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Swingers Cravings (Swinger Bisexual MMF Menage Romance): All Three Books Bundled In A Single Volume!

Page 8

by Mia Moore

  Once more she gave Don a quick glance before continuing. “You seem like a nice couple.” She finished by lowering her gaze, taking in the neckline of my dress.

  Oh God. A thrill shot through my pussy, ricocheting like a pool ball against my clit before sinking into the wetness below.

  Once more her chin dropped and her eyes twinkled flirtation. “Be right back.” With a flash of thigh once more, she turned and threaded her way to the bar.

  I sat very still and exhaled slowly. She’d left no doubt in my mind, where things were headed. It was a road that was both scary and exciting at the same time—more like a rollercoaster ride, actually.

  “Oh fuck. Did you see the way she looked at you? She is definitely, warm for your form.” Don’s eyes flashed at me for a second and then his smile turned downward. “Maybe she’s only into women.”

  My head dropped and I looked down at his hand holding mine. Some of the luster disappeared from Ginny’s appeal. But she knew we were a couple, had even made a point of including Don when she spoke.

  I leaned into him and spoke softly into his ear. “I don’t think so. But if that’s the case, I’m not interested.”

  His head jerked back and there was a puzzled look on his face.

  “I’m not going off, alone with anyone. I’m not sure I’m ready for a threesome, even though we fantasized last night and then this afternoon about it. I think I’d rather play that by ear when the time comes. But I’m not doing anything if you aren’t in the room. No way. Not gonna happen.”

  I was smart enough to know that yes, unless Don was part of it, it would be like cheating and I wanted no part of that. But also, I was a wee bit nervous and needed the security of his presence.

  Ginny returned carrying our drinks and set then down in front of us. I swear, she lingered placing mine, bending just a little lower to reveal the curve of her breast inside the flapping wide blouse, buttoned only to her solar plexus, holding that pose for just a beat to make sure I saw.

  When Don held the twenty dollar bill up, her fingers brushed his slowly as she plucked it into her hand. This time as well, she graced him with the warm smile, meeting his eyes.

  When he turned to me, the grin on his face, showed that her overtures hadn’t been lost on him. He glanced at his watch and chugged half the bottle in one go. I took a long calming sip of the tart, icy drink in front of me, leaning forward to follow Ginny’s movements serving customers. Were there other couples that she chatted with?

  Don turned to me and gave my thigh a soft slap. “Let’s dance. If we stay sitting, the time will drag and I’ll drink too much.” He rose to his feet and took my hand. “Besides, you’re the best looking woman here and I’m going to show you off.”

  My head tilted and my smile was playful when I answered. “You won’t be jealous if some guy gives me the eye?”

  He pulled me close and whispered, “I know you’re not looking back. They’re jealous of ME, believe me.”

  I squeezed his hand and grinned.


  Ginny brought a second round, her last as our server before sliding onto the chair next to me. The first drink had taken some of the edge off my nerves but still my heart thundered when she joined us.

  She’d changed from the skimpy serving costume into a midnight blue, slinky dress that highlighted every curve and then some. The neckline was a low cowl, loose folds barely covering her nipples, let alone the swell of breast. She’d also ditched the bra. When she moved, sliding her chair closer to mine, my eyes were drawn to her chest, mesmerized, waiting for the light fabric to shift, exposing her breast.

  I sneaked a peek at Don and found him staring as well.

  Ginny’s fingers grazed the shoulder of my dress, leaning in and smiling at me. “THAT is lovely. I think I like it better than the red one you wore last night. Where did you get it?”

  I proceeded to tell her where and when I’d bought it but I could tell my words weren’t registering. She watched my lips, took in my cleavage and then focused once more on my mouth. When her fingers slipped lower, seeming to hover next to my skin, it was hard to concentrate. From the corner of my eye, Don shifted in his seat.

  Ginny turned to smile at Don and then back to me. “You know, I spend a lot of time in here. What do you say, we finish our drinks and go someplace else? Someplace quieter?”

  My mouth dropped open and I stopped breathing, even though my pussy got warm and tingly. Oh God. This was it then. We were going someplace quieter…

  “Um, where would you like to go?”

