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Swingers Cravings (Swinger Bisexual MMF Menage Romance): All Three Books Bundled In A Single Volume!

Page 14

by Mia Moore

  ‘It’s okay, really. Please join us Sara.” The smile that Dani flashed me was wide and sincere; the nervous awkwardness of the moment seemed to have passed as far as she was concerned.

  Despite the jittery feeling, I shot a smile at Don and stepped past Carrie to the chair. The woman I sat next to, Sylvia, placed her hand on mine and gave a gentle squeeze. “Carrie and Josh said lots of nice things about you. I’m so glad you came tonight.” Her gaze into my eyes was soft, and the tone of her voice was totally genuine.

  Like Dani, she was a buxom blonde, a little older than me, perfectly turned out in a light blue satin sheath that accentuated her hair and alabaster skin tone. But more than her stunning beauty, the warmth and empathy of her facial expression eased any trepidation I felt about joining the table.

  “Sara, we’ve been in the Lifestyle for a while and this is only the second time I’ve ever seen this happen.” The man sitting next to Sylvia, Byron, leaned forward, his dark eyes twinkling with merriment. “Trust me, the other time worked out fine.” He peered at Sylvia, his mouth pulled to the side in a quirky grin. “Isn’t that right, sweetie?”

  Her eyebrows lifted as she nodded agreement.

  I glanced to Don, only to see that he was turned to the side, talking quietly to Carrie.

  “Would you like to dance, Sara?” Josh stood behind Carrie and extended his hand for me to join him.

  My heart jumped at the prospect. Sure Sylvia and her husband were nice and even Dani seemed more at ease but still, leaving the table at that moment, was a relief. I stood up and edged past Don and Carrie.

  The song playing had a slow, heady beat and Josh folded his arms around me, his hand resting on the curve of my lower back. Beside us, two women danced or more accurately, kissed as their bodies pressed and rolled against each other. Their hands languidly explored, from the curve of breasts to the swell of plush behinds, tugging hems up, cupping and squeezing flesh.

  It was hypnotizing watching them, the spell only broken when Josh pulled my hips closer to press the bulge of his cock into my tummy. His lips were on my neck, softly skimming up to end at the fold of my ear. “That was so fucking hot last night.” He slowed our movements to a halt, grinding harder into me.

  Oh God, the thought of his cock pounding deep into me the night before and the proximity of it right then, had me warm and wet. His breath on my ear and the sensuous music was really getting to me. I slipped my hand down, slithering between us to clutch his cock, all hard and moist in the tight fabric of his pants.

  Warm breath and lips pressed my other ear. “I’m stealing your hubby for a dance.” I turned to Sylvia’s face, and smiled when she kissed me.

  Her fingers clasped Don’s hand as he stood behind her. He wore a smile but his eyes silently questioned, staring at me.

  It was almost imperceptible, the tiny nod of approval I signaled to him. When I turned to her, I grinned. “Just a dance?”

  Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped, gazing at me with approval. “Not if I can help it.” Her other hand lowered to my ass and she gave it a gentle swat. As she turned away into Don’s arms I heard her say, “I LIKE the way she thinks!”

  My hand on Josh’s crotch must have emboldened him because his fingers slipped inside the low neckline of my dress to cup and roll my breast in the palm of his hand. I sighed and pulled at his cock, deliberated about lowering the zipper of his pants but thought better of it. Maybe later…

  The sexuality and eroticism of the dance floor was palpable, with couples undulating, hands caressing freely, mouths murmuring sighs between kisses. I watched Don’s hands cup the soft full cheeks of Sylvia’s ass, her hands stroking his neck, arms and back before claiming his buttocks in fingers spread wide and hard.

  With not a beat missed, the song changed to a fast number. The energy level on the dance floor became euphoric when the lyrics became recognizable. ‘Fuck You Like an Animal’? Oh yeah. That epitomized the atmosphere.

  Josh spun me around, his fingers digging into my hips, while his hips pumped in rhythm against my bum. The raw, suggestive words were intoxicating, blowing any hidden cobwebs of inhibition asunder. I bent at the waist, made my ass a willing target; my hands pushed through my hair, pushing it up and out, as brazen as any pin-up girl.

