Cortigiana (A Vamp Life Prequel)

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Cortigiana (A Vamp Life Prequel) Page 5

by Jez Strider

  He walked into the room with a disgusted look on his face. “This is all pretty on the outside, but being a possession of the master can be a dark, sinister existence. Any sense of freedom is only an illusion. After a while, you will long for escape, but a strange loyalty will keep you by his side.”

  “What was I supposed to do? I could not say no. He would never have allowed it.”

  “He would not. You are correct.” A flash of anger hit me full force when he locked his amber eyes on me.

  I stepped toward Antonio and rested a hand on his shoulder to try to ease the fury. “I live here now. There is no reason we cannot have a relationship without Dante’s knowledge.”

  Unexpectedly, Antonio grabbed me by the throat and pinned me to the wall. “You are nothing but a young plaything. You would sentence us both to death.”

  “You are hurting me.” I managed to say softly. My voice came out so low I wasn’t even sure he could hear me.

  “We are never to speak again. If you see me in the halls or at the parties, or even on the street, do not look at me. Do not smile. Do not wave. Never think about me. Dante knows all.” Antonio’s grip loosened and his hand slid to my cheek before stopping. Then his lips pressed to mine roughly and hungrily before he stalked out of my room.

  Heartbroken and confused, I flung myself onto my lavish new bed and burst into tears. A kiss like that could only mean goodbye.

  One can only cry for so long before the act exhausts them. I slipped out of my room and headed toward the library that had caught my attention earlier in the day. It could be my sanctuary. The worlds were limitless in the pages of the books and I wanted to get lost in them. My desire to learn was insatiable. I knew I could hold my own in a man’s world if given the chance. It would be a long time before I would be able to prove it.

  The scent of the library relaxed some of the tension from my body. From floor to ceiling, there were thousands of books. To read them all would have taken lifetimes. A large map spread across a table in the center of the room depicted the world in a way I had never seen. The boot was Italy, I knew that. Asia, France, England. Those I could point out even without the words written on them. Across the water, there was a large landmass, but it was minimally charted. That was the first time I saw the Americas. Amazed, I left the map alone and walked around the room, lightly touching the books with my fingertips.

  A large, leather bound tome caught my attention. The cover was dark and adorned with strange lettering I didn’t recognize. I brought it over to one of the couches and placed it on the soft material. At first, I couldn’t read anything, then about halfway through the words were written in my own language. The story spoke of undying gods.

  No one knows who ascended to become the first earthbound god. Legends tell of a nameless prophet wandering the lands and drinking blood from his dedicated followers. The more he consumed, the more uncontrollable his lust became. It is said after draining the last of his people, he realized his error. In a panic, the regretful god slit his wrist to feed the only remaining, but dying woman. Thus, our first queen ascended to stand beside her maker and king.

  Years passed and together they discovered the limits of their existence. They created followers with undying devotion. The queen longed for something more. Years turned to decades and decades faded into centuries. During all this time, the queen never conceived. The awful truth was that the vampire women lacked the ability to breed.

  Disgusted, I slammed the book shut. “Blasphemy.” I stared at the book, longing to toss it into a fire. My curiosity urged me to read further, though. There was more to learn about the beings that lived on the blood of humans. Besides, I thought it was only a story. It had to be a fictional tale like the ones about the ancient gods of Greece and Rome.

  For hours, I read about the travels, wars, and oppression the gods wrought on humans. There were mentions of weapons the people had raised against the vampires in resistance. Crucifixes and garlic were useless, but held onto by the superstitious. Another legend caught my attention. It told of the rare occasion of a vampire birth.

  “A vampire being born? Horrible.”

  In the time of ancient Rome, a beautiful human wife birthed a vampire for the first time in recorded history. His father, a great vampire in his own right, became leader of all his people when the news spread. The child did not need blood to live until he began his transition into manhood. This son of gods spilled more blood in his ravenous first year as a man than most other vampires had in a lifetime.

  A second time, I shut the book and pushed it away. I lay down on my back, looking up at the ceiling as I thought about the stories. The fictional world of vampires wasn’t one I would have chosen to escape into, but it fascinated me.

  Abruptly, the door to the library slammed open. I slinked down on the couch and closed my eyes. If it was Dante, I didn’t want to be in trouble for hiding away in the library if he’d been looking for me. It wasn’t him. I could hear two voices.

  “Stop it. Look, someone is in here.” A feminine voice whispered.

  They were looking at me. I knew it. With effort, I maintained the appearance of being asleep.

  “I paid you to entertain me because you are my favorite and that is what you are going to do. The mistress sleeps. We can be quiet. I cannot wait any longer.”

  “Nicolo, why are you so aggressive? You have never behaved like this before?” The woman said.

