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Sergeant at Arms: Devil's Henchmen MC, Book Three

Page 6

by Samantha McCoy

  “Hey, I didn’t expect to see you again tonight,” Rachel said, joining the guys in the room.

  Diesel couldn’t help but admire the sway of her hips. The woman was the epitome of sex. Everything about her was perfect.

  “He just got here,” Diesel said, watching the bounce in Rachel’s ass as she walked over to Viper and gave the man a hug.

  “Hey, Rach. Are you doing okay?” Viper asked.

  “Yes. Diesel just showed me upstairs and I picked out which room I’ll be staying in,” she admitted.

  “Let me guess... Room number one?” Viper asked, smiling.

  “How did you know?” Rachel answered, surprised.

  “It will have the best lighting when the sun rises in the morning,” Viper grinned.

  Diesel listened to the exchanged and felt like a third wheel. Clearing his throat, he asked, “you hungry, dude? I was about to cook me a steak. I can add another for you.”

  “Sure. That sounds fuckin awesome. I’m starving,” Viper answered.

  “No problem,” Diesel said, making his way to the kitchen.

  “Thanks, Marcus,” Viper laughed.

  Diesel turned back to his friend, eyebrow raised. He hated that name. He was named after his father. The man that molded him into the bastard he was today.

  “Fuck you! Now, you can starve,” Diesel said, flipping Viper off as he turned back towards the kitchen. Viper’s laugh echoed through the house, bouncing off walls.

  As he started to prepare dinner, Diesel couldn’t help the feeling of loneliness that invaded him again. He could hear the chatter coming from the living room. Rachel’s laugh pulled at him. Again, he felt like he was trapped on the outside.

  Story of your life, he told himself.

  It had always been that way for him, even as a kid. It wasn’t until Diesel joined the Army, that he finally found a place that he belonged. And in one night, that too was ripped away from him. Refusing to think about, Diesel busied himself cooking. Not many people knew, but he loved to cook.

  “Wow. It smells so good in here,” Rachel said entering the kitchen with Viper not far behind her.

  “For real. Marcus here is a real chef,” Viper said, patting Diesel on the back.

  “Marcus, huh? I don’t think I have ever heard your name before tonight,” Rachel confessed.

  “Marcus Briggs, at your service, Ma’am,” Diesel said, taking a bow and causing a giggle to fall from Rachel’s lips. It was the prettiest sound he had ever heard.

  Diesel swore at that moment that he would do anything to hear it again. His life lacked pretty things. He had no idea how he would be able to keep her, but he wanted Rachel. Diesel was horrible at relationships, but for her, he would try. Now if he could just convince her that he was more than just a womanizing perv.

  Dinner passed by quickly. The three of them sat together at the kitchen bar and laughed long into the night. Viper and Diesel shared stories of their time together in the military. Rachel listened to every word. Her honest interest in the events of Diesel’s life gave him hope that one day, she would view him differently and just maybe she would learn to trust him. It was during the course of the night that Diesel realized trust was a huge thing to Rachel. So many times she trusted someone only to have it blow up in her face. He could understand now, why she was reluctant to confide in him. Diesel sent up a silent prayer that he could find a way to change that.

  After saying good night, each of them departed to their own rooms. Diesel lay in his bed thinking about the woman down the hall sleeping in his home. He had to find a way to keep her safe - permanently. After some rest, he would see what he could find out about the man who was after her. Then he would formulate a plan. One way or another, Rachel would live the life she wanted and deserved.

  “No matter what,” Diesel said out loud. Closing his eyes, Diesel was asleep in a matter of minutes.

  Chapter Ten


  The early rays of the morning sun shined brightly through the wall of windows. It was the reason she picked this room. She could imagine it filled with art supplies; the natural lighting was amazing. Looking around the room, she mentally pictured where she would put everything. Easels lining the wall, shelving filled with paints and brushes. The image was so clear in her head.

  “Stop daydreaming. It’ll never happen,” Rachel said out loud to herself.

  A sense of disappointment filled her. It’s not like she would live here forever. She would be here long enough to allow the trail to go cold, and then she would leave. Move on to a different place. Maybe this time, she could fake her death and Viper could help her with a new identity.

