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No Ifs, Ands, or Bears About It

Page 7

by Celia Kyle

  He burst from the hallway and into the kitchen, nails scraping over the worn, hardwood floors. The heavy stench of fear permeated the air, and he glanced around the room. His bears, members of his clan, all knelt before him. Good, they should remember he wasn’t only their leader by birth, he held it through strength, as well.

  No one breathed, each adult still and frozen as he passed. He snuffled and huffed, drawing in their scents, identifying them one by one.

  Gigi. Gigi was good. Good to the cubs and liked Mia. His bear half decided she would live.

  The human part of his mind shoved, and the bear pushed back. They would go to their Itana, but some of these bears needed a lesson.

  Keen. Brother bear. Dug through his Itana’s clothes, but was good to Mia. He stayed.

  Sarah. Even her name tasted foul on his tongue. The woman had interrupted his breakfast with Mia. Had raged against his Itana’s humanity. Had flung a cub across the room. He bared his fangs and enjoyed the increased scent of fear that flowed from her. It would be easy to open his mouth and—

  “Ty?” The voice that reached him was like a gentle, soothing breeze. His Mia had come to him.

  “No. Just go, Mia. Very slowly, back away.” Isaac. Brother bear, but he was telling Mia to leave him. Ty roared at the idea, snarling at the speaker.

  “Ty.” This time she snapped at him, and he swung his head around and glared at her. No one talked to him that way. Usually.

  Mia stood, framed in the kitchen’s doorway, as sweet and sensual as he’d left her. On her hip, Parker clung to her, his eyes wide and lower lip trembling. Cubs should never fear him. It was the adults he had issues with. The little boy shuddered and stared at the ground, angling his head and mimicking those around him.

  Mia returned his glare with one of her own and tapped her foot for good measure. She was gorgeous when angry. In the future, he’d probably annoy her just to see this side of her beauty.

  Except the human half of him was pissed and shoved the beast aside while he was distracted. It yanked and pulled the bear back until flushed skin replaced fur. On hands and knees now, he raised his head to look at his Itana, and winced at the annoyance that still lingered in her expression.

  “Mia,” he rasped her name, the single word soothing him. If only he could touch her…

  As if sensing his need, she approached on bare feet, Parker still in her arms. She knelt, easily balancing the cub’s weight. Her gaze clashed with his, brown eyes holding a big dose of irritation, attraction and… Sadness?

  “Mia?” He pushed to his knees, and his lips twitched when her focus drifted to his cock. Then his cock twitched.

  A red flush stained her cheeks and her attention immediately returned to his face with that bit of irritation still in place. Before he could say another word she flicked the end of his nose. Hard.

  Gasps surrounded them, Parker’s included, but he just grinned at her. Which caused another round of gasps.

  “What the heck was all this? You’re an idiot and a gigantic cornnut.”

  He shook his head, the grin turning dopey. Damn, she smelled good. “I don’t know what that means.”

  Mia sighed. “I know. Are you done? Because we need to talk.”

  Aw, shit. Talking was bad.

  Chapter Seven

  Mia distinctly remembered telling Ty she was leaving. Yes, that had been a big part of their conversation, but then there had been kisses and suddenly she was back in the guestroom, pajamas in place and toothbrush in hand. Didn’t they talk about the fact that their attraction was biological? She was pretty sure that had been one of the topics covered. She stared at herself in the bathroom mirror and frowned. Something had gone very, very wrong.

  She was definitely leaving tomorrow. She didn’t need to get seduced by a man who only wanted her because of her supposed “strength.” Yet her father had said an Itana was different… She scrubbed her teeth harder and faster, forcing herself to focus on hygiene and a little less on the drama in her life.

  She spit into the sink and then washed her face. There, she was minty fresh and ready for bed. Not that she’d gotten minty fresh for anyone else. Brushing twice a day was recommended by dentists. Right, she’d keep telling herself she was motivated by her dental health and not by the possibility of exchanging a few more kisses with Ty.

  With a sigh, she left the bathroom and padded into the bedroom, exhausted and intent on simply crawling into bed. She glanced at the door, noting it was cracked open the tiniest bit. Convincing Parker to sleep in the room across the hall had taken a few out of this world promises. He’d finally crashed after being assured she’d be a few feet away.