  Did that croak come out of Don’s mouth? My head swiveled and I started to breathe again.

  Her hand lowered to her side and then I felt it, hot and soft on my thigh.

  Ginny’s head tilted sideways and she flirted with her gorgeous blue eyes, gazing from Don to me. “We could go to my place. It’s close, just around the corner and it’s quiet. The drinks are cheaper and we could get comfortable.”

  Holy God, my pussy sure heard that message. Don shifted again in his seat; no doubt his cock was also on high alert. He grabbed the beer bottle in front of him and chugged it. No college boy in a drinking contest would ever have beaten him.

  I took a deep breath and placed my hand on hers. Her gaze met mine, flickered a couple of times to my lips as I watched. Oh God, I fell into the depths of her eyes, her full lips, the color of pink candy floss that I longed to taste. “Ginny. We’d like to go but I think you should know…we’ve never done anything like this before.” My gaze dropped to the table. “I’ve never—“

  Her finger tucked under my chin and she pulled my face up, snaring my eyes once more in her gaze. “I know.” Just a small dart of her tongue over her lower lip…”But you want to, don’t you?”

  This time, it was my dreamy gaze on her mouth, “With you, yes.”

  She took a long sip of her drink, eyes above the rim roaming from Don to me. With a smile she set it down and rose to her feet. “My coat’s in the back. I’ll meet you outside.”

  We watched her walk away, the round curve of her hip swaying like a metronome, side to side, four beats slower than the thud of my heart. Don got to his feet slowly, taking his coat from the back of my chair, his eyes never leaving Ginny’s ass until she disappeared through a doorway.

  “Wow.” He looked at me and his eyebrows drew together. “You’re okay with this, right?”

  “Are you kidding? I’m scared, excited like a kid entering Disneyland,” I leaned in to whisper in his ear. “and horny as hell. Oh God, she’s built like a brick shithouse.”

  He held my coat while I slipped my arms into the sleeves. “I noticed.”


  Ginny’s place was small, really a bachelor apartment but tastefully decorated in a minimalist kind of way. The clean straight lines of rich blonde Ikea furniture succinctly complemented the cream walls.

  She took our coats and hung them in a closet by the door. A small kitchen area was to our right, separated from the main room by a low granite-top counter. A king sized bed was the focal point in the room before us, competing with the large picture window looking down on the street and lights of the city.

  She put her arm around Don’s waist on one side and mine on her other side, ushering us into the main room. “I know it’s small but it’s everything I need. Just have a seat and I’ll get us drinks.”

  She turned and went back to the kitchen. Don and I looked at each other, the question there but unspoken, the whoosh of the fridge door opening, the clang of glasses and bottles a back ground noise. There was only one chair aside from the bed.

  Don headed for it and stopped when Ginny called from the kitchen. “The remote is on top of the stereo. Can you click it on for some music?”

  He took a step towards it and sultry jazz music filled the room. He sat in the plush tan leather chair and I sat on the bed, glancing around the room and at the view from the window. “Your place is great. What a view.”

  Ginny appeared holding two tall c
lear glasses filled almost to the brim and a bottle of beer cupped between her hands. “Thanks.” She walked to me and held the drinks at waist level, switching fingers when I took one, her mouth in a sideways grin that she’d managed this without dropping any.

  She skipped across the floor to Don and handed him the beer. Now free of her burden, she took a long sip and set the glass down on a small wooden table next to her.

  “Now to get comfy.” Her grin disappeared in the folds of the dress she lifted over her head. She tossed it aside and stood before us, naked except for blue, G string panties.

  My hand went stock still holding the drink an inch from my lips, head arching forward in a double take.

  She was a wood nymph, totally free and at home in her nakedness. Her breasts which the dress had scantily covered were high, as perfect and firm as juicy ripe apples, topped with small, cone shaped, pink nipples.

  My pussy melted in warmth, as I imagined kissing and licking those delicate jewels.

  Her abdomen and belly were taut mounds above the V of her panties, hips nicely rounded, framing it above strong tanned thighs and shapely calves.

  I stared unabashedly, my lips loose.

  In a few steps she was in front of me, the perfume of her skin filling my nostrils.

