Valley Of Glamorgan

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Valley Of Glamorgan Page 20

by Julie Eads

  Chapter 16

  It felt so normal being home, as if I had never left. Everyone had been so welcoming although I now had a 24 hour guardian detail yet this time I didn’t want to talk my way out of it. Even I knew it was obviously too dangerous for me to be unprotected so I was happy that everyone thought so too.

  Almost a week had gone by since I escaped the small cabin. I was looking forward to seeing Willow for the first time since I arrived home. Thankfully Declan had agreed to escort me to see her. “She hasn’t been out much since you were taken,” explained Declan as we walked along, “She blames herself, because you gave your life for hers.”

  I nodded my head saying, “I did and I would do it again any day for she is my friend and that is what friends do.”

  Declan stopped and wrapping his arm around my waist said, “No Mina. Most people don’t see it like that. You,” he said as he kissed my nose and continued walking, “are just an amazing person.” As we reached Willows door the smell of smoke still lingered, although Declan assured me that her house looked good as new.

  “Don’t exaggerate. I don’t think this place has ever looked new,” I heard Willow’s voice say as she opened the door and invited us in. I laughed, and in that moment, even without my sight and with some crazy people trying to kill me, I actually felt as if things were okay.

  By now I was growing accustomed to being blind. All my other senses seemed heightened as they aided me, thankfully during times like these. I was ok with places I was familiar with but as I shuffled across the floor I realized that Willow had been moving things around. Where there used to be a long wooden table sat pressed against the back of her sofa, which I knew should have been no more than ten steps ahead, I felt nothing but air. Sensing what I was doing Willow linked her arm in mine, quickly pulling me towards her new sitting area. I suppose I should have known that her furniture would have been burnt during the fire and that she had to replace it. I wondered what it looked like now. I was always finding myself wondering what my surroundings looked like. My memories had aided me in finding my way around my own room and home but they were beginning to fade and I knew I would soon lose the memory of sight.

  Breaking into my thoughts Willow gently placed me on what felt like a small arm chair then I could hear her footsteps as she walked away.

  Declan was first to break the silence. “When will she get her sight back,” he asked Willow. That is the one thing I love about him. He is always so direct and forthcoming, never wasting time with small talk which he always claims is due to the guardian part of him. But I had a feeling it was just a part of who he really was.

  “I honestly don’t know,” confessed Willow in a low tone. She sounded defeated and tired and I sensed her appearance mirrored her emotions. “I have looked and looked through every book I own. I have contacted old friends who still practice Pacu magic but no one has ever seen anything like it.”

  Deciding it was perhaps time to confess what had happened after I lost my sight, even though I still was struggling with what the spirit of light had said to me, I told her, “When I almost died and a few times afterwards, I have seen a brilliant white figure appearing. It has many voices but no recognizable face. It has told me that I must learn to see with my heart.”

  “Mina!” Willow practically screamed my name, “Why didn’t you tell me this before? The spirits have spoken to you. You have been chosen,” and she let the word chosen linger in the air as if it held great meaning.

  I was hoping that Declan would ask her to continue because I couldn’t find the words. Thankfully, she didn’t need someone to ask her as she continued on her own. “I don’t know why I am so surprised. You have been through so much, and are such a special person.” I could hear as her words came closer together, holding a little whimper within them, I think that she was about to cry. “You put your life in those monsters hands again, just so you could save me. Someone you hardly know.” Then I felt her soft cool hand on my shoulder before she pulled me into a hug and whispering in my ear, “Thank you for saving me.”

  Tears began to build up in me so I blinked them away, trying to reassure her that it wasn’t a big deal. But she must have shrugged it off as once again I heard her feet as they clonked across the wooden floor and she made her way to take a seat across from me. “The spirits saved you, and in return you had to pay a price; they took your eye sight and until now I feared it would never return,” she declared.

  Then she went on to explain something to us. “When I was a little girl and this village was a very different place I was told a story of a downy haired girl who would, be not only the Queen of the Pacu but also be able to stop and destroy all the creatures we are most afraid of. She would be given a gift so grand on the night of her animal ritual that there would be no question that she was the chosen one.”

  Listening to her story I was shocked. “But we have no way of knowing if this is me. I just had to give my eye sight to get my life back and that is all there is to it. The spirits were simply telling me that I have to find a new way to see the world because I will no longer see it with my eyes.”

  I had thought that these thoughts were safely tucked inside my head until Declan spoke, “No, I have heard the stories too Mina Bear and wouldn’t doubt for a second that you are the chosen one because there is no-one else in this village as selfless or as beautiful as you.”

  I didn’t know how to respond. The sheer honesty and compassion, laced with the heat which lay beneath his words when he spoke about me or to me was enticing. I was enchanted by his voice which held a very sexy gruff undertone. I knew that voice was always just for me. Although I could no longer see his extraordinary eyes I felt as if he had found a new way to express his love through his voice. Willow cleared her voice as if she sensed that there was something happening here that she wasn’t supposed to witness.

