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Pendelton Manor

Page 5

by B J Wane

  Her knowing look had Sophie gaping at her and turning crimson. “How did you know I saw you?” Getting caught this time was even more mortifying than when she had stood rooted in plain sight last week, watching Nora with the two guys. With Rachel, she had actually been hiding and spying on their threesome.

  Both women laughed, not in the least put out by her behavior. “Your reflection could be seen in the windows of the solarium,” Rachel answered. “Truthfully, I didn’t see you as I was face down and then facing away from the windows, but Ash was only too happy to let me know we had an audience.”

  “Yeah,” Nora added with a smirk, “if she had known she would have come so hard she probably would have fallen off Ash’s lap.”

  “Nah, he had too tight a hold of me. But it sure would have added to an already good scene.”

  Sophie was bemused and intrigued by their talk, the way they joked about the scenes she had viewed, making her wonder what all else they were into and she had been missing out on. “I’m sorry,” she couldn’t help saying. “Once again I was just so surprised I couldn’t seem to walk away. Was Adrian mad?” He hadn’t given anything away when she had spoken with him up in his room yesterday, then again the few times she had been around him this week, the only emotion she saw on his face was what was mirrored on hers every day, grief and guilt. She hoped they could only see her head, not enough of her to know she had gotten herself off while watching them.

  Rachel rolled her eyes. “Adrian doesn’t get mad. He showed his usual indifference to the happenings around him. If Nicole wasn’t gone, I’d be tempted to smack her for what she did to him.”

  Nora reached over and squeezed Rachel’s hand. “Sorry, Sophie, we don’t mean to air our dirty laundry in front of you. Nicole and I and Rachel had been best friends since middle school, and started hanging out with the Pendeltons and James in high school even though they were four years older than us. They went from being over protective male friends to lovers once we graduated. When Nicole and Adrian paired up and became exclusive, we were all happy for them, even though Rachel and I both knew Nicole was more interested in the Pendelton name and wealth than she was Adrian, or any other guy for that matter. By the time he figured that out, he had grown bitter and cold, nothing like he used to be.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry for your loss, and his,” Sophie said, not knowing how to respond to those revelations. She couldn’t picture Adrian smiling, being as amiable as his cousins or best friend just as she couldn’t imagine herself ever being as happy and optimistic as she was before losing Emily. “Despite their differences, he must have loved her very much as I’m sure you did. I need to get going and do the grocery shopping. I’ve got quite a list,” she said, wanting to change the uncomfortable subject. “Can you tell me where the nearest grocery is?”

  “Sure, but don’t plan anything for the guys tonight, it’s pizza night. I hope you’ll join us.”

  It was nice of Nora to invite her, but she wasn’t sure she could face Ash and Adrian so soon after learning they knew she was watching them the other day. “Maybe next time.”

  “Nonsense,” Rachel said brusquely. “You’re obviously okay with our lifestyle because you’re still here, so you’ll have to face everyone sooner or later. Best get it over with.”

  “Right, so, we’ll expect to see you tonight, around six or we’ll come drag you downstairs. I think the guys might like that little scene, so please don’t make us resort to that,” Nora said with a dramatic flair that had Sophie smiling.

  “Fine, yes I’ll join you, but for dinner only,” she added lest they had it in mind to include her in on anything else.

  “Party pooper,” Rachel said with a feigned pout before giving her directions to the store followed by both of them saying they’d see her tonight as she left.

  Two hours and two grocery carts later, Sophie was in line to check out at the store, thankful that she had gotten enough supplies to last a few weeks. Grocery shopping had to be her least favorite thing to do. Smiling at the friendly, middle aged cashier, she handed her the credit card Adrian had given her to put household expenses on, surprised when her friendly demeanor turned sour.

  “You must be my replacement up at Pendelton Manor,” she said as she swiped the card. “Don’t unpack your bags, honey. You won’t stay long once you catch sight of the goings on up there.”

  Sophie hated judgmental people and found she had a protective streak of her new friends. “The Pendeltons have been nothing but hospitable to me this past week and I’m very pleased with my job,” she replied coolly, taking the receipt and signing it quickly. She wanted to leave before she said anything that would alienate the woman. She preferred not to burn any bridges on her first trip into town.