  That’s when I recognized her voice. Her name was Laura and she was another courtesan. I’d seen her at a few of the parties I’d worked. The woman captivated men and she was almost as requested as I was.

  “You have no idea what it is like when a man gets hungry.” He growled at her.

  A scuffling of feet and the sound of a body being pushed up against a table told me they had moved past me. They were no doubt charting a new course on that map. Cautiously, I cracked open one eye and peeked over the arm of the sofa to catch a glimpse of the action. Nicolo began to use poor Laura viciously. Nothing she couldn’t handle, I was sure. All the girls had been with a guy like that. But then, he bent her head to the side and bit into her flesh. Loudly, he sucked on her neck like he was starving.

  For a second, I thought I would vomit. Then, I started shaking. The girl needed my help, but what was I but a courtesan myself? My mouth opened and I fully intended to threaten Nicolo. Or at the very least, throw a book at him. Instead, a scream pierced the room. At first I didn’t realize it came from me. In a scramble, I darted for the door. If they were chasing me, I wouldn’t have known. I didn’t look back. As I rounded a corner and headed down the stairs, Dante greeted me at the halfway point.

  “Evelina, my dear. What is wrong?” He pulled me close to his chest.

  “There is a… vamp… a vampire in the library. He bit Laura and she is going to die unless you help her.”

  Dante’s eyes slanted for a second. “Cease this nonsense. There is no such thing. That would be like telling me you saw a ghost. Foolish girls. Isn’t that right, Antonio?”

  “She is young, Master. You know how their fantasies get worked up in their imagination.” Antonio answered.

  I peered around Dante to see Antonio looking into my eyes. Until I’d heard his name, I had no idea he was there. But, that didn’t matter. Laura needed help. “Please, I know what I saw. Come with me.” Firmly, I grabbed Dante’s hand and pulled him up the stairs toward the library. With the two large men in my wake, I no longer needed to flee.

  Master Sanuto gently moved me to the side with a delicate push of his arm and, with both hands on the handles, pushed the double doors open wide in dramatic fashion. Nicolo sat on a sofa with Laura resting in his lap. There was no blood that I could see as I stepped forward.

  “I know what I saw. I swear.”

  Dante walked over to the couple and pulled down the lace against Laura’s pale neck. “There is a small mark, but nothing greater than the result of heavy foreplay. You cannot throw accusations around like this, Evelina.”<
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  “Did we do something wrong, Master Sanuto?” Nicolo asked.

  A sharp, hateful glare from Dante silenced the man. “Not that I can see.” He moved from the couple and turned his attention back to me. “What were you doing in here?”

  I walked over to the couch I’d been relaxing on. “I read a little. That is all. Then, I saw him bite her. His actions were violent.”

  Antonio followed me, picking up the book I had left resting on the couch. “What sort of book is this? Vampires as the true gods?” He scoffed, appearing repulsed by the idea. “I think it is pretty obvious what transpired.”

  “The library was here when I purchased the home. I am sure there are many books with little knowledge of value between the pages.” Dante moved closer to me and gripped my arm roughly. “Antonio is right. It is clear to me that you fell asleep after reading this filth and dreamed the whole situation up.”

  “You are hurting me.” That phrase was becoming uncomfortably familiar. Tears welled up in my eyes. The waterworks were more from embarrassment than pain.

  His grip relaxed a little. “Go to your room until I come to you this evening. Make sure you read material befitting a lady or nothing at all next time you decide to spend time in the library.” He gave me a little shove. “Occasionally I long for a time when all women were illiterate and obedient.”

  I opened my mouth to argue before immediately closing it again. To my right, I stole a glance at Antonio with the book still in hand. He gave a disappointed shake of his head as well. Nicolo and Laura were watching me, too. If I could have, I would have crawled into a hole and died.

  “You are right, sir. I will make sure my behavior is adjusted and appropriate for a woman blessed enough to be allowed to live at your side.” I gave a brief curtsey with lowered eyes before heading off to sulk in my room. As sure as I had been of what I’d seen, the others had convinced me it was all in my mind.

  After being ridiculed and reprimanded, my behavior adjusted. I kept anything I saw, or thought I saw, to myself. Antonio stayed away from me and when I did see him, I avoided him like the plague. Dante spoiled me with dresses, exquisite food, and trips to exciting locations. To be truthful, my life should have made me happy. But, despair filled my waking hours and the man I could not have ruled my dreams.

  In my time as a respected courtesan, I was able to be myself. With Dante, not so much. He required a perfection that was difficult to maintain. Unfaltering devotion to a man I could not love took its toll. Each day I professed my admiration of him. Those lies made me more of a glorified whore than I had ever been as courtesan to the many men of Venice.

