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Requiem for the Nephilim

Page 7

by Alan VanMeter

  “That would work, as long as we sleep in the same bed.” She again makes me hard with just her smile alone. “What if the sub doesn’t have the range to get there?”

  “We rent a home in Texas then, and do the same thing there.”

  “It is going to take us a while to get all of these translated, Victor.”

  I nod. “We want every last one photographed, translated, and backed up in several secure systems before we publish a peep. That way it is too late for anyone to try to stop us.”

  “I like the way you think, lover.”

  “Security first, always.”

  “We may need to hire some bodyguards, what do you think?”

  “Nicki will help us out there. I’m sure of it. We will pay him well, and fly his lovely wife, Amanda, down to be with him also.”

  “Is he capable, and trustworthy?”

  “The utmost, in both cases.” I rub her shoulder with assurance.

  “Good, that’s one less thing we have to worry about then.”

  As I am going to the back aisles, scouting for a place to rendezvous with my new lover, I hear what sounds like two ham hocks being slapped together from the most remote aisle. Peering down it with my flashlight, I spy Larry and Vicky screwing the hell out of each other. They look up with surprised shock at being caught.

  “Pardon me… as you were kids.” I tell them as I walk away.

  The wet slapping begins again. It is a good spot, now as soon as they are finished, I’m going to take Kelly back there, and bang the living hell out her luscious body.

  As soon as I see Larry and Vicky turn in to their sleeping bags, I whisper to Kelly that it is time, and she nods with a giggle.

  “Wait just one moment Victor, I’ll be right back.” She goes quietly to another group of sleeping bags, and returns with Roberta holding her hand.

  “Let’s have some fun kids.” Kelly then grabs my hand with her free one, and we all go to the far back aisle.

  Fortunately Kelly takes the cap off her flashlight, making a small lantern for us to see by, and boy do I appreciate the show those two sexy women give me. As they are fully engaged in sexual pleasure, Kelly invites me to join them, and my tool is quite ready by now. What an unbelievably hot and horny time we share together. Kelly’s body is wonderful, and Roberta is a pure sex goddess. I can’t remember ever being so damn turned on, not ever, and I have been with some very sexy women before. Several times even in an orgy, which I never thought would be topped, but here these two fine women surely do top any previous experiences of mine, and I am an old man! Together they milk two of the most exquisite orgasms of my life from me, and then they want a third! I can’t do it though, as twice is almost enough to kill me. After I am quite drained, I watch them finish each other off with expert manipulations, and I nearly get hard again just watching them go to town, but damn I’m spent! They promise me another bout the next night, and I know I’m in trouble now. I sure hope my heart can take the strain. If not, at least I will die a very happy man!

  I sleep like a baby again, even on the hard cavern floor. In the morning the young men and pilots hoist the heavy loads down from the cave with some block and tackle from the Reina, and to the waiting boats. I instruct one of our men to ask the submarine’s Captain about making it to LA, and if not where he will be able to take us. Then I immediately get to work with translating the seemingly endless tablets.

  Tablet ten: This is the ninth sar of our mission here on Ea-arth, and many things have occurred. The ice caps have retreated towards the poles over the last sar, and orders have come down from Anu himself to vastly increase extraction of the precious metals from this world. Enki has tried to supplement this by several other sea water extraction facilities being built to the east. Still this is not meeting the quotas demanded by our King. Enki has also taken his half-sister, Ninhursag, as a wife, and she has born him a daughter named Nindurra. He also had relations with his daughter, and she bore him another daughter named Uttu. It does not help the morale of any of the rest of us that Enki is claiming all the women of our kind for himself.

  Our King has decided to personally pay us a visit from Nibiru, so there are much preparations underway to welcome him with glory.

  Anu’s visit brought some big surprises, namely for Enki. His brother, and heir apparent, Enlil, has been given supreme command over the planet. Enki has been ordered to begin hard mining operations in the southern tip of the large continent which straddles the new equatorial plane. The axial tilt induced had shifted the equator thirty three degrees latitude to the north, thus this continent now straddles the equatorial plane almost in halves. I know our people will not take these orders easily, as hard mining is very labor intensive, even with our technology, and especially in the sweltering heat of the desert where the largest concentration of element seventy nine is indicated.

