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Page 24

by Barbara Palmer

  Without a word, Maria opened the buttons of his shirt, pressed herself against his broad chest. Felt their hearts beating in tandem. She put her hand on the dark hair at the nape of his neck, twined the curls in her fingers. She touched her lips to the cleft of his chin.

  He kissed her lips again, softly, softly, while his fingers brushed along her ribs and found the exquisite heat of her breasts. He bent his head low and captured a tender nipple in his mouth. She undid his jeans, let them fall to the floor. He unzipped her skirt and it fell too. Holding each other for balance, they slipped off their shoes. They moved to the bed and lay facing each other.

  With the lightest of touches, Maria ran her hand down his lean chest, his taut stomach and his cock. His crown grew moist and she felt a slight tremble in his body. He pulled her panties down and she raised her hips to help him. “I like it better this way,” he said, brushing the golden hairs.

  They gazed at each other for a long time, a shaft of light from between the curtains burnishing their skin. Maria pressed her hips against Andrei’s. She raised herself on one elbow and pushed him back on the bed. He helped her straddle him, and she swallowed him slowly with her tight heat. She moved up and down with languorous movements, drawing him deeper into her until he filled her completely. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders, and he buried his hands in it, as though luxuriating in her beauty. She rolled her hips, circled round and round upon him, squeezing and releasing until his breath grew short and he made tiny moans in his throat. She rode him harder now, and clasped his hands for balance. With their hot palms pressed together, she started to grind against him. The delicious pressure upon her nub caused ripples to flutter deep through her pelvis, roll and spread into her abdomen. She cried sharply at the moment his seed emptied inside her and savored his gruff groan of bliss. Her whole body vibrated with pleasure as she came. The world stopped spinning for a moment, and she lay upon him. He began to soften. She wiggled her rump closer so he wouldn’t slip out. “Just stay inside me forever,” she murmured.

  He laughed and ruffled her hair, gave her a kiss. “Happy to. I always did obey your orders, can’t see stopping now.”

  After a time, he rolled her onto her side and cradled her in his arms.

  They barely left his room for the next five days. Fucking gloriously, learning the landscape of each other’s bodies, telling their secrets, making promises, some of which they kept, some not.

  On their last night in Crete they went to a club, a crowded, smoky cubbyhole. The four-piece band played American pop. “Dance with me?” she asked after watching the other couples. She held out her arms.

  “I’m not great at it,” Andrei admitted.

  She smiled and touched her lips to his. “Finally I’ve discovered something you’re not good at. Just hold me and move to the music. It’s easy.”

  They waited until a slow song came on and elbowed through the gyrating bodies on the dance floor. She slipped her hands underneath his top to feel his bare, sweaty skin. He hugged her close. His dark hair brushed her cheek. “I’ve been thinking,” he said.

  “Hmmm? About what?” she murmured, swaying to the rhythm.

  “What we’ll do—in the future. I’ve saved all the money I need to buy a house in Brighton Beach. You liked it there—didn’t you?”

  Andrei felt her head nod against his jaw but her shoulders tensed. He continued, “It’s a nice place to raise kids. Maybe two . . . or three. I’ve got enough connections to get a good job . . .”

  Her heart sank. She tilted her head back and looked at him.

  “Andrei, that’s not my idea of . . .” His wicked smile stopped her short. She gave him a playful slap. “You almost had me there.”

  He burst out laughing. “Oh, I don’t know. You’d look pretty good in high heels and an apron—no?”

  She laughed.

  He pulled her to him. They danced a few turns around the floor before she spoke again. “I want to finish my MA. After that I have no idea, no plans.”

  He brought her closer and his voice grew serious. “I have a plan.”

  “Tell me.”

  “To spend the rest of my life, however long it is, with you.”

  The author is a bestselling, international award-winning Canadian novelist whose work has been published in many countries. She’s writing under the pen name Barbara Palmer, inspired by the famous seventeenth-century English courtesan and royal mistress.


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  Copyright © Barbara Palmer, 2014

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  Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication

  Palmer, Barbara (Novelist), author

  Claudine / Barbara Palmer.

  ISBN 978-0-14-319072-1 (pbk.)

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  PS8631.A4485C53 2014 C813'.6 C2014-902038-4

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