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Pendelton Manor

Page 7

by B J Wane

  Sophie glanced from the naked girls embracing each other in a sixty-nine position, Nora’s blonde hair and pale skin a direct erotic contrast to Rachel’s darker coloring, to the grey skies. “It’s starting to rain.” Even though it was barely misting, she’d use any excuse to get out of this embarrassing situation, no matter how good he felt against her or how turned on she was by watching Nora and Rachel.

  “Just a light mist. No lightning, no thunder. You’re safe with me.” His arm tightened around her. “Remember that, Sophie, no matter what you may hear, I promise you’ll always be safe with me.”

  Sophie recalled the cashier at the grocery store telling her that Adrian had been a suspect in his wife’s death and she also remembered how quickly she had refused to believe he was capable of hurting someone he had so obviously loved at one time. She prayed she wasn’t being naïve, then or now, because she wanted to stand here with him and see where this was going.

  “Adrian.” Turning her head to look up at him as he loosened his hold on her waist and cupped her breast, she whispered, “I not only like working for you, but I need this job.”

  “I, and my cousins, have looked for someone who wouldn’t high tail it out of here at the first sight of bare skin for a long time. Trust me, baby, your job is as safe, if not safer, if you decide you want to play.” Adrian rolled her nipple between his fingers, eager to distract her from everything except the pleasure he intended to give her. As her eyes glazed with lust, he smiled and turned her back towards the solarium. “Don’t they look pretty all entwined together? Do you wonder what it feels like, having all that soft skin against yours, a soft mouth between your legs bringing you to orgasm instead of your own fingers?”

  She did, Sophie thought but refused to acknowledge that out loud. Adrian’s hand shifted to her other breast as his free hand went to the snap on her shorts. Leaning her head back against his hard shoulder, she blamed her fuzzy, wine clogged senses as she gave in to the inevitable and allowed him to push his hand into her panties, gasping as his fingers came into contact with her moist, swollen flesh. Burning, helpless need exploded lightning fast as he slid easily into her pussy while his hand kneaded her breast, the dual stimulation almost more than she could stand.

  “Adrian, please,” she begged in a voice she didn’t recognize as his talented fingers barely brushed her clit before moving away from that swollen, needy bundle of nerves.

  “Not yet, Sophie. Watch the girls, see how their bodies are straining towards each other, imagine how slick they are, how close they are to orgasm. Imagine it’s me going down on you, my mouth sucking on this tight little knot.” He rasped over her clit again, tempted to press and linger, but resisted a little longer. Thank God she was so wet because her sheath was tight and he wouldn’t have been able to get three fingers inside her comfortably unless her juices were thick enough to ease their way. “Been a long time for you, hasn’t it?”

  Sophie didn’t want to talk about how long it had been since she had been with Emily’s father or the reasons she hadn’t felt a man’s touch since that one night stand. Her hair had dampened slightly from the mist, her body glistening and cooling from it, but her nipples burned as did her pussy, making her shiver from the contrasting sensations and the need Adrian continued to build within her.

  “Please, Adrian, just let me come.” Thrusting against his hand, she urged him to finger fuck her with deeper, harder strokes, to touch her clit long enough, hard enough to let the climax she felt building roll through her.

  Damn, he thought as she bucked against him, who would have thought she would be so responsive, so hot and greedy from just his fingers? He was starting to regret giving in to the temptation to go to her, giving in to the desire to make her come that had been plaguing him for the past week. He had no wish to hurt her, but he also had no desire to get involved either, at least not until he found out which one of his cousins had betrayed him. Avenging Nicole’s death had to come first and with that thought in mind, he pushed his fingers deep into her pussy, exploring every inch of her vagina with nerve stimulating strokes as he returned to her clit, using his thumb on it like she had begged him to.

  “Come, Sophie,” he demanded, angry with himself for giving in to the temptation of her. “Come on my fingers and my hand. Let me feel you spasming around them like you would my cock.”

