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Requiem for the Nephilim

Page 5

by Alan VanMeter

  “Take a quick break you two, and check out the translation from the second tablet.” I hand them my lap-top.

  When they finish, both are wide eyed with wonder.

  “This just gets better and better!” Kelly laughs.

  “The Ancient Alien theory has just been proven to be fact, no longer fiction my friends.” Hector also starts laughing.

  “No doubt, and now we also know what happened to the remaining dinosaurs too.” I add.

  Kelly is suddenly very busy on her own lap-top, and she is talking as if to herself, “Let’s see… we’ll set zero degrees longitude at the center of the Atlantic… yeah. Okay, now where does that put this first land base? Oh, that doesn’t make sense.”

  “What?” Both Hector and I lean over her shoulders to see.

  “The base he named Barbelon would put it in the Indian Ocean.”

  “Wait, draw a line straight up from it. There, on the thirty third degree latitude, right in line with where you put it. This was most likely the equatorial plane before the earth gained its current axial tilt.” Hector points out.

  I look at him with wide eyes, realizing he sure is studied on the various theories of the ancient times.

  Kelly nearly shouts, “Babylon!”

  “I’ll be damned!” I gasp.

  “Where is the second base, and the third?” Hector insists.

  “The next one… adjusted for Babylon being at exactly ninety degrees according to their longitude zero point of the mid Atlantic, and for the thirty three degree shift up from the equator… is in the lowlands of China.”

  “Any ancient city there?” I ask.

  “Not that I am aware of.” She shakes her head. “Could be though, because I am not studied concerning the Asian cultures.”

  “What about the last one?” Hector prompts.

  “It lies in the Pacific, some six hundred miles off the coast of Los Angeles.” She tells us.

  “Before all the ice melted from the last ice-age there must’ve been an island there.” I nod.

  “The island kingdom of Mu?” Kelly guesses.

  I nod, “Has to be! Mukax to Mu isn’t a big stretch.”

  Hector laughs again. “I must remember to plan an underwater search at your coordinates there someday. I bet a sunken city is found right at that exact spot.”

  “Well, our next expedition is already set then.” Kelly smiles brightly at us both.

  “The gods who descended from the heavens, were flesh and blood… extraterrestrials.” I giggle at the proof we are all gazing at.

  “Let’s get back to work… Victor please keep translating, all the others will love to read these also.” Hector encourages.

  I start with the next tablet’s text as its photo is already in my data base.

  Tablet number three: I, Alalu, present the record of the second sar of my command. It has been decided by the high counsel to inform you of where we come from. Our home star is named Alnilam, and resides in the constellation which we have named Sipazi Ana: The Shepherd of Ana. It lies in the belt of the great hunter of the night sky, who has been destined to serve from afar. Constrained by the dogging of the close star Siri who has authority over us in our task here. She is our close spouse in these matters as set forth by the Legacy. Her infinite closeness makes an ideal wife for our efforts, yet she herself is barren. Very near our home star is the true origin of all the stars in this sector, though our own home is not young at all. From this great cloud all the nearby worlds and suns have been born, including your own star and world. Be aware that the great sea of Nun is not emptiness, rather its’ ebbs and flows are what move all things. Thus you have been given life, and you must realize the great nature of all you see in order to one day rise from your primal mound, and join us in the heavens. This is truly your divine purpose, and baring the eternal fall into the pit of emptiness; you shall rise as our Lord has foreseen himself. This power is never given to any, but it may be allowed if you realize truth. Our descendants will await you in these places, do not disappoint them, for they have long planned for your kind to accomplish the great rising. This is the true nature of existence; to live, and to grow; until one day you take your rightful place among those whom you now call gods. Let no false god lead you astray, as is our charge; instead hold steadfast to truth and knowledge. Without wisdom however all knowledge is false. Therefore you must strive, and persevere with learning, and steadfast devotion to understanding what is, and what is not. This is never an easy task, as our kind has been witness to for so many sar upon sar. Live, learn, and strive for the stars my beloved.

  The largest group of our new colonists have arrived from Nibiru, and Enki, son of our leader Anu, has taken charge. He has renamed this world after himself, Ea-arth. They have set up the first of the ore collection stations, and named it Eridu, on the coast of the gulf near Barbelon. Though Enki is in command, he is focused on the collection of element number seventy nine predominantly, leaving my original team to continue with the genetic modifications, and teaching of the proto species.

  This causes me to shiver, and I let out a deep moan of longing for the wisdom, as well as the knowledge Alalu spoke of.

  Kelly comes to me right away. “What’s wrong Victor? What does it say?”

  “Here, read it baby. This is almost too much for this decrepit old man to bear.”

  She warms me with her body hugging mine close for a minute, until she takes my lap-top, and reads my translation.

  “This just gets better with every tablet Victor! Hurry, do the next one.”

  The next couple of tablets are mere reports of these ancient ones progress with the proto species which I assume became humanity, and with their eradication efforts against the surviving dinosaurs. By this time the camp is mostly moved into the cavern, and dinner is being prepared by some of the young men, so I take a much needed break.