  More bodies crowded onto the floor and I caught a glimpse of Dani with Byron. Her arms dangled over his wide shoulders as they stared into each other’s eyes, hips in his hands rolling seductively to the beat.

  My lips parted, breath air-locked in my throat for a moment as I watched them. The way they looked at each other and the easy sensuality of their dance spoke volumes in terms of mutual attraction, yet over-riding this was deep friendship. I smiled and gave my head a slight shake. It made sense that friends who had seen each other naked, shared the greatest intimacies would HAVE to be closer than friends who hadn’t.

  A flash of a shapely thigh caught my eye and I glanced to the side. Sylvia was lowering her body, her legs scissored around Don’s thigh, rubbing her pussy down the length to his knee. My eyes widened and my ass paused in pressing back against Josh. It was like seeing a cat in heat brush her body against a Tom’s, a salacious lure to copulate. There was a fresh sharp tingle in my clit at the sheer wantonness of her body and smile; how was Don managing to control himself?

  His lips were parted, eyes narrow, full of longing as he watched and felt her caress on his thigh.

  A flash of them naked, her riding his cock, engorged with it, caused another warm thrill to pulse between my legs. I reached to touch his crotch and smiled when he looked into my eyes. When I winked at him, he grinned and pulled Sylvia hard onto his thigh. It looked like he got the message, loud and clear.

  The song ended and I felt Josh give a final hard thrust, his firm crotch lingering for a beat against my ass before he gripped my hand and twirled me into his arms. He gave me a quick kiss on the lips and taking my hands, placed them in Byron’s. My mouth gaped for a moment as I saw him walk away, but Byron’s dark eyes caught me, like a fly in a spider’s web.

  “May I?” His voice was like deep dark chocolate, hands firm and warm… I melted into his arms as a slow song started up.

  From the corner of my eye I saw Josh and Dani kiss while swaying to the beat.

  My smile widened, warmth filling my body to my fingertips. What a great group of people, close friends with benefits. Would we become part of that? The thing with Dani, working at the same company…surely there was a way around that.

  I looked up into Byron’s eyes. He wasn’t as tall as Josh or Don but I fit his body in a comfortable way. “So this has happened before for you…meeting someone you knew at the club?”

  His mouth pulled to the side in a knowing, quirky grin revealing dazzling white teeth--or maybe it was because his skin was swarthy, almost Italian hue. “Yes. When I, like you and Dani, was part of the corporate world. Now, I work from home, thanks to the internet.”

  His hand stroked my back and I was conscious of his cologne, a sweet musky smell infusing my senses. I took a breath and spoke. “It was someone you worked with? Not Sylvia?”

  “It was actually a man I was friends with. Sylvia and I had been in the lifestyle for a year or so and then out of the blue, Ned and his wife showed up here one night.” He smiled and pulled me in closer as he maneuvered us to the edge of the floor.

  “At first it was awkward but we had some drinks together, swore absolute secrecy and ended up fucking next to each other at the end of the evening. Eventually we did full swap. We were great friends, even went to Hedonism with them.”

  “So do you still see them? Are they here?” I glanced to the area bordering the dance floor, filled with people sharing drinks and laughter.

  “We see them a couple times a year.”

  At my puzzled look, he grinned and continued. “Ned got transferred. They live in another city now.” His hand rose to push a few locks of hair from my cheek and tucked them behind my ear. His head tilted to the side and his face b
ecame thoughtful. “I think you and Dani will work this out. She and Keith are very dear friends…and very discreet. Once you get to know them, in this milieu, you’ll see. But take it slow…whatever is in your comfort zone.”

  The look in his eyes, his angular face with the strong jaw line and fullness of his lips when he smiled made my knees weak. But it wasn’t just the masculine sexuality that oozed from his being, there was a friendly, caring warmth to him. Without thought, I surprised even me when my head tilted up and I reached to kiss him. It was a soft brush of lips, light as the touch of a feather, mouth slightly open inviting more. Hell, not inviting— I was begging for more.

