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No Ifs, Ands, or Bears About It

Page 9

by Celia Kyle

  It was one of the few times he’d mentioned his inner bear. Sure, she’d seen him close to losing control of the animal as well as one spectacular, fur-filled display in the kitchen, but otherwise he didn’t acknowledge its existence.

  “Feed me?” She raised an eyebrow and he gave her a jerky nod.

  “Feed you.” Ty waggled his fingers. “C’mere. Or are you scared? I told you, I wasn’t going to fuck you until you were ready. Not even if you begged.”

  “Crude much?” She sniffed. She enjoyed giving him a hard time, even if she secretly reveled in his sexual teasing.

  “Honest. Now, get that pretty little ass over here.”

  She sighed and rolled her eyes, but crawled to him just the same. “Nothing about me is little.”

  The second she got within reach, Ty went into action. He snared her hand, tugged her forward and she went from kneeling to snuggled comfortably between his legs, her back pressed to his front. Of course she let out a high-pitched squeak that had him chuckling.

  He leaned down and rubbed his cheek along her neck and nuzzled her below her ear. “Right where I want you.”

  She moved to pull away, put some space between them. She couldn’t resist him when he got close and all sweet and affectionate. Ty was so gentle with his touches, smooth and soft when he caressed her. Whether it was the simple act of brushing his hand over hers or a passionate kiss, she melted.

  Instead of getting free, she ended up closer to him. His arms wrapped around her waist, his palms coming to rest on her rib cage and his thumbs teased the underside of her breasts.

  “What would you like, Itana?”

  His lips? His tongue? His shaft sliding into her over and over again?

  Ty nipped her earlobe. “Gigi packed strawberries for us. Just a hint of sweet. How about we start there?”

  Oh. Food. At least one of them was staying on target. She nodded, not trusting her voice.

  Ty leaned forward, jostling her, and chuckled when his reach came up short. He tried again, pushing her down a bit with the stretch. When it was evident their positioning wasn’t going to work, he slumped back. “All right, this went differently in my head.” He placed his hands on her waist. “Up you go. We’re swapping places.”

  Before she could object, or even agree, Ty manhandled her into position. Now she was the one with her back against the tree while he knelt on the blanket facing her.

  “Ah, that’s better. Now I can see your face as I feed you.” The grin was very, very wicked and very, very tempting.

  Yet another blush stole over her cheeks and she wondered if she’d spend the rest of her life perpetually red when in his presence. Of course, that thought had all color fleeing her face. There wasn’t going to be a “rest of her life” with Ty. Because… Well, just because. He was going on instinct, his bear guiding him and shoving the human half of him toward her because of her supposed strength. There wasn’t love there. And maybe she was his Itana. Maybe. But that didn’t negate the fact that a certain set of emotions were missing.

  Ty turned and perused the various containers. He snatched one and turned back to her, naughty smile back in place. “Open those legs for me.”

  “What?” She widened her eyes. She wasn’t opening anything. She’d done that in the hallway days ago and came very close to begging him to take her.

  Instead of answering, he moved forward, inching along and nudging her thighs apart with his presence. Wider and wider her legs went, her skirt rising higher with every centimeter. And still he came nearer. She snared the hem of her flimsy dress and pushed it down. She didn’t manage to keep it lowered to her liking, but she did draw Ty’s attention to her predicament.

  “Shy, sweet Itana?”

  “Ty,” she shoved the word past gritted teeth.

  “No reason to be. One day soon we’ll get intimately acquainted.” He gave her a wink and she glared back at him. “You’re beautiful, Mia. Lush and curved in all the right places. You shouldn’t be shy, not with me.”

  Mia rolled her eyes. She wasn’t a downer, but she was realistic. “Lush? You mean fat.”

  Ty curled his lip and released a low growl. “Gorgeous. The bear and I agree you were made for us. You are perfect.”

  She snorted.

  “I mean it.” He glared.