  Everyone is allowed to copy the photos of the tablets and my translations so far, but Kelly instructs them to keep this data under wraps until we all publish as a team, together. Hector is no longer acting as a Government handler, instead is now an integral part of our team. We all realize that this will forever change our lives, and the lives of much of humanity.

  “Just think, Professor Carlson, we will prove the three main religions to be totally wet!” Larry grins.

  “Oh, they won’t even listen don’t you know. They haven’t to any of the other astounding evidence already well established, calling any of it that deviates from their own understanding as fraudulent.”

  “Just as main stream archeologists do as well.” I heave a sigh.

  Hector chuckles and tells, “The main stream proponents are most often funded by the churches after all, as are their universities.”

  “UCLA is funded by the taxpayers at least.” Larry counters.

  “On the surface perhaps, but if you dig down enough, you’ll find the church is still very much involved in certain disciplines.” Kelly informs him.

  Roberta pipes up, “Why do the religious types always have to stick their noses into everything?”

  “Control, and the power this control brings.” I tell her.

  “Religion and politics… it’s the same damn thing!” Larry spats in disgust.

  “Exactly.” Hector shakes his head. “At least in America you have many different theocracies vying for power. Here in Belize there is only the Catholic Church, and throughout our history they have murderously removed any competition.”

  “I suddenly feel like spitting on a priest.” Roberta growls.

  Clint chuckles, “I’ve seen a couple of nuns before that I sure felt like spanking.”

  That gets a laugh out of most of us.

  “It’s just the goddamn golden rule you know.” Kelly frowns. “He who has the gold makes the rules.”

  Hector nods in agreement and adds, “That is why the priests were never allowed to marry; so their accumulated riches wouldn’t leave the possession of the church. No heirs, so no loss of gold. I
t’s pretty simple.”

  “So when they pass their begging bowl around, don’t add to it huh?” Vicky muses.

  “Not unless you are satisfied with their lies, and domination.” Hector raises his brows.

  I just have to add, “Lies which will lead us all straight into the bottomless pit.”

  “What do you mean, Professor Dorozney?” Larry asks.

  “The bottomless pit is a euphemism meaning the extinction of the human race.”

  “Oh shit!”

  “Yes, shit indeed. The third tablet even warns of this.”

  “That’s the pit they were referring to.” He sees it, nodding.

  “We can’t let that happen!” Roberta almost shouts.

  “Perhaps our find here may help prevent that unacceptable fate.” Kelly’s confidence visibly eases them all.

  “Dinner is served!” One of the young men cooking announces.

  I retire early, along with the skiff pilots who will return to the Reina in the morning. First thing I must do is to try to communicate with Nicki, without raising suspicion, but just how to accomplish this is the big question. Just as I am lying down to ponder this, Kelly comes and sets her sleeping bag right next to mine.

  “You don’t mind me sleeping with you, do you Victor?”

  This causes me to choke, and I sit up with a coughing fit.

  “Sorry, I should have said next to you Victor.” She pats my back and rubs it warmly.

  “My dear, excuse me. Ah… yes. That’s better. Kelly, you can sleep with me anytime you desire.” I smile at her.

  “Good. I’ll hold you to that, Victor. Now, Hector and I are going to stay up a while translating some more of the tablets, but I’ll join you after a while.” She pats my back again. “I’ll try not to wake you when I come to bed.”

  “That’s no fun.” I protest.

  “Get some sleep Victor. It is going to be a very busy day tomorrow.”

  “No fun at all.” I lay back down.

  I wake with someone whispering in my ear… it is Kelly.

  “Be quiet Victor… we don’t want to wake the others.” With that her lips are on mine, and her hand is reaching down in my sleeping bag, and into my pants to stroke my member. As soon as I am engorged, in just several moments, she opens a condom package with her teeth, and then she pulls my sleeping bag open; I watch in the dim light from the lantern in the cook area that was left on as she deftly unrolls the condom over my penis, and then mounts me. Kelly is very tight, and yet she has me inside of her soft, wet pussy shortly.

  “Ohhh, you are so fucking big Victor….uhhh…yeah.” She whispers in my ear, and pulls her tank top up over her very large melons for me to suck on. I go to town licking and sucking her nipples. Then I whisper into her ear, “I thought you said you were into girls?”

  She moans quietly as she rides me with expert muscle manipulation. “I am, but you deserve this baby… for inviting me in on this.” She whispers back. “Be quiet when you come baby… okay?”

  I nod, grabbing her firm ass and driving it home. We try to quietly make some serious love, and I have to bury my face in her bosom as I climax very intensely. She is also shuddering and trying to suppress her squeals by then. Both of our crotches are thoroughly soaked by her juices, and the condom is quite full of my seed as she dismounts me.

  “That was fucking nice, baby.” She whispers again.

  “You’re telling me… oh my god.” I am breathing hard, and my heart is pounding out of my chest.

  “Goodnight baby… I hope you’ll be ready for more tomorrow night.”

  I nod with a huge shit eating grin, then I slide the condom off, and carefully tie the open end up so the huge mess in the tip doesn’t spill when I set it on the cavern floor.

