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Bound By Shadows (The McAllister Justice Series Book 2)

Page 16

by Reily Garrett

“Hey, if it weren’t for him, I’d be dead, twice.” Kaylee matched Caden’s step and snuggled closer.

  Ethan and Lexi greeted them with warm blankets and spare clothes. To wrap his charge in the soft warmth of the thick pile throw and reduce her shivering appeased a small portion of guilt.

  After changing in the restroom and re-checking Kaylee’s wound, Caden related their near-death experience. Matt and Billy each eyed her as if wanting to cross-examine to draw out more details. Each refrained with Caden’s glare.

  “Billy and I’ll take Damien to the other side and see if we can pick up the shooter’s scent. He’ll be long gone since there’d be no advantage in hanging around, but maybe we’ll get lucky and find a shell casing or something he dropped.” Matt held the kidnapper’s mask in an evidence bag. “I wanted to see for myself that you two were okay.”

  “Ethan and Lexi brought your SUV after searching it for spyware. Found a puck attached to the frame. We’ve bagged it and will trace it as far as we can.” The corner of Billy’s mouth twitched. “You can drive Kaylee to the ER, and we’ll meet up later.”

  “Don’t say it, man. The hospital has plenty of beds.”

  “Knock it off. Both of you. No bitching.” Matt shook his head. “Stubborn as hell. Match made in heaven.”

  “I don’t mind, Caden. ’Sides, you’ll get to see that nurse who drools every time you walk by.”

  Caden couldn’t help but shake his head at Kaylee’s attempted peacekeeping. Her hand resting gently on his forearm might as well have employed a steel grip. He could refuse her nothing.

  “If you weren’t already on a first-name basis with the ER doc, I’d feel like some type of jinx.” Kaylee hummed her appreciation when the blast of heat from the floor vent rushed over her feet. “This feels great.”

  “Two of the docs have been there since we were teenagers and know us well.” Caden grimaced at the thought of returning with yet another injury to the woman he was tasked with protecting. Ribbing from his brothers would be endless and brutal.

  Ninety minutes later, Kaylee sat on the same stretcher, receiving four stitches from her deadly encounter. “I’m ready to go home and play cards or something equally low key.” With the second injury requiring stitches in short succession, Kaylee hadn’t flinched during the doctor’s ministrations.

  The familiar doc harrumphed while tossing the soiled drape in the trash. “Caden, these need to come out in ten days, and I’d rather not see her again before then. The nurse will be back in a minute with discharge instructions, which you could probably recite by rote.”

  Kaylee chuckled as the doctor left. Exhaustion weighed heavy on her shoulders.

  “Huh, had enough excitement for one day? I thought you were game for any adventure. After all, you did say you loved my rubber.” Watching her flush bright crimson was worth the embarrassment of a nurse walking in mid-conversation. “Ah, we were discussing the differences between rafts, canoes, and kayaks.”

  “Sounds to me like rafts would be the easiest choice since you have enough hot air to blow ’em up.” The nurse smiled after calling him on his bullshit. Turning to Kaylee, she added, “I have your discharge instructions. We’ll go over them, but I’m assuming if you’ve spent any time with this one, you’re accustomed to this type of thing. Believe me, I know.” Her chuckle insinuated experiencing similar situations.

  “Thanks, Marissa, like she really needs to hear that. How’ve you been?” Remorse colored his tone despite his teasing grin.

  “I’m good. How about you? Been in a coma? Haven’t seen you for a while.”

  Her open, honest expression revealed a concern of shared experiences and more than a passing friendship. It seemed his past haunted him at every turn. How was Kaylee supposed to believe he was a different man when his ex-girlfriends appeared around every corner?

  “Uh, kind of re-structuring my life a bit. Staying under the radar.”

  “Hmm, I think you need to duck a little lower.” Her speculative gaze swung to Kaylee then back to Caden. It spoke of good times passed in great company and with much excitement. “Take care of this one. I’d say she’s a keeper since she’s still with you.”

  You have no idea. “Absolutely.”

