Valley Of Glamorgan

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Valley Of Glamorgan Page 10

by Julie Eads

  The thoughts the conversation had stirred up disturbed me so I asked if he minded that we change the subject. If I was honest I didn’t want to talk about such grim things with him. Looking down at me he shook his head, saying, “Of course. We can talk about anything you want Carmina, but unfortunately it will have to wait until tomorrow. My break is nearly over and it will take the rest of it making my way back to the East wall.”

  Disappointment flooded through me and I hated that our time was up already; it seemed like it had only been seconds since I had come outside. Very reluctantly I wished him a goodnight, and having sneaked back into the massive house I made my way back up to my room. Slipping back into my pajamas I turned the lights off and lay back down on the bed. Just as I was about to go to sleep I heard my phone beep; I had another message. It read, ‘Hope you sleep well, goodnight.’ I smiled to myself, deciding that I was looking forward to the next day; hoping I would see him again soon. Texting him back I told Declan goodnight, and before long I quickly drifted off into a deep relaxing sleep.

  Chapter 8

  The next morning I woke to bright warm sunshine filling my room. It was a great start to welcoming a new day. Sitting up I stretched, then grabbing my phone to check the time I gasped out loud. It seemed I had slept until one o’clock. Climbing out of bed I ran into the bathroom; brushed my teeth and relieved my bladder, feeling better than I had in days. I was also quite pleased with how my hair had turned out from scrunching it the night before.

  After washing I made my way to the gigantic closest and started digging around inside; hoping to find the perfect outfit for the day. Finally I chose a brown, flowing skirt that stopped just above my feet; I would probably have killed myself on the stairs if it had been any longer. To top this I threw on a white shirt that hung slightly off one shoulder and that had a fitted band around the waist to keep it in place, although it hung loosely around the rest of my midriff. As I finished getting dressed I slipped on a pair of brown metallic, strappy sandals which, to my feet’s relief, were flatty’s. I didn’t think I would be wearing high heels again for a long time to come; at least I hoped I wouldn’t be.

  Heading down the stairs I smelt the amazing aromas coming from the kitchen. Entering the dining room I was surprised to see that everyone was sitting around the table. They all looked up in unison and greeted me as they invited me to join them. I could feel my cheeks beginning to burn as I felt embarrassed that I had slept so late. Making my way to the table I took a seat next to Eleanor and opposite Knoll and Maggie. As I looked at them it seemed to me as if they were always gazing at each other.

  “I hope you’re hungry,” asked Liam.

  Nodding my head I replied, “I could eat a horse.” And I laughed although yet again I had that feeling of awkwardness as I sat amongst my family. Looking around I could see that everyone looked as if they belonged together, and I wondered why I still felt as if I didn’t.

  As I waited quietly for lunch to be served while everyone chatted amongst themselves. Suddenly I began to wonder if they had really noticed that I was there or not when finally Knoll spoke, “It seems as if you enjoyed yourself last night.” His comment seemed more of a statement than a question so I just nodded my head in agreement with a little smile. Then he went on, “I was hoping that you and I could spend some time together today. We need to sit down and discuss your security here with the guardians.”

  He had caught me off guard and when I responded, not knowing what else to say and not meaning to sound as sarcastic as I am sure it did, I replied, “Sounds fun.” Knoll looked as if he was annoyed, but merely told me that we would go after lunch. For some reason I felt kind of mad that he had just assumed I hadn’t had plans for the day; even though I hadn’t it would still have been nice if he had asked. Suddenly I started to wonder if all the excitement had now died down and this was how it was going to be every day from now on. To me everyone seemed a little off and I had a feeling it had something to do with the sudden meeting with the guardians.

  After a delicious meal of warm barley soup and soda bread Knoll and I made our way to the security gate where I had met Declan the previous night. I was hoping that I would see him again today. Knoll must have sensed that I was distracted because he cleared his throat and asked me if everything was alright. I did my best to reassure him it was. I didn’t want him questioning me anymore, so I flipped the conversation on him, asking, “How are you and Maggie doing? She seems to be pleased by your return.”

  Knoll smiled from ear to ear, “Yes, we are doing wonderful; thank you for asking,” he replied, genuinely pleased at my question. I nodded and then stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Willow standing next to the gate arguing with someone. I couldn’t see who it was until we got closer and then I recognized the fiery red hair; it was Thora.

