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Swingers Cravings (Swinger Bisexual MMF Menage Romance): All Three Books Bundled In A Single Volume!

Page 10

by Mia Moore

  Now that we were actually going to do this, my stomach swarmed with butterflies, performing nose dives and all sorts of aerodynamics. My eyeballs felt like marbles staring at him yet there was no way, I wasn’t going to do this. I grinned and nodded my head.

  “Okay, we’ve got to create a profile, post a picture before we can contact them.

  Chapter 2: But…

  An hour and many laughs later, the written profile was complete. Don had selected a filmy red baby doll negligee for me to wear for the picture we’d post. He was really getting into the whole ‘photo-shoot’ thing—a regular Steven Spielberg, setting up the scene and lighting.

  He’d placed a red silk scarf over the bedside table lamp and had me positioned on the bed. One of my arms arched up, hand resting across my eyes to cover my face, causing the opening of the negligee to spread and reveal the curves of both breasts. He wanted a partial nipple, but I drew the line at that.

  Laying flat on my back, the leg facing the camera bent at the knee in order to hide my pussy but show the side of my ass, high heels and thigh high stockings, I looked porn star hot. The fact that just before taking the photo, he’d gone down on me, teasing almost to the point of the big ‘O’, came through in the image loud and clear. I was so horny thinking of the people who would want to fuck me, after seeing this picture.

  After he’d snapped a few photos at different angles he held out the camera for my approval. Oh my God, who knew he was such a photographer! The bulge in the front of his pants and grin on his face told me, this wouldn’t be our last photo shoot.

  I sat up and took the camera from his hand. “My turn. Strip.”

  His hands flew, tugging the sweatshirt up and over his head. Meanwhile, I helped with the belt and snap of his pants. What was good for the goose was also good for the gander. I pushed the pants down, smiling when his turgid shaft popped free, slapping once against the taut muscles of his tummy before hanging like a low lying fruit just waiting to be sampled.

  Oh God, the satin, purple mushroom capped head of his cock with just a tiny pearl of pre-cum oozing from the slit—what a shot that would be. I leaned forward and with the tip of my tongue, I coaxed a little more from him, running my fingers along the flesh and veins of his meaty shaft, down to the tight ridges of his balls.

  With tongue extended, grazing the thick helmet of his cock, I held the cell phone out to the side. This was my kind of a selfie! After the flash, I turned the camera and looked at the results. Oh God, it was so hot! All of his cock showed down to the nest of pubic hair and just the end of my tongue licking him. I wouldn’t even have to crop any of my face out.

  I grinned up at him and tilted the camera for him to see. His answer was a wide smile and hand pressing the back of my head, pulling my mouth onto him.

  With a turn of my head and slight nudge I rose to my feet and kissed him. “Later. Right now, I’m the photographer.”

  “I think what you’ve got is enough. Hell, how much sexier can you get?” His hands cupped my face, pulling me into him and kissing me again.

  “Oh, I think the ladies would like to see a little more…”My hands roamed over the firmness of his back. “Like this…” I felt the hollow n the side of his buttock, a place I never grew tired of seeing. “And especially this.”

  In my mind, I saw the dark haired woman in the bikini, on the beach, looking at photos of Don. What would be the best pose (aside from the selfie) to showcase his assets? I blinked and my mouth fell open, at this thought. Who would ever have guessed that I’d be taking dirty pics of Don, posting them on a swinger’s site in order to attract women for him to fuck? I grinned and stepped away to start the photos.

  “Stand next to the lamp, three quarters profile so that the light highlights your back muscles and ass.”

  Casting a somewhat shy glance at me, Don stood next to the lamp. It was beautiful. He was a regular Adonis, all muscles and all man. I clicked a few shots and asked him to slowly turn to face me.

  Again, the light at the angle where it shone, revealed an athletic, taut muscular body, torso shaded in a silky layer of fine dark hair. His hard on had slumped just a little, but still looked absolutely yummy.

  After about twenty pics, I scampered to his side and handed the phone to him. His dark eyes were riveted to the screen. “Whoa. I look GOOD!”