  “Just wait, girl. I mean, I didn’t believe the rumors that flew around this town not only about how those folks carry on with each other but also about Adrian pushing his pretty wife off those cliff’s last year. Now that I’ve seen for myself the degrading and immoral things those people do up there, why I wouldn’t be surprised at all if the other rumors about Adrian and his wife were also true. You be careful up there,” she warned her.

  After seeing first-hand the sorrow and grief etched on Adrian’s face, there was no way Sophie would believe he had anything to do with Nicole going over those cliffs. “I’ve always felt that what other people do in the privacy of their home is their business, and if everyone involved is a consenting adult, then they’re welcome to find pleasure however they see fit. Since Mr. Pendelton isn’t in jail, I’ll assume he’s innocent of any wrong doing concerning his wife’s death. Thank you,” she said stiffly before grabbing her carts and heading outside to welcome the fresh air. By the stunned look and angry flush that covered the woman’s face, Sophie guessed she failed at not insulting anyone today. Somehow, that didn’t bother her as much as the thought of anyone thinking Adrian had killed Nicole. Maybe she was being naïve, but she refused to condemn him, or anyone else, on gossip.

  After putting the groceries away and coming up with a menu for next week, Sophie had a few hours to herself before meeting everyone for dinner. Grabbing the latest romantic suspense she was totally engrossed in, she headed to the back courtyard praying she didn’t encounter any naked people. She swore the next time she happened upon anyone here having sex, she was going to turn right around and walk away. Maybe.

  The sun felt wonderful on her face, arms and legs, and she was glad she had changed her jeans for shorts before coming out here. Sitting on the bench around the fountain, she was soon caught up in her book and didn’t notice the time slipping by until a small, grey furry body jumped on the seat next to her. Butting the book aside, the cat crawled into her lap and simply curled up, purring contentedly.

  Stroking the soft fur, she murmured, “Well, hello. Where did you come from?” Another purr and an arch of her back was the only response she got. Sophie had never spent much time around animals, just those few that belonged to some of Shirley’s clients when she had worked for her. She rather enjoyed feeling the small body curled up on her lap, the vibrations from her purring were soothing as was petting her. A short while later, when it was nearing six o’clock and the cat hadn’t left her lap, Sophie simply picked her up and set her down before heading inside.

  Opening the side door that led right into the kitchen, she was surprised to see the cat had followed her and dismayed when it darted around her legs and sped inside. She quickly followed it, hoping to catch it and put it back out before anyone saw it, unsure of how any of the Pendeltons felt about animals.

  “Well, look what the cat brought in, a cat,” James said with a smile as he bent down and scooped up the cat with a familiarity that had her wondering if it was his. “Just where have you been all this time, Sammy?”

  “She’s your cat?” Sophie was relieved it belonged to one of them and the way Sammy was pushing against James’ hand for attention, she guessed it was his.

  “Actually, she was Nicole’s cat. She disappe
ared a few weeks ago and we all feared she had gotten hit by a car. It’s nice to see you again, Sophie. Are you joining us for pizza?”

  “We had to threaten her, but I’m glad it worked,” Nora stated as she and Rachel came in followed by Ash who carried four large pizza boxes.

  “Good lord!” Sophie exclaimed, the aroma from the closed boxes enough to make her drool. She hadn’t eaten since late morning and hadn’t realized how hungry she was. “How many others are joining us?”

  “Just us. We like leftovers.” Ash’s smile slipped when Sammy jumped out of James’ arms, hissed at Ash and ran out of the kitchen. “That damn cat never did like me. When did she show back up?”

  “She came in with Sophie and she’d like you if you’d give her a little attention,” James scolded him.

  “Kind of hard to do since I’m allergic to them.”

  “I wonder where she’s been,” Rachel said as she grabbed plates and napkins and carried them to the counter. “We’ll take her home with us if you want, Ash.”

  “I’ll take care of her,” Sophie found herself offering unexpectedly. “I mean, if it wouldn’t bother your allergies too much, I wouldn’t mind feeding her and keeping an eye out for her.”