  She turned to the bed, shuffled across the wood floor, and flipped off the overhead light. Her feet hit the decorative carpet near her destination and more fatigue swamped her. She knew she’d fall asleep the moment her head rested on the pillow. Just another couple of feet.

  Eyes now closed, she fumbled for the blanket and sheet and yanked it aside before crawling onto the soft mattress. She snuggled into the bed, sighing as warmth surrounded her, comforting her, embracing…

  “What the frog!” She struggled against the once-welcoming blankets, tugging and yanking at them. A scream built in her throat as the arms wrapped around her tightened and held her fast. A warm, large hand slapped over her mouth, silencing her.

  Holy crap, the lumps on the bed hadn’t been a pile of decorative pillows like she’d assumed. Crap on a cheese-covered cracker.

  A soothing scent encircled her, heat and hunger and man. In an instant, she stilled, recognizing the hand keeping her quiet, the arms surrounding her and the warm body at her back.

  “Easy.” Oh, yes, he was recognizable all right. “I’m gonna move my hand. No screaming. We don’t wanna wake Parker.”

  Right. That was her biggest concern. Not. No, her biggest issue was the rock hard cock digging into her pajama clad butt.

  In slow increments, his grip eased and then his palm slid from her compressed lips. The moment she was free, she hissed at him. “Are you kidding me?”

  “You wouldn’t stay in my room.” There wasn’t a hint of regret in his tone.

  “Because we’re not doing this.” She kept her voice low, barely a whisper. She knew bears had enhanced hearing and she didn’t want to wake Parker.

  “That’s what you said.” His hand ghosted her shoulder, slid along the length of her arm and then wrapped around her waist.

  “No, Ty. I mean it.” It didn’t matter if her body craved the big cornnut, she wasn’t going to end up some Itan’s consolation prize simply because her rapist father was powerful.

  “Mia.” He pressed his forehead against the back of her neck and his warm breath fanned her skin. “You don’t understand.”

  She struggled against his hold, truly fighting to get away and he finally released her with a growl. She bolted to the other side of the room and took refuge in a welcoming chair near the window. “I understand, Ty. I understand more than you think.”

  Ty sat up, swung his legs over the edge of the bed and pressed his feet to the floor. The rapid movement exposed more of him, more of his heavy muscles chest, distinctively carved abdomen and way too much of his thick, strong thighs for her liking.

  “You’re naked!” The words were said with a whispered shout.

  The unrepentant man grinned. “I was hoping to get you there, too.”

  “No, it’s not happening. What you feel isn’t real and what we did in the hallway…” She shook her head. “Never again.”

  “What do you mean my feelings aren’t real?” A low growl reached her, slithered inside her and she felt something deep within her soul stir. Maybe they hadn’t gotten to that part of her complaints earlier?

  “I spoke with my father. He explained a few things about me, about my past.” Tears stung her eyes and she took a shuddering breath. Her dad’s words continued to rattle through her mind and refused to be silenced.

  Ty furrowed his brow. “What
do you mean?” She opened her mouth to reply and he held up a hand to silence her. “Never mind. It doesn’t matter.”

  He rose from the bed and she got a better look at what lay between his legs. She’d gotten a glimpse in the kitchen, but now she was up close, personal and in high definition with his package. Suddenly she realized she was staring at his package and she heated from head to toe. Dang, she had a full-body blush going on.

  She snapped her eyes shut and ignored the sound of his feet on first the carpet and then the hard wood floor. She ignored the quiet that descended when he finally stood before her and the heat that came from his nearness.

  “Mia, open your eyes.”

  “Nope.” She simply closed them tighter.

  She sensed his movement even if she couldn’t see it. Large, warm hands came to rest a hint above her knees, palms and fingers easily spanning her thighs. “Mia, open your eyes.”

  “Are you still nekkid?” Part of her hoped so and that same part was really, really tempted to open her eyes and ogle him. The other part knew it was a mistake. Hormones or instincts or something was driving him to come after her. Nothing more, nothing less.

