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Tycho (Loved By A God Book 3)

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by Crystal Dawn

  “That’s great, Paige,” Mitzy said with a smile. It was good to see her daughter so carefree for a change. She’d been weighed down with worries she shouldn’t have to carry at her age.

  They sat around talking and eating for a while before Mitzy yawned.

  “I saw that,” Tycho whispered. “It’s off to bed with you.”

  Hermes yelled, “Heads up,” and he tossed a key to Tycho who caught it effortlessly.

  They all said their goodnights and everyone headed to their rooms. Tycho led Mitzy and Paige to a small apartment. “I hope you don’t mind, but I’ll be staying here too. There’s three bedrooms, but only two have a bed. Why don’t we get Paige settled in first?”

  Tycho led Paige to one of the smaller bedrooms. It was still much nicer than what she was used to. She was very excited when she saw she had not only a TV, but also a computer in the room. “Some of your lessons are online,” Tycho explained.

  “That is so cool,” Paige responded.

  They left Paige in her room with her door closed so the TV wouldn’t keep her mom awake. Tycho held the door open for her to walk in ahead of him, he followed her in, and shut the door. She turned and looked at him, waiting to see what he was going to do. Mitzy didn’t know anything about relationships with men never having had one. She didn’t realize Tycho didn’t know any more than she did.

  “I want you,” he said his voice low and mesmerizing. He started to undress taking his shirt off first, as she watched fascinated as smooth lightly tan skin began to appear inch by inch. “Tell me that you want me too!” His shirt fell to the floor and his hands moved to his jeans.

  “Yes,” she mumbled shakily, with her eye riveted on his hands as they unfastened and unzipped his fly. He toed off his boots, his eyes never leaving her face.

  “Undress,” he whispered and she never thought twice. She just started undressing for him.

  As soon as he was naked he moved closer, helping her as if he was impatient to see her body. She was just an average girl, but he was gorgeous, tall, lean, and muscled like a runner or a swimmer. His skin was lightly tanned and glowed with good health. He had a light sprinkling of light brown hair that trailed down to his massive cock. Right now it bobbed up and down and if saying yes to what was about to happen between them. It was long and thick, its red mushroomed head weeping with drops of his dew. He didn’t have much pubic hair either, again a light dusting.

  She was naked now and he backed her to the bed and they lay down together. Once she started oputting weight back on, she would just be chubby Mitzy again, but right now, even with her hige belly, she felt like a movie star. His hands moved over her body stroking and squeezing. He kissed her and devoured her mouth, but he was gentle with the rest of her. Her belly was in the way, but he worked around it easily. Tycho rolled her on top and she looked down at him unsure as to what she should do.

  “Ride me, Mitzy,” he encouraged so she positioned herself over his cock and held him in one hand as she slid down slowly, allowing herself to adjust to his girth.

  He felt so good as he stretched and filled her. She finally was fully impaled on his length and she sat there still for a moment enjoying the feeling of them being joined. The woman needed more and she had to move, no matter how good just being one with him felt. Mitzy rocked forward and hit her clit making her moan with pleasure. Tycho grabbed her hips and helped her move and she went faster. The pleasure spiraled, almost out of control, it was that intense. Never had she felt anything like it before as they moved together feeding each other’s need and giving pleasure. Tension built and she could feel his body locking up even as hers began to jerk with her release.

  She screamed mindlessly out of control, as one wave after another of sheer delight rolled over her and he followed on her heels. Her heart hammered and her breath came in gasps, but it was pure joy that she felt. He was breathing heavy and she could feel his heart beating like a runaway train. Tycho pulled her to him in a tight embrace, but not too tight because of the baby. Her god stroked her stomach softly and leaned forward to kiss it. The god would be a perfect dad, she just knew it. Cuddled together, feeling warm and secure, they both fell asleep without another thought.

  When morning came, Mitzy woke up alone, but she didn’t worry. She could smell coffee and bacon, both things she loved. She had cut down to one cup of coffee a day, but when it came to bacon she could have all she wanted. The mother put on a robe and went to the kitchen where Tycho was showing off his pancake flipping talents to Paige who was eating some of them.

  “Hey, what are you two up to? You should have woke me up,” she said.

  “We were going to wake you once Tycho was through cooking. You need more rest than we do,” Paige pointed out.

  Tycho turned to look at her and almost missed his pancake. It landed on the edge of the pan. “Tell me what you want and I’ll fix you a plate full of food,” he offered.

  “I can do it,” she responded.

  “I know you can, but I want to,” he insisted.

  “Okay, bacon, eggs, and a pancake,” she said.