  “Oh boy,” I whispered sarcastically as we approached them.

  “Is there a problem ladies?” Knoll asked whilst Thora, stepped in front of me.

  Thora turned on him with a hateful glare. “No one was speaking to you so don’t bother yourself with it. I was just leaving,” she announced and she began walking away briskly.

  Willow stood still, looking irritated. “That one,” she pointed at Thora, “needs to be dealt with!”

  Turning she looked directly at Knoll, who shook his head in agreement saying, “I could think of a few ways I would like to deal with her!”

  Annoyed that they were talking as if I wasn’t present I interjected, “Is anyone going to fill me in?” I felt tired of being left in the dark.

  Catching herself Willow walked towards me saying, “Oh dear child don’t bother yourself with thoughts of her, there is so much for you to do.” Then she gave me a warm smile before excusing herself, explaining that she needed to see Maggie.

  Once Willow had left I looked to Knoll for answers by simply asking him what was going on. Knoll shook his head, “Not this time Mina and it’s nothing for you to concern yourself with. As Willow said we have a lot to do and not much time to do it in so if you don’t mind I would like to get this meeting started.” Annoyed by his reaction there was little I could do but follow him into the security booth; surprised by the layout as I figured it would be much smaller and a lot less modern.

  Going inside, I discovered there was a large sitting area with leather sofas and a large coffee table. Plus there was a massive TV hanging just above the fire place. It looked more like an apartment to me as there was a kitchen with a large table very similar to the one at the castle. Off to the side of the living room was another large table where a number of men sat in chairs around it, and in front of the table was a dry eraser board.

  “I’m not sure what I had envisioned but somehow I pictured it much differently,” I told Knoll as he instructed me to take a seat at the table alongside the men. Looking around I realized I didn’t recognize anyone other than Eirnan, the guard I had met when I had first arrived. ‘At least I know someone,’ I told myself as I smoothed my skirt and followed Knoll to the chairs.

  An older gentleman stood up from the table to greet us. He said a simple hello to me but pulled Knoll into a huge hug. Knoll introduced him as his father, and Liam’s guardian; his name was Keenan. He was a few inches taller than Knoll, which surprised me as I had never met anyone as tall as him before. His hair was graying, but I could tell where Knoll had inherited his good looks from. The second man to stand up was much more formal than Knoll’s father. As he stood he straightened his back, standing more erect than I knew was possible. In all honesty he looked uncomfortable. Introducing himself as Hayden I realized he was a little older than me, and he had sun kissed blonde hair. Inwardly I smiled as he looked as if he belonged on the beach surfing instead of around a table of guardians. After saying nothing more other than his name he quickly sat back down. The third man to stand bowed respectfully and then introduced himself as Bryan. He had white hair and was a bulky man for his age. I could tell that he had been a guardian for a long time, maybe even longer th
an Knoll’s father and it made me wonder why he wasn’t at the head of the table.

  Eirnan simply waved to me. He seemed to be the most laid back of all of them. Keenan narrowed his eyes on him and told him to stand and introduce himself properly like a real guardian. I tried to step in, “Urm excuse me,” I said trying to come to his defense, “but we have already met.”

  Despite my attempted intervention Keenan still made him stand and introduce himself properly. I felt sorry for Knoll that he had had such a strict father whilst growing. The last two guardians stood in unison, “Hello, Princess,” they said, practically at the same time. They then introduced themselves as Luke and Ben. They were identical twins, each having brown hair and piercing honey golden colored eyes. After the introductions, I was invited to take a seat next to Knoll and his father.

  Keenan turned his chair to face me, and said, “I am sure this has been a lot for you to adjust to. However, I am here to tell you that you don’t have to do it alone. We are all here to help you adjust but to also help keep you safe.” After a short pause he continued, “I know that it may seem like this place is safe but, make no mistake Mina, there are people here who would harm you the first chance they got.” His words started making me feel uneasy as I had thought that I would be safe behind these walls, yet clearly I wasn’t going to be safe anywhere.