  Ty chuckled. “Yes, but you should get used to it since you’ll be nekkid soon, too.”

  “Nope. You’re not listening to what I’m saying, Ty.” She sighed.

  “I’m listening, I just don’t like what I’m hearing so I’m gonna ignore it. It’s a benefit of being Itan.”

  She opened her eyes and glared at him. “You’re not my Itan,” she snapped.

  Aw, crap on a cracker, looking had been a mistake. Especially since now she could stare into his chocolate-brown eyes that were quickly darkening to black. Dang he was temptation on two legs and four. His eyes drew her in, but his lips… Maybe she could have one last kiss.

  No, bad horny girl, bad.

  He released one leg and brought his hand up and cupped her cheek, running his thumb over her lower lip. Tempted beyond control, she flicked her tongue out and tasted his skin. Yet another mistake. His flavors burst over her tongue, spicy and sweet and she ached for another sample. She repeated the move, this time taking the tip into her mouth and suckling the digit.

  “Mia, you can’t do things like that and expect me not to touch you.”

  Amazingly, her skin heated further and she released him with a soft pop. “Sorry,” she whispered. “Couldn’t help it.”

  “Uh-huh.” His gaze bore into her, searching and hunting. For what, she didn’t know. “You don’t think my feelings for you are real? That’s the problem?” She nodded. “How about trusting your own?”

  “But I…” She what? She craved him like a drug? Wanted nothing more than to jump into bed with him? Feared him wanting her simply because of her father?

  All of the above and then some.

  “You’re my Itana, Mia. You’re not some game to me, or a way to waste time. I won’t pick you up today and throw you away tomorrow.”

  Tears pricked her eyes and clogged her throat, cutting off any words, and she shook her head.

  “Yes.” He brushed stray strands of her hair aside and tucked them behind her ear. “But I’ll prove it to you. We’ll take things slow. I want you more than air, ache to claim you as mine, but I won’t. Not until you tell me you’re ready.”

  “What if I’m not ever…?” Saying the words hurt her heart.

  “You will be. And then the clan will celebrate.”

  “Ty, they’re not going to celebrate a human Itana. Most bears are disgusted by humans. And,” and if his feelings were nothing more than lust and anything less than love, “and they’ll expect cubs. They’ll be livid that—”

  “You said the word cubs while referring to the two of us joining. That’s enough for me. It’s one step in the right direction and I refuse to let you talk yourself backwards.” He removed his hands and rose to his full height, putting his flaccid cock at eye-level.

  Oh, that was never, ever going to fit. It twitched and she slammed her eyes shut once again, much to Ty’s amusement if his manly chuckle was any indication. He grabbed her wrist, encircling it with his fingers, and tugged her standing. His heat scorched her and his scent invaded her senses.

  “Come to bed, Mia.” He pulled her and she pulled back, opening her eyes to stare at him.

  “We’re not sleeping together.” She’d never be able to resist him.

  He looked at her over his shoulder. “You won’t sleep in my bed because Parker needs you near, so I’m sleeping in yours.”

  She shook her head. She seemed to be telling him “no” all the time, but it hadn’t made a difference yet.

  In a single step, he was against her, cupping her cheek with his free hand. “Just to sleep, Itana. I promise, no matter how much you beg, I won’t fuck you.”

  * * *

  Ty’s balls were gonna fall off. They’d been blue for hours and he knew that the moment he tried to move, they’d turn to dust and crumble. But he wouldn’t change a thing about how he’d spent the night.

  Tucked against him, Mia wiggled her ass and snuggled closer, pressing her rear against his still-hard cock. Damn. It hurt, but oh so good. The feel of her skin against his had his bear purring like a cat. It was annoyed at the delay in claiming her, but satisfied that the human half was doing all he could to hurry the process along.

  He tightened his hold on her waist, smiling at the soft sigh that escaped her. Conscious, she wouldn’t admit to their connection, but asleep…

  Ty couldn’t resist nuzzling her, pressing his face against the length of her neck and breathing deep. His beast truly did purr and the sound was followed by a rumbling chuff. He wasn’t sure what her father said to her, but it seemed to have pushed them back a few steps. It wouldn’t matter in the end. He was sure he could shuffle her alongside him once again. By the time he was done, she would be begging him for his mark. He took another, deep, lung-filling breath and released it on a long, slow sigh. Hopefully it would happen sooner rather than later.