  Anu has left for our Nibiru again, and we just got word that my own grandson, Anzu, has challenged Anu for the crown. I fear the worst from this development. Anu had usurped my own rule of Nibiru with brilliant tact, and had even defeated me in a personal challenge of combat. I respect that he then offered me this position as his cup bearer which I held after my daughter, Damkina, wed his son, Enki. It was broken however when Anu appointed Enki as ruler of Ea-arth. Civil war had been averted by this arraignment which did appease me, but now I fear the specter of which has risen its ugly head yet again. Still I will support my own flesh and blood in this issue, and maybe I can even take back my rule of Nibiru. I do still have the atomic weapons on my ship after all.

  Tablet twelve: This is now the tenth sar of our mission on this world. We are still having difficulty with the proto species which the Adamu were developed from, as our new species is breeding with them still. Most all of their off spring are destroyed, yet some manage to slip through our observations. Another issue has cropped up, one which we are not certain of the negative impact. Several of our males have had sexual relations with the Adamu females, and one of the females is with a child from this union. I cannot say that I blame our males, as the Adamu females are very sexually desirable, even if they are so much smaller than us. There are some of the Adamu women that I have even wished to have sex with, maybe I will. It depends on whether the offspring of the previously mentioned union is a good mix. If so, then I will allow all of our males to engage in breeding with the Adamu. Our females are not enticed by the Adamu males though, and this is a good thing, as there just aren’t enough of our own women to go around. The Adamu males are not endowed enough, from what our females tell, yet the Adamu women can take our much larger phalluses into them, and from what those who have had sexual relations with them say, the small women really like the larger size of our sexual organs. I surely hope the mix is a positive one, otherwise I would have to prohibit sex with the small females of the Adamu. Most of our males seem to wish for these sexual unions though, and I’m not sure I could stop them if I tried.

  The hybrid child has been born by the Adamu woman, and even though it killed her when she gave birth, as it is nearly the size of one of our children; the child has been determined to be a very good mix of genetics. I am instituting a policy of free sexual license to our males, and I am taking the Adamu female servant that has driven me insane with lust myself, right away.

  I have been summoned back to our Nibiru, and it can only be due to the threat I had made regarding using my solar weapons in support of my grandson, Anzu. He will accompany me back home, and I hope this issue is finally put to bed.

  This tablet shocks me more than any of the others so far, and I go to show it to Kelly right away.

  “Oh my god! They were screwing the human women!” She gasps after reading it.

  “The Inca were telling the truth, and the Hebrews too it seems.”

  Her eyes get wide, “The Nephilim! It was true!”

  I nod, giggling. “There really were giants on the Earth in these ancient times.”

  “Those Anunnaki were some horny mothers!”
  “I know how they felt, human women are just too irresistible!” I run my eyes over her body again.

  “Are you ready for some more loving already, baby?” She clasps her hands making her arms squish her firm melons together very suggestively.

  “Yes… but it would be better if I wait until tonight. Have to make some more juice after all.”

  “Get those nuts busy then mister!” She laughs.

  I wipe the sweat from my brow, and go back to work. Kelly says she’ll take the next six tablets, as she wants to be the first to read them. So I take the next after those.

  Tablet nineteen: I am Ninhursag, wife of Lord Enki. This tablet tells of our seventeenth mission sar here on Ea-arth. There is much discord among our people presently. The first mission commander, Alalu, has openly rebelled along with his royal line of the family. Unfortunately his grandson, Anzu, had provoked the Igigi, who serve us, to rebel as well. Extraction of element seventy nine has all but stopped. We cannot wake more of our people on Nibiru if the atmosphere is not fully shielded. To make matters worse, both have refused a summons back to Nibiru by my father, Anu. They have absconded with their heavy missile cruiser as well, and have made threats to destroy the cities of our planet ship. My brother Enlil is fully intent on destroying all of the traitors, but most especially Alalu, and Anzu. My husband Enki is too busy building more facilities here at this time, primarily the solar power stations that we are in need off. This honor of codifying our actions here for those who will eventually rise from the dust should be his, but he has relegated it to me, as he can’t be bothered with such trivialities.