  Looking at his son Keenan continued, “I understand your teenage years are complicated and that this may seem cruel…but.” As he hesitated I could feel my pulse begin to quicken and I thought I might pass out. What, or who could be so cruel that I had to come down here and sit with these guardians? They all sat and talked to me as if I were a young child. Gathering my thoughts I decided it better to let Keenan continue before I said anything. “We are going to up your security detail,” he stated simply. And then, as he obviously felt as if he had to justify everything or maybe he just liked the sound of his own voice, he went on, “It is our job and duty to prevent anything from happening to you, no matter what that entails.”

  I tried to take in everything he had said, slowly processing every word before I spoke. “So, what will this security entail?” I asked, obviously wanting to get to the point of the conversation.

  “Ah, you don’t waste time,” said one of the men with a dry chuckle.

  “I like that,” said another, winking at me playfully. Knolls father gave them both stern looks and told them to keep their mind on the task at hand.

  Sheepishly both quickly apologized as Keenan continued, “Mina, I am not going to sugar coat it; your personal life is not that personal anymore. Like most people in the village you have one guardian, now you will have all of us.” Looking around I had a feeling of being overwhelmed as there were six men in this room; six men that I would apparently be spending a lot of time with.

  “Well, whose guardians were these originally?” I finally asked, motioning at the men in the room. Keenan was apparently taken aback by my question, but he began listing each guardian and whom they used to guard, before this new arrangement. It wasn’t until he came to the last guardian that I was surprised to discover who he guarded; being none other than the infamous Thora. Now it made me realize what Willow and Thora had most likely been arguing about. I couldn’t blame her for being angry; after all why should I have all the protection whilst leaving some of the people I am closest to vulnerable? I knew they probably wouldn’t like it, but I had to decline the offer, although I wasn’t sure if it was an offer or an order.

  Standing up I straightened my back, trying to make myself appear taller compared to the men whom sat in the room. Despite that they still seemed to tower over me even whilst sitting. I began, “Mr. Keenan, I decline your offer. I will not allow the people I love; and even those whom haven’t been that kind to me,” looking directly at Thora’s guardian, “To be vulnerable to being hurt or worse. Knoll has proven that he is more than capable of keeping me safe, no matter what the circumstances are.” I looked to Knoll with pride in my eyes; he was a great guardian and friend and I had no doubt that he could protect me. After all I had seen him take on a whole pack of wolves.

  Everyone looked more than surprised by my actions and silence filled the room. I was taken aback when Knoll stood, and where I expected a smile to be plastered across his face there was a disgruntled look in its place. “Carmina,” he spoke; his voice projected my name across the room with conviction, “It is not okay to address your elders this way! I don’t know what those barbaric pigs Stephanie and Jack taught you, but that behavior is not okay here.” I was shocked as he appeared to make the statement with such venom behind his words. But before I could speak he continued saying, “You are not a child Mina, so I would expect you not to act like one. You have taken enough of the time here that I could have spent with Maggie! These men will be your guardians, as will I.” He paused for a moment, perhaps to catch his breath then said, “I can’t say that I am happy to admit that I am your guardian, not after today and the actions you have just presented.”

  I stood feeling destroyed by his demonstration. What had just happened? I thought I would make him proud, but no! Trying to fight the tears that stung my eyes, I turned and hastily walked out of the room, glad that no one followed me. Having made my way home I went straight to my room, quickly locking the door behind me. I had barely made it to the bed when I finally lost control. It just wasn’t fair. I hadn’t asked him to come and change my life forever so why should he treat me this way. At that moment in time I would have been glad to go back to my old life; even if it meant hurting a few good people. Sitting on the bed I silently sobbed, feeling ridiculous for letting him get to me so much, then I heard a light knock at my door.

  “Mina,” I heard Eleanor’s familiar voice, “Can I come in please?”

  I wanted to shout out no, and to tell her to go away, but I couldn’t so I just stood and went to unlock the door; knowing it wouldn’t be right to take my anger out on her. Eleanor slowly entered the room. Sitting on the corner of the bed she motioned for me to join her, which reluctantly I did. Placing her hand on mine the action reminded me of my grandma; she had always done the same when I had visited her. I thought back to Knolls statement that my mother, this kind, big hearted woman, would have had him killed if she knew he had taken me to see her. I thought how much trouble I could get him in and was just about to tell her when I thought back to how deceiving things could truly be. Even if I was angry at Knoll, I didn’t want, nor could I cause, another person’s death.