  “Cats are resilient,” James said as he grabbed three slices of pizza and took a seat. “Food and water and some attention and they otherwise take care of themselves.”

  Giving her a wink, Ash said, “Go ahead and keep her here, Sophie. That way you’ll feel sorry for me when I break out in hives and give me some TLC.” He waggled his eyebrows making Sophie laugh as Nora slapped him behind the head as she took a seat next to him. “You’ll pay for that, sweetheart.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  “Where’re Adam and Adrian?” Nora asked as she sat next to James as Sophie joined them also.

  “There’s a problem at the Portland factory and it was Adrian’s turn to check into it. Even though I offered to go since there’s a certain honey down there I wouldn’t mind seeing again, he insisted he wanted to take it. Adam’s got a date with someone, but wouldn’t say who.”

  The crestfallen look on Nora’s face indicated she had stronger feelings for Adam than she did the other guys, but she quickly bounced back and joined in on the ribbing and Sophie found herself relaxing and enjoying the way they bantered with each other, a banter that held a lot of sexual innuendos that had only her blushing. She soon learned Ash was the playboy, the one who was in charge of overseeing the managers at other factories and arbitrating when problems arose. From the way he talked, he also had a woman in each city that he favored visiting.

  As much as she had enjoyed their company, Sophie had intended to head upstairs as soon as they were finished with dinner, but they had other ideas.

  “Come on, Sophie,” James said as he took her hand and led her out of the kitchen. “It’s my turn to pick the movie and I promise to choose something you like.”

  Since a movie sounded tame enough, she went with them into the den where the five of them spread out on the long, leather couch that faced a big screen television mounted above the fireplace. James picked an action packed film where the guy saved the girl against insurmountable odds and lived happily ever after. Not much of a movie watcher, she was enjoying the feature until she saw James next to her lean over and start unbuttoning Rachel’s shirt on the other side of him, his eyes still on the film. When Ash, seated on her other side, casually lifted Nora onto his lap facing away from him and unbuttoned the top of her shorts, Sophie took that as her cue to leave.

  She only got a few steps from the couch before Ash took her arm, turning her back towards him. Brushing the fingers of his free hand down her blushing cheek, he said, “I know you like to watch, Sophie, and I know you like getting off on watching.” He grinned when she blushed crimson as she realized both he and Adrian were aware of her masturbating while she was watching them the other day. Chuckling, he kissed her lightly, his hand running up and down her arm soothingly. “Stay, watch, join us if you want, or just pleasure yourself. We’re all friends, and we’re lovers. It’s as easy and as uncomplicated as that.”

  “I’m not a friend or a lover, I’m an employee,” she answered him but then Sophie didn’t balk when he started unbuttoning her shirt. Her eyes shifted from his amused blue ones to see James stripping Rachel and Nora finishing getting undressed on her own. She really didn’t want to return to her room and spend the rest of the evening with nothing but her memories for company. Remembering what a welcome hiatus her recent orgasms had been from the constant ache of loss, she suddenly craved that pleasant diversion again.

  “We consider you a friend and the boss isn’t here. Even if he were, he wouldn’t care.” Leaning closer, he nibbled on her neck as he cupped her breast. “Stay. We like an audience,” he coaxed.

  “I’ll stay for a little bit,” was all she’d agree to. Her nipple hardened against his palm and his touch, even over her bra, was enough to have her creaming her panties. Since Adrian was out of town she didn’t have to worry about seeing him looking at her out of those cold inky eyes, at least not tonight. She had no doubt he’d hear about this evening, but she’d worry about his reaction later.

  “Good. Would you like me to finish undressing you?”

  Glancing down, she saw her shirt gaping open, revealing her plain white bra, and her shorts unbuttoned and unzipped, showing the top of her white bikini panties. “No, I’ll do it,” she answered wanting to put some space between them. She might agree to watch, and get herself off while doing so, but she wasn’t ready to join them. She wondered if she would still feel as reluctant to participate if it was Adrian offering to strip her, then quickly shoved that thought aside. Fantasizing about fucking her boss could be more than she could handle in this charged atmosphere.