  He set the cell phone down on the table and put his arm around my waist. The next thing I knew, I was lifted in his arms and being set down on the top of the dresser. My legs circled his waist, his hand brushed the inside of my thigh as he guided his cock to my opening.

  We’d never done this position before! Jesus, when he entered me, it felt as hard and thick as a baseball bat. His thumb played and teased my clit as he pumped slowly, deep inside my cunt. It felt so good, so deliciously, decadent. I could see us in the camera of my mind—my fingers clawing at his back each time he withdrew, my lust demanding the fullness of his cock, the tight muscles of his ass each time he thrust hard into me, the hiss of his breath through teeth clenched tight, my soft moans each time he rocked forward, his thumb driving me wild, into the abyss of carnal pleasure.

  “Oh yeah…is this how you’d fuck the chick in the bikini? You’d like to feel her wet cunt around your cock, wouldn’t you?” At my whispered words, his fingers dug into my ass, pulling me hard onto him. Oh God, it was like I WAS that woman, getting fucked by this handsome guy like it was the first time.

  “I love your thick hard cock. Come on…fuck me like you mean it… I want it hard and fast...” my breath was hitching with each thrust.

  He pushed into me so hard that my ass bumped against my jewelry box, knocking over my bottle of perfume. A few more piston hard thrusts and it thudded to the floor. Oh fuck, another wave of glorious pleasure flooded through my body as he drove into me. There was pain mingled with pleasure, getting fucked like this…so different…like it was ‘Mr. Ten Inch’ fucking me.

  I clung to him, lost in ecstasy, my cunt filled with cock and his hot, slippery cum.

  “Oh Jesus, Sara. Oh my God.” His gasped words bathed my neck in warm dampness.

  “Don.” It was mouthed into his hair as I clutched him, holding the love of my life. In that moment, it was just us, the world forgotten as we floated in waves of golden bliss.

  “I adore you, Sara.” His lips on my ear breathed tenderness and love. His hands drifted to my ass and I was lifted, like I was a rag doll and carried into the bathroom. He set me down and reached into the bath tub to turn the shower on.


  Later, settled once more on the bed, sitting huddled together peering at the screen of the laptop, we smiled as we uploaded a few of the photos we’d taken earlier.

  I was like a kid n a candy store. “Do you suppose we’ll hear from anyone tonight?”

  He grinned and shook his head. “There aren’t that many people visiting the site right now. But there’s no reason why we can’t send a message to the couple on the beach. You liked them, right?”

  “I liked Mr. Ten Inch.” I muttered but from the sharp swivel of his head towards me, he’d heard it.

  “Miss Greedy. Seven isn’t enough?” His brows furrowed. “I mean… I’m bigger than the average dick you know.”

  “Oh really?”

  He nodded. “Yeah, I checked.”

  I chortled and kissed his cheek. “Seven’s more than enough. Ten would be painful. I just said that to get a rise out of you and it worked.”

  “Bitch.” He tweaked my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, hanging on till I yelped and bushed it away.

  A ping on the computer sounded and our eyes opened wide turning to the screen. Oh my God, it was the beach couple responding!

  Hi, Welcome to the site! We’ve been members for a few years and enjoy meeting new people. LOVE the pics and the profile you’ve posted. Is this really the first time you’ve joined an on-line site? From the sexy photos, I would have taken you for experienced members.

  We’ve played with lots o
f people and if you read the reviews, you can see that we like to laugh as well as party. If you’d like to meet for a drink, see how things go, we’re free on Thursday evening.

  Carrie & Josh

  “Holy cow!” We looked at each other, our mouths closing and transforming into wide, grins.

  “They like our profile and the pics.” I could feel my eyes almost resting on my cheeks as I looked from the screen to Don.

  “Duh. Of course they did. You’re one sexy woman. What do you think? Want to meet them Thursday?” Don reached for my hand and squeezed it gently.

  Air seeped from my lungs in a long, slow stream, letting me know I’d been holding my breath. Oh my God. The couple was younger but they’d been doing this for a while. Would they like us when we actually met? I wasn’t afraid that we wouldn’t like them because they sounded like a fun couple and nice even. I glanced at their photo once more, taking in the details more closely.