  Sophie barely registered his angry tone, wondered at it then forgot it as the crescendo built until it filled her with the wonder of it, her hips grinding against his hand as she pushed her breast against the hand palming her flesh, the fingers pinching her nipple until the slight sting made her rupture in pleasure. Crying out, she let the climax wash over her, let it steep her in pleasure so intense she gave no thought to anything except losing herself in it for those few blissful moments.

  Ten minutes later, Sophie was standing under the hot spray of her shower, her mind disbelieving of her actions, her body still trembling from the most powerful orgasm she had ever achieved. She could still feel Adrian’s fingers inside her, so much bigger and harder than her own, stretching her and filling her more than the cocks of her previous lovers. Was it just his size that had made her climax so intense or was it watching Nora and Rachel as their bodies writhed together or the new ‘naked outdoors’ experience? Was it the combination of Adrian’s hard body cradling hers, his hard cock pressing suggestively against her ass, his hard fingers filling her that made her orgasm off the charts from anything she had experienced before or a combination of all three? She didn’t know, but if she was honest with herself, she’d admit it didn’t matter. For a brief time this afternoon, she had actually found life enjoyable, had shoved her sorrow aside long enough to enjoy her playtime with Nora and Rachel and the sex with Adrian, so much so it was worth the embarrassment she knew she was going to feel when she saw any of them again.

  She didn’t remember feeling any embarrassment when her body exploded against his, but when her fuzzy mind had cleared and her senses calmed somewhat, mortification hadn’t wasted any time taking over. Mumbling excuses, she had zipped up her shorts, held her shirt against her breasts and all but ran back inside and up to her room without looking back. Her body had chilled by the time she got under the heated water of her shower, but her pussy still pulsed with pleasure, her nipples still tingled from the pinch of his fingers, making it difficult for her to regret her actions. The difficult part would be facing her boss again. Vowing to put off doing just that for as long as possible, she stayed in the shower until the hot water ran as low as her raging libido.

  It was after ten and the house was quiet before Sophie got brave enough to return her dinner plate to the kitchen. After her shower, she had seen Adrian walk down to the beach with both Nora and Rachel and had quickly ran downstairs, grabbed the fixings for a sandwich and returned to her room. Deeming it was safe enough to venture downstairs without running into anyone, she chided herself for being so cowardly. Fantasizing about someday being confident enough to be open and at ease around the members of this house and their sexual activities, she padded downstairs, her fantasy coming to an abrupt halt when she reached the bottom and saw the light coming from under the closed door to Adrian’s office and heard angry voices within.

  Moving quickly, she rinsed her dishes, put them in the dishwasher and had just turned out the light and was heading out of the kitchen when she heard Adrian’s office door opening, allowing their angry voices to carry easily.

  “Fuck you, Adrian,” Adam snarled angrily. “How many times do I have to tell you I wasn’t the one Nicole was sleeping with? Neither Ash nor I, or even James would betray you, and you damn well know it.”

  “I’ll tell you what I know, Adam,” Adrian returned in a cold, controlled voice. “Nicole’s death was no accident. Whoever her lover was met her on that cliff and had a hand in her going over.”

  “Well it wasn’t one of us. I’m sorry she betrayed you, but quit taking out your suspicions and hurt on those who care about you before you drive an i
rreversible wedge between all of us.”

  “I know it wasn’t James, he was with Rachel that night and is the only one of you three that doesn’t have a motive.”

  The pregnant silence that followed that statement made Sophie nervous as she stood rooted in the dark waiting for them to move on. The pain she heard in Adrian’s cold, impersonal voice told her he didn’t want to believe it was one of them and it was hard to believe Adrian would suspect his cousins or his best friend of such a betrayal, but then again, she reminded herself, she hardly knew these people and was in no position to pass judgment. Adam’s tortured voice broke the silence, his tone making her ache for him.

