Cortigiana (A Vamp Life Prequel)

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Cortigiana (A Vamp Life Prequel) Page 4

by Jez Strider

  I listened closely without interrupting and waited for her to continue. My mother had spoken little of my father since his imprisonment.

  “Like you, I had clientele of high society. These men could give me anything I desired, and more than one had fallen in love with me. In those years, my beauty rivaled yours. One day I ran into your father. He was everything my lovers were not. Violent, uncivilized, and a drunken fool. He grew out of these tendencies. Unfortunately, your Uncle Luca did not. Still… there was something about your father even then. He was handsome and free from the bindings of great social status.” She bowed her head and I could see how painful it was for her to think about him.

  “Why do we love the wrong people?” I asked.

  “We love the person we are meant to. So follow your heart instead of your mind. If I had listened to my brain, then I would not have you.” She patted my face before giving my cheek a little pinch like she did when I was younger. “It’s just life, my daughter. Live it for the good and the bad because you only get one.”

  “Yes, mother.” I said and she left me alone in my room. Neither of us had any way of knowing just how many lives I would end up leading.

  Running away became less of an option. I belonged in the city of music, art, and waterways. So, I walked over to the dress and picked up the box. Inside was a string of white pearls. I lifted my hair out of the way and held them up to my neck. The necklace was the most expensive piece of jewelry I had ever received. I placed it on the dress and retrieved the folded note from the box.

  I missed you more than I expected. No promises.

  ~Dante Sanuto

  I smiled to myself and clenched the note to my chest. No promises. It was obvious the great lover was reluctantly letting me into his heart. With that came the opportunity to use him to get revenge on Antonio. No longer would I beg or be hurt because the bodyguard denied me. I had renewed resolve and I decided it would be enjoyable pretending to love Dante.

  Slipping into the emerald sparkling gown and placing the pearls securely around my neck, I became the woman I had to be. I had never worn clothing so exotic and expensive. It was an addiction. The gifts, the sex, and the status of being a premier courtesan were too seductive to deny.

  I headed downstairs, skipping a few steps as I had in the innocent days of my youth which now seemed ages passed. “How do I look?” I asked with a twirl in front of my mother.

  “Beautiful. I can tell by that smile you’ve decided to follow your heart.” She beamed proudly at me.

  She had no idea the extent of my plans and I had no intention of telling her my plot. “Living, Mother. I’m going to live my life to the fullest.”

  “Well. Have at it. Your escort is waiting outside.” Her arms wrapped around me briefly as my eyes widened.

  “He is here? Dante came himself?” I ran to the window and peered outside. Antonio was there, standing where the gondolier normally would be. Looking upon him sucked the breath out of me. There was a knock on the door and I jumped back. My mother went to answer and welcomed the guest into our home.

  “Your place is lovely. It pained me to hear of your loss. If I had only known about the arrest, I could have helped. Ah, but then I may not have had the privilege of getting acquainted with your daughter.” Dante Sanuto stepped further into my house. My mother moved aside when he extended his hand toward me. “Breathtaking.”

  “Master Dante… I had no idea you would be arriving in person tonight. The event is your welcome home party after all.” I said, forcing myself not to look out the window at Antonio again. Slowly, I walked up to the noble and placed my hand in his.

  Dante lifted my hand a little, but instead of placing a kiss on it as I expected, he lowered his mouth to my lips. The kiss was not short and did not lack intensity. “How could I make a grand entrance without you on my arm?” He said when he broke the contact. “Allow me to see your hair in its full glory.” Without asking and now revealing one of the first hints of his controlling nature, he pulled out a few pins that were holding my hair partially up and adjusted the flowing locks around my shoulders in a way he preferred.

  “As you wish. Thank you for the fine gifts.” I gave him the sincerest smile I could manage even if my emotions were a jumbled mess.

  “Only the best for you.” He touched my cheek before turning his attention to my mother. “I shall take good care of her.”

  I looked at my mother who held a disapproving gaze. She knew which man I loved and I think she knew what I was up to. “I am sure you will. Enjoy your party.”

  We exited my home and Dante helped me carefully seat myself so that I wouldn’t fall into the canal from tripping over the elaborate gown. Antonio’s eyes were on me. I only glanced at him once before avoiding looking at him further.

  “You know my most trusted man.” Dante gestured to Antonio. “I hope he has treated you well when I have had to be absent. I apologize for the hasty end to our previous encounter.” His hand ran over my thigh near the spot he was nibbling the last time we were together.

  Antonio was our boatman for the evening, leading us toward the mansion. “He’s been great. I saw him earlier with his date.”