  Lights over the automatic doors kept shadows at bay when they left the hospital. Caden had kept in contact with Matt to stay up to date. The eldest McAllister kept them abreast of the grand picture in an evolving array of puzzle pieces where no two seemed to fit.

  “Well, what’s the latest?” Kaylee reached for his hand before crossing the parking lot.

  “Okay, what we figure so far is this. Today’s shooter and the kidnapper whose head you clobbered are one and the same. Matt parked his car on the shoulder of the road then hiked it through the woods until Damien alerted and picked up the trail using the kidnapper’s mask. They got impressions from the thug’s boots and tire tracks.” Witnessing the hope expressed in her eyes nearly broke his heart. All she wanted was to be left alone and live her life. When he opened the car door for her, she leaned into him before slipping inside.

  “That’s progress. Thanks for sticking with me through all this. You don’t know how grateful I am.”

  Which makes me a heel when I can’t control my damn lust. “Unfortunately, the prick must’ve policed his brass at the river.”

  Each remained quiet for the ride home, the suburbs he’d shunned at one time passed in a blur before the bucolic scenes and rolling hills echoed the shadows of doubt chipping away at his self-confidence. Even inept goons might launch an effective strike against them in his secluded digs. He imagined Kaylee’s thoughts ran along the same vein.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “How about a nice quiet evening with a half-gallon of chunky monkey smothered in chocolate syrup and crushed pineapple?” Kaylee’s speech drifted off as she hesitated at the front door. The thought of the shooter lurking inside and awaiting her return fashioned future nightmares for her subconscious to keep her entertained.

  “Sounds like a plan. Let’s throw some hot dogs on the grill after I check my security feeds.” Caden entered and keyed in his alarm code. “We’re good, Pirate. C’mon in.”

  “Sorry, I’m a bit antsy.” Stepping over the threshold, she realized nothing looked out of place.

  “No problem. If you want to grab a shower, I can cover your bandage with plastic wrap to keep your wound dry.”

  “I can do it. I’ll meet you in ten.” Kaylee’s gaze fixed on the stairway, her feet growing roots, sending down invisible tendrils to hold her in place.

  “What kind of host would I be if I didn’t escort my injured pirate to her door and carry her things?”

  The fact that he played the gallant card and didn’t mock her fear warmed her heart. “Reese would’ve told me to tote my own crap.”

  “Ah, but doesn’t the beast eventually woo the beauty? Gotta practice so I don’t blow it when the time comes.”

  Compassion radiated from the gentle touch grazing her hair. When he pulled her in for a hug, she didn’t resist, instead claiming that small space in time to thrive under his soft caress.

  “Hmm, you need to try harder.” Because I’m still in a solid state and not a puddle on the floor.

  His chuckle radiated through her chest, the vibration instigating a tingling sensation spreading throughout her extremities. The extreme carnal emotions fluttering in her heart created enough heat to power the city for a week.

  In response, he molded her closer, their perfect fit another example of how fate and nature played the odds. Any heterosexual woman would react to the woods and spice scent combined with the strength to make her want the whole package. However, destiny had sent her in the wrong direction, again. Caden surfed the waters outside her league with his easy charm and highly social nature, which meant nothing between them could last.

  It doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the feeling of security.

  He waited, simply holding her until she pulled away, understanding her on an eleme
ntal level.

  Hot water melted the tension in her limbs while sluicing down her frame to carry away immediate worries.

  This is what normal feels like.

  Something she desperately wanted.

  Once downstairs, Caden’s calm self-possession supplemented her sense of serenity. Despite his reported lack of skill in the kitchen, he proved self-assured with the grill. A meal of hot dogs and warmed baked beans waited on the small table. Arched retaining wall blocks surrounded the blazing fire, the crackle and snap of dry timber adding to the cozy refuge. The casual cookout reminded her of home, family, and peace of mind. Nature surrounded them on all sides in all its forms.

  “I love the way your patio is so sheltered. We used to have cookouts all the time. We’d make up ridiculous stories while we ate.”

  “Yeah? Let’s hear it.”

