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The Game

Page 70

by Kira Blakely

  She knew that it was a compliment rather than an insult, and she smiled against his mouth as she pushed down even harder. She moaned as he filled her completely, his shaft touching every nerve ending inside her and making them both groan with passion. Alexa placed her hands on the back of the seat behind his head, and her own head was thrown back as she raised her body up his length and then slammed it down onto him again. For the very first time she knew what it meant when women talked about ‘riding a man.’ As her hips rotated and her body bounced on top of him, it felt like the most natural thing in the world to her.

  Dawson’s fingers tightened and flexed on her hips as she let go of all her inhibitions and fucked him as though there was no tomorrow. He didn’t think that he had ever seen or felt anything as erotic as what was happening right now. He moved one of his hands from her hips up to her full breast, cupping it and holding it up to his mouth so that he could suckle at her as she fucked him.

  Alexa moaned, and she ground her hips even harder into his as her inner muscles squeezed him unmercifully. She could feel the fire building between her legs, and her clit throbbed almost painfully as her body readied itself for the climax she craved. It was as though Dawson instinctively knew what she needed, and he let go of her tit and slid his hand down between them, rubbing his thumb over her aching nub as she continued to ride him.

  She didn’t know what happened, but something inside her exploded and her head fell backwards as her mouth opened. She cried out as her body fell apart; wave after wave of pleasure washed over her.

  “Dawson! Oh my God, Dawson.” She called his name again and again as her body shook and trembled with ecstasy and her pussy pulsated around his shaft.

  Dawson didn’t think that he had ever seen or heard anything as beautiful as her falling apart on top of him, and as he felt her squeezing his length as her juices coated him, his own climax hit him like a ton of bricks. He placed both hands back on her hips and bowed his head, resting it just above her breasts as his mouth opened and he made an animalistic sound of pleasure and greed. His balls tightened almost painfully. His cock jerked inside her, and he spewed hot, thick cum into her still quivering pussy.

  They sat, still locked together, for what felt like a lifetime; gasping for breath as their sweat-soaked bodies chilled, and they slowly came back down to earth.

  “Are you okay?” Dawson’s voice was soft and tentative, almost as though he was afraid of her answer.

  “Better than okay.” Her voice was equally as soft, but that was probably because she felt suddenly and totally exhausted. She tried to stifle the yawn that escaped her by burying her face in his shoulder, but he either heard or felt it and he let out a quiet chuckle.

  “Are you tired, baby?” She nodded her head into his shoulder, unable to find the energy to speak. She felt Dawson move and without quite knowing how, the next thing she knew, she was lying down on the seat once again with the pillow beneath her head and the cover over her body. “We still have quite a way to go yet, so get some rest.”

  She turned onto her side and brought her knees up into the fetal position, tucking a hand beneath her cheek as her eyes started to close.

  “You do know that this will probably never happen again, don’t you?” She was hardly even aware of what she was saying, and she wasn’t even sure that she’d said the words aloud.

  Dawson placed a gentle kiss on her forehead and his hand brushed her hair away from her face. “We shall see, sweetheart. We shall see.”


  SHE SLEPT FOR the remainder of the drive and only woke up when Dawson shook her gently to rouse her. “Time to wake up, sleepyhead. We’re here.”

  As she became aware of her surroundings, she remembered what had happened just before she’d fallen asleep, and her face flamed with embarrassment. Thankfully, Dawson didn’t seem to notice and he handed her clothes to her and then turned around so that she could get dressed with some modicum of privacy. The chauffeur opened the door and they both exited the limo, stretching their backs and legs for the first time in hours and both giving a grateful sigh at being able to do so.

  Alexa looked up at the luxury hotel in awe, hardly able to believe that she was actually going to be spending a few nights there. There was even a doorman standing outside the large, smoked-glass entryway, and as she watched, he beckoned to a porter to take their luggage from the chauffeur. She felt like royalty, but then she noticed a homeless man huddled against the wall and her happiness turned to sadness in the blink of an eye. She didn’t have much money on her, but she felt compelled to go to him and give him half of what she had in the hope that he would be able to get something to eat at the very least.

  The porter carried their luggage into the hotel as the doorman touched his hand to his head in greeting. “Good to see you again, Mr. James, sir.”

  “Thank you, Arthur. It’s good to be back.” Alexa shouldn’t have been surprised that he was on first name terms with the staff at one of the most prestigious hotels in the States, but she was. They both followed the porter inside where he was greeted by name by the receptionist who informed him that the penthouse suite was ready for him.

  The porter started to make his way toward the bank of elevators, and Alexa started to follow him, but then she heard Dawson call to someone. She watched from a discreet distance as he exchanged a few words with a young woman before handing her what looked like a wad of money.

  What on earth is that all about, she wondered suspiciously. She couldn’t quite help the bad thoughts that ran through her mind, and she couldn’t help but remember how some of the girls in the office had talked about how he liked to party and that some had heard rumors that he also liked to have fun with call-girls while he was away on business trips. She hoped that it wasn’t anything like that and that it had just been gossip-mongers at their worst, but the secretive way that Dawson and the woman seemed to be talking definitely made it look like nothing good was going on, and she felt her heart sink at the thoughts that raced through her mind.