  Rachel was so tired of running. Why couldn’t she have been born to boring parents? Like a banker. Or a store clerk. Anyone other than military government spies!

  Deciding it was time to start the day, Rachel climbed out of the bed and made her way to the bathroom. A quick shower and then she would head downstairs. Coffee was a must.

  Freshly showered, Rachel made her way down the stairs and was greeted with the smell of bacon. She could hear Diesel humming from the kitchen. A smile stretched across her face.

  Walking through the doorway, Rachel came to a halt. The scene before her completely stealing her breath. Diesel was standing at the stove, frying eggs. His jet black hair was hanging loosely down his back. A pair of black sweatpants hung from his narrow hips. But what truly had Rachel’s brain cells misfiring was the fact that he was shirtless. Totally bare from the waist up. Every colorful tattoo on display.

  Oh my word, she thought.

  How could any man look that sexy? And at nine o’clock in the morning? Did he just wake up looking this good, she wondered?

  “You’re staring again.” Diesel’s voice pulled her from her frazzled head.

  “Well, you’re standing there half naked,” Rachel responded.

  “Like what you see?” He asked, a sexy grin on his face.

  “I need coffee,” Rachel blurted.

  There was no way she could tell him that she definitely liked what she saw. Diesel was way out of her league. He was sex on a stick. She was... She was plain. Five foot seven inches of plumpness. Rachel knew she had more curves to her than the majority of men liked. She wasn’t delusional, but no matter what she did - eating healthy, yoga, cross-fit - nothing would take away the extra pounds she carried.

  “Here,” Diesel said, pouring her a cup of the steaming black, life-saving concoction.

  Rachel reached out to take the mug from him. their fingers rubbing against each other’s. It wasn’t like it was the first time they had touched. Hell, Diesel practically led her around yesterday, holding her hand. But there was something different about it this morning. Standing in the kitchen with the morning sun shining, Diesel almost naked - it all felt more intimate.

  “Are you going to take the cup or just keep holding my hand?” That dang grin spread wider across Diesel’s face.

  Snapping out of the trance he put her under, Rachel grabbed the mug from Diesel and took a seat at the bar. She knew her face was screaming red. Something about the man caused all of her common sense to disappear.

  “Are you always like this or is it just with me?” Rachel asked.

  “Like what?”

  “A jerk,” Rachel deadpanned.

  “What did I do that would make you call me a jerk?” Diesel responded, that stupid, sexy smirk still present. If Rachel was the violent type, she’d have smacked it off his face.

  “Seriously? You have to ask that?” Why couldn’t they have a normal conversation? Why did he always have to turn into a... a butthole!

  Slowly, Diesel made his way over to her, invading her space. Rachel felt her heart beat faster with every step. What was he doing?

  The tender caress of Diesel’s hand against her cheek made her eyes close involuntarily. It had been a long time since Rachel allowed a man to touch her. In so many ways, she was the definition of innocence. That one touch made Rachel wish she had
more confidence, more experience.

  “So beautiful.” Diesel softly spoken words caught Rachel off-guard. The lust that was starting to invade her was replaced with a white hot anger.

  “Whatever,” she said, pushing his hand away. Getting up from the barstool, Rachel started for the stove.

  “Hey,” Diesel said, grabbing her hand and turning her around to face him.

  “Let me go.” Rachel forced the words past her constricted throat.

  “What is wrong?” Diesel looked extremely confused.

  “Really?” Rachel couldn’t believe he even had to ask. Ugh, Men!

  “Yes really. All I said was you’re beautiful. And the next thing I know, you’re shoving away from me. What did I say wrong?”

  “Diesel, we both know that you and I are on different levels,” Rachel sighed.

  “Different levels? How do you figure that?” Diesel asked, irritation lacing each word.

  “Look at you! Look at me! Not only are we on different levels, we are on different planets,” Rachel’s voice raised an octave.

  “Fuck that! No we aren’t,” Diesel protested.