  Her stomach grumbled again, breaking into their stare off, and the sound pushed him into action. “We’re gonna finish this, don’t think we’re not.” He popped the top on the container he held and the sweet, delicious scent of strawberries drifted to her. He snared one and brought it to her mouth, tracing her lower lip with the plump fruit. “Take a bite, Itana.”

  “No forks?”

  Ty shook his head. “The bear wants to provide for you. Open up.”

  Mia kept her gaze on Ty, relishing the subtle shift of the colors of his eyes, brown darkened to black and then back to brown. His skin rippled and she imagined his beast lurked beneath the surface.

  He rubbed the tip of the berry along her lower lip, teasing and tempting her until she finally relented and opened her mouth. Ever so gently, he slipped the end past her lips and she bit into the juicy fruit. The delicious sweetness of the strawberry danced over her taste buds, but it was the scent of his skin that called to her most.

  She chewed and swallowed the bit she’d taken, licking her lips the moment the bite was gone. This time his eyes didn’t return to a chocolate brown, but remained black. He held the strawberry to her lips and she repeated the process: nip, chew, swallow, lick. Now dark brown fur peppered his arms.

  The last bite was barely worth mentioning, the tiny sliver remaining held between two fingers. Each nibble had given her more of the berry, but it’d also given her more of his seductive scent.

  With the next bite, Mia didn’t second guess her desires, didn’t shove back the need to taste not only the berry, but him as well. She accepted the fruit and so much more. She opened her mouth slightly wider than necessary and slid her tongue over his thumb then index finger. The strawberry slid into her mouth, but she sucked his pointer finger in as well. She swallowed the sliver of strawberry with ease and focused on Ty, on the digit in her mouth, and how her teasing affected him.

  She treated him much like she’d treat his shaft, suckling and caressing with her tongue. She flicked the tip and then stroked him, sliding along the length in gentle glides. The rate of Ty’s breathing increased, the rapid expansion and contraction of his chest accompanying the huffs and puffs leaving his mouth. More of his brown fur covered him, traveling down his arms and rising along his neck.

  “Mia.” The word was more growl than human speech.

  Ty eased his finger free and returned to her with another strawberry so they could repeat the process once again, teasing them both. Bite, chew, swallow, lick. Bite, chew, swallow, lick. They were back to a tiny sliver, a small piece she swallowed without hesitation. Which left her mouth free to taste and savor Ty’s finger.

  Mia let her gaze wander to the juncture of his thighs, to the bulge that lurked beneath his jeans. Her body responded to his condition, reacted to the arousing teasing she’d initiated. She heated with every suckle of his finger, panties dampening and an unfulfilled ache spread through her. She needed him. Those pieces of her heart she’d already given him urged her to succumb to his desires.

  When he attempted to retreat, she increased her suction and swirled her tongue around the tip. “Mia, you need to stop.”

  She shook her head, still unwilling to release him.

  “Mia, you’re two seconds away from being lunch.” His nostrils flared and she realized he scented her need for him which stoked her cravings.

  Slowly, she slid her mouth along his finger, exposing more and more of the digit to the warm air. Instead of letting him slip free without any further teasing, she nipped the very tip, nibbling the pad of his forefinger. A shudder overtook him, his entire body shaking with the uncontrollable move, and then her world tilted.

  Ty gripped her thighs and i
n one lightning fast jerk, she was spread before him on the suddenly near-barren blanket. A quick glance at her surroundings revealed the containers were scattered on the fringes of the blanket and the two of them occupied the center of the smooth cloth.

  As before, he knelt between her spread thighs only this time he eased much, much closer to her heat. So much so that her skirt was now bunched around her hips and her panties were exposed to his gaze. She knew what he saw. His brother had only brought the tiniest and frilliest panties he could find and today’s were the worst of the bunch.

  Had she subconsciously picked them, knowing she’d come to him like this?


  The panties were made of black lace and midnight satin. The thin weavings hid her skin from view while the tightly woven fabric obscured her center. Under the heat of his gaze, her blood warmed further, sending floods of sensation to her pussy and clit. She throbbed and tightened, body silently begging for him. Her nipples pebbled and pressed against her bra and even her breasts pleaded for his touch.

