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The Royal Doctor’s Bride

Page 18

by Jessica Matthews

  He tipped her chin up. “I didn’t do this right the first time, so I’m trying again.” He paused. “Will you marry me, Gina? Not because of duty or responsibility, not because of our family history or political expedience, but because I love you?”

  Tears threatened again, but they were happy tears. “Oh, yes, I will.”

  He leaned over and kissed her ever so gently as if afraid she would break.

  “Come, now,” she teased. “Is that the best you can do?”

  “For now,” he promised. “I’m saving my best for when you’re out of this hospital bed.”

  She giggled. “Promises, promises.”

  He grinned down at her. “May I call my father and tell him to organize a wedding?”

  “Please, do.”

  “He’ll ask for a date,” he warned.


  He laughed. “Even my mother can’t work that huge a miracle. Besides, you need time to recover. How about a month?”

  “Perfect.” With her spirits restored, she suddenly wanted to share her mood with everyone. “Do you have your phone with you?”

  He pulled it out of the case on his hip. “Yes, why?”

  “I’ll explain in a minute.” Grateful for his international calling plan, she scrolled through his contact list to find the name she wanted.

  “I can call for you,” he began.

  “I know, but this is something I have to do myself.” After pressing a button, she waited…The number she’d dialed began ringing and a woman answered.

  Her crisp accent reminded her so much of her parents’ that Gina could hardly speak past the lump in her throat, but somehow she managed.

  “Grandmother?” she croaked. “It’s me. Gina…”


  “MY BROTHER would have been so proud to see this day,” King Henrik stated as he threaded Gina’s arm through his in the vestibule of St Gregory’s Cathedral in the heart of Marestonia’s capital city.

  “I think so, too.” She smiled at her uncle, who resembled her father so closely it was uncanny. “Thank you for giving me away.”

  “It’s my honor and privilege.” The twinkle in his eyes belied his solemn expression. “I’ll be glad when it’s over, though,” he said. “Planning a royal wedding in less than a month, even a small one like yours, has turned both palaces upside down. Your aunt and grandmother discussed nothing but fabrics and dress designs for days. I can’t imagine what Ruark’s parents went through to organize their end.”

  While tradition required the bride marry in her family seat, she and Ruark chose to spread the celebration between both countries in order to avoid slighting anyone. They’d opted to hold the actual ceremony and reception in Marestonia, with her uncle giving her away in lieu of her father. The formal wedding ball would follow in Avelogne.

  “I know, and I’m sorry for all the problems I caused.”

  He patted her hand. “Nonsense, my dear. This event was what everyone needed. It’s a shame you’ll be returning to America so soon. We haven’t had nearly enough time to talk.”

  “We’ll come back to visit,” she promised.

  Gina could hardly hear the music over the pounding of her heart. She knew the flower girls were slowly scattering the rose petals along the white-carpeted center aisle as they’d practiced during last night’s rehearsal. In a few minutes the wedding coordinators would cue her uncle and it would be her turn.

  While she waited, she fingered the ivory-colored handkerchief that had been in her family for generations and had once been framed and hung in a place of honor in her parents’ bedroom. Ten names had been embroidered on it so far, and as part of their tradition Gina’s name had been added underneath her mother’s. Someday her daughter’s name would appear there as well.

  Buoyed by the thought of Ruark waiting for her, her jitters faded as the orchestra began playing the Lohengren’s Bridal Chorus. “This is your last opportunity to run out the back door,” Henrik joked.

  “We’re already married, so it’s not an option,” she reminded him with a smile.

  The aisle seemed to stretch for miles, but she focused on Ruark as he waited for her in the sanctuary, looking distinguished in his official state regalia with all the accoutrements of his royal family. He might already be her legal husband, but today he would become the husband of her heart.

  Her uncle placed her hand in Ruark’s, then stepped back while Ruark took his place at her side.

  He whispered over the chamber ensemble’s performance. “You look beautiful.”

  “So do you.”

  “I thought you’d never get here.”

  “I walked as fast as I could. We didn’t have to do this, you know.”

  “And deny everyone all this excitement? They would never have forgiven us.”

  For all the fuss and uproar, Gina knew both families had been thrilled by their decision and members of both royal houses had pitched in to help. She’d been more than grateful because she didn’t care about flowers, colors, music, or the food. She was only interested in repeating her vows because this time they would both mean them.

  As the music began to fade, she teased, “Does His Royal Highness have any final comments before he marries his wife again?”

  He squeezed her hand tightly. “How does ‘I love you’ sound?”

  “Perfect. Absolutely perfect.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-2926-0


  First North American Publication 2009

  Copyright © 2009 by Jessica Matthews

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