  His hand on my back slipped lower, rested on the curve before the swell of my ass. He pressed, pulling me closer and kissing me harder, his tongue slipping into my mouth. Oh God, the hardness of his cock, a thick rod of steel against my lower belly…I tugged at the damp muscle on the back of his neck, closed my lips on his tongue, sucked at his mouth like a hungry lamb on its mother’s teat.

  We stopped moving and just stood together kissing, bodies pressed tightly. Just as Don’s face had revealed how much he’d enjoy fucking Sylvia, my own lust for Byron was evident in my mouth, my hips rocking upward to feel his hardness on my clit. I pulled away from his mouth and gasped, heart thundering in my chest.

  His lips were on my ear, in my hair, on my neck, words muffled in my skin. “Oh Jesus, I want to fuck you.” His lips nibbled mine, breath hot and fast on my cheek. “Sylvia’s dying to fuck Don.”

  I pulled back from him, sucking air, legs now rubbery, hands still clutching his neck and shoulders. “I …I need to talk to him. Make sure.”

  The music throbbed while people undulated to the beat, their actions more in tune with the bedroom than a dance floor. A touch on my shoulder and fingers sliding down my waist before a woman’s voice was breathing words into my ear.

  “Dance with me.”

  I knew it was Sylvia even before I turned to look into her smoldering eyes. Her smile was enigmatic as she took my hand and started walking to the other side of the floor. Oh my God, what was she up to? I held my breath and glanced over my shoulder at Byron and Don. There was a big grin on Byron’s face and his hand was on Don’s shoulder urging him to follow.

  The pole! I watched her step nimbly to the platform that surrounded the brass phallic symbol. She held her hand on its surface, stepping to the edge of the riser, beckoning me to join her with a crooked finger. Around me people had slowed in their dancing to cast sidelong looks at us, smiling encouragement.

  “Go for it! Grab that brass ring.” Don’s words and his broad smile when I turned to face him, did the trick.

  I grinned and shrugged my shoulders, bouncing up to stand in front of Sylvia. We were about the same height, so it was with ease that she leaned into me and kissed my lips. Her hand pushed my shoulder as she stepped to the side and into me, pressing my back against the cool surface of the pole.

  She grasped my hands and lifted them above my head, holding them tightly on the smooth surface. Her other hand grazed my cheek, slithering down my neck, to my shoulders until she cupped my breast, all the while smiling into my eyes.

  The room and people faded in the power of her eyes gazing at my lips, lowering to the bare flesh of my breast above her hand. Her head tilted to the side and her tongue slowly rolled over her lower lip. I was raw, vulnerable to anything she would do to me—and aching for her to do it. Her hand over mine, high on the pole jerked hard once and I knew she wanted me to keep them there. I stood waiting, my eyes focused on her face.

  She placed both hands on my breasts and kissed the curve of my neck. Then a coolness over my chest as the tip of her tongue dragged lower…lower still along the swell of my breast. I gulped air and heaved my chest forward, willing her to continue.

  Instead she pulled back while her hand slipped along my waist to the curve of my hip. With a slow rolling movement of her hips, lowering her body with feline grace, knees bending slowly until her mouth was level with my mons... The top of her golden head and then hot pressure on my pelvis as she pushed into me…oh my God a jolt of lust flooded my pussy… Her face turned upward, eyes saucy as she gripped the fabric of my dress between her teeth.

  Her fingertips trailed up the inside of my thigh to the dampness of my panties. Oh Jesus, yes…please. I gasped when she pushed the thin strip of cloth aside and touched me. My foot thrust to the side and I arched into her, my mouth open, eyes staring at the ceiling…waiting…waiting.

  “Ohhhhh…” It was a mewl that gushed from my lips as her finger circled my hot button of lust…dipping lower through swollen aching pussy lips to press into me softly. Her finger was slippery and slick when she touched my clit once more, flicking it quickly a few times. My hips took on a life of their own as I pumped onto her finger, eyes closed in pleasure.

  And then it was gone.

  I looked down and saw her rise and step to the back of the pole. Her hand on my shoulder tugged gently, urging me to turn and face her. As I moved I noticed her leg rise up sideways, pelvis connecting with the hardness of the pole. She pulled my head forward, cheek grazing the cool cylinder and she kissed me, lips barely touching, tongue dancing with mine. Her hands roamed down my back and scooped the hem of my dress up, exposing ass cheeks separated only by the thing string of panties.