  He fixed the plate with more than she thought she could possibly eat and two pancakes instead of one. She raised her eyebrow at him. Where did he think she was going to put all of that? Mitzy sat down with the plate in front of her, gave her food all her attention, because she really was hungry and she ate more than she’d expected. But still, she couldn’t eat all of it so she pushed her plate away and leaned back in her chair sipping at her coffee. Paige had a cup too. It was a habit they’d gotten into on the weekends when they had breakfast together and nothing much to do.

  Tycho had finished cooking and fixed himself a plate of food. He sat across from her and next to Paige. “How do you feel this morning?” he asked looking at her.

  “I feel good,” she answered and was surprised that she did. It was the best she’d felt in a while. The only thing that would make her feel better was if she knew that her sister was alright. She refused to allow herself to worry since they had sent a team for her, but so much could go wrong. Tycho was looking at her intently.

  “She’s alright, I’m sure of it. She may not even be home yet,” Tycho divined what was worrying her.

  “I know your right, but she’s my sister,” Mitzy whispered.

  Tycho leaned over and put his hand over hers. His warmth comforted her, hell, everything about him seemed to comfort her. “You’re mine to care for and to look after now. You let me do that so you can keep our baby healthy and happy,” he explained.

  Paige squealed. “Are you two getting together?” she asked.

  Tycho said, “Yes.”

  Mitzy didn’t say anything, but they had a long way to go before she would call what they had a relationship. She still wasn’t completely sure that Tycho wanted to be with her and not just with the baby and she didn’t mean just sex. The sex was great but she wanted more. The mother would wait to see how their relationship developed. It wouldn’t be fair to draw conclusions or to not give them the chance to be a family. Her thought was that it would be good for all of them and that Tycho needed them just as much as they needed him. They would give it a shot and she hoped and prayed that it would work out.

  Chapter 6

  Love Conquers All

  Her stomach was as big as a basketball, no it was bigger. The baby was due anytime and Mitzy felt prepared, or at least as prepared as she would ever be. Tycho was with her almost every moment, maybe even a bit too much since he was constantly worried and asking if she was alright. While she didn’t want him to go on missions, or anything like that, she did wish he’d do something somewhere away from her for part of the day. When the baby came, that’s when his hovering would come in handy with diapers to be changed and baths to be given.

  “How are you feeling, Babe?” Tycho asked for the bazillionth time already this morning.

  “Pretty much the way I felt five seconds ago.”

  Tycho got up and came to her. Pulling her into his warm embr
ace, she felt him breathe in deeply. “I know I get on your nerves, but I’m new at this. Being a mate and a dad, it’s so important to me that I’m terrified I’ll mess up. Tell me what you want me to do and I’ll do it.”

  “Could you spend some time with the guys, either working or playing, it doesn’t matter. I’ll go to the kitchen or the garden so I won’t be alone, just in case.” She smiled to soften her words. Paige was always doing something, school, working, or playing with the other kids. She’d have to go somewhere to have someone else around.

  “I’m sure I can run the hotline and no one would complain. We’ve had a large number of callers and they set up extra lines but they are for volunteers. Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I just need some me time.”

  “You’ll go where other people are?”

  “Yes, you can come get me in the kitchen in a couple hours, okay?”

  “Yes, I’ll do that if you’re sure this is what you need.

  “Thank you.” Mitzy said relieved Tycho would give her some alone time. It was funny though, as soon as he was gone she missed him.

  Heading toward the kitchen, the smells of baking sweets hit her nose making her stomach growl with hunger. Her mouth watered and she was glad to hit the cafeteria and see several mates sitting at a table with a tray piled high with Cherish’s famous cinnamon buns. There were pitchers of drinks too.

  “Thank goodness you guys have all this out.” She sat and started fixing herself a snack.

  “How did you get Tycho to let you come here alone?” Cherish asked.

  “I just told him I needed some me time.”

  “That actually worked?” Sierra questioned just before she bit into a bun.

  “It has for now.”

  “Where did he go?” Doc wondered.

  “He said something about the hotline.”

  “They’ll be glad to get help there.” Sierra approved.

  “I feel guilty, but he’s driving me nuts.”

  “We’ve all been through it.” Cherish added.

  “That’s why we meet here or in one of the apartments for some girl time. Males just don’t understand certain things, but we all have a lot in common and have gone through these things.” Doc admitted.

  “Besides, it’s fun to male bash and get away with it.” Sierra said.

  “You never say anything bad about Zeus.” Doc pointed out.

  “I would if there was anything bad about Zeus.” Sierra offered. That got them all giggling.

  “Our guys are pretty special.” Cherish agreed.

  “But they are overprotective.” Mitzy added.

  “Here, have another bun.” Cherish held one out to her.

  They sat around talking for another hour before they started leaving one at a time. Soon, it was just Mitzy and Doc. “So why haven’t you run off too.” Mitzy wondered.

  “You’ve got that look.”

  “What look?”

  “The one that makes me think you could go into labor at any time.”

  “I have felt some light pains, but then they go away.”

