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Bound By Shadows (The McAllister Justice Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Reily Garrett

  “That’s the plan. Since he’s VP, he’ll have a private space to conduct an interview. Plus, I don’t want to give him a chance to think things through before answering.” Caden escorted her inside where a receptionist directed them to Conroy’s office.

  Anger charged the air as soon as they entered. Beige-colored walls surrounded heavy oak furniture and thick, crimson carpet, perpetuating the feel of cold, artificial sophistication. Caden didn’t bother to knock, merely strode in and sat in front of the desk. She took the seat beside him.

  “Well, I figured you’d slither in here at some point.” Even sitting, the man was built like a truck with a bull neck, wide shoulders, and thick chest. Sausage-like fingers shuffled several papers aside as he scrutinized first Caden, then Kaylee.

  “How’s the money biz, Conroy. Beating the hell out of things these days?” The reference to the abusive relationship earned a lip-biting glare.

  “Staying out of the slums if that’s what you mean. You should try it. Clean living that is. And fuck you.”

  “No thanks. I prefer internal plumbing…Look, let’s get this over with. The sooner I find Ciera, the sooner she can serve you with divorce papers. Am I right?”

  “We’re perfectly happy. Not a marital cloud in sight.”

  “Really? Would you like another cup of ego? Perhaps decaffeinated? I heard she’s seeing someone on the side, that she had a very friendly vagina.” Caden’s shoulders stiffened with the cost of goading the banker. How many times had he sliced his soul in the name of justice?

  Purple mottled the banker’s face as his eyes bulged and fists clenched. Though she understood the current tact, Caden wasn’t the type to degrade women, under any circumstances.

  “Piss-poor attempt, you inflamed boil on a pig’s ass.” Conroy spat through gritted teeth. “Now I know why you came to see me here instead of at my home.”

  Caden smiled. “When was the last time you saw her?” Caden kept his smile in place.

  “Tuesday morning when I left for work. She said she was going shopping to pick up my favorite cigars before heading to her folk’s house for a few days’ visit.” Conroy leaned forward, linking his fingers on his desk. Various framed degrees and awards dotted the wall behind him.

  “Stay with her parents for days? The folks who live less than a half hour away? Really?”

  “Hey, they’re close. I was shocked when they called me asking where she’d gone.” Directing his attention to Kaylee, he added, “Are you the street rat who lured my wife away?”

  “And what would make you think of her in that way?” Caden reached over and squeezed her fingers.

  “For some reason, Ciera was fascinated with the dregs of society. I assume that’s why she briefly took up with you. She told me she’d dumped you when you coerced her into taking drugs.”

  “I’d like access to Ciera’s personal belongings, take a look at her room.” Caden ignored the defensive slights.

  “First of all, no. You’re not setting foot in my house. Second of all, I can’t seem to locate her laptop.”

  “I’ve got her computer.”

  A flicker of some unidentified emotion, maybe alarm, passed through Conroy’s changing expressions before recomposing his former stoic façade. “She took it to her parents’ house? That hardware is mine, and I want it back. Now! Then I want you out of here.”

  “Um, no. Her parents gave me the laptop, so I’ll return it to them once I’m finished.”

  “I’ll have a court order by tomorrow.” The banker’s hands fisted before reaching for his phone.

  “I’ll have it cloned and deciphered by tonight.” Caden grinned wide amid the banker’s controlled bluster. With a wink at Kaylee, he stood and held out his hand. “C’mon, pirate. We have work to do now that we have our direction.”

  The irate rumblings of a man calling his attorney drifted through the closed door as they left. “That went about as expected.” She could envision the arrogant snob boasting to his upper-crust friends how he kept his little wife in line, one fist at a time. She’d seen his type before but had never tangled with one before returning to Oregon.

  Back in the vehicle, Caden called Lexi and explained the need for a rushed cyber snoop.

  “I don’t doubt the creep can get a court order for the laptop’s return, and I don’t want to miss anything. We’ll drop off the hardware to Lexi before heading to the Denelli shopping center and talking to a few clerks.”