  “Mhmm. Reese wanted to get into vet school. He’d entertain us using the animals we’d see. We’d all have binoculars, and he’d tell us details about all his woodland friends.”


  Kaylee nodded toward the tree line. “Looks like your squirrel tree is ripe. I remember one night after Reese had domesticated a family of the little critters. They’d come right up and eat from his hand while he made up wild yarns about their family squabbles.” She smiled at the chattering, bushy-tailed critters flitting from limb to limb. To watch several scamper up the tree while others played among the branches provided nature’s version of comic relief in a world of chaos. Remembering the details brought her twin’s countenance more firmly into mind.

  “I put food out for them but don’t try to otherwise tame them. I don’t want them getting too relaxed around people in their traipsing about or approaching a hunter and getting shot. There’s quite a few to entertain you on quiet evenings. They’re kind of cool to watch over time. Some of them have markings that change seasonally. They’re active little buggers, year-round.”

  The vibration of his cell interrupted their quiet communion with nature. “Looks like we have company.” His lips tightened into a straight line.

  Kaylee leaned over to view the screen. “Ethan Lexi—and someone else. Think they have news?” As much as she wanted the kidnappers caught, the thought of going back to her home filled her with dread. She couldn’t imagine feeling safe when alone.

  “Hope so. Sit tight. They’ll find us.”

  Minutes later, Hoover bounded through the back slider with Lexi and Ethan trailing. Kaylee didn’t recognize the man with them, but shined boots, TAC pants, and polo shirt, pinned him as an officer.

  “Hi Ca. ’Bout time you changed the code on your alarm, don’t you think?” Glancing at Kaylee, Lexi added. “Looks like you’re feeling better.” Crinkles around her eyes and mouth belied the tension in her voice.

  “I’m fine.” Kaylee didn’t miss Ethan’s slight roll of his shoulders. “Judging by the company, this is a business call.”

  “Um, yeah, it is. I was just granted the courtesy of a ride along. You remember Detective Saunders?” Ethan dropped down on the cushioned loveseat beside Lexi. His frown and haggard appearance presaged unpleasant news.

  Saunders, standing off to the side, nodded to Kaylee before addressing Caden with a sly grin. “We’ve found a woman’s body. It was Ciera Kirpatzel.”

  “Where?” Caden’s low murmur held the pain of loss.

  “In a shallow grave just inside the wildlife refuge. She was dressed in a familiar red, white, and black, hockey T-shirt.” Ethan’s apologetic gaze regarded Kaylee before returning to his brother. “Less than a mile from your insertion point.”

  “What the hell!” Caden paled as he jumped to his feet. Pacing to the edge of the patio and back, his fists clenched and relaxed before turning back to Ethan. “They’re trying to frame me.”

  “Either that or remove the obstacle protecting Kaylee,” Lexi suggested in a calm tone.

  “When we were in cages, she was dressed in torn blue jeans and an old flannel shirt.” Kaylee’s anger flared, spreading heat up her neck to encompass her face.

  “Kaylee’s accounting is partly why we’re allowed this courtesy.” Ethan tugged at his earlobe, his hesitance to continue filling the room with apprehension. “Her interview was conducted before Ciera was murdered.”

  “Jesus. This is a tangled nightmare.” Caden’s gaze darted to Saunders as if an invisible noose closed about his neck.

  “Also, the husband is spouting off about how you two had a fling and that you went ballistic when she ended it. Not to mention pointing at you as her supplier. There were traces of drugs found on the body.”

  “That’s not how it happened! And you know I’ve never touched that shit.” Caden’s jaw opened and closed several times before Ethan continued.

  “Hey! I’ve been within three feet of him since I escaped.” Kaylee’s indignation didn’t alter Saunders’ stance.

  “We know that—which is why we explained the shirt to the captain before forensics identifies your DNA. But they want you to go in and give a statement, just to clear the air,” Ethan shuffled his feet in a rare show of uncertainty. “Abagail is on her way to the station now. I told her we’d meet her there. You talk to no one until you’ve spoken with her. Got it?”

  “Yeah, let’s get this shit over with.”