  “Now Mina, tell me, what is troubling you?” asked Eleanor gently. I told her that it was nothing really but she must have known I was lying as she was about to insist on my speaking when we were interrupted by Maggie storming into the room.

  “That pompous jerk!” she yelled out, “I am so sorry Mina,” and she rushed over to give me a giant hug. Eleanor looked at Maggie and asked her what had happened; clearly confused by her other daughter’s behavior. Maggie shook her head saying, “Well, for starters Knoll is a pompous jerk.”

  Eleanor rolled her eyes, pointing out to Maggie, “We have gotten that part already. So, what else is wrong?” I could tell Eleanor was growing a little impatient.

  Maggie wasted no more time as she went on to tell Eleanor that Knoll had totally embarrassed me and said some hateful things that were completely uncalled for. She looked at Eleanor and stressed, “They were awful mom,” her seriousness causing me to smile a little as she went on, “But, I will not repeat them,” which I was grateful to hear. I didn’t know if I could have held my composure if she had.

  As for Eleanor she just stood up and began pacing about. “Liam will hear of this, and he will take care of Knoll and his mouth,” stressed Eleanor; as if she was a different person standing in front of me.

  Maggie laughed out loud. “Oh, he is in so much trouble now,” she sang out; almost like a gleeful child.

  As I looked from Maggie to Eleanor, a feeling of panic began filling my chest. “Please don’t,” I pleaded with them. Elea
nor stopped, looking at me as if I was a rare specimen, before asking me why not for, as far as she was concerned, he had no right to talk to me that way. “I know,” I began, “what he said was wrong, but I can take care of myself. I know that Knoll has made a mistake but, he has also given up a lot to save me.” And I looked at Maggie, as a look of understanding dawned on her beautiful face before walking over to me and hugging me once more, saying that I was too kind.

  As Maggie left the room, she promised not to say anything to her father. However, she did insist that she wouldn’t be letting Knoll off the hook that easy. “He will find himself sleeping on the floor for quite some time to come,” she said jokingly as she headed for the stairs. Just for a moment I did wonder how much of it was really a joke.

  After she had left Eleanor stood up and looked at me. “That was a kindness that you didn’t owe him. I admire your forgiveness; although I’m not sure I could have done the same.” she said and she too excused herself from my room, going downstairs to join Maggie. Thinking about it I thought how weird it all felt. I couldn’t understand why I had stood up for Knoll; I just knew that it had been the right thing to do. Besides I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I had caused him to be harmed.

  Leaning back against the pillows, I kicked my shoes off and pulled my phone out. I knew just the person I needed to talk to, so I sent Declan a quick text saying, ‘Hey, what’s up?’ as I hoped that he would reply. Within a few seconds, much to my surprise, my phone vibrated as he responded, ‘Not too much. Helping out the guardians.’ Replying, I couldn’t help but ask, ‘Do you ever get time to yourself?’ When I finally got a response all he had written was, ‘Yes, when I sleep.’ Reading the text message several times, I hoped that I hadn’t offended him.

  Unlike most teen girls my age I hated texting; mainly because you could never hear the tone of someone’s response when they just wrote something rather than said it. You never really knew how they really felt. “It’s so impersonal,” I said to myself as I thought of a reply to his text; ending by asking the only thing I really wanted to know. ‘Can I see you today? Or tonight, whichever is better for you?’ I waited for about thirty minutes but got no response. I began freaking myself out by thinking that I must have scared him off. ‘Great Mina. You blew it!’ I kept thinking to myself. But later, when my phone finally vibrated, he had written, ‘I would love to, but I can’t as I have lots of work to do. Will talk to you later’ All at once I felt as if my heart was in my stomach. What had I done wrong? I re-read through our messages from the previous night and somehow automatically saw the change in his tone, sensing something different in him. It was weird to be able to do this but somehow I could feel it down to my core. How could such a wonderful morning suddenly turn into such a crappy day? I had woken up happier than I had ever been in a long time; and now my universe was obviously making sure that my happiness limits stayed at a certain minimum.


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