  “Yes, we are!” Rachel countered. “You’re sexy, gorgeous, hot, and hard. I’m unsexy, not gorgeous, cold... okay maybe not cold, but definitely not hot or hard! I’m a human fluff ball. I’m...”

  “Beautiful!” Diesel shouted back. “You are fucking beautiful. Hot. So incredibly sexy. You walk into a room and my dick salutes you. And you drive me completely fucking insane!”

  Before Rachel had a chance to counter his claim, Diesel yanked her against his hard, muscular body and planted a kiss on her lips that caused the ground to disappear from beneath her feet.

  Shocked, it took a few seconds for Rachel to relax against him. Once her mind caught up to what was happening, her lips parted allowing Diesel to slip his tongue inside. Rachel had been kissed before, but this was different. Diesel was marking her. Marking her lips, her heart, and her soul. In one kiss, Rachel felt like she was being consumed.

  If a kiss had this effect on her, what would sex be like? Just the thought made Rachel whimper.

  Slowly, Diesel pulled back, resting his forehead against hers. Together, they stood in the kitchen breathing heavily. For the rest of her life, Rachel would always remember this moment.

  “If there is one thing you should know about me, it’s to never second guess what I say. You are so incredibly beautiful, Rachel,” Diesel said, placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose. “Now, sit that fine ass of yours down and let me feed you.”

  Rachel retook her place at the kitchen island and watched in stunned silence as Diesel made her plate. Eggs, hash browns, bacon, and toast, all served with a tall glass of orange juice.

  “All your favorites. If I’m not mistaken,” Diesel smiled.

  “You noticed?” Rachel stared at her plate in shock. Diesel actually knew what she ate for breakfast every single morning.

  “I noticed everything about you,” Diesel shrugged, turning to fix his own plate.

  For the remainder of breakfast, they both sat quietly. Neither saying a word. Each lost in their own thoughts.

  Rachel’s body was still humming when she finished her meal. Walking her dishes to the sink, she began to wash them. Since Diesel had cooked, she could at least clean.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Diesel said placing his own dishes on top of hers.

  It was just a simple gesture, normal actually, but it still caused a million thoughts to fly through her head. None of them remotely had anything to do with washing dishes.

  What in the world is wrong with me? Sexual thoughts just because he set his dishes on top of mine? Rachel knew she was a special kind of messed up. Who in the heck had sexual thoughts because of dishes? Who? Nobody. That’s who. Only weirdos. And apparently, Rachel had now entered the land of weirdom!

  “You cooked, I’ll clean,” Rachel choked out.

  “Okay. I’ll be outside on the back deck, if you need me,” Diesel replied, placing another kiss on the top of her head.

  Waiting until he was out of the room, Rachel collapsed against the counter, legs shaking. This is not what she expected when she walked into the kitchen. She never thought Diesel would kiss her. She never thought that one kiss would cause so many emotions inside of her.

  She had no idea what she was going to do. This was all new to her. Yeah, she’d had boyfriends in the past, but Rachel was still innocent in all the ways that counted. Diesel was making her swim in waters that she wasn’t equipped to navigate. Could she withstand the tidal wave or would Diesel cause her to sink in the storm? Honestly, Rachel didn’t know. And she wasn’t sure if she could trust him enough to save her if it all became too difficult.

  With a sigh, Rachel busied herself cleaning up the morning mess. She would just take it one day at a time. What else could she do?

  Chapter Eleven


  Walking away from Rachel, standing at his kitchen sink, was the hardest thing he had ever had to do. Diesel wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms, lay her across the kitchen island, and sink into her. But he knew that was not the way to earn her trust. Rachel needed, deserved better.

  Sitting in the lawn chair furthest from the kitchen, Diesel called his oldest and closest friend.

  “What’s up, D,” Viper answered on the second ring.

  “I need your help,” Diesel sighed.

  “With?” Viper asked.

  “Rachel.” What other reply could he give?

  “Okay. What did you do?” Viper questioned.

  “I kissed her.”

  “So what the fuck do you need my help for? Dude, she is like a daughter to me. And I’m not into that sort of thing,” Viper countered.