  Mia snuffled and nuzzled the pillow, mumbling low. “Ty…”

  And there went his cock hardening further. She couldn’t do things like that. His Itana wanted him, he simply needed to get her to admit it.

  The low squeak of a dry hinge had him tensing, his bear rushing forward and ready to protect their mate. He focused on the bedroom door, watching as it opened further to reveal a bleary Parker. The cub’s eyes widened and he gasped, backing up a step.

  “Parker?” He kept his voice low, but knew the boy’s enhanced hearing would allow the cub to hear him.


  “Come in, sweet cub.” He was a sweet cub and he internally grimaced as he thought of the boy’s future. Hell, the kid’s present life was bad enough. He had a homicidal uncle and would soon be handed off to an elderly great uncle.

  Parker shuffled into the room, bare feet sliding over the carpet. He tugged on his borrowed shirt, pulling it back onto his shoulder, and then rubbed his nose. Wiping it, of course, on his shirt.

  The boy stopped at the edge of the bed. “What do you need, sweet cub?”

  “I want Mia.” The whisper was loud and he flicked his attention to Mia, but she didn’t stir.

  “Mia’s sleeping. How about breakfast? I’m sure Gigi has something for you.”

  Parker shook his head. “No, want Mia, Itan.”

  He closed his eyes and sighed. He knew that tone, he’d heard it from other cubs often enough. “What about if I take you to the kitchen? Mia didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “B’cause you’re in her bed. Mom says grownups only sleep together when they love each other and are mated and you’re not mated.”

  Mom says…

  Present, not past tense. Parker must have realized his words as well since large, rounded tears appeared in his eyes.

  “But she’s the Itana. We should let the Itana sleep, right?” At Ty’s question, Parker rubbed his balled, chubby fist across his eyes and nodded. “You and I will go see wha
t Gigi has for us.”

  Ty slowly extricated himself from Mia, easing his hand from around her waist. He dropped a soft kiss to her temple before swinging his legs off the bed. He snared his discarded boxers from the floor and slid them on as he stood. Turning around, he found a wide eyed Parker staring at him.

  “You were naked.” Another boy-volume whisper.

  “That’s how your Itan sleeps with his Itana, sweet cub.” He rounded the bed and held out his hand for Parker. “Let’s go see what Gigi has.”

  The child grabbed his hand, so much smaller in his. The differences between them astounded him. So tiny, so helpless, so very alone. No, the cub would always have the Grayslake bear clan. Always.

  “Come, Parker.” He led the boy from the room and into the hall, their dim path lit by the glow filtering through the windows.

  As they passed one of the larger panes of glass along their path, he noted the sun peeking over the horizon. The varying shades of pink, purple, and orange filled the sky and appeared to dance over the mountains.

  The small hand in his squeezed, the cub weaving the tiniest bit. It wasn’t quite a stumble, but Ty didn’t want Parker getting hurt on his watch. He scooped the child into his arms amidst his tiny, tinkling giggles.

  Parker laughed, high-pitched and pure, and bracketed Ty’s face with his hands. “Itan!” He laughed along with the cub and play-snarled then pretended to snack on Parker’s arms. “Ty!”

  He tickled Parker’s stomach. Had anything ever been more fun? Just toying with a cub and making him smile, laugh, with pure joy. He couldn’t wait to do the same to his and Mia’s cubs.

  They slid into the kitchen and he found his brothers seated at the island while Gigi bustled around the stove.

  He wasn’t quite ready to end his game with the cub. “I’m a big, scary bear and I’m gonna have you for breakfast.” Parker froze in his arms, tiny body stiff and his heart rate increased. “Parker?”

  “He scared me, Itan. He was gonna eat me.” His voice was whisper soft.

  Ty hugged the cub close, knowing that a physical connection helped soothe little ones when they were upset, and Parker was definitely upset. “Who, Parker?”


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