  Josh was in great shape. He must work out regularly from the ripped abs and legs. He had a quirky smile, friendly but bordering on the ‘smart ass’. No doubt he had a great sense of humor. Carrie was a knock out but not in the sultry Angelina Jolie way. No, she was sexy as hell and…wholesome, like she also liked to have fun and kept in shape. Probably a woman who jogs regularly.

  “I’m in. Tell them we’d love to meet them but…”

  Don’s head jerked to attention at the ‘but’.

  “No matter how much we like them or are attracted to them, we aren’t doing anything sexual with them. Not on the first date.” I closed my eyes and shook my head. Did I just say that? I called a meet-up with swingers, a first date? And how was this so different from when we’d met Ginny? The first time we’d been with her, on a date yes, we ended up in bed.

  “You’re right. Without the added sexual pressure, we’ll be more at ease, just meeting them.” His eyebrows wiggled up and down in a put-on lecherous face. “It’ll make the second date, something to look forward to.” He pulled my hand onto his stiff cock. “Just the thought of us being with them has me rock hard.”

  Chapter 3: We’d Love To Come

  “Oh my God, that must have been horrible.” Carrie leaned forward, extended her hand and placed it on my knee. Her chin lowered, dark eyes gazing into mine with an intensity that warmed me to the core. Of course I’d been immediately attracted to her, who wouldn’t? But it was in that moment, that I realized I liked her—that we could be friends as well as lovers.

  “It was. But it also started all this. Finding that lump…well it was a wake-up call at the very least…” I glanced at Don when I felt his hand take mine. “…a wake-up for both of us.”

  Josh put his hand on Carrie’s back, stroking her with a warmth and familiarity that spoke volumes in his love for her. “It’s like that saying. ‘You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.’ Sad that sometimes it takes something that drastic to, as you say, wake-up and smell the roses.”

  Carrie grinned, revealing a perfect set of dazzling teeth and placed her hand on the inside of her husband’s thigh. “For us, it was our sexy realtor. When Josh told me she’d suggested a threesome, was in fact a swinger, I thought I’d die.” She gave a short laugh, shaking her head.

  “Now, it’s ‘le petite morte’ as the French say. An old fashioned euphemism for orgasm. And believe me, we’ve had plenty with her and her hubby.”

  I laughed, staring from Josh to Carrie. We hadn’t been here ten minutes but already I felt like I’d known them for years. I glanced at Don and saw the wide smile on his face, leaning forward towards them. Yup. He was taken with them as much as I.

  Josh turned, raised his hand, signaling to the waitress for another round. He was handsome when he smiled, seeing him for the first time earlier and now I saw the strong jaw line and confident manner he displayed. But would he find me attractive? There was a ten year age gap at least between us. I watched Carrie smile at Don, her eyes taking everything in—his devilish grin, the laughing eyes and of course the killer bod. Sure. It was common for younger women to be attracted to older guys…but what about the reverse?

  But they had been the ones to initiate the ‘date’. Surely, if Josh wasn’t up for an older woman, they wouldn’t have done that. A picture of the young guy who’d eyed me in the red dress I was trying on flashed in my mind. HE’D certainly appreciated the view.

  “We’re new at this, as you can tell. What is— ” Don was interrupted by the waitress setting down fresh drinks and removing the old glasses.

  Josh raised his glass and cleared his throat. “To our new sexy friends.”

  I felt my cheeks warm (and the hot thrill that shot through my pussy) when he spoke, his smile and eyes roaming freely from my face, breasts and legs. From the corner of my eye, I watched Carrie join him in the toast, sharing a smile with Don and me.

  “You want to know what’s next? That’s what you were going to say, wasn’t it, Don?” Carrie leaned forward to set her drink on the low coffee table between us.

  It was a large bar, set out in varying areas at different heights. We were in the back, lounge part set out with sofas and large over-stuffed chairs. For a first time ‘date’ it was the perfect place, quiet and discreet.

  “Yeah “ Don squeezed my hand and smiled at me, silently reaffirming my agreement with what he was about to ask. I gave a squeeze back and slight nod of my head.

  “We like you. You’re nice and…” He let out a puff of air through pursed lips, waving his hand as if he’d touched a hot stove. “…sexy as hell. I mean we’d— ”

  “Us too. If you aren’t busy tomorrow night, why don’t you come over to our place? We don’t have to do a full swap if you don’t want to. Soft swing works best at first and we’re fine with it.” Josh shifted in his chair and smiled at his wife.