  “How will I know if I am the one?” I asked in all innocence.

  Willow simply stated, “We wait until your animal ceremony for the answer. Then we will know.” My animal ceremony! It was quickly approaching. ‘Only three days and twelve hours to be exact?’ I reminded myself.

  “Let’s say she is the chosen one. What will she become at the animal ceremony; I have never heard that part of the story,” Declan asked nervously.

  “And that is where this gets interesting, as neither have I,” she admitted laughingly. That thought made my stomach churn. I had no clue what was in store for me’ whether I was going to experience a normal animal ceremony or not. I could have a completely different experience that no-one had ever heard of before and turn into anything as far as I knew.

  For now I couldn’t think about it as I had too much on my plate as it was. Tomorrow was Maggie’s party. I knew it was going to be a tense affair, with everyone on high alert after everything that had happened. She deserved this party and I wasn’t going to give those nasty animals anymore satisfaction than they had already had.

  Chapter 17

  ‘Tonight,’ I reminded myself and apparently out loud, was Declan’s first night when he would be transformed into an owl. It made me feel uneasy because he had been instructed to undertake a mission on his first night. If I was honest I was kind of pissed that he wouldn’t get to enjoy it. Why couldn’t they just let him feel the cool night air flowing through his wings? But no, he was to fly to the cabin where I had been held, even though it had long ago been abandoned and keep watch. My only comfort was knowing he wouldn’t be alone as others would be with him. It just hurt that my being here affected everyone’s life and lately it hadn’t been for the greater good.

  Declan stood. I could tell the difference between his footsteps and Willows as the floor creaked just a little more loudly as he placed his full weight upon it. It was time for him to go and get ready. Willow sounded tired just as Maggie had and it seemed as if everyone had put their lives on hold since I had been here and I hated that it seemed as if the sacrificing wasn’t going to let up anytime soon.

Willow assured us she would be there when Declan transformed later that night before hastily pushing us out of the door. I had, without realizing it, given her a new project to occupy her time. One in which she would throw herself into; being the story she had heard long ago about a chosen one, forgetting that she had almost been burnt alive. In reality I was grateful for once that she had something to do to keep her busy; I just wish it wasn’t following some old fairy tale. My fear was I would be a great disappointment to her on the night of my animal ritual especially as everyone was expecting a magical being to arise and all I wanted to be was the simple, graceful fox I had chosen.

  Declan was to transform at nightfall. The sun was still high in the sky and I could feel the warmth of the full rays against my skin so I knew we still had at least a few hours before the night would begin. For now I wanted nothing more than to steal the next few hours away wrapped in his arms, but I knew that it was probably impossible. They only reason the guardians had agreed to let Declan take me to Willow’s alone was that there were guardians lined up along the whole entire edge of the woods around us. No-one, not even my parents had guardians protecting them today as they had all been called to Princess Mina duty. I rolled my eyes hating leaving those I loved unprotected.

  Willow and Maggie had placed a spell on every home and building in the village which stopped anyone from entering unless invited to do so by the owners themselves. It reminded me of vampire movies and would have been an amusing analogy except for the fact that it was exactly what my pretend parents reminded me of.

  Declan pulled my arm gently and I felt the rough bark of a tree against my back before he pressed his lips firmly and hungrily against mine. All my worries and thoughts just faded away as I felt his skin against mine, and the rapid beat of my heart every time he got this close to me. He ran his fingers delicately along my collar bone, before leaving small kisses in their place. I let out a small sigh, wanting nothing more than for him to keep going. There was a fire growing in me every time he touched me and kissed me. My body just ached to be as close to him as I possibly could. I knew he felt it too, because as he reluctantly pulled away, his breath was hot on my face and his uneven breathing matched mine. We stole moments like this whenever possible, yet we both walked away always wanting more of each other and the time to be in each other’s embrace. We both knew there were a dozen eyes on us at every waking moment and until that changed these small moments of passion would have to be enough.

  The rest of the evening passed by so quickly, my family had offered to host Declan’s transformation ceremony. I had no doubt that it would be big and loud. The royal family had never thrown such a party for a villager before and the speculation around the village was that Declan and I had run off and got married; as well as all sorts of other nonsensical rumors. I hadn’t been home for two weeks and already everyone was gossiping about me. ‘Maybe that is it what it means to be a princess,’ I speculated.

  The search to find a soul mate for Sal hadn’t been going very well, and when I insisted on inviting him Liam had put down the suggestion the first chance he got. Sal was still unstable and wouldn’t be able to join society until his animal was under control. I was disappointed.

  Later that evening I slowly followed my parents, with Maggie and Knoll walking behind me. They hadn’t really let me out of their sight since I had been rescued from my kidnappers. The guardians still hadn’t managed to find anything new out about whom the villains were or why they wanted me. Although it wasn’t for the lack of trying as everyone had volunteered their time and put their lives on hold to keep me and the village safe. I was hoping that the distraction of tonight’s get together would give everyone time to relax and have some fun, yet I suppose that was difficult when the sole purpose of tonight’s transformation was to send all those whose spirit animal was a bird off to search for my kidnappers. I sighed; I just wish there could be peace and happiness in the village.