  “Maybe someone will remember something that’ll help.” Kaylee reached for the folder holding several key pictures she’d taken.

  “After that, we’ll grab a bite to eat before taking a break. The McKenzie River is a good place to blow off steam and relax. You can chill and enjoy a bit of nature.”

  “Both Ciera’s brother and husband have blamed you for her getting into drugs. Even though it’s bullshit, considering the circumstances, do they pull enough weight to cause you trouble?”

  “No. With nothing linking us currently, it’s all speculation. I’m fine.”

  Tense chitchat filled the ride despite Caden’s attempt to lighten the day. A subconscious edginess tinted his aura with a constrained dangerous grace. No wonder several women at the bank eyed him like a piece of sweet meat. Between a smoking-hot body and a personality exuding confidence, the invisible pheromone trail ran nonstop.

  “Sounds like a solid plan.”

  When they reached the shopping center, Kaylee’s self-assurance slipped several cogs as she scrutinized the modern, sleek shop fronts. Someone could have followed her for hours without her knowledge.

  The covert game of cat and mouse slithered from a world she’d never visited and didn’t care to inhabit. Grabbing her spare camera from the back seat and slinging the strap around her neck instilled a false sense of security, the relationship between shutter speeds, apertures, and available light mimicking various renderings of her mood.

  Myriad thoughts whirled through her mind yet couldn’t hold her attention for long. Like the ball thrown counter to a roulette wheel’s spin, her emotions were subject to her kidnapper’s whim. He would strike again, and she needed to be ready.

  “Does anything stand out in particular?” Caden stepped beside her, guiding with a hand at her waist.

  “Since it was all new to me, everything does. I remember going into the fragrance shop at the other end to look for a hyacinth-scented shampoo. Reese used to buy it for me, said I was too tomboyish.”

  “Hmm, it does remind me of flowers that grow wild along the wood line each spring. I love it.” Caden lifted a lock of her hair and breathed in its fragrance. “Yep. Love it. You want to start here and work our way down?”

  “Sure.” Relief flooded her that he didn’t suggest splitting up to cover two shops at a time. The distance, though small, equaled miles in her mind.


  Caden’s easy smile and sex appeal assured a warm reception from each shopkeeper they interviewed. None recalled serving a man matching the composite she’d drawn. More often than not, women proprietors asked for his business card in case they remembered a significant detail. None asked for a photo of the thug.

  “You must have to beat women away with a stick.”

  “I could say the same about you with men. But I don’t judge.”

  “Sorry. I get it. New leaf and all that.”

  “I’m no longer controlled by my joystick. Too many women make a game of it.”

  Each time Caden spoke to an overeager manager or sales clerk, Kaylee watched him maneuver the conversation away from personal queries. Years of experience had equipped him with basic survival tools yet didn’t chip away at his patience.

  When they approached the perfume shop, nervous tension coiled her body tighter. Not only did she associate the fragrances inside with Reese, but her mind also held the image of her kidnapper caught in the window’s reflection to ratchet up her anxiety. Her protector’s light touch grazing down her spine then back to her neck induced a shive
r while redirecting her focus.

  “Thought that would distract you.”


  His chuckle thawed the icy shards knotting her belly. He well understood his effect yet didn’t use it to his advantage.

  Glass shelves bore elaborate bottles of cologne in all shapes and sizes. Each section of the horseshoe-shaped glass cases boasted Try me testers and colorful displays. Caden spoke with the manager while she drew the cordial clerk aside for a discreet conversation. The young woman, dressed in upscale linen slacks and knit sweater, remembered the visit, and remarked on her new camera. They hadn’t previously discussed any particulars of photography. Both her rigs were the same brand and looked identical to the untrained eye. It seemed a peculiar detail to notice. Before she could ask further questions, Caden interrupted.

  “Hey, sweetheart, time for us to head out. We don’t want to be late.” Caden’s silent steps had transported him directly behind her using an athletic grace that drew the clerk’s attention.