  “For sure. It’s all about our relationship…bringing us closer together. God, I’d love to make love next to you.” Carrie grinned at Josh and inched her hand higher up his thigh, ending with a gentle rub over his crotch. “You can tell by the way Josh is squirming in his chair that he likes the idea.”

  My eyes bulged almost as much as Josh’s crotch, staring at them, my lips parted n wonder. Of all the people that we could have met on the site, I think we’d totally lucked out.

  “We’d love to come. What time and what can we bring?” This time it was my hand on Carrie’s knee, eagerly awaiting her answer.

  Chapter 4: Out of That Dress…

  On Friday night, we drove through a maze-like subdivision of large homes trying to find their address. We had taken my car tonight, the compact Subaru that looked like a toy with Don behind the wheel. But it was good in the snow. Waaay better than his behemoth muscle truck if the truth be known.

  “I think that’s it.” Don was hunched over the steering wheel, peering out the windshield.

  Oh my. For such a young couple they must be doing pretty well. You could fit two of our home into theirs, a massive two story brick with a double drive and wide, brightly lit entranceway. Christmas was over a couple weeks ago but still a festive golden wreath welcomed us at the door.

  I stood beside Don feeling a shiver of excitement skitter through my body. I was sure it was excitement despite the fact that it was cold, especially in the short dress under my wool coat. A swirl of snow caught in the wind slipped through the opening at the bottom of my coat and blew frosty air on my thighs. I held his hand tightly, standing beside him, watching him ring the doorbell.

  The front door opened wide and there they were, all smiles and warm welcomes. “Come in. It’s such a nasty night. We were afraid you would cancel.”

  For just a second the surrealism of the situation hit me. It was like any evening where we visit friends, except for the fact that Carrie answered the door in a sheer, baby-doll black negligee.

  The lace covering the bra section was adorned with small mauve flowers but it was the fact that her dark nipples (erect from the blast of chilly air or sexual arousal?) showed through, on th
e generous mounds of her breasts—no vanilla friend had ever greeted us like this!

  The skirt ended just below the dark V of her G-string panties, revealing tanned shapely legs, accentuated by the four inch heel of her shoes. Wow! The soft swing thing…surely that didn’t extend to us girls. When her hands held my shoulders and she leaned in to kiss me, on the lips, slow and soft with the promise of more, a tingling thrill infused my clit.

  When she stepped to the side to kiss Don and welcome him, I wondered if he regretted our agreement to stick to soft swing. We both had enjoyed Ginette’s body but this was the first time another guy would be in the picture.

  And speaking of other guys…fuck, Josh was hot in the tight leather pants and white shirt open at the collar to reveal just the fewest dark chest hair and muscle underneath.

  I started to unbutton my coat but Josh pulled me forward and into his arms. Unlike Carrie, it was just a quick hug before he helped me out of my coat. I smiled shrugging out of the thick warmth of the winter coat. That was nice—the fact that he had just hugged me rather than presume to kiss me. It showed respect for me and also for Don. Sure we were here to ‘party’ with them but as far as any of us knew it wouldn’t involve a full swap.

  The next thing I knew, Carrie took my hand urging me along from the entranceway to the living room where a blazing fireplace crackled. The smell of wood smoke mingled with a spicy apple scent in the room.

  “Sara, that’s a great dress. Red is definitely your color and the style is so sexy. Come. Stand by the fire for a moment, to warm yourself.” She slipped her hand around my waist, guiding me past a large leather sofa, coffee table and overstuffed chair. A clean, floral scent drifted into my nostrils when she turned her head and hair brushed her bare shoulder.

  “Thank you. But you…holy cow, talk about sexy. “ I gazed at the ivory swell of her breasts above the viscous fabric and slid my arm around her waist as well. She was firm, the result of time at the gym, there was no doubt about that. Gazing into her dark eyes, her lips the color of pomegranates and like that fruit, probably as succulent and tasty to kiss, my hand drifted over the swell of her hip, around to the perfect fullness of her ass.


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