  Not realizing that our procession had stopped I walked straight into Liam with a grunt. I had been too busy thinking and not concentrating on where I was walking, yet it was hard for me to concentrate on anything other than my feet or where I should step. It was just another downfall of losing my eye sight. I sensed we were close to the ceremony’s location as I could hear voices around me and feel the heat from the fire and wondered self-consciously if I was the only one who was standing close to the flames. Father had decided to throw a bonfire for Declan so he could be seen by everyone (expect me) when he took flight into the night sky for the first time. Maggie wrapped her thin delicate hand within mine and directed me to follow her where she helped me take a seat on the soft grass. I ran my hands through the blades of grass, feeling the dew that had begun to form. I always felt so comfortable resting on the plush ground. Breathing in deeply I smelt the strong aroma of oak burning and felt small embers from the fire landing around me, yet I wasn’t afraid as it felt good to be surrounded by yet another one of the earth’s elements.

  Everyone grew silent. I sat still, with my legs tucked carefully beneath me enjoying the sound of the crickets chirping. The light wind whirled through my hair, causing strands to fall across my face, no matter how many times I pushed it back into its proper place. Then I heard the familiar loud commanding voice of my father and knew everyone’s eyes would be on him. I didn’t have to see to know that he was captivating and could hold an audience no matter what the circumstances. Perhaps it was that people feared the king who, when needed, would come down on his people with an iron fist, but I knew it was just the gift from the spirits that made him a born leader. I hoped one day that when, or if, I was standing where he stood, people would look at me with such awe and respect. Then I remembered the night of Declan’s choosing ceremony and how he had stood where Declan’s father couldn’t and I would always think that was very kind of him.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to thank you for joining us tonight. I know that these past few weeks, hell these past few years, has held such an importance to our survival and you have all sacrificed so much just to see that my daughter and my family are safe, even if that meant putting your own lives at risk. That my friends,” he called out loudly into the cool night air, “is a true sign of belief in me and for that I can never repay you.” Pausing to allow his words to sink in my father continued, “We find ourselves here tonight, not only to witness the wonderful sight of one of our own transforming into his spiritual animal, but to once again sacrifice our time to look for those who want nothing more than to bring harm and destruction to us all. And so I will promise you this that I will not give up on this village nor will I give up on our home. These monsters will be stopped, even if I have to hunt them down to the ends of the earth myself.” There was such pride and anger laced in his voice and I knew then that my father would give his life for his people, and that was why they would give their lives for him. As I heard clapping and cheering I felt such pride that my father was a great man.

  Then I heard another familiar voice. “I want to thank you all for coming here tonight,” announced Declan. “I have lived here my whole life. Most of you have had a hand in my upbringing. Mr. Klaus,” he said and I pictured the elderly man who owned the small bakery, who had bright blue eyes and a kind heart. You would always give me cookies on my way home from guardian practice,” declared Declan, “And I remember the part each of you have played in my life up until this moment and I just want to say how happy I am to call you all my family. That is why I am so glad you are all here this evening to witness my first transformation.”

  As I listened suddenly everyone gasped. Then Declan screamed out in pain, although it was nothing like the cries I had heard on the night of his animal choosing ceremony. Moments later there were soft cries from those around me, and I sensed that he was now being joined in the night sky by others. I wish I could witness it as I had no clue who else in the town was also a bird. The sound of flapping wings and the loving praise of all the people around me was more than even I anticipat

  Once everything had quietened down those people left made their way back to their homes, I asked Eirnan to stay behind with me. I hadn’t had much of a chance to speak with him, but really I just wanted to stay and wait for Declan to return. It took some convincing but my entourage finally agreed to allow me to wait with Eirnan. After all starting tomorrow he would be my new guardian and, regardless of what my father thought, I wanted to be the first to tell him. If I was honest I would regret letting Knoll go because he wasn’t just one of my truest friends here he was also a good guardian, yet I knew in my heart that my decision was right. Maggie deserved to have Knoll by her side but if he was always worrying about protecting me he would have to put me first instead of her; I couldn’t imagine Declan having to put another person, especially my own sister, above me.

  Sitting on the grass for so long that my legs began to ache and fall asleep so I took the opportunity to stretch and wake them up. Eirnan sat across from me and I could feel that he was nervous about something. “Is everything ok?” he asked me abruptly.

  “I wanted to talk to you about Maggie’s party tomorrow,” I said. Clearing my voice I suddenly realized there was a possibility that he would say no; that he didn’t want to be my guardian so I decided to just throw the question out in an awkward rush of words, “Will you be my guardian?”

  Eirnan didn’t speak, causing me to start feeling freaked out, being met by only silence. Finally he spoke, “But you have a guardian princess.” He sounded so formal and I felt as if maybe I had imagined our friendship.


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