  When he slid his arms around her waist and hugged her to his chest, her breath lodged in her chest. He’s doing it again. That knowledge didn’t stop her from leaning back into his embrace, a small smirk hiking up one side of her mouth. He used the back of his knuckles to graze her cheek, her eyes closing of their own volition.

  “I hate being late.” Her thoughts failed to focus on anything other than his touch.

  “Then we’d better get to it. Did you find something you like? You always smell so good.” Giving action to thought, he nuzzled her hair and inhaled deeply. “If not, we really do need to get going.”

  “I’m ready.” Her low groan preceded his nuzzle against her ear and the mhmm of approval, the slight rumble from his chest against her back providing more fodder for her overactive imagination.

  “I suspect so.”

  His words delved deeper than the warmth spreading through her limbs, the encumbered response alluding to wild nights of ecstasy a given.

  Then, the reality check.

  Her pride prayed for the earth to swallow her whole after her imagination finished playing mythical goddess of the earth to his Dionysus, God of wine, pleasure, and festivity. Sudden coolness created by his withdrawal and low chuckle exposed a dichotomy of emotion and reaction. The backlash heated her skin to volcanic temperatures while the words replayed in her head. The deeper he delved into her heart, the greater his control. More importantly, the more it would hurt when she saw him with another woman.

  In the meantime, she could do naught but follow his lead. Always the gentleman, he held the door, then twined their fingers together before leading her to his vehicle.

  “Hope you didn’t mind a little misdirection, but your new friend acted a little twitchy, and I didn’t want her to think you were alone.”

  “I got the same impression. Her nervousness stemmed from more than your presence.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I want to do a little research before taking another run at her.”

  “She noticed I had a different camera but didn’t know how to adjust F-stops and ASAs. It was an odd conversation.”

  “We’ll look into her.”

  The ride home offered time to contemplate her assumptions regarding the entire confusing ordeal. “Do you think Ciera was planning on staying with her parents and not returning? If so, it would’ve been difficult for the husband to track her, considering how she was dressed. He didn’t seem the type to hire out. ’Sides, she would’ve been wary, and looked for him over her shoulder.”

  “I hope we’ll find more details when we get into her digital files. Lexi’s going to come over after she’s finished digging into them.”

  A half hour later saw them standing beside Caden’s kitchen counter making homemade subs. “You know, that clerk really made me nervous. Few people not in the profession can recognize minor differences in cameras. Usually it’s the length of the lens or maybe an attached shade. Something else about that clerk bothered me, too. She didn’t visually undress you like other women do—more like—she was cautious.”

  “Gee thanks. I don’t feel objectified. Nope, not at all.” His grin deepened the dimple in his right cheek. “How about we eat these subs on the patio.”

  Being in Caden’s proximity stimulated her love of nature and the need to rekindle something she thought long neglected. Once again, she could imagine herself hiking, rafting, and camping, at least with company.

  It was a beautiful home in a woodland setting and he appeared more relaxed since talking about his ordeal. Maybe the catharsis allowed room for his life to forge ahead, if only a bit.

  “How different are your cameras? And length is very important, so I hear.”

  His teasing grin, as much as his words, brought another furious blush to her face. “My backup is still an SLR but doesn’t offer the clarity, the autofocus isn’t as advanced.”

  Caden shook his head before answering, “Focus is important.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Cleaning up the dishes lent an air of quiet intimacy to the scene. In her mind, she realized that without Caden’s help, she wouldn’t have experienced any of the day’s routine events, something as simple as sitting on a patio and watching squirrels flit from tree to tree, or the birds building their nests. Still, the chill coursing through her veins wouldn’t ease until they found Ciera.

  Minutes later, a low buzz announced the front door breach. A cool gust of wind ushered in Lexi with a satchel strapped across her chest, Ethan, and a large dog. Lexi reset the code. “Hi, guys. Meet Hoover.” Hearing her name, the mixed-breed bounded forward and greeted first Caden, then Kaylee, with tail wags and curious sniffing.

  “She’s beautiful.” Kaylee grinned at Caden. “Yep. I’m definitely getting a puppy.”

