need more information now,” he directed. She began with her and her mother’s name and what her mother did at the clinic.

  The girl filled him in on the location of what turned out to be another fertility clinic. He recorded the information even though he saw Hermes was already next to him, recording and listening in. The young god wrote down the most important information until finally, he felt he had all they needed.

  “Why hasn’t your mom called us?” he asked curiously.

  “She doesn’t know. They allow me to go to work with her after I get off school or the days I’m out of school. I’m a curious sort, always reading and exploring so I found a way to the lower levels and happened to find Jason. I started sneaking him food and water. Those assholes are killing him slowly by trying to starve him. I haven’t told my mom. I worry that she might confront them or call the cops and they might be in on it. Jason told me to trust no one but his people.”

  “He was right. We’ll get there as soon as we can, but tell no one, not even your mom, okay?”

  There was a long silence on the other end and a shaky voice answered. It just reminded him more than anything else that he was dealing with a child no matter how mature she sounded. “Okay, but get here quick,” she demanded.

  “Okay, Paige, we’ll be quick,” Tycho agreed as he heard her hang up. He held the phone for a few moments just staring off into space and he wondered why he felt an attachment to the young girl, who was not related or connected to him in any way. This god wanted to save her, her mother, and the unborn child and he wanted it desperately. He wanted a better life for that little family that had been put through so much.

  “Tycho,” Hermes said loudly.

  He snapped to attention. “You don’t have to yell,” he muttered.

  “I didn’t, the first two times I tried to get your attention,” he informed.

  Tycho was glad that it was Hermes and not Hades. Hades would have slapped the shit right out of him. Hermes had a much milder touch and an easier way about him. Even mating hadn’t calmed all of Hades ragged edges, except when his mate, Doc, was around to see it. She wouldn’t allow him to be brutal on his team and all of them loved her for soothing the savage beast.

  They were an odd mix of personalities, talents, and looks. Origin had pulled DNA from all over the globe and mixed it, in what seemed to be a haphazard manner, but was really an attempt to get very specific results. Origin didn’t care how the subjects looked physically, they were trying to strengthen the chances that certain abilities would be brought out. Luckily, all the gods had managed to hide their more spectacular characteristics and the looks the gods had inherited from the odd mix of genes ranged from gorgeous to exotic.

  “Tycho, if you want a chance to get away from here and off Hades’ shit list, you’d better stop dreaming. Your complete attention is required, since out there,” Hermes waved his whole arm in a grand gesture,”our lives depend on each other’s alertness.”

  Tycho’s heart raced and his blood thrummed through his veins. A chance to get away from here and off Hades’ shit list? Maybe his luck was finally back and why not? St. Patrick’s Day was only a week away and had always been one of his favorite holidays. Maybe the luck of the Irish would be with him. He’d been told his mother was half Irish. He thought that was why he loved corned beef and cabbage and Irish whiskey.

  “You have my undivided attention and my unending gratitude, if you can get that beastly god off my ass,” Tycho replied.

  “Okay, finish your shift and get your rest. When you rise in the morning, we’ll have a meeting. Hopefully we’ll be able to head out shortly thereafter. I’ve been to Texas before, I hope this visit is more pleasant than the last,” Hermes observed.

  Tycho wasn’t sure what had happened to Hermes in Texas, but he did know that Hermes and his mate had struggled to survive when they had met. He wasn’t close enough to either of them to have details, but it sounded like Hermes still
carried emotional scars from what they’d been through.

  “I can do that,” he responded.

  Now his shift would drag on forever, since he knew when it was done he might be able to leave here. Free of the hotline, free of this place, and free to do what he loved the most. He would once again be returned to active mission status and he could only hope that Plutus would go with him. Guilt rushed through him as he thought of his twin and how he’d been punished for rushing in to save him. He’d headed in against orders only to find it was a trap and he’d never properly thanked his twin at the time, but he had done so later. Was it a case of better late than never or too little too late? Plutus had never seemed to judge him.

  He somehow made it through his shift with one ridiculous call after another. Tycho was hit on by males and females alike. Those calls didn’t bother him so much and he always put them off politely. It was the racist calls he received where they told him to go home and leave humans alone. Where did they think gods came from anyway? They were created by humans from mostly human genes right here on Earth. That made them citizens of the planet by the very circumstances of their birth. Go home indeed!

  His shift done, he headed to the gym to take out some aggression and frustration. He was thankful none of the high level gods were there, they were probably planning the mission, but he wished some of his peers were here to knock around. Since they weren’t, he hit the bags with all he had and was surprised none of them fell. Someone must have reinforced them, after last time. Once he was slicked with sweat and starting to feel tired, he stopped his work out and headed for his quarters.

  Those quarters were clean and mostly bare, because he didn’t need much so he didn’t have much. No pictures of family or friends on the walls. He saw them every day, they changed little, and he had no artwork and none of the little dust collectors many of the mates enjoyed to clutter up the place. The young god had one trunk that contained the odd things he collected and kept them safe.


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