  Rough hands traced her legs, sliding along her calves, past her knees and on to her outer thighs.

  “Mia?” His questioning gaze met hers and the warmth of his hands halted where her legs met her hips. His thumbs teased the crease, easing toward the elastic hem of her panties, but going no farther. “What do you want?”

  He wanted words? Actual words?

  Mia whimpered and wiggled a little, drawing his attention back to the apex of her legs. A growl escaped his lips. He tightened his hold, and slid closer to her center. The very tips of his thumbs delved beneath the edges, ends stroking the perimeter of her lower lips, and a shiver raced down her spine.

  “Ty,” she whispered his name, the sound seeming so loud against the quiet forest.

  “Tell me.” The two digits delved deeper, stroking more of where she desired him most.

  “Touch me.”

  “Here?” He stroked what little bit of flesh he’d reached.


  “With my hands?”

  “Oh, God yes.” She arched and rocked her hips, hoping to force him to give her more.

  “With my tongue?”

  She trembled from head to toe, arousal and pleasure washing over her with those three words. “Yes.”

  His hands moved away, the sexy roughness no longer caressing her inner thighs, and the retreat was immediately followed by the renting of cloth. The day’s warm air bathed her wet pussy, grazing her in a gentle caress. Now she was exposed to him, fully, completely exposed.

  Those delicious hands returned, palms scraping over her flesh and fingers coming to meet at her center. He stroked her, digits sliding along the seam of her lower lips, petting her with a barely-there pressure.

  “Ty,” she whispered.

  “Right here.”

  A finger slipped deeper, gliding over her sensitized tissues and causing a full-body shudder to overtake her. Smiling, he repeated the caress, her cream easing his way as he tormented her. Up, then down, and up again. The pad of his finger grazed her throbbing clit and her pleasure spiked, yanking a gasp from her chest. A purely satisfied masculine chuckle followed her sound and he gave her another barely-there stroke. Again a bolt of bliss hit her.

  Then it got worse—better? His touch returned south and delved deeper, sliding farther until his finger circled her very center. He teased the edges of her heat, going round and round the rim of her soaked pussy. She rocked against his caress, aching to have any part of him inside her.

  “Please, Ty?” She shifted her hips once again. She was on fire, burning for him, her entire body aching for his possession and demanding she submit to his every whim. “Please.”

  Ty eased his finger into her, sliding effortlessly into her moist entrance. His digit teased her inner-walls, stroking them, and the touch aroused her even further. Her body burned for him, ached and begged and throbbed with desire for the man between her spread thighs. He retreated and then pushed into her, establishing a slow, gentle rhythm that drove her mad.

  “Not enough,” she whimpered.

  He withdrew completely, and she whined, wiggling her hips in an effort to entice him to return. And he did return, giving her more than he had before. Two fingers slid into her, stretching her pussy.


  She nodded, unable to do much more. Especially when he began that slow, steady pace once again. The calluses on his fingers teased her while the tips of his digits slid over her G-spot with every gentle thrust and withdrawal.

  “So much better,” she moaned.

  Through it all, she kept her gaze centered on him, absorbing every emotion that flitted across his face. Lust, desire, animalistic need. It was all there plus a hint of something else, something she wasn’t quite ready to identify.

  Ty continued to torment and tease her, drawing her pleasure higher and higher with each beat of her heart. His free hand rested atop her mound, thumb so close to her pulsing clit yet so very, very far away. She wanted him to flick and circle the nub and the caress would send her soaring over the edge.

  Then he sent that hope crashing down around her. He withdrew from her pussy.

  “No,” she wailed and sobbed.

  “Shh… I just want a taste.”

  Then he did the most erotic, delicious thing she’d ever seen. He brought his fingers to his mouth and lapped at them, sucking them deep, and he moaned. His eyes rolled into the back of his head and he sucked harder, hollowing his cheeks.

  Mia glanced down, noting the even larger bulge hidden from view by his jeans. She wondered how he’d taste.