  “Damn you, Adrian. You can take this mausoleum and the reins of Pendelton Industries and shove them. Yeah, Ash and I grew up here just like you did and have worked for the family business since we were sixteen, just like you, but we’ve always been fine with knowing you’d someday own the house and head the company. But nothing we’ve said or done has convinced you of that. You were blind to Nicole’s motives for marrying you and you’ve taken out your disillusionment on us ever since. You want Ash and I to sign away our right to live here as long as we like, draw up the papers. But I doubt even that concession on our part would be enough to end your suspicions. Be careful, cousin, that those suspicions don’t cause you even more grief.”

  With that soft warning, Sophie heard Adam stomp upstairs followed by Adrian’s tired footfalls heading down the hall, past the kitchen to the elevator. She waited until she heard the elevator doors open and close and the quiet hum as it ascended before heading upstairs herself. There was more going on between the Pendeltons and their friends than sex and she had trouble believing that the people she had seen bringing each other such uninhibited pleasure could have turned around and betrayed Adrian.

  Chapter Five

  An hour later, Sophie was still unable to fall asleep, the argument between Adrian and Adam and the struggle with their emotions she had heard in their tones kept resounding in her head until she threw the covers back with a sigh of unwilling acceptance. Maybe it was because she had suffered so much herself, knew first-hand the pain the loss of a loved one could cause and how that grief could fester inside you until there was nothing left but a raw, gaping wound to contend with every day that had her aching to go to Adrian.

  Rising, she padded to the window and drew aside the curtains to gaze at the clear, star studded sky. Tonight her insomnia wasn’t due to the emptiness of Emily’s loss, but to the need to fill that void by going to Adrian, by trying to offer comfort where none was welcome, in the hopes of softening her pain by easing his. A foolish idea if she ever considered one, but that didn’t keep her from heading back downstairs to the elevator. She could have taken the stairs near her room that led from the second floor to the third, but that would mean having to knock on his door and risk him not answering or slamming it in her face, preferring instead the direct access from the elevator.

  She hadn’t thought to change or put on a robe, too anxious to see Adrian before she chickened out and she berated herself for being every kind of fool as she rode the shaft up. Her thigh length nightshirt with a picture of Emily printed on it and a pair of bikini panties was all she wore and as the elevator doors slid open, drawing Adrian’s brooding attention away from the portrait of Nicole, she felt more exposed than she had this afternoon going topless. Bolstering her courage, she moved slowly towards the man staring coldly at her, no welcome or even common courtesy on his face as he sat sprawled negligently in front of the small fire blazing in the fireplace, a bottle of whiskey and an almost empty glass sitting on the end table next to him. Just as the afternoon had been unseasonably warm the night had turned unseasonably cool and right now that small blaze looked more welcoming than the man sprawled in front of it.

  Somehow, Adrian wasn’t surprised to see Sophie entering his suite. It was because of her he had been in such a foul mood when Adam had come in. He had been unwillingly drawn to her the moment her ridiculous storm phobia had sent her stumbling into his home and he saw her grief stricken blue eyes glaze over with suppressed arousal at the sight of the ménage taking place in the den. He had had no trouble ignoring his interest until he spotted her half naked outside today, her shy countenance enthralled with the display the girls were making. He could still feel the way her pussy clasped his fingers when he entered her, the soft, warm, tight feel of her, the wet evidence of her arousal easing his way. For the past few hours, he had done nothing but obsess about the feel of her, the weight of her breasts in his hand, how her taut nipple had stabbed his palm and how she had shattered and cried out when he pinched that tender bud, her pussy clamping tightly around his fingers as she splintered apart in his arms.

  But worse than reliving those few moments of getting her off was the way he had been imagining how her tight cunt would feel wrapped around his dick, how those warm wet walls would suck at him until she drained him dry, the fantasy a temptation that threatened his resolve. Not taking a woman vaginally the past year had been his penance for letting Nicole down, for letting his anger and hurt override his usually calm, cool emotions to the point of lashing out at her with words he knew would drive her from him in worry and fear of losing all she had plotted for when she set her sights on reeling him in. He had known Nicole for seventeen years, been fucking her for eleven years and had been married to her for seven. Despite her betrayal, he had cared about her and he mourned his unwitting part in her death and the loss of what could have been if she hadn’t turned out to be such a deceitful bitch.