  My eyes roamed over her body to her face, her eyes soft and inviting.

  She leaned into me, thigh pressing mine, breast brushing my cheek and took the glass from my hand. She turned and walked back to the table. In those few steps, the exquisite roundness of her ass, the thin line of blue fabric separating, toned flawless orbs…

  I gasped, but my finger twitched at the thought of holding those cheeks. She was absolutely perfect and obviously had done this before.

  I risked a furtive glimpse at Don; his expression mirrored my own.

  Ginny’s gaze was on my chest as she walked back to me. She reached for my hands and pulled me to my feet. We stood facing each other for a moment…

  Time stood still, my mind devoid of any thought other than the closeness of her body and my longing to kiss her.

  Soft hands slid around my waist pulling my body close.

  The muscles in my neck turned to jelly, my face dropping to cover her lips with mine. My mouth opened and I kissed her, my tongue darting along the satin lining of her lip, seeking hers. Her mouth was so small and soft. It was like a jolt of electricity when her tongue touched mine—a bolt of pure lust infusing my pussy, filling my core.

  Her fingers curled, clutching the fabric of my dress, pulling it higher.

  Oh God… I pressed into her, sucked and nibbled on her lips and tongue.

  She broke the kiss and eased back, pulling the dress over my hips and breasts, past my face, then tossing it to the floor.

  My breath was ragged in my throat, watching her gaze drop to my breasts.

  “Fuck, you’ve got awesome boobs.” Her fingernails scraped my back, tearing the hooks of my bra loose. She pulled it away from my body, slid it off my arms.

  I held my breath standing before her, aware of the warm ache in my cunt ached, a longing ache. My nipples were hard as bullets, ready to be picked and suckled.

  Her hands rolled the flesh, grasping and kneading as she bent to kiss my nipple. Her mouth was hot, tongue licking the tip before she took it between her teeth and nibbled softly.

  It might just as well have been my clit in her mouth, the sensation, the lust, her kisses sent between my legs. I moaned and cupped her head in my hand, my head lolling backward.

  Don’s hand was on his crotch, squeezing and massaging his cock through the fabric of his pants. The glaze covering his eyes lifted for a second and he looked into my eyes and smiled.

  The lust and desire on his face made me wetter still.

  “Let’s get these panties off and get really comfortable.” Her hand left my breast and hooked into the narrow strap of her panties and pushed them down, shimmying as they rode past her hips.

  Oh my God. My breath became soft pants, legs kind of rubbery standing almost completely naked. This was it. I was about to have sex with a woman, a naked and luscious woman.

  The next thing I knew, she’d stripped my panties off and I was stepping out of them. She pulled me into her and kissed me once more, her hands cupping and pawing at my breasts. At her urging, I lowered onto the satin surface of the bed. She broke the kiss and took my hands, standing before me, wearing a small smile.

  I held my breath for a moment, waiting. I touched the back of her thighs, skimming my hands up her velvet skin to the underside of her bottom. All the while she continued watching me. It seemed that she enjoyed my inexperience.

  She stepped to the side and climbed onto the bed, took my hand and pulled me close. Instead of kissing my mouth, she trailed kisses down my neck, lingering in the small hollow. Her fingernails teased my nipples, scratching the very tip, a sensation I felt in my clit.

  Oh God. My heart pounded so hard, I was sure she could hear it.

  She gave a gentle push to my shoulder, and raised her head, her gaze riveted to my breasts once more.

  I lay on my back and watched her lean over and take my nipple in her mouth. Her tongue was hot, licking and sucking my flesh. I reached for her breast, filled my hand with it before doing as she’d done to me—pinching the nipple, feeling it harden under my fingers.

  Her hand left my breast and slid down, over my abdomen and tummy, fingers toying with the small patch of pubic hair on my mons.

  I froze and my body stiffened for a few moments. Her fingers were so close to my pussy. Oh God, I wanted her to touch me, yet I was a bundle of nerves at the same time.

  Her finger pushed lower, into my furrow, rolled over my hot bud…

  “Oh God…” It came out as a breath. The thrill of her touch… finger stroking the underside…oh fuck it was good. My legs parted and my pelvis tilted up, opening myself to the pleasure she so expertly used.