  I had been staring out my window one evening, pondering all these terrible thoughts, when Dante entered my room silently. Not one footstep alerted me to his presence. Only his warm breath on the back of my neck told me he stood inches from me. This unexpected visit did not cause me to jump or scream. After months, I had grown accustomed to the strange acts.

  “What are you thinking, my dear?” He whispered softly, placing a kiss on my cheek.

  “I was taking a moment to appreciate how wonderful my life is with you.” I lied.

  Dante smiled. “You have made me a lucky old man.”

  He took a seat beside me and I turned my head slightly to look at him. “You are not that old, Dante.” In appearance, even with the pure white hair, he couldn’t have been much older than forty.

  “If you only knew the life I have lived.” He said in a rare moment of vulnerability that surprised me.

  “Tell me.” I said. Give me a reason to love you.

  Taking my hand in his, he simply held it. “A man does not show his woman weakness. Know this, you make the trials I have long endured begin to fade and I adore you for that.”

  I leaned in and kissed his lips softly. “I’m glad.”

  “What I wanted to tell you is that I am leaving for a few weeks on some important business.”

  “I am not going with you this time?”

  “No, this is not the type of business for a lady such as you. I would be too focused on your safety.” He gave my hand a small squeeze.

  “Should I be worried?” I asked, with genuine concern. Though I was not in love with Dante, I cared strongly for the man. After enough time, my hope was to actually fall for him. If Antonio hadn’t been around, it would have been easier.

  Dante shook his head, that mane of hair flowing softly. “Of course not. I can take care of myself. We’ve been invited to dinner at a friend’s tonight and then I have a quick bit of business to attend to before I leave tomorrow.”

  “Tomorrow? That is so soon.”

  “Worry not. You have Giulia and Antonio to watch over you. They will keep you entertained.” He lifted my chin and kissed me again.

  “Why would you leave your bodyguard behind?” The thought of being alone in the house with Antonio sent my heart racing.

  “These are issues that are none of your concern, Evelina.” Dante said firmly.

  I lowered my eyes. “My apologies. I was only speaking out of my worry for your safety.”

  He studied me for a moment before his expression softened. “I will miss you. Your concern touches my cold heart. Antonio is staying behind because he caused trouble with my associate on a previous occasion and I am not looking for a repeat of the situation.”

  “Oh. I understand.”

  “Good. I shall send a servant up to help you get ready to go out.” He stood and stroked his hand through my hair, affectionately, treating me more like a pet than a mate. “When I return from my trip, we will finish the preparations for the marriage.”

  “It will be the best day of my life.” What was one more lie to add to the others? I didn’t move from my seat near the window when Dante left me.

  The dinner with Dante’s friends would have been a welcome change from the extravagant parties if Antonio had not been invited. Every second that passed, I struggled to keep my eyes off the object of not only my desire, but unrequited love. Who invites a bodyguard to sit down and eat with the rest of the guests? I wondered.

  I made it through the relatively uneventful dinner quite skillfully. I laughed and smiled at the right moments. Even complimented the lady of the house and the décor several times.

  Goodbyes were said and we were on our way once more. I’d forgotten about Dante mentioning he had a short detour to make. With Antonio acting as gondolier, we swiftly arrived at our destination.

  “Stay here, Evelina. Antonio will remain by your side. I will not be long. This is another of those meetings not suited for ladies.” Dante kissed my cheek and exited the boat. He disappeared into the dark doorway without looking back at me.

  Antonio seated himself beside me. I knew he was there, but failed to see the movement that had brought him to my side. I had been trying to avoid looking at him.

  “You did not speak or look at me throughout most of the evening.” He said.

  “Did you not tell me to leave you alone?” I asked, staring out over the water of the canal. The man infuriated me to no end.

  For a moment, he didn’t speak. “You are beautiful when you are mad.” It felt like less of a compliment and more of a frustrated statement.

  When I didn’t answer or turn my head to look at him, he spoke again. “You still love me.” Another blunt statement, not a question.

  “Why are we speaking? Perhaps you are the one in love with me.” This time, I faced him.

  Then, the rain came. At first, there were only a few cool drops occasionally landing on my angry, hot face. Water did little to lessen my rage. The shower changed in a flash to a heavy downpour. Antonio and I sat there, getting soaked, but eyes on each other in a knowing way. I hadn’t denied his accusation of love and he hadn’t said he didn’t love me either.

  “Let us get out of the rain. Master Sanuto would not approve of me letting you get ill from the weather.”

  Antonio grasped my hand in his and led me into the small cabin, a felze, on the gondol
a. I laughed to keep from screaming because of the torment Antonio was putting me through. My mood bordered on psychotic. Side by side, we seated ourselves once more. My heart beat so loudly that I was sure he could hear it. The pulse of my blood was no doubt causing the vampire to struggle with his control. I had no idea at the time.


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