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The Threshold Child

Page 29

by Callie Kanno

  Each merchant’s stand was brightly colored and had lavish displays of their products. The sellers laughed and joked with each other, heckling the customers of other dealers good-naturedly.

  Performers stood along the streets with bowls or baskets set out in the hope of payment. There were jugglers, acrobats, fire-breathers, singers, puppeteers, dancers, musicians, actors, animal trainers, and many others. The visitors to the market alternated between inspecting the carts and stopping to watch a show.

  Adesina was sorry that she had no money, but she soon found that there were advantages to being in the company of a princess. Many of the vendors gave them small gifts when they perused the booth. They were given packets of almonds roasted with sugar and cinnamon, small jars of spices, bangles for their wrists, handkerchiefs edged with lace, and so forth. Most of the things pressed in her hand did not interest her, but she was pleased with the idea of passing them on to Wren’na.

  When they stopped at a cloth merchant’s kiosk, a beautiful blue fabric caught Adesina’s eye. It was the color of the sky on an early winter morning and shimmered as if sprinkled with moon dust. It was smooth to the touch, similar to satin but lighter in weight. L’era saw Adesina admire it and pulled out her purse. Adesina protested as soon as she realized her intent, but L’era would not hear it.

  “I am going to have a formal gown made for you. Every girl needs at least one.”

  L’era ignored the sounds of Adesina trying to reason with her and began speaking to the merchant, who also happened to be a dressmaker. She gave a description of the style she wanted while the merchant did a quick sketch. Then she threatened Adesina into holding still while the merchant took her measurements.

  After that, Adesina suggested moving on to a new part of the city. She didn’t want to run the risk of L’era buying her anything else to accessorize the new dress.

  From the market they went west, exploring the city moving clockwise. They came first to an enormous library. The building was made from a grayish blue stone and looked as if it had been designed to emulate the flow of river. There were a number of large stained glass windows, all of which had water themes depicted.

  L’era pointed all of these features out and explained, “It is symbolic of the flow of knowledge.”

  When they walked inside, Adesina was completely stunned by the sight before her. She had never seen so many books in her entire life, and that included the immense Shimat library. Her time in the High City had taught her that books were actually a rare thing. She had always assumed that the whole world used books as casually as the Shimat. Adesina soon learned that books were a very expensive luxury in which most people did not bother to invest.

  Here in Yavar the walls were covered in volumes, freestanding bookcases stood in orderly rows across the floor and there were ladders to reach the books that were placed higher up. A grand staircase to the back of the building indicated that there were other floors such as the first one.

  Adesina wandered among the endless tomes, touching their spines and reading titles. There was also a much greater variety of books than in the Shimat library. Here there were volumes on plant and animal life, trade and economy, ship building, astronomy, mathematics, weaponry, history, maps, architecture, music, art—the topics just went on and on. In the Shimat library, most of the books had to do with one’s training. Everything else was considered unnecessary.

  From the library, they went on until they came to another large building. This one was built from a slightly greenish stone, and had a variety of plant-like designs carved into it. They didn’t enter this building, but L’era explained its purpose.

  “This is the school for our children. We also have a university on the other side of Yavar, for those who wish to expand their knowledge further.”

  L’era briefly went over the subjects that the average L’avan child was taught; explaining that when each child reached a certain age, they chose a profession and had specialized training from that point on.

  She smiled fondly at the building that had seen many generations pass through. “Even my brothers and I attended school here, even though my father could have hired tutors. He wanted us to have a relatively normal childhood. He says it will help us to relate to those we intend to rule. That is why we went to school with other L’avan children, chose professions for which we were trained, or are training, in my case.”

  Adesina looked at the sunny young woman standing next to her. “What are you training to become?”

  L’era smiled wistfully. “A teacher. I have always wanted to teach children.” She shrugged, “Perhaps I will have the opportunity to do so before my royal duties begin.”

  Adesina couldn’t help but amused by this unusual statement. The princess wanted to be a teacher. Wasn’t it always the other way around?

  “What about your brothers?”

  She gave Adesina a sideways glance before answering. “They both went into the military. L’iam wanted to teach as well, but Father suggested doing military training first. He said it would be more useful to a L’avan prince in the long run.”

  They continued their circle around the city, coming across a number of shops for various artisans, patches of houses, and many beautiful and elaborate gardens.

  Adesina preferred the L’avan gardens to the ones found in the High City. The L’avan seemed to believe that gardens should grow of their own accord, with as little interference as possible. Like the market, there was a sort of organized chaos to the parks. The grass was longer, the trees were not pruned, flowers invaded each other’s space, and there were no official paths. L’era said that beyond weeding and watering, the gardens were left fairly well alone. Adesina found them much easier to enjoy than the rigid gardens of the High City.

  They also passed by a couple of hospitals, which Adesina studied with interest. She had never seen an entire building dedicated to the healing of the sick and injured.

  L’era pointed out the university when they came to it. Like all the large public buildings, it was made from stone rather than the wood used on houses. It was a black marble with silver stars scattered over its surfaces. She asked Adesina if she wanted to go inside.