  * * * *

  Caden drummed his fingers on the metal table, waiting for his sister to enter and read him the riot act. It wasn’t the first time he’d been on the wrong side of an interrogation table but prayed it was the last. At least two of his brothers would be observing on the other side of the one-way mirror.

  A whoosh of cooler air brushed his brow when Abby opened the door. Dressed in a slim black suit and heels, her hair in a neat bun, she was all business. It wasn’t that long ago he’d wanted to break another detective’s jaw for the reference of femme fatale.

  Settling her briefcase on the table across from him, she sat, releasing a long sigh. “Jeez, Ca. Who’d you piss off this time?” A folder with several sheets of paper kept her attention as she read one report after another.

  “Conroy Kirpatzel.”

  “The banking magnate? Go big or go home?”

  “C’mon Abs. You know how that went down with Ciera.” To see his sister so serious spelled more trouble than he wanted to contemplate.

  “Yeah, I know. But two years ago, after you punched that creep to get information, you shot any credibility you had here to shit. Here’s what’s gonna happen. We’re gonna spend the next hour going over every detail I can pick out. Then, the not-so-nice detective is going to come in and ask questions.” She paused for effect, “You’re not going to open your mouth except to answer my questions. Got it?”

  “Yes, ma’am. Understood.”

  “By the way, Kaylee is bending the captain’s ear concerning your innocence. That’s after she called her father, who, as you may or may not know, has no clout here whatsoever but doesn’t stop him from issuing suggestions.”


  “Don’t worry about her. Feel sorry for the captain, at this point. She certainly is one determined young lady. Speaking of which, I also need to know the extent of your relationship.”

  “Look, all this shit is circumstantial. Yeah, I’d left my T-shirt at Ciera’s house when we broke up. Hell, her brother blames me for her returning to the abusive prick and getting her into drugs.”

  “Yeah, the drugs are one thing the brother and husband agree on, which doesn’t look good at all.”

  “Shit. This doesn’t even make sense. I was with Kaylee when she was shot. And I was here in the station when she first stumbled in.”

  “First, you have no alibi for the hours she was in the tunnels. Second, per her statement, there are at least two men.” Abby held up her hand to staunch Caden’s denial. “They can’t charge you yet. At least not until the DNA results come back.”

  “And you know Saunders will put a rush on that.”

  “It’s well known that he hates you. You be
at him on promotional exams. But, the captain is fair.”

  “All right. Let’s start from the beginning. I want to know everything.”

  After obtaining pertinent facts, Abigail narrowed her focus on Caden’s eyes. Now, for the final and most important questions. “At what point did they tell you that you’re under arrest?”

  “They haven’t.”

  “What? Has anyone read you Miranda rights?”


  “Then why in the fuck did you come? You know this drill.” The same shark’s smile had forced many opposing attorneys to cringe. “You don’t speak to anyone, and I do mean no one but me about your previous relationship with Ciera. Got it?


  “I’ve already laid into Matt, Billy, Ethan, and Lucas. If they even hint at a question of your past dealings with any of the McFaddens or Kirpatzel, I will flay them alive. Understood?”


  “Good. Now let’s get the fuck out of here and go home. I’ll deal with Saunders tomorrow.”

  Caden felt sorry for Saunders.

  Chapter Twenty

  “Saunders is an asshole.” Caden grumbled.

  “We all know that,” Lexi, sitting in the front passenger seat, agreed.

  Sitting in the back of Ethan’s SUV, Kaylee reached for Caden’s hand, taking a deep breath when he relaxed and linked their fingers. “Yes, and now he’s gonna look like a fool. I think your sister’s gonna rip him a new one.”

  “Always the bright side, huh?” He nodded his chin toward a group of girls walking out of the movie theatre as they passed. “You should be enjoying life like them, not spending your nights at the police station. I hear you gave the captain a run for his money, though. Kudos to you.”

  “Combined with your father calling, it put him on the defensive.” Lexi swiveled in her seat to see Kaylee face to face. “I thought a united front of McAllisters was a force to be reckoned with, but it sounded like your dad ranks right up there with them.”


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