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Indie and the Brother's Best Friend

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by Linda, R.

  Indie and the Brother’s

  Best Friend

  Novel #2

  R. Linda

  Indie and the Brother’s Best Friend

  Copyright © 2018 by R. Linda.

  All rights reserved.

  First Print Edition: January 2018

  Limitless Publishing, LLC

  Kailua, HI 96734

  Formatting: Limitless Publishing

  ISBN-13: 978-1-64034-301-6

  ISBN-10: 1-64034-301-6

  No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.


  To my grandparents,

  I hope I made you proud.


  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight




  Tonight was the night. I knew it. It had to be. I was leaving for university tomorrow and wouldn’t be home much for the next three years. It had to be tonight. The moment I had been dreaming about for thirteen years.

  My first kiss with the boy from down the street.

  Okay, well, not really a boy. He was all man, baby. And he was my older brother’s best friend. But dammit, I had been in love with Lincoln Andrews since I was five years old, and I wasn’t leaving here without a kiss.

  Everything was planned out. My guests were floating around the house listening to music coming from the speakers in the ceiling, and Bailey and Ryder were here with Kenzie, attempting to get her to mingle with people her own age. And I was going to get my first kiss from my one true love for my eighteenth birthday.

  We were playing Seven Minutes in Heaven. And my heaven was Linc. I just needed someone else to suggest the game, so it didn’t look like I was desperate, even though I was. I’d ever so subtly been spinning an empty beer bottle on the table where I sat with Bailey, Ryder, and Kenzie, hoping someone would get the hint. My brother was here somewhere, and I knew Linc wouldn’t be far behind. All I needed was for the game to start and for Linc to want to play, somehow.

  Finally, after what felt like forever, I heard someone shout, “Spin the bottle!”

  I may have squealed a little. “This is my chance,” I said to Bailey.

  “For what?”

  “I’m going to kiss Linc!” I was practically bouncing on the balls of my feet.

  “You are?” She eyed me sceptically. I knew she didn’t think I had a chance with Linc, but she was too kind to ever say so.

  “Yes. If we get him to play, I’ll spin the bottle so it lands on him, and he’ll have to kiss me,” I whispered so Ryder wouldn’t hear. I didn’t want him laughing at me, because he would. He found my infatuation with Lincoln amusing and teased me about it every chance he got.

  “And what if it lands on Allen or someone other than Linc?”

  “It won’t. Come on. Let’s play,” I said confidently, even though that thought had never occurred to me, and tugged on Bailey’s hand. Oh my God. What if it did land on Allen, or Justin? I did not want to kiss them. It had to land on Linc.

  “Like hell,” Ryder growled and pulled her back to him. “She’s staying here with me, away from that bottle. Those lips belong to me.” He touched her mouth, making me want to throw up from their disgusting gushiness over each other, as well as making me jealous. Why couldn’t Linc look at me the way Ryder looked at Bailey, like she was his entire world?

  I frowned, turning to see a circle of bodies forming on the floor, and moved to take my spot. My eyes nearly bugged out of my head when I watched Linc stroll into the centre of the circle and place an empty vodka bottle down. “I’ll start,” he said, staring directly at me, his grey eyes so much darker than I thought.

  I glanced over at Bailey, who was staring wide-eyed, with her mouth hanging open in shock. I turned back to see Linc spin the bottle and move back to watch it with intense concentration. Yeah. He was playing. Without me having to beg. He was willingly playing. And he was spinning first. Oh, no. What if the bottle landed on Mariah or Thea? I couldn’t handle seeing him take another girl into the office for seven minutes, but maybe that was his plan.

  I held my breath as the bottle began to slow down. Kneeling forward to get a closer look, I gasped when it dragged to a stop. Bailey fell to the floor behind me. No, it couldn’t be. There was no way.

  “Well, go on.” She elbowed me because I was frozen in shock. It had landed on me. “Your birthday wish is about to come true,” she said low in my ear.

  I was still staring at the bottle pointing directly at me when a pair of black boots came into my vision. I slowly looked up at a pair of jean-clad legs and a black t-shirt that hugged his chest in a lovely way, and Linc stretched out a hand to help me up. He wasn’t smiling. In fact, I couldn’t tell what his expression was saying. It was blank. Maybe he regretted playing and wished the bottle did land on Thea. I gulped, my throat suddenly dry.

  I reached for his hand and stood on shaky legs, wordlessly following him across the room to my father’s office. I barely gave Nate a thought as Linc closed the door behind us and locked it, because I knew my brother wouldn’t be impressed with us playing the game at all, let alone that I was in here alone with Lincoln. Although I’d like to think he’d rather it be Linc with me than any of the other boys.

  Still holding my hand, Linc walked over to my father’s desk and sat on the edge. I stopped in front of him, unsure of what to do next. Did I just wrap my arms around his neck and press my lips to his, or should I—?