  “There is a museum in the history department of the university. Perhaps that might interest you.”

  Adesina agreed, and they walked up the sparkling stairs. There were students studying, experimenting, debating, reading and asking questions of their teachers everywhere Adesina looked. Those who were not too preoccupied to notice their passing eyed them in curiosity. L’era took no note as she gracefully led the way to the history department.

  The museum itself was quiet and filled with numerous glass cases. The first things that caught Adesina’s attention were the ornate suits of ceremonial armor lined against the far end of the first room.

  She counted eleven of them, all made of silver with gold accents. The elaborate scrollwork varied on each of them, giving them each distinction while also making them look like they went together. The gauntlets of each were a different color, and Adesina wondered how they had altered the metal to give it such distinct tones. There were gold, silver and bronze, but there was also black, red, brown, purple, green, orange, dark blue and light blue.

  L’era led Adesina closer, so she could inspect the incredible detail that had gone into the armor. Each suit also had a beautiful ceremonial sword with a hilt that matched the gauntlets. Adesina wished that she could touch the stunning workmanship before her, but the glass separated her from the armor and weapons.

  “These belonged to the founders of the L’avan: L’aslo, Ed’mon, So’phus, Za’far, Cre’sin, M’os, B’osli, Na’cum, O’nan, Gi’tel, and Kay’l,” the princess said, pointing to them in the order that Adesina had observed them.

  In a small room off to the side, Adesina spotted another suit of armor. This one was made completely of gold. The ceremonial sword was likewise made of gold, with a hilt of the purest white. While the other suits of armor bore slight signs of wea
r, this suit looked as if it had never even been touched.

  L’era spoke in a reverent tone. “This was made for L’avan himself. He never wore it, but it was very dear to his heart.”

  She frowned. “Who was L’avan?”

  Her guide paused thoughtfully. “I suppose you could say he was the father of the founders.”

  “The founders were all brothers?”

  L’era laughed softly. “Not literally, but brothers in a cause. L’avan adopted them and raised them. He taught them everything he knew and passed on his great work to them. It was he who led them to the Spirit Lands, where they found the Serraf and the Rashad.”

  Adesina was completely lost. “What are the Serraf?”

  “They were women of great power. The sons of L’avan later married them, and it is through their bloodline that we received our gifts. The Rashad were their guardians, and followed them here to our world. They have protected our race ever since.”

  A frown wrinkled the brow of Adesina as she took in this new information. “Where are these Spirit Lands?”

  The princess shrugged. “Only L’avan knew.”

  Behind the suit of armor was an elaborately woven tapestry. It depicted a white haired man who wore a white robe and had light radiating from his being. Adesina assumed that this was L’avan. There were eleven warriors in their ceremonial armor on bended knee before him, and eleven angelic women standing in the background. Each of the women had odd colored eyes, and each of the men had the varieties of hair color that Adesina had seen among the modern L’avan people. Beside each of the Serraf stood a Rashad, one of which was black with golden eyes.

  At the bottom of the tapestry there were several lines of flowing script that Adesina didn’t recognize. She knew that they were written in L’avan characters, but the words themselves made no sense to her. L’era saw her puzzled expression and explained.

  “That is written in an older form of our language. One that is not spoken anymore, save in certain ceremonies.”

  “What does it say?”

  L’era suddenly looked wary. She tried to keep her tone unconcerned, but Adesina could sense her underlying tension. “Oh, nothing of importance.”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Then why keep it in your museum?”

  Her guide turned and began moving back to the entrance. “Because it is the only likeness of L’avan that survived the Great Wars.”

  When she saw that Adesina wasn’t following her away from the tapestry, she gestured impatiently. “Let us return to the palace. The men should be done with their meeting by now. We can go ask them what was so important as to make them neglect you on your first full day here in Yavar.”

  The young princess rushed her companion back to the palace, not stopping to point out any of the interesting buildings along the way.

  When they arrived, L’era continued up the stairs and through the hall that led to the throne room. At the far corner of the throne room there was a door that led to the rest of the palace. Adesina followed L’era through the door, down a hallway and up a set of stairs.

  This section of the palace was still lovely, but not nearly as awe-inspiring as the throne room. It actually felt like someone lived there, which lent a more comfortable atmosphere. The walls and floors were made of wood, which was worn smooth from generations of use. There were tapestries hung on the wall as well as paintings and scrolls of calligraphy. Every few feet there were alcoves with windows, pieces of art, vases of flowers, or skillfully carved wooden doors.

  L’era came to a large set of doors at the end of the hall, where two crimson uniformed guards stood at attention. L’era greeted one of the guards with a loving squeeze of the hand. He had a sweet countenance, which oddly contrasted the weapon in his hand, and Adesina guessed he was about L’iam’s age.

  L’era introduced him proudly. “Adesina, this is No’am. He is my dava, or as you would probably say, my betrothed. No’am, this is Adesina, sister of E’nes.”