  “You don’t want to be here, Sophie,” he said as he picked up his glass and downed the remaining contents, his eyes never leaving her as she padded slowly across the plush carpet in her bare feet. Her unbound breasts swayed enticingly beneath the long tee shirt, her slender legs conjuring up visions of having those legs wrapped around his back as she dug her heels into his ass.

  Sophie sank to her knees in front of him, the warmth from the fire chasing away the chill from his pitiless black eyes staring down at her. If she hadn’t seen the vulnerability on his face as he stared up at Nicole’s portrait before turning that bleak look on her and masking his emotions, she would have heeded his warning and fled back to the safety of her room.

  “Yes, I do,” she answered as she rested her palms on his hard thighs, the feel of his muscles clenching making her want to knead his hard flesh. “This afternoon you gave me such intense pleasure that for a brief time I was able to forget my loss. Let me try to do the same for you. Please.”

  Feeling his resolve weaken pissed him off. Bending over, he grabbed her hair and lifted her face to his as he snarled, “I don’t want you here, Sophie, so I’m giving you one last warning. Leave.”

  Sophie had no idea where her bravado came from or why she had this overwhelming need to offer comfort to someone who so obviously didn’t want it. Maybe it was the need for just that she saw reflected on his face as he tried to scare her away, or maybe it was as simple as wanting to return the favor he had given her earlier. All she knew for certain was her mouth watered with the desire to taste him, and, as her hand inched up his thigh and cupped his hard cock, she had all the proof she needed that he wanted this too. Ignoring his tight hold on her hair, his glowering face and hard eyes, she simply moved up to his waistband, unsnapped then unzipped his slacks and freed his impressive cock into her trembling hands.

  Adrian soothed his conscience by telling himself he had tried to warn her and wasn’t going to be an idiot and turn down her sweet, naïve offer after sporting a hard on all afternoon. If a simple blowjob could give him comfort from his demons, he would have ceased mourning his actions months ago. Releasing her hair, he leaned back and offered her no assistance or encouragement, vowing to make her pay for going against his wishes. But as her hot mouth closed over the seeping head of his cock and suckled him like she would a sugary lollipop, he was thankful he was sitting down, otherwise he thought the feel of those plump soft lips and her he
sitant, moist tongue on his inflamed flesh would have sent him to his knees.

  The only man Sophie had done fellatio on was Mitch, and that had been only a few times and with limited time. As she took Adrian’s cock deeper into her mouth, she took her time exploring every ridge of his hard flesh, stroking slowly around and around his girth, the earthy smell of him filling her nostrils and inflaming her senses. Shoving aside her own arousal, she pulled slowly back, hollowing her cheeks as she went then laved his plum shaped head again with the flat of her tongue. His seeping juices coated her tongue and she swallowed them with as much relish as she listened to his deep moan of pleasure.

  The soft moan followed by his hand landing heavily on her head, his fingers kneading her scalp, made her shiver with pleasure at knowing she was pleasing him. She slowly descended over his length again, loving the way he filled her mouth, stretched her cheeks and tickled her throat before she once again made that slow glide back up. Over and over, up and down, her mouth never completely releasing him, her movements slow and meant to drive him insane just as he had done to her earlier, she feasted on his rigid shaft.

  Sophie was surprised at how much pleasure she got from simply having him in her mouth. She knew she was going to be sore tomorrow, but she couldn’t seem to bring herself to care right now. Adrian’s small gasps coming from above her head, the tightening of his hand in her hair and the increasing fluid seeping onto her tongue told her she was pleasing him. Risking a peak upward, she saw him staring down at her broodingly, her mouth filled with his cock, her eyes on his as she reached up and cupped his sac.

  “For someone who claims to have limited experience in sex, you have an amazingly talented mouth, Sophie. Fuck, but you’re good at this,” he rasped as she ran her nail under his balls, the slight sting making his dick twitch and release another small spurt of semen.


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