  “For how long has this been going on?”

  “Since yesterday.”

  “And you didn’t think to tell me?”

  “You would tell Tycho to keep an eye on me. He’s already terrible, what would that do?”

  “I see your point, but what if you go into labor and are incapacitated? You really can’t be alone anymore.”

  “What did I miss?” Tycho asked from right behind her startling her. A gush of water hit the floor causing everyone to hold their breath. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “Shit, Tycho. You’re scaring the baby right out of her.” Hades laughed until his mate sent him a quelling look.

  “Looks like we are in labor and we will deliver soon.” Doc agreed.

  “Did I do that?” Tycho asked.

  “No, she was already in labor.”

  “You didn’t call me.” He accused.

  “Until her water broke, it could have lasted days. We already knew she was close.” Doc pointed out.

  “I suppose that’s true. How long now?” Tycho asked.

  “Hard to say. It could be anytime. If it takes too long, we may try to hurry it along. I’d prefer it be natural.” Doc observed. “Let’s get our girl to medical.”

  Mitzy could walk, but Tycho insisted on carrying her. She didn’t say anything because she felt weak and the pain hit her regularly. It was easier this way even if everyone they passed stared at her. The real shock came when Doc began to deliver. A lovely boy was put in her arms, he looked just like his daddy. The nurse took him away seconds later to be cleaned up.

  “Don’t relax yet, Mama. There’s another one on the way.”

  “Twins?” Tycho rasped, before he fell back into a chair that fortunately was there to catch him.

  “Yes, males can be so sensitive about babies.” Doc said with a grin.

  “Why didn’t you tell us?” Mitzy said as she was interrupted by a pain that forced her to push.

  “You said you didn’t want to know.”

  “We just meant the sex, not the number.”

  “It’s better this way. Look at poor dad.” Mitzy did and Tycho was just starting to come out of his faint. It was almost funny, but he would be mortified is she laughed so she stifled it.

  The pain rolled through her again and she pushed as hard as she could. “Her head is crowning. Just keep pushing when you feel the need.” Doc directed.

  The pain was excruciating. “Her head is out. One more hard push. Yes, that it. I’ve got her.” Finally the second baby was placed on her chest, slick with blood and some other unidentifiable crap but she was gorgeous. Her eyes closed and her mouth sucking on her thumb. “Let’s get everyone cleaned up and then the babies can drink.”

  “I just can’t believe we have two babies.” Tycho said and she saw pride on his face. At least now he was fully conscious. Mitzy fought the desire to snicker.


  Tycho looked at his mate. She had finally filled back out and he loved her beautiful curves. His hard body rested against her soft one and he loved every second of it. Mitzy looked happy now and he hoped that would always be the case. His mate was actually working the hotline three times a week when he was home with their babies. It wasn’t that there weren’t plenty willing baby sitters, it was just that it was best if they didn’t work the same shift because they distracted each other.

  The babies played in the floor, already crawling because they were gods. They looked like him, but he saw signs of their mother’s personality and facial expressions all the time. It amazed him to think that an opportunity to get off Hades’ bad list, which had worked, had also given him everything he ever wanted. Rarely did he ever go on missions anymore, he left those to the single gods who might find their mate as he had.

  Looking at his full figured sweetheart, he thanked the powers that be for bringing her to him and making her just exactly the way she was, the perfect woman for him.

  Frozen Origin Demons Book 1


  Tormented by Origin, he has always felt like less. He knows females want him for his sensual skills but can he ever attain the ultimate goal of all gods and demons, a mate? Even if he finds one will he drive her away because he feels unworthy?

  Given the chance to escape Olympus and create a home for the demons in a tropical paradise, Lu can’t turn it down. Here in their own Eden, will the demons thrive or will his serpent’s kiss rob him and his own of everything they ever wanted?

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  If you want to read more books by Crystal Dawn, check out:

  Blue Moon Pack Series

  Planet Amazon Series

  Cousins of the Moon Series

  Legends of the White Werewolf Series

  Keepers of the Land series books 1-6 (Complete)

  Frozen Origin Series

  Frozen Origin Quickies

  The Southwest Illinois Pack Series

  The Wilde Pack series

  The Strong Pack

  The Red Wolf series

  The Witch and the Warrior

  The Mating Games Series

  By Catty Diva

  The Warriors of the Vinii by Corre Deepe


  Can a bad day turn your life around?

  Crash landing on Earth seemed the worst thing that could happen to Xan, his crew, and their battered ship. It was only the beginning. After nearly freezing to death, Xan’s savior, in the form of a little Earth female, is driving him crazy. He doesn’t want to want her, but he can’t seem to help it. Edie wonders if she’s gone crazy when she wakes up looking into the glowing red eyes of a naked, not quite human male. He seems determined to keep her with him, but she’s just as determined to go.




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