  The elevator ride up to the top floor was made in silence with Alexa not knowing what to say to him, and Dawson not knowing why her attitude toward him had cooled. Maybe she’s regretting what happened in the back of the limousine, he thought to himself as the porter opened the double doors to the penthouse suite.

  He waited until they were on their own before questioning her about it. “What’s wrong, Alexa? And don’t tell me it’s nothing, because I’m almost getting hypothermia with how cold you are toward me right now.”

  “How dare you involve me in your illicit dealings?” She was absolutely furious, and he became even more convinced that it was because they’d had sex.

  Well, hell, he thought. It’s not like I forced her or anything. Her next words completely took the wind out of his sails.

  “If you’ve just brought me here to use me as a decoy so that you can have some out-of-town fun with a hooker, then you can just take me home again. I wanted no part in it, Dawson.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” He was completely and utterly confused.

  The fact that he seemed oblivious to why she was so mad just infuriated her even more. “What do you mean, what am I talking about? I saw you downstairs, sneakily handing money to that woman. What else could it be for if it wasn’t to pay for something illicit, like a prostitute?”

  It was Dawson’s turn to get angry now. Was she being serious?

  “A hooker? You really think that I was paying for a hooker?” Just the thought of it made him sick to his stomach. “I can’t believe that you would even think that of me, especially after what we shared in the car.”

  Alexa’s heart sank to her stomach. Way to go, Lexi. You’ve really gone and done it this time, girl. “I’m sorry, Dawson. I jumped to all the wrong conclusions and you didn’t deserve that.”

  “No, I didn’t. The reason I handed that woman some money was because I saw you with the homeless man outside. I gave her enough money to pay for a room
at the hotel, buy him some clothes from the hotel boutique, and to make sure that he ate well.” Alexa felt like the meanest bitch on the planet as she listened to him. “I also gave her one of my business cards and told her to tell the man to call me so that we could make some arrangements for a job for him, as well as trying to find him somewhere to live.”

  “I really am sorry, Dawson.” And she was. “I think I’m going to go and unpack.” She wasn’t sure how she was going to make it up to him, but at that moment it felt like the best thing she could do was to give him some space. The porter had already taken her suitcase into her bedroom, so she went in and closed the door behind her.

  She was close to tears at upsetting Dawson so much, but was also relieved at being wrong in her assumptions about what he’d been doing. If nothing else, the whole matter had taught her that she shouldn’t have let her emotions get the better of her, and she sure as hell shouldn’t listen to gossip. It was obvious that their relationship needed to get back to that of employer and employee. At least that way, neither of them were going to get hurt by misunderstandings or miscommunications.

  With her mind made up, she decided to have a shower and take a long nap. Even though she’d slept in the car on the way there, she was still mentally and physically exhausted. With the gala just a few hours away, she wanted to be a little more refreshed.

  She woke up with an hour to spare, and after taking another shower, she applied her makeup, coiled her hair loosely on the top of her head, leaving wispy tendrils framing her face, and then turned her attention to getting dressed.

  She put on her new lingerie and then zipped herself into the dress she’d bought for the occasion before putting on her new high-heeled shoes and taking a look at herself in the full-length mirror. The black, strapless figure-hugging sheath of the dress came to just above her knees at the front and then dropped to her ankles at the back. The finishing touch was one of her pride and joys in life – her late grandmother’s rhinestone choker that her grandfather had bought for his bride to wear on their wedding day.

  She was a bag of nerves as she left her bedroom and entered the living area of the penthouse. She hoped that Dawson approved of what his money had bought, but more than that, she hoped that she looked the part and wouldn’t let him down in front of so many influential people.

  As Dawson’s door opened and he walked into the room, he looked across at Alexa and stopped dead in his tracks. He could honestly say that he had never seen a woman more beautiful than how she looked at that very moment, and as he walked toward her, he was literally lost for words.

  “You look…” His words trailed off as he watched the delicious blush spread across her cheeks. Dear God, I could rip those clothes off you right now and do so many bad things to you, he thought to himself before clearing his throat and trying again. “You look absolutely stunning, Alexa. Maybe we could skip the function and just stay up here together.”

  He was only half joking, but even though he’d obviously forgiven her for her outburst earlier, Alexa was having none of it. “Absolutely not, Dawson.” But, you’re tempted, aren’t you, Lexi? She gave the devil on her shoulder a shove, determined to try and get their relationship back to where it had been before she’d got in the limousine with him.

  Dawson gave an exaggerated sigh of disappointment, and without saying another word, he held the door open for her. They left the room together to make their way down to the large function room where the event was being held.

  The evening was to start off with a charity auction, and after checking the table plan that was set up by the door, the two of them made their way to one of the round tables that was situated around the dance floor. Discrete place names displayed their allocated seats. A paddle with a number on it sat in Dawson’s chair, ready for him to bid if he chose to do so.

  The room was a hive of activity as more and more people arrived, until, eventually, every seat in the room was taken and the evening could begin. Alexa looked around her with interest, amazed at how many influential and stunningly beautiful people had gathered under one roof.