  He released his fingers and stared down at her, his eyes fully black. Brown fur dusted his cheeks and neck, the light sprinkling continuing on to his biceps and forearms.

  “More.” He lowered fully to the ground, resting on his stomach between her spread legs and he brought his face level with her weeping pussy. “Need.”

  Mia pushed up to her elbows and stared down at him past the swell of her stomach. The move made her aware of her body, of the curves that covered her and how they compared to the perfectly trim Sarah. But then it didn’t matter because Ty’s heated gaze met hers, his expression telling her that he wanted her, craved her, and needed her more than anything else in the world.

  Still focused on her, he lowered and eased forward to hover over her desperate pussy. Talented fingers teased her opening once again and slid deep into her as before. At the same moment, he fused his mouth to her pulsating clit and flicked the bundle of nerves with his tongue.

  “Oh, fuck.” Oh, holy fuck. If ever there was a curse-worthy time, it was that second. And the next moment when he sucked. And then when he rubbed her G-spot with the pad of his fingers. And then when he…

  Mia rocked against his hand, meeting his every thrust and fighting to have more of him inside her. She wanted to be stretched completely, filled entirely by him. Soon the pleasure became too intense, overwhelming her with the sensations of his hand, his mouth, and that wicked tongue.

  Ty settled into a steady, lightning inducing rhythm that drove her wild. Flick, suck, thrust, rub, repeat. Mouth and fingers tormented her, sending sparks of pleasure and shards of rising desire through her veins. More and more he gave and more and more she took.

  “Ty,” she whimpered and his gaze bore into her, seeming to look into her soul and whatever he saw pleased the bear. A vibrating rumble traveled from his mouth to her clit and she screamed at the pleasure his action caused.

  Unable to stop herself, she reached down and sifted her fingers through his hair, fisting his strands. She tightened her hold, fighting to direct his actions, and the move had him growling against her clit. Fuck, the vibrations added to her pleasure. Feelings of bliss and ecstasy rocketed through her from head to toes and back.

  Her cunt clenched and tightened around his fingers, milking him, and she readily admitted that she wished she were being penetrated by his cock. He’d slide deep into her, plunging in and out in rap
id succession.

  Holding his hair tight, she rocked against his mouth, shifting and flexing in time with every thrust and retreat. Mia cupped her breast with her free hand, kneading the mound and rubbing her nipple through the fabric of her top and bra. She needed a little more…

  “Ty,” she sobbed his name. “Close…”

  His rhythm changed, his tempo increasing and she gladly matched him, reveling in his attentions. Their gazes were no longer intent on each other, but she sensed his feelings through every flick of his tongue and slip of his fingers into her sheath. His actions demanded she come and snatch that final completion.

  She raced to the edge, to the very precipice, and hovered along the brink of release. A little more and she’d…

  Another rumbling growl and then a hint of pain stole through her. Oh shit, he’d scraped her clit with his fang. And then again. And once again. With that small hurt, she flew. The ache threw her to the brink and right into the abyss of her orgasm. Her body tightened, muscles spasming and clenching as the pleasure overtook her.

  No, overtake was too bland a word.

  It conquered and claimed her, stole every hint of control and she could only succumb to the pleasure of his mouth and hand. Heedless of her screaming, he continued, his actions sending crackling spears of ecstasy through her veins. Her toes curled, muscles tensed, and the bliss of her release crawled into every corner of her body. Trembles robbed all voluntary action from her and the only thing she could do was go along for the ride that never seemed to end.

  “Ty!” She jerked and twitched, the bliss shorting out her nerves. A sob tore from her throat and she fought against his hold. To get closer? Or father away? “Please.” He scraped her clit once again and this time it was to get away. She jerked, pushing on his head instead of fighting to bring him nearer. “Too much…”

  Ty hummed against her sensitive flesh, and his torment eased. The suction on her clit ceased and the rapid plunge of his fingers in and out of her soaked pussy slowed. But the pleasure… Her cunt spasmed and a small tremor slithered up her spine causing Mia to whimper.


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