  “Great, Hoover will gain another playmate. She’ll love it.” Ethan plopped several grocery bags on the kitchen counter. “We brought you some edibles, so Kaylee doesn’t have to suffer your cooking.” Ethan smiled at Caden.

  “As long as they’re store bought and not homemade. I don’t want to bite into deviled eggs and find buttercream frosting.”

  “Hey, you were a skinny kid. Matt said you needed to eat more calories.” Ethan shrugged a shoulder. “Seemed like a good idea.”

  “New aftershave?” Ethan pulled his lips between his teeth as his shoulders shook.

  “I like it. Kinda creeps out to leave a subtle scent.” Lexi’s eyes twinkled with devilment.”

  “So do skunks.” Ethan replied.

  The shuffle of removing Lexi’s laptop signaled her eagerness to begin. The computer’s soft whir echoed the seriousness of her demeanor while the air of concentration etched in her face rivaled a champion chess player. From hearing Ethan’s descriptions of her digital prowess, Lexi had blown through firewalls and dissected the contents within minutes.

  “Caden, I hope you don’t mind. I went ahead and copied the hard drive so I can cull through the rest of the files at home.”

  “Like anyone could stop you?” Ethan chuckled as they sat at the kitchen table.

  “Hey, at least I’m asking.” Lexi’s smile turned a little feral, a little scary.

  Minutes later, Lexi thrust her fist in the air. “Okay, I’m in the private social media account. The one she obviously didn’t want others to see. I’ve already looked at the one she used for family and public use but didn’t find anything that stood out. I’ll write down the passwords for those and the email accounts, Caden, so you can look at everything later.”

  “Anything interesting?” Ethan asked.

  “Hmm, yeah, she says here she found a receipt in her husband’s coat pocket, for condoms, yet she and her husband don’t use them.”

  “Maybe the girlfriend’s afraid of catching something she can’t scrub off.” Eyes narrowed and nose wrinkled, Caden leaned back in his chair. “Anything else interesting?”

  “Not that I’ve found yet.” Lexi’s tapping foot betrayed her annoyance.

  “What’s ne
w on your front, Ethan?” Kaylee asked.

  “Thanks to facial recognition, we have the name of your assailant. Ning Klinefeld, no known address, no known employment or associates, no tax records.” Ethan replied before adding. “We’ve put out feelers to all our contacts for more information. Plus, Matt and Lucas are going to interview Ciera’s friends.”

  “We talked with Ciera’s parents. Her brother recommended a divorce attorney and they knew dear hubby had a girlfriend. If we find her—” Caden began.

  “Both Nelson and Conroy blame Caden for Ciera’s drug usage.” The thought of Caden getting roped in as a suspect gave Kaylee chills.

  “I’m digging,” Lexi added. “I’ve got emails from his personal account to—”

  “Don’t tell us how you got the information. We don’t have a court order yet.” Ethan groaned and shook his head.

  “What, like you stand a chance of keeping up with her?” Caden regarded Lexi, then turned to Ethan. “The captain knows she’s gonna hack her way through any and all obstacles. He needs answers, fast, so he’s not going to ask how she gets it as long as it doesn’t have to go to court.”

  “Look, speaking of El Capitan. He got an irate call from Ciera’s husband. The threats and finger pointing are worthless, but still, Conroy carries weight and is great at acting the panicked husband. They reached an agreement to let the rest of us handle interviews.” Ethan held up a placating hand before Caden could speak. “I know you’re not going to stop. I’m just saying—why not take a break? Kaylee could probably use one.”

  “Yeah, all right. We were gonna take a few hours later this afternoon anyway.”

  “Good. As soon as she’s finished, Lexi and I will head out and leave you to it,” Ethan said.

  “While you’re at it, look at the clerk at Lush Fragrances. She knew Kaylee had a different camera yet didn’t seem to know one end from the other.” Caden prompted.

  “All right. I’ll dig up her records before Ethan has a chat.” Lexi’s gaze narrowed with an increased flurry of keyboard tapping.


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