  No’am bowed politely to Adesina, and she inclined her head in return. L’era waited for this exchange before addressing No’am again.

  “Are they finished with their meeting?”

  He nodded. “Only just. You may go in.”

  She grasped the large iron handle and pulled, revealing a spacious and comfortable room. There was a long table in the center of the room, surrounded by several wooden chairs. The king sat at the head of the table with eight others in the chairs nearest to him, and Ravi sitting right next to him.

  Adesina recognized only half of the men sitting at the table: E’nes, L’iam, Sa’jan and Ri’sel. Of the ones she didn’t recognize, there was an elderly woman and a scholarly man, both of which were dressed in green uniforms, a man dressed in white robes with a large book on the table in front of him, and a young man that could only be L’on, L’iam’s older brother and heir to the throne.

  He had inherited his father’s aggressive features and strong demeanor. He wore the same blue uniform as his brother and father, and had a thin circlet of twisted gold resting on his brow.

  Everyone looked up at their entrance, and got to their feet when they saw who it was. King L’unn beckoned for them to enter. “L’era, Adesina. Come in, please.”

  L’era went to giver her father a kiss on the cheek. “I am sorry to interrupt. No’am said you were finished.”

  He put a reassuring hand on her arm. “Yes, we are finished. I must give audience for a few hours today, but afterwards we shall have supper.”

  The others were gathering their things to leave. E’nes leaned over to murmur something to L’iam, and the movement caught the king’s eye. He glanced at Adesina before addressing her brother.

  “E’nes, would you and your family honor us with your company this evening?”

  Her brother was surprised by the invitation, but not at all unwilling. He looked at Adesina briefly, but when he didn’t see an objection in her expression he nodded. “Of course, your Majesty. We would be pleased to join you.”

  King L’unn looked satisfied. “Just after sunset, then.”

  E’nes bowed, and Adesina hurried to follow his example. Together, with Ravi, they left the meeting room and made their way out of the palace.

  Chapter Thirty: The Prophesy

  As they walked, E’nes asked Adesina about her day. She went over a few brief details, but she had something more specific in mind for their discussion.

  “Are you familiar with the museum at the university?”

  His expression was a bit too careful to be natural. Adesina knew the answer immediately, even before he spoke.

  “Oh, did L’era take you to the museum?”

  Adesina’s eyes narrowed. “Yes, but I did not get to see very much of it. She seemed in a hurry to get back to the palace.”

  E’nes smiled. “She never stays away from her family for long.”

  She decided that she would have to try a more direct tactic. “There was a very interesting tapestry behind the armor of L’avan. I could not read the writing on it.”

  He nodded uncomfortably. “It is written in a very old language. Few speak it anymore.”

  “What does it say?”

  There was a long pause while E’nes collected his thoughts. “I could not translate it for you,” he hedged.

  Adesina’s lips tightened in irritation. “But you could tell me what it says.”

  Ravi chuckled quietly and E’nes sighed. “Yes, I could.”

  She felt her temper getting the better of her. “Why is everyone so anxious to keep it a secret? Are you afraid that I will turn the information over to the Shimat?”

  E’nes was horrified that his sister thought he viewed her in such a way. “No, of course not!”

  “Then what?” she demanded.

  His voice became pleading. “You will know in time, Adesina, but now is not the right time. Please, be patient. I promise I will tell you everything as soon as I can.”

  She looked to Ravi for an answer, but she could tell by
his expression that he wasn’t going to say a word. She fixed her eyes straight ahead and silently fumed that she was tired of being treated like a child.

  When they arrived, E’nes turned Adesina over to Wren’na to prepare her for supper that night. Wren’na sent E’nes on some errands and then set to work on pinning Adesina’s hair up in an elaborate mass of twists and braids. She was weaving in a string of tiny pearls with a bluish tint when E’nes returned. He was holding an elegant cream-colored dress that had belonged to their mother. He handed it to his wife and then left the room.

  “This should fit you better than anything I own,” Wren’na said in satisfaction.

  There were some minor alterations that had to be made. Adesina had a very similar build to her mother, but they were not exact. Wren’na’s hands flew as she stitched and hemmed. There were also some modifications to the fashion to make it look more modern. Adesina held very still as Wren’na worked.

  After a few minutes of small talk, Adesina asked casually, “Are you familiar with the museum at the university?”

  Wren’na nodded, unable to speak with several pins held between her lips. Ravi gave Adesina a reproving look, but she ignored it stubbornly.

  “There was a very beautiful tapestry behind the armor of L’avan, but I could not read what was written on it.”

  Wren’na frowned thoughtfully, removing the pins one by one as she went on with the alterations. “I believe that is the Prophesy of the Threshold Child, but I am not certain. History was never my favorite subject.”

  Adesina felt a wave of disappointment. “So you do not know what it says?”

  She shook her head. “I know I should remember, but I do not. I only remember that the Threshold Child is to be the one to save our people from destruction.”

  An uneasiness filled Adesina’s chest, weighing it down. “What kind of destruction?”

  Wren’na shrugged. “I do not remember the details of the prophecy.”


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