  Dante started laughing. “Livia?” He shook his head. “She is a wild one that I doubt even Antonio could tame. He sure has a good time trying. His appetite for women is insatiable.”

  “I see. I have never seen anyone look quite like her. Where is she from?”

  “Her secrecy about her origin is part of her allure.” He said.

  “Can you not make her tell you?”

  He laughed again. “I could, but for now I like the mystery. You, on the other hand, are even more difficult to figure out.”

  This surprised me. “What? Me?”

  “Yes. It is strange how you can be so young and seemingly normal and yet have such a profound effect on the people you come in contact with. I have heard tales from your other lovers about how quickly they fall in love.”

  “I think they know that I genuinely care about their happiness and their satisfaction.”

  Dante leaned close to my ear, lightly giving the lobe a bite. “Could you deny them to focus only on me? My wants… my… needs.” He whispered.

  Antonio shuffled his feet a little behind us. I hoped he was uncomfortable. “We have arrived, Dante.” He said, interrupting before I could respond.

  “I have all the time in the world, Evelina.” He grinned at me and I thought for a moment I saw fangs. I blinked and they were gone. Had my mind be playing tricks on me? How different life would have been if it were only a hallucination.

  As I stood in confusion, he offered me his arm. I accepted and we headed into the mansion together, leaving Antonio behind to follow without a word. I didn’t dare anything more.

  There were whispers when Dante and I entered the mansion arm in arm. I exuded confidence and loved the attention. It was like I was nobility myself instead of a normal girl turned courtesan. I recognized many of the men from their visits to my chambers.

  “Cortigiana!” I heard a voice call out and a man brought a bouquet of red roses that matched the scent of my perfume.

  Dante had an odd smile and gave a small nod when I looked up to him questioningly. I accepted the flowers, realizing they were from him. A thorn had been missed and I sliced my finger on it. I tried to hide it, but the cut had not escaped Dante’s attention. We paused near the regal chair he had been sitting in the first night we had met. Another, slightly smaller chair pushed up against it. He lifted my hand and popped my bleeding finger into his mouth in front of everyone. I was shocked, but also found it oddly enticing.

  On the small platform beside us was an easel with a black cloth draped over what I could only assume was a painting. I was becoming very aware that the night was more significant than a welcome home party.

  We were brought drinks. Mine was red wine. His darker and thick in appearance. I finally made eye contact with Antonio. He was at the back of the room staring at me as he to
ok a sip from his own beverage.

  “Attention, my subjects!” Dante called out. “We all know we are here because I like a great party.”

  Subjects? Sanuto had influence and power, but he was not a king. How could he have subjects? As I looked around, I noted that the people did project a sort of reverence for the man. Normal guests tended to be far less blatantly admiring than these men and women, these perfect, beautiful people.

  There was a round of laughter and clapping. From the drunken exuberance in the room, I decided the party must have started long before we arrived.

  “Some of you know, Evelina Angelis.” He gestured toward me. “Those of you who do not soon will. The time has been long since I have had a constant companion. Evelina is a woman that could rival any royalty. She is a queen to me. I wanted to announce, to you—my most faithful children, my intent to wed her.”

  My eyes were still on Antonio. Vaguely, I heard Dante’s words. At the announcement, Antonio clenched the glass in his hand and it shattered. His hand was instantly coated with the crimson drink. He didn’t even seem to notice what he had done as he looked from me to Dante with an expression of pure rage.

  Dante. Marriage. Queen. I had trouble processing the information.

  “What do you have to say, Evelina?” He asked.

  I started once, but my voice caught in my throat. “I… I have no idea what to say.” He squeezed my hand tightly as if threatening me not to embarrass him. I dared not protest so I added with a huge smile. “I am so happy that I cannot find words to express the feeling.”

  It was a lie. I had no problems pretending to love the man, but marriage was sacred. There was only one person that I could see myself marrying. Now it was hopeless. In front of a crowded room, I had devoted myself to Dante. He was a man with untold power and influence. To be the bride of someone so handsome and rich should have been a dream come true. But all I could think of was the lost opportunity to have a life with Antonio.

  Dante released my hand and walked over to the easel with the dark cloth. In a gesture faster than my eyes could process, he whipped back the cover like a matador taunting a bull, and revealed a painting. I was staring at myself. Was it really me? The features seemed too perfect and precise, as if the woman in the painting was more than human. Her left breast was exposed. That depiction, I thought, fit my lifestyle well enough.