  His hands came to rest on my hips, and I nearly hyperventilated. My hands trembled, and my knees shook with anticipation. I was so nervous, and I didn’t know why. It wasn’t like we’d never been in a room alone together before or that he hadn’t touched me in some way. We’d grown up together. Played together. Ridden bikes together. Swam together. Everything. Even slept together—when we were kids, having campouts in the basement and watching scary movies all night long.

  “So, eighteen?” He smiled at me, shaking a sun-bleached lock of hair out of his face. “How does it feel? You’re all grown up now.”

  I shrugged. “Feels the same. I’ve been growing up for a long time, Linc.” I wanted to drive home the point that I wasn’t the kid he still thought I was.

  He huffed out a breath, pulling me slightly closer. “I know.”
  I lost my footing and stumbled on the rug. Reaching out to steady myself, I grasped his shoulders. We were face to face, even with him sitting on the desk and me still standing between his legs.

  “I think I’m going to miss you when you leave,” he murmured, more to himself than me.

  My heart stuttered in my chest. He was going to miss me. I wanted to do a little happy dance. “I’ll be back. For holidays and weekends,” I said reassuringly, trying to play it cool when I was anything but. Nothing would keep me from coming home to see him. Nothing.

  “Good, because it won’t be the same without you here.” His mouth turned up in that half smile that made my knees give out. Did I even need to go to university? Couldn’t I just stay right here, in this moment? Who needed an education? I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay home and be closer to Linc. This moment would not be long enough. A thousand moments would not be long enough. Studying was overrated, anyway.

  “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” I dropped my head forward until our foreheads touched. We were so close. Just a fraction more and our mouths would touch. My lips tingled with anticipation. It was really going to happen.

  Linc’s hands circled around my back, gradually inching their way up, leaving goose bumps in their wake, until he was cupping my face. His voice was barely a whisper as his lips skimmed mine. “I don’t want to get rid of you, Indie.”

  And then he kissed me. Lincoln Andrews kissed me. Stars clouded my vision, butterflies erupted in my stomach, and I gasped in surprise. This moment was better than I had ever imagined it could be. Our lips moved together perfectly, like they were made to be joined forever. He tilted my head, and his tongue slid between my parted lips and met mine, softly, slowly. I saw fireworks. My heart beat harder in my chest—so hard I was sure he could hear it.

  I wanted to keep kissing him. I wanted to touch him, his face, his hair, his back, his—

  A thump on the door interrupted us, and Linc pulled back quickly. I missed him already.

  “Linc, man. You in there?” Nate called through the door, and Linc stood abruptly with wide eyes. We’d been busted.

  Masking his features to one of indifference, he walked over to the door, unlocked it like nothing had happened, and left.

  “What the hell, man?” I heard Nate ask. “Seven Minutes in Heaven with my little sister?”

  I waited with bated breath, hoping Linc would say what I wanted him to say.

  Instead, he laughed. “Nah, come on. As if. It’s Indie. We were just talking.”

  My heart dropped to my stomach as I fought the tears that threatened to spill. Nothing. He lied. Completely. And he didn’t even glance back at me once. I didn’t know what I was expecting from him. A declaration of love? Shouting from the rooftops that he loved me as much as I loved him? Okay, maybe not. But something. Anything.

  Did I mean that little to him?

  Tomorrow couldn’t come fast enough. I was getting the hell out of this awful town and moving halfway across the country to start university. But even that far wouldn’t be far enough away.

  I was done with Lincoln Bloody Andrews.

  Chapter One


  My clothes stuck to my skin the moment we stepped off the plane and onto the tarmac. It was gross. The heat. The sun. The bugs. Humid was an understatement.

  “Welcome to paradise,” Jack announced, pulling his sunglasses down over his eyes.

  I was not looking forward to the next week. Sure, I was happy my parents were renewing their wedding vows. And the break from studying was much needed. Who could say no to an all-expenses paid tropical getaway for me and my friends? All of them. Bailey, Ryder, Jack, even Kenzie was flying out. Kenzie and Ryder’s mum were looking after Cole, so she could have a break and come to the wedding.

  Even the friend I didn’t want to see was here.

  The one who was standing just outside the airport with my brother, waiting for us.

  The one who broke my heart a million times.

  The one who reeled me back in over and over with nothing but a smile.

  The one who…

  Who was I kidding? The one I wanted to see more than anyone else.

  I stopped in my tracks, and Jack crashed into my back. “Whoa, baby cakes, how about a little warning?” He grabbed my waist to steady me before I fell flat on my face.


  He was there, casually leaning against a black rental car and talking with Nate. In his denim shorts, loose-fitting white tank, and black designer sunglasses covering half his face, he looked better than ever. I was really liking the dreadlocks growing in his hair now, and the fair scruff on his face made him seem so much more…manly. My mother would make him shave before the wedding, though. I could guarantee it.