  “Shut the fuck up! That is not what I’m talking about, you nasty fucker,” Diesel shaking his head.

  “What is the problem?” Viper laughed.

  “Dude, you know I have always liked her, but I don’t think I can do this,” Diesel confessed.

  “Do what?” Viper asked, still laughing.

  “Have her in my home. Come on, Man. Keep up!” Diesel was starting to get aggravated. He needed to talk to someone and his best friend was acting like an asshole. This is not the help he needed.

  “Tough shit. She is there. It’s the safest place for her,” Viper replied, totally serious now.

  “She isn’t safe from me!” Diesel countered.

  “Marcus, you would never hurt her. Put on your big boy under-roos and deal with it,” Viper advised.

  “Under-roos? Really man? Under-roos?” Now it was Diesel’s turn to laugh.

  “Hey! I have kids around me,” Viper retorted.

  “Okay. So let me get this straight. You’ll cuss like a fucking sailor but won’t say underwear?” Diesel curled in on himself laughing. This was exactly what he needed.

  “Don’t judge me,” was Viper’s only comeback, which caused Diesel to laugh even harder.

  “Oh man!” Diesel said, wiping the tears from his face. “I’m dying here.”

  “Fuck you!” Viper quipped.

  “Thanks, V. I needed a good laugh,” Diesel chuckled.

  “Hey, Sledge wants to talk to you,” Viper informed.

  “Okay. Put him on.” Diesel could almost guarantee Sledge wanted to chew his ass out for bringing Rachel here instead of the compound, but honestly, Rachel hadn’t given him a choice.

  “He’ll call you from his office line. Just a minute.”

  “Okay. Talk to you later.”

  “Deuces, Bitch,” Viper said, as he disconnected the line.

  Diesel sat there staring at his phone. Bitch? Who the hell was he calling a bitch?

  Diesel was contemplating calling Viper back when his phone rang. “Yeah,” he answered.

  “How’s it going, D?” Sledge asked.

  “Fine so far.” Diesel would not fill in his Prez about his morning heat up session in the kitchen. Some things were just better left unsaid.
  “Good. Listen, I had Banjo look into Rachel. I found out some interesting stuff,” Sledge replied.

  “Like?” Diesel inquired.

  “Like the fact that her ex-boyfriend works for Russian Intelligence, but you already knew that. Didn’t you?” Sledge asked, a hint of irritation in his voice.

  “Yeah. I knew. I found out yesterday.” Diesel wouldn’t lie to the man. There was one thing you never did, and that was lie to Devin “Sledge” Parks.

  “I also found out that Rachel’s mother is one of our own,” Sledge informed.

  “What?” the shock was evident in Diesel’s tone.

  “Oh. You didn’t know that?” Sledge replied, sarcastically.

  “Sledge. Come on, man. It ain’t nothing like that. Just like you, I am trying to figure out what the fuck is going on and why. Rachel doesn’t trust easily and I don’t have the contact that you do,” Diesel tried to explain.

  “I know,” Sledge conceded. “So anyway. Banjo was able to locate a confidential birth record for a Rachel Marie Moore. The birth date on record matches Rachel’s. The mother on the file, is Ginx’.”

  “Ginx?” Again, Diesel couldn’t hide his shock. Ginx was Rachel’s mother? That means.... That means Viper... No! He would have told him, right?

  “Is Viper her father?” Diesel had to know.

  “No. Rachel’s father was killed by the Korean government when she was still a toddler,” Sledge explained. “But, her father was Thomas’ older brother.”

  “John?” Diesel asked.

  “Yep,” Sledge confirmed.

  John Henson was an ex-sniper. One of the best. His team had gone into Korea on a rescue mission, and none of them had ever returned. A video later surfaced of the team being killed at gun point, execution style. The Henchmen had taken the assault very personally. Sledge had even tried to get a government contract that would allow them to gain entry into the country and hit those involved. But access was denied.

  “On top of that, I also found out that Ginx has been working with the U.S. government on a mission to Russia. I am waiting for details, but I believe that is why Russian Intelligence is after Rachel,” Sledge elaborated.


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