  “Oh Sara…you like that don’t you?” She continued stroking me, nibbling my nipple for a few more moments.

  Fuck, I was close. If she kept doing that, I’d orgasm soon. Part of me wanted that, the release but I wanted this to last, to touch her as well.

  I pulled her hand away and eased up, my hand slithering along her waist and over the swell of her tummy. Would I be able to get her as aroused as she’d made me?

  My fingers glided past her smooth mons to the fullness of her pussy lips. I pressed just a little in the moist furrow and felt it—that small pearl of pleasure. Her hand rolled over mine, fingers directing me in how to stroke it, the pressure and area. Her hips rocked up, in tandem with our hands. Moans filled my ears.

  Movement beside the bed caught my eye and I looked up to see Don standing there, his pants undone and cock in his hand. He stroked it slowly, watching Ginny’s pussy and our hands. I’d never seen him this turned on, his eyes half closed, lips slack.

  Ginny pulled my hand away and rolled onto me, put her leg between my thighs, reaching towards Don. Her fingertips were on the thick knob of her cock, massaging the drop of pre-cum that had oozed from the slit.

  I watched the pink fingernails stroking him, the smile on her lips as she focused her gaze on his cock. Another woman was fondling my guy.

  The pure lasciviousness was mesmerizing—she’d just come close to getting me off and me her, and now she had Don at the same level of arousal. If I wasn’t so fucking horny for more, maybe I would have been jealous but then again maybe not. It WAS after all, ME she’d come on to. And who could blame Don for getting so turned on by her. Hell, she had ME going.

  She turned and smiled at me. “He’s got quite a package. You’re a lucky woman.”

  “Do you want him to—“ Even as the words fell from my lips, I still wasn’t sure I was ready for that.

  “Not yet. I’m more into women.” She kissed my lips once more, just the faintest of kisses, our lips barely touching. When her small tongue darted out and flicked from side to side quickly, I gasped. There was no doubt in m
y mind where she intended to put that tongue and what she would do.

  She rose and shifted down on the bed until she laid between my legs. Her hands pressed the back of my legs, lifting and spreading them more. My mouth dropped open, panting air as I lay open and ready for her mouth. Don’s hand rolled up and down on his cock, watching us.

  Her tongue licked the underside of my clit…fingers pushing into my opening.

  Ohsweetmotherofmary! I moaned and arched into her. The sensation was so intense…the sight of her golden head eating me out so decadent…a woman licking my cunt…my body quivered.

  Her fingers stretched and filled me, pumping in and out of my opening. It was almost like her whole hand was inside me…pulling the folds of my pussy tight…her tongue sucking my clit. One hand shot to the top of her head, pressing her mouth onto me. With the other I reached for Don…his cock.

  The knob of his cock was in my palm, squeezing it when the first thrill of lust cascaded in my pussy.

  “Oh yeah…keep doing that…suck it…” My hips rocked onto her mouth, legs trembled as I strained up.

  Her tongue got faster, licking, pulling me higher. My muscles deep inside tightened on her hand…again and again, with each wave of lust till there was only the glorious feeling in my pussy. All else faded. There was only my cunt and the decadent lust for her mouth.

  “Ahhhh…” one final surge…I gasped, my whole body becoming tight.

  I heaved a great breath and pushed her cheek, jerked my hips to the side, away from her.

  “Oh my God…” I breathed the words in wonder, watching her glistening face rise up from between my legs.

  She bent and took my nipple in her mouth, hands kneading and pulling at my flesh. “I wanted to do that, the first time I saw you in the bar. Fuck, you’ve got gorgeous tits.” She switched to the other side and planted a kiss on the tip.

  Don smiled at me, his hand slower on his cock.

  Oh God. The poor guy. He’d have blue balls pretty soon.

  I placed my hands on Ginny’s cheeks and tugged gently. At the same time I started to sit up and pushed her to the side. She lay on the bed, her lips parted, beautiful blue eyes soft, gazing into mine. Her body was lush, from the globes of her breasts to the swollen lips of her pussy. I leaned over and licked the tip of her nipple, holding the fullness in my hand.


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