  I was frozen to the spot. Bailey stopped beside me and squeezed my hand gently, trying to reassure me, but it only made me more nervous. Jack whistled admiringly in Linc’s direction and whispered, “Does he have a brother?”

  I couldn’t even answer him. I couldn’t move. I didn’t want to move. This was a bad idea. I should have flown in the night before the wedding and flown out immediately after. It hurt too much to see him. Loving someone who didn’t love you back sucked.

  Nate saw us first. He pushed off the car and ran straight for me with that big, goofy grin on his face, sweeping me into his arms and spinning around excitedly. He was much taller than I was, so I hung limply in his arms like a ragdoll.

  “I’ve missed you, sis. Glad you made it. Mum was freaking out that you wouldn’t come, because you’ve avoided coming home for so long now.” I could hear the disappointment in his voice.

  “I missed you too.” Guilt coursed through my veins. It was true. I had avoided going home since my second year at university when we returned for Ryder’s nephew Cole’s birthday, and I found out Linc had a fia…fi…I couldn’t even think the word—my brain short-circuited, and I developed a twitch every time I tried.

  A girlfriend with a stupid ring on her finger.

  He was twenty-two, and that was far too young to marry anyone, but her in particular. She was an idiot. I didn’t like her. And I couldn’t bear to see him with her all the time, so I’d not been home for over a year, instead choosing to spend holidays with Jack and his family. It was easier that way, kinder on my heart.

  Jack was my best friend at university other than Bailey—and Ryder, I guessed, though he pissed me off more than anything. We met at orientation and became friends soon after discovering he and Ryder were sharing a room. And since Ryder and Bailey were always preoccupied with sucking each other’s faces off, it left a lot of time for Jack and me to bond. I loved him and all his inappropriateness.

  Nate dropped me back to the ground and stepped to the side to make room for Linc, who was suddenly right there with a smile on his face. His hands were clasped and resting on top of his head. The action caused his t-shirt to ride up enough to reveal tan skin and a very defined lower abdomen I really wanted to trail my…

  “What? I don’t get a hug, In?” he said, interrupting my fantasy.

  I blinked at him a few times and reluctantly stepped forward with the help of an elbow in the back from Ryder, and into Linc’s open arms. They wrapped around me tightly, pulling me to his warm, hard body. I breathed him in. He smelled like the beach and coconuts. Damn lifeguard smell.

  I took it all back. I did want to see him. And touch him. And hug him. And kiss his stupid, handsome face.

  “I’ve really missed you, In. I’m glad you’re here. It’s not the same without you,” he said quietly in my ear before releasing me all too soon. Couldn’t I just wrap my legs around his waist and attach myself to his hip a little longer?

  He reached over to shake Ryder’s hand in that manly back slap, half-hug thing guys did and gave Bailey a kiss on the cheek before noticing Jack standing directly behind me. They glared at each other. Jack’s jaw ticked. He was quite familiar with my Lincoln Andrews obsession, and he was not
impressed. Except maybe by his face.

  “Hey, man, sorry.” Nate stepped forward and introduced himself. “Nate, Indie’s brother. This is Linc.”

  “Hi. Jackson,” he replied and held his hand out, his voice sounding much rougher than normal. I guessed he was trying to make a good first impression.

  “And you are?” Linc raised an eyebrow in his direction, planting his feet hip width apart and crossing his arms over his chest. I knew that stance all too well. I’d seen it so many times growing up from both Nate and Linc. Their protective, intimidating, “I’m going to hurt you if you mess up” stance.

  “Jaaack-suuun,” the smartass repeated slowly, as if Linc was stupid. “Indie’s boyfriend. Nice to meet you, man. Call me Jack,” he said confidently, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close to him. My head dropped, and I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Why did I bring him with me?

  “Ahhh, shit,” Ryder said under his breath as Bailey coughed out a laugh, knowing this could only end badly if Jack was involved. He meant well most of the time—unless he was only doing it for his own entertainment, then all hell could break loose. Jack had no filter. He said whatever he was thinking at the time without considering the repercussions. Occasionally, it was funny and worth it, but most of the time it made you cringe and want to hide from embarrassment, like now.

  “Boyfriend?” Nate looked back and forth between us, a puzzled expression on his face. I’d told them I was bringing at friend at the last minute, not a boyfriend.

  “Umm…surprise.” I forced a grin but was sure it looked more like a grimace. What on earth was Jack thinking? He wasn’t my boyfriend. Two seconds earlier, he was checking Linc out and wanting to know if he had brother.

  “Since when?” Linc scoffed, like it was so hard to believe I could ever have a boyfriend. But I guessed that was true. I’d never had a boyfriend. Not because I didn’t want one. I did. I just wanted the one who didn’t want me. The one who thought of me as a little sister, and I refused to settle for anyone less. Stupid, right?


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