  The room was called to order by the master of ceremonies tapping on the microphone, and he proceeded to make a small speech before the auction commenced. He thanked everyone for coming and for giving their support to so many different charities. He went on to read a list of the different items up for auction as well as saying which person or company had donated said item, and Alexa was shocked to find out that Dawson had donated many of them.

  There were so many different things being auctioned off that it took almost two hours to reach the final item, during which time Dawson bid on so many things that she lost count. She was absolutely riveted by the event and was thoroughly enjoying herself. The champagne was flowing freely, and she completely lost track of how many glasses she had to drink. She wasn’t drunk by any means, but she was definitely tipsy, and Dawson couldn’t help but smile as he watched her let herself relax.

  Once the auction was over, a live band took the stage and various couples took to the dance floor. A few women came up to Dawson to ask him to dance, but he politely refused each time.

  “You know that you’re breaking their hearts, right?” Alexa was tipsy enough to joke with him, and he laughed her comment away.

  “There is only one woman I’m interested in dancing with tonight, and I’m looking at her.” Normally there was no way that Alexa would let herself be talked into dancing with anyone, but in her slightly inebriated state, she was helpless to resist as he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. As the music changed tempo to a slower song, Dawson wrapped his arms around her and she in turn wrapped hers around his neck as they swayed together.

  With her head resting on his shoulder and her face snuggled into his neck, Alexa smiled against the pulse in his throat. “You do know that I’m on to you, right?”

  Just like I want to be on you, he thought lustfully. “What do you mean, on to me?” He was curious about what she meant and more than just a little turned on by his proximity to her.

  “I know that you like to make everyone think that you’re a bad boy, and you might be able to convince them, but I know differently.” She was slurring just enough to make herself sound even cuter than she already was. “You’re not really a bad boy at all, are you? I don’t care what those assholes said when you were growing up. I know that you have a heart of gold, even if you do like to keep it covered up with steel.” She knew that the alcohol had loosened her tongue, but for the life of her, she couldn’t quite seem to reel it in and shut up.

  Dawson didn’t know what to say to her in response. He didn’t think that he’d ever heard anything as nice as what she’d just said to him, and he was deeply touched. So touched that he was afraid that if he tried to talk, she would hear just how emotional she’d made him with her words. Instead, he satisfied himself with tightening his arms around her and continuing to sway in time with the music.

  He’d almost gotten himself back under control when the song ended, and Alexa placed the most tender of kisses right on the side of his neck. Then, his control snapped. He took a step backward and looked down into her face, smiling darkly before lifting her up into his arms. Then, in front of everyone, he carried her out of the room and purposefully strode to the elevator, taking her back up to their suite without saying a word.


  HE KICKED THE DOOR closed behind them and lowered her to her feet. Alexa was powerless to resist as he slowly started to undress her, although if she was completely honest with herself, she would have to admit to wanting him just as badly as he seemed to want her.

  “You have been driving me crazy all damn night.” Dawson’s voice was low, but she could hear the passion in it. He moved slowly, walking around behind her and lowering the zipper at the back of her dress inch by tantalizing inch.

  Alexa couldn’t help but feel a little self-conscious, even in her tipsy state. For the first time, he was going to see her naked, and even though they’d ha
d sex in the limousine, the light there had been dim. Now, she didn’t have the cover of darkness to hide her embarrassment. Dawson seemed to instinctively know how she was feeling and he was quick to reassure her as her dress fell in a puddle around her ankles, and she stood there in her new lingerie.

  “You are absolutely exquisite.” She really was a vision of loveliness in front of him, and he couldn’t believe how lucky he was that she’d agreed to come away with him.

  He reached forward and pulled her into his arms, removing the pins from her hair as his lips met hers in a kiss that was more tender than passionate and wringing a moan from her at the contact. He pulled her even closer into him, and she moaned again as she felt the thickness of the erection that was fighting to break free from the confines of its tuxedo-pants prison.

  Dawson moved his mouth from hers and kissed his way to the tender spot just beneath her ear, making her tremble and sigh in response. She loved the way he kissed her, but she wanted so much more, including seeing him naked. Her hands reached for his tuxedo jacket, pushing it from his shoulders and letting it fall unheeded to the floor before turning her attention to the buttons of his shirt. It quickly followed the same fate as the jacket, and her nimble fingers turned their attention to his pants, undoing the button and zipper, and pushing them down over his hips along with his underwear.

  Dear God, he is magnificent, she thought to herself, as she stepped back and looked him up and down. In her mind, he was absolutely perfect and the broadness of his muscular chest and arms perfectly matched his powerful thighs. The only thing more impressive than his physique was the cock that stood proudly to attention under her greedy gaze. It seemed to be getting harder still as he watched her inspecting him.

  “I want to touch you. I want to taste you.”

  Her words were almost his and with a growl he lunged forward and swung her back up into his arms, carrying her to his bedroom and the king size bed that awaited them. He’d told himself that he was going to go slow with her this time and make sure that he met all of her needs, but in all honesty, he wasn’t sure how much more control he was going to be able to maintain, especially when she said things like that to him.


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