  “I’ll bet there are a few things you missed when you cleaned in here this week, Sophie,” James said as he drew Rachel towards the far paneled wall and grabbed a knob that Sophie had assumed opened a cabinet not the padded bench he unfolded from the wall.

  Sophie stood there and gaped for a moment as James lifted Rachel and sat her on the end of the bench, laid her back with a hand between her breasts and bent her knees so her feet were planted wide apart. The folds of her completely denuded pussy unfurled, revealing the moist pink depths of her sheath. Her limited knowledge of equipment such as this bench and the one Ash was revealing as he pulled on another knob came from romance books she had read and she hadn’t understood the draw to using them until now. Seeing how excited Rachel was getting as James wrapped a strap around each thigh and drew her legs even further apart by pulling the attached strip of leather to the side of the bench and hooking it, made her own nipples tighten further, their stiff points similar to Rachel’s, aching for stimulation.

  Stumbling into a plush armchair, she simply couldn’t keep from pulling off her shirt and bra and cupping her breasts as she leaned back to watch. Just a few feet from where James was palming Rachel’s pussy and tweaking her already taut nipples into tighter peaks, Ash had Nora strapped face down on their bench, this one very narrow at the head where Ash was arranging Nora’s breasts to hang down on each side. After pulling on her nipples, which elicited a loud groan from Nora and had her pretty rosy peaks pointing to the floor, Ash reached under the bench and pulled a lever which raised the back end a few inches higher than the front, leaving her bare ass elevated and blatantly on display. With her legs strapped wide apart at her ankles, Nora’s bare pussy also revealed that she was highly aroused and ready to be fucked.

  “Very pretty, Sophie,” James said as he turned his head enough to eye her kneading both her breasts. His lust filled green eyes on her, James lifted his palm from Rachel’s crotch and brought it down in a resounding slap just as Ash’s hand connected with Nora’s buttock. The dual slaps made Sophie visibly jump, which made both men grin.

  “Come on, Sophie,” Ash cajoled. “Take those shorts off and get comfortable. Anytime you want to join in, just say so.”
  Sophie took in Rachel and Nora’s bound positions and the obvious signs of their arousal, but simply couldn’t picture herself there. “Thanks, I’ll just be the voyeur tonight.” Now, why had she added tonight, as if she would consider it another time?

  Not pushing her, they nodded and turned back to tormenting their willing partners. As the slaps resumed they were soon mingled with moans and gasps from Rachel and Nora, their pussies getting wetter and wetter with each smack, their distended nipples so tight they looked painful. Sophie slipped her hand into her shorts, but soon found them too restricting for her state of arousal. Slipping them off, she was surprised at how being naked in front of other people spiked her arousal, at how quickly she shed her inhibitions and could feel an orgasm pending when she spread her legs and slipped two fingers into her wet vagina.

  Slowing her thrusts, she tried to delay her climax, drawing out the pleasure as the men were drawing out Rachel and Nora’s pleasure. Rachel’s puffy labia was bright pink by the time James stopped smacking it and bent down to replace the pain of his hand with the soothing pleasure of his lips and tongue. Sophie could easily see the way he softly licked her folds, imagined how their warm softness would feel against his tongue, imagined how a tongue would feel caressing the bare flesh of her own pussy and how she would respond to those caresses. Her cunt spasmed around her fingers as James slipped his into Rachel’s pussy, his thrusts coordinating with his lips and tongue on her exposed, tortured flesh. Rachel reached up and kneaded her breasts, rolling the nipples and arching into James’ mouth with whimpering cries of need.

  Sophie’s own need spiraled out of control, her copious juices coating her fingers and hand as she finger fucked herself with slow tortuous strokes, allowing her thumb to glide lightly over her clit, but not putting any pressure on that sensitive bud just yet. Her nipples ached, and even though she used her other hand to soothe them, her touch just didn’t seem to be enough.

  Her attention shifted to Ash and Nora and she bit her lip to keep from gasping aloud at the sight of Nora’s reddened buttocks. Ash fondled her cheeks with both large hands, kneading the sore flesh as his thumbs glided down over her exposed anus over and over. Nora’s hips were wiggling, her moans of pleasure loud as she urged Ash on by begging for more.


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