  My heart beat hard with desire for more…to touch and explore her body…opulent breasts threatening to overflow the satin fabric of her dress. My hand slid slowly down the pole, onto her shoulder and down. Oh God, her breast filled my hand but it wasn’t enough. My fingers slithered under the fabric and onto her warm silky flesh—silky until they found the pebbled hard surface of her nipple. My mouth fairly watered at the thought of kissing her there.

  The sound of applause broke the spell and I pulled back, mouth slack looking at the other people on the dance floor as if seeing them for the first time. Oh God, I was so horny for this to keep going—the pole dance with Sylvia to become a horizontal mambo.

  “Holy fuck, that was hot.” Don’s voice broke through the clapping when he stepped closer. The look in his eyes, total awe was the best compliment for my sexiness that he’d ever given me.

  Sylvia stepped off the platform and into Byron’s arms. As I stepped down, I noticed her whisper something in his ear and then a smiling communication passed between them before they left the dance floor arm in arm.

  Don’s arms were around me and his lips whispered into my ear. “Fuck, you are a sexy thing. Let’s go and finish our drinks. I need to cool down before I blow my load right here on the dance floor.”

  I grasped his hand, halting his footsteps. “Byron and Sylvia want to play with us. Hell, let’s be honest, they want to fuck us.” I looked up into his eyes, searching for the answer I already knew in my bones.

  “I’m okay with it if—“

  “I’m so there, honey.” The words gushed from my mouth before I kissed his lips.

  He took my hand, weaving through the other couples on the dance floor, leading me back to the table.

  Chapter 12: ‘Oh My Fucking…’

  When we got there, only Byron and Sylvia were present.

  “Where’d everyone go?” I looked from Sylvia to Byron’s dark, twinkling eyes, as I took a seat next to her.

  “Well it IS a swinger’s club and when in Rome…” Her hand slid up my leg, stopping just short of my crotch.

  My heart jumped into my throat and my eyes widened. “You mean…already?”

  Byron leaned forward, across Sylvia’s ample chest and grinned. “I think it was the erotic pole dance between you and Sylvia. I wouldn’t be surprised if the dance floor cleared pretty soon.”

  My cheeks blazoned and I shook my head, returning his smile. I wasn’t used to getting such overt sexual compliments…especially not from a guy I’d just met and one so fucking good looking. I took a long cool drink of the icy vodka, basking all the while.

  “Sara and I…we’d like to—“

>   “Fuck our brains out?” Sylvia’s voice was light and sweet, her eyes batting, mimicking an old fashioned flirtatious floozy.

  Don grinned and put his arm over the back of my chair, but I noticed his fingertips grazing her bare shoulder. Meanwhile, I looked sideways into Byron’s eyes.

  “Let’s finish our drinks and then what say we…“ Byron’s eyebrows were twigging up and down suggestively as he grinned at Don and me.

  That was all Don and I needed. I turned to look at him and smiled before we both chugged our drinks.

  Sylvia patted my thigh and leaned closer to speak softly into my ear. “How about we go to the ladies room first?”

  My stomach tightened for a moment before I turned to look into her eyes. Did she want to ‘chat’ with me first, establish some sort of ground rules…or God forbid, call this off? “Sure.”

  She rose and stepped away from the table, me following at her heels. As she walked in front of me I couldn’t help admiring the sway of her hips above shapely legs. Her shoulders were squared, head held high. If I thought Carrie was confident in her sexuality, Sylvia fairly flaunted it. More than a few men and women smiled appreciatively as she flounced by.

  We entered the washroom and finished tinkling. When we stood next to each other at the sinks, washing our hands and hen applying fresh lipstick, she turned to me again. Her gaze was soft, trailing from my lips to my breasts. “You’re sure about full swap, right? I mean, Carrie told us that you were but you ARE new to the lifestyle. I just don’t want there to be— ”

  I stepped into her and cut her words with a kiss. My hands rose to hold her high on her narrow waist, and I looked her straight in the eye. “We’re sure. Life is too short and we don’t have time to second guess. I love Don more than life itself and I can see how crazy you are about Byron.”


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