  An urge to flee hit me. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a man with a woman pinned to the wall. His mouth was on her throat as Dante’s was so often on mine. Something was wrong with these people… and with Master Sanuto. It was too late now. From the moment of our first encounter, it had already been far too late to escape.

  After a night of strange passion, I awoke feeling weak in Dante’s bed. The party had been a whirl of unfamiliar faces, congratulations, and indulgences in wine, food, and body. Antonio had disappeared after the announcement and I had not seen him again for the rest of the night.

  “I suppose I should set forth your rules.” Dante said from a nearby chair.

  He had been silent and his voice startled me. I rubbed my neck. “Rules?” I asked.

  “Claiming you as my own is a major step for me. I do not love. It is too… painful.” He broke eye contact with me briefly as if he were remembering the past. “Follow my loose guidelines and I will try.”

  “Yes, Master.” I said, knowing nothing else to say.

  Slowly, he stood, as if he had to deliberately make himself move at the tedious speed. “No more lovers. At times, I may allow it, but it will be decided by me only. What better way to boast to friends than give them a taste of what they cannot keep?” He laughed softly.

  I smiled, albeit awkwardly. “How will I make coin?”

  “You will no longer need to work. I will supply all that you need even before the wedding. This leads me to the next rule. I have a room prepared and you will live here. As long as you behave, you are free to leave to shop and venture around the city as you please.”

  “What about my mother?” I asked.

  He waved a hand dismissively. “I will take care of anything she may need.”

  I nodded. “Thank you, sir.”

  “Lastly,” he crossed his arms over his chest before continuing. “Do nothing to disrespect me whether in private or within view of the prying eyes of others.” The intensity of his voice made me tremble a bit with a fear I couldn’t place.

  “I will not disappoint you.”

  Without warning, he pinned me to the bed once more and his mouth was on mine with fiery passion. Despite my thoughts being jumbled and mind confused, my body responded eloquently to his touch. Images jumped out at me from the mural painted on the ceiling. Beasts and fangs, naked bodies and red pools… so much blood.

  After Dante brought me to climax, he gripped my throat and held me in his gaze as if trying to discern my loyalty. His lips were pressed tightly together. Then, he turned his face away from me and from the side I saw his mouth arch open. What he was struggling with, I didn’t know.

  “I need to get away from you before I take too much.” He let go, jumped off the bed to grab a robe, and opened the door. “Forgive my lack of control. It is unacceptable given my age.” He was gone.

  “Take too much?” I asked out loud to myself when exited the room. Subconsciously, I had placed my hand on my tender throat again. In hindsight, my obliviousness would become apparent. If I had known, it would have changed little. I was young and being spoiled by one of the most powerful vampires in the world.

  Dante was nowhere to be found as I wandered the mansion. I’d stopped in the kitchen where bottles, of what I thought to be dark red wine, were being taken down into an unlit room. Promptly, I was turned around and sent on my way by the guiding hands of a pale, weak looking servant.

  “The kitchen is no place for the mistress of the house.” The man smiled. When he turned away I saw fading bruises on his neck like the ones that occasionally appeared on mine.

  “I am not the mistress of anything yet.” I mumbled, further exploring the mansion. As I was heading for the library, a different person stopped me.

  She was a thick, big-boned, and terrifying looking woman. “There you are, little one. I have been looking for you. Master Sanuto has assigned me to protect you should you leave the premises.”

  “I… I do not think I need a bodyguard.”

  “What you think is of no consequence. The Master’s word is law.” Her bulging biceps and short haircut were out of place in my part of the world and in the time period. In her leggings and tunic, she could hold her own with any of the men in the household.

  As shocked as I was by my new protector, I immediately admired and respected the bodyguard. I’d never met a woman like her. “Okay.”

  “My name is Giulia. Come, let me show you to your room and then you may explore the house further.”

  Since I was unnerved by the woman towering over me, I did so with little protest. The room was at the end of a long hallway. Giulia opened the door for me and I stepped inside. “Are you sure this is my room?”

  “Of course. I will leave you now. Should you wish to leave the premises you can send a servant to find me. I will not be far.” The bodyguard turned and left me quickly.

  I should have noted how inhumanly agile and quick her movements were, but I didn’t. All my attention was focused on my new chamber. The room dwarfed any room I had seen before. It was like a miniature house within a house. I stepped further inside, drawing in a soft gasp.

  A voice from behind made me jump and turn around. “This is the royal suite. Or was, I should say. I suspect Dante will give future guests a different place to rest. Then again, if they slept with you, it would be no different than the days you are accustomed to.”

  “Antonio,” I whispered. As interested as I had been in the room, my focus immediately went to the man that filled my daily and nightly fantasies.


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