  I go back to sleep quickly, feeling like a young man again, and I’m quite pleased. That was even much more exciting than our amazing find here. My dreams are of Kelly of course, and how soft she is, yet firm too. Her vaginal muscle control was out of this world! In my dream she is telling me that she wants to stay with me forever, and I warmly welcome her company, and we make love… again, and again. Then I become the orangutan lord of the jungle, and Kelly is my eternal mate. We swing through the trees finding much fruit to eat, and we have sex on the high branches, with me grunting loudly for the whole world to hear.

  I am woken by one of the skiff pilots who simply motions me to get up. It is time for us to head back to the Reina, and I quietly get out of my bag without waking Kelly. She looks like an angel sleeping in the dim light. As I put my boots on, I see the used condom there, looking like a damn water balloon. Damn did I ever climax hard… there must be a pint of my semen filling it! I slip it into my pocket, and deposit it in the trash bag by the cook area on my way out of the cave. Then I grab a single blank gold tablet from the shelf Roberta had found, because I am going to need it. The three pilots are waiting at the bottom of the cliff, and they speak Spanish to me, telling me to hurry. I try as best I can, and they don’t pressure me any further. Soon we are all heading back down the jungle river to the wild calls of the many monkeys living in the canopy. Now I focus my attention on the problems at hand. I need to get Nicki’s help, and hopefully the submarine Captain’s as well. Then I need to radio for some shipping containers to be sent, and in a hurry.

  Three hours later we leave the mouth of the Moho River, and head towards the Reina anchored several miles to the east. Captain Juan greets us as we tie up, and he and one of the deck hands helps me get my fat ass aboard.

  “So, any problems with our neighbors, Captain?”

  “Not a peep from them, Professor. How about your expedition, anything interesting?”

  “Oh yes… your men can verify what we found. Something amazing my friend.”

  “Like what?”

  “Like the Library of the Ancients.”

  “The Library…” He looks to his skiff pilots asking them in Spanish, and they excitedly tell him. “This is an amazing discovery. What did Professor Villanueva say about this?”

  “He said that we must make sure that his Government does not find out about it, as the Church would surely destroy it.”

  Again Juan asks his men about this, and they verify what I had said.

  “I do not like the idea of becoming a smuggler, Professor Dorozney, neither do my men. We’d prefer to stay out of prison you see.”

  “I understand completely Captain, however you may change your mind when I tell you just how much gold would be yours from helping us.” I smile.

  “Oh, now that might indeed make a difference. Just how much are we talking about?”

  “How about ten pounds for starters… and two pounds for each of your crew.”

  “That would definitely buy some help from us, depending on what you have in mind, and the risk we will face.”

  “For that I would just request a run back into Belize to pick up some shipping containers which I will purchase, and some help loading the full containers onto the submarine.”

  “Are you so sure the submarine’s Captain will assist you?”

  “That is actually my next order of business. Would you have one of your men take me to our neighbors for a visit?”

  He nods and tells one of the pilots to do so. “Whenever you are ready Professor.”

  “I might as well get this over with.”

  As we approach the sub, several men come out on the deck with assault rifles at the ready, along with the American who had visited our boat before.

  “Request permission to come aboard.” I shout.

  “What for Professor?”

  “We have found something that we could use your help with.”

  “Very well.” He shouts back, motioning us to come along side.

  Several of their deck hands help me onto the sub’s deck casing.

  “Please follow me.” The American says, and I look for my friend among the armed men on deck, but I don’t see him.

  He leads me into the sail through an ope
n hatch, and then down a ladder through a circular hatch into the sub proper.

  A slightly older man, yet still younger than me, greets me in Russian, and I see Nicki standing close to this man.

  “I am Captain Voronov at your service, Professor Dorozney. You are amongst friends here.”

  “It is a pleasure Captain, I have a proposition I would like to discuss with you and my close family friend in private if we may.” I answer in Russian.

  “Certainly, please follow me.”

  The American frowns, and demands to know what is going on.

  “Relax my friend, it is a Russian custom to welcome a fellow countryman aboard with a toast of vodka. We shall be right back.” The Captain tells him in perfect English.

  Captain Voronov leads, and Nicki follows behind me to the Captain’s cabin. As soon as the door is closed, Nicki and I hug and greet each other in Russian.

  “It is so good to see you again Victor! I have missed you greatly. How are you?”

  “I am well Nicki, hell better than alright! How about you?”

  “I am very good, thank you. How bizarre to meet here of all places. I can only assume that it is not pure coincidence.”

  “Nyet, we were searching for the very same thing that the Americas are…”


  “We found it Nicki! The Library of the Ancients! It was not hidden where the Americans are looking, a fact that I was fortunate enough to learn from a dear friend. You won’t believe what these tablets tell of my boy!” I laugh heartily.

  Just then the Captain sets three metal cups on his desk, and produces a bottle of vodka to pour us each a cup.

  “To both of my friend’s health then.” He toasts.

  “And to yours Captain Voronov, and to your new wealth too.” I chuckle.

  We all down the shot, and he pours another for us each. “Please call me Ivan, Professor. Now what is this you mention about wealth?”


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