  Suddenly Kelly stops me. “Victor, I think you translated the word ‘solar’ incorrectly in the tablet speaking of weapons.”

  I cock my head, “Oh?”

  “It actually says ‘power of the sun,’ or ‘star’ even. I think they mean fusion power, or thermonuclear weapons.” She shows me her translation of some of the tablets she took.

  I nod, seeing my error, and trusting her greater expertise as well. “That would make more sense. It also means that they were building fusion power plants here. As it tells in the last tablet I translated.”

  “Yeah, one of the tablets I did mentions the same thing.” She nods with a huge smile.

  Tablet twenty: I am Ninhursag, wife of lord Enki. This is the record of our eighteenth mission sar here on Ea-arth. The rebellion of Alalu and Anzu came to a frightening conclusion. A massive battle took place in the heavens, where much of our resources of ships were destroyed. My father, Anu, offered Alalu a second chance to seize the throne by personal combat. This was to spare any further destruction of our world, or of our precious resources. The great war of long ago which killed so many of our people still weighs heavily on his mind. My father defeated Alalu for a second time, but when he released him the traitor bit off my father’s genitals, and ate them like a wild beast. Little did he know that my father’s flesh was poisonous. Alalu and Anzu were exiled to Sol four.

  Enlil had his son, Ninurta, my cousin, retrieve the Tablets of Destiny that Anzu had stolen from the palace before they were exiled. His last act of defiance assured that Alalu’s name be forever removed from the tablets. He had only inscribed his name there by the act of murdering the rightful King Lahma. I have mixed emotions about Alalu and his bloodline though, as he did kill Lahma because of his lack of action to save Nibiru after all.

  I have contacted Anu to ask permission to go to Sol four and rescue, Alalu, and Anzu. This is because they are of our own bloodline now, and it is only right. I have been given permission to go there and render aide, but not to retrieve them. Also twenty of our people will go with me in order establish a new permanent base of operations to aide with transporting the precious metals mined on Ea-arth to Nibiru. One final order I have been given is interrogate Anzu and his grandfather as to where they have hidden the thermonuclear missiles from their cruiser.

  I have returned from my mission to Sol four, which we call Nergal. Alalu is dead, and I found Anzu mostly dead, and had to use much effort to revive him. His soul had even left his body and had to be summoned back. He was so thankful that he swore his loyalty to Anu, and acknowledged his rightful seat on the throne of Nibiru, but I still don’t trust Anzu. Hopefully he will do well for us in assisting getting the precious metals back home. I did use our ship’s beam weaponry to carve a fitting tribute into the mountain top where Alalu’s body rests. It seemed that there must be some marker to denote his former greatness. As to the whereabouts of the thermonuclear missiles, Anzu had no idea and was telling the truth.

  Tablet twenty one: I am Enki, second in command of our mission here on Ea-arth. My wife, Ninhursag, insisted that I make record of our actions, as it is my obvious place to do this, though I really don’t have the time. This is the nineteenth sar of our mission. There have been a number of the new hybrid children born of our mating with the Adamu women. The Rae were notified of this development and they have now set up a base of their own in the area near the great river Nile. They will stabilize this new species and then they will allow it to intermix with the Adamu afterwards. This will be beneficial in the outcome of our goal they have told, as this new hybrid species will be even more intelligent than the Adamu. Meanwhile we are allowed to breed with the Adamu women as we please, and it definitely pleases us, or they do rather. I have many of their small women to satisfy my extreme sexual appetite myself, and a number of children with them as well. Unfortunately the Adamu women always die when giving birth to one of our intermixed children, so I am constantly looking for replacements.

  The Rae are having specific of these chosen hybrids interbreed for a number of generations to stabilize the genome, and then this new bloodline will be freely allowed to breed with the Adamu. We have been instructed to forbid our hybrid children from having sexual relations with the Adamu. I don’t know how we can possibly enforce this.

  We are also still having much difficulty with the old proto species breeding with the Adamu though, and the Rae have insisted that we prevent this. I am desperately trying to do so, but the Adamu women seem to wish to breed with anything, and everything. Their sexual appetite is even more voracious than my own!

  I can only shake my head at these revelations. I always knew that women ruled the world, but to know that they even ruled the gods with their sexuality is something else alright! My instinct is to go show this to Kelly right away, but I will translate a few more, and then show her the lot.

  Tablet twenty two: I am Enki, second in command. This is the twentieth sar of our mission here on Ea-arth. Most of our males have had sired numerous offspring with the Adamu women. Many of these male children have also had children with the small women, and the size of these second tier hybrid children is smaller than our kind, yet still significantly larger than the Adamu themselves. Some of the Adamu women even survive the births of these children, though not many. The Rae have told us that this development is nothing to be concerned with even though we were instructed not to let this happen, but they are still concerned with the old proto species breeding with the Adamu, and so we have begun to slaughter the proto species wholesale. I do not like having to do this, yet it must be done. The only problem is that there are quite a number of them, and they have already learned to hide from us, making it very difficult to exterminate them. The bigger problem is in their hybrid offspring then breeding with the Adamu, as there is very little physical difference noticeable between the hybrid proto species and the Adamu. There is no way we can genetically test every Adamu, as there are so many. So the Rae have told us that if we cannot stop this spread of tainted genetics, then they will be forced to take care of it themselves. I fear what they would do, so I am spending all available resources in our attempts at eradicating the proto species.

  Now I am really intrigued. Purposeful extinction of Cro-Magnon man? It is one thing to find out that the missing link was extraterrestrial genetic intervention, but then to learn that these same aliens wiped out our g
enetic predecessors is quite another. Just as I am about to go to Kelly’s table and show her, she excitedly calls to me to come see the tablet that she has just translated. I go right away with my computer notebook, to show her what I had found as well.

  “Oh my god Victor! You need to read this now!”

  “What tablet number is it?”

  “Number ninety nine.”

  “Damn! You sure jumped ahead.”

  She giggles, then tells me, “I have Larry, Vicky, and Roberta translating the ones in between. Hell, I just had to take a peak forward. So, far everything was in keeping with the Lost Books of Enki that Sitchen first translated. I was looking for something that deviated significantly, and I found it.”

  “Okay, then you need to read these next two first, so you get the back drop, and I’ll read this one while you do.” I take her notepad and give her mine.

  Tablet ninety nine: I am Dumuzid, and I am the fifth leader of the Kingdom of Sumer here on Ea-arth. Most of my subjects are of the Adamu race, though there are many of my kind as well, the Anakum. We are the blood of the Anunnaki gods, and of the Adamu. Our race’s time here is now limited, and we still have so much to accomplish. The proto species that the Adamu were developed from are nearly extinct now, but we still find some small groups of them that have slipped through our net from time to time. Even more troubling is that the Rae have alerted us that they have detected this proto species’ genome in many of the Adamu, and that this genetic poison is spreading rapidly among them. Of this, there is nothing we can do, as the Adamu are listed as a protected species by the Legacy. As my predecessors had feared, I am certain that the Rae will take care of this problem themselves. There is only one thing we can do, but unfortunately there are some other star faring races which have been allowed access to this world by the Legacy, who are acting to oppose the great Legacy Edict to avoid interference with the technological development of the proto species here. In the east on the largest peninsula, named Indus by the Adamu people, some of these other watchers have been giving their knowledge, and devices even to their own hybrid offspring for them to protect themselves against the Rae if needed. They are a race of reptilians called the Naga, who have been sent to oppose us it seems. This has become a great source of mounting tension, as even though their race is highly intelligent, and capable; they have not been indoctrinated and sworn to the sacred edict of the Legacy. I fear that armed conflict is most likely to come upon us, between our star races once again.


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