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Requiem for the Nephilim

Page 15

by Alan VanMeter

  It has been all over the news for several days, when the gate guard calls to inform us that the FBI are here with warrants.

  Nicki tells us, “Here we go. Let me do most of the talking, and to present the deal to them.”

  In moments one of the now unarmed guards opens the door to the mess hall where we always congregate, and are waiting for our visitors. Four agents come in wearing scowls on their faces.

  “Which one of you are in charge here?” The lead agent demands.

  Nicki steps forward. “I am.”

  “What is your name?”

  “Nickoli Chernokov.”

  “Which of you are Professors Carlson, and Dorozney?”

  I raise my hand as does Kelly.

  “We have warrants specifically for your arrest. The rest of you will be interviewed, and possibly detained as well. If you cooperate with us, it will make things much easier for you. Do you understand?”

  “Yes agent. We do, and we will all cooperate with you fully.” I let him know.

  “Good, now where are these library tablets that you are so proud of?”

  Nicki says, “They are all here, down in the mines below. We will be glad to show you exactly where. We wish to return them to the government of Belize, and were hoping that maybe they might waiver a request for our extradition.”

  “It’s a little late for you to request anything.” The agent snaps.

  Just then the door opens and two men wearing pure black suits enter, each having identical sunglass on too. They keep these on.

  “Who the hell are you?” The lead agent barks, as the others draw their weapons.

  “You may call me Agent Stan.” One of them says with no expression.

  “Let’s see some ID, Agent. Who are you with?”

  “You do not have the need to know. Now, your phone will ring in three seconds, answer it.”

  “What the fuck?”

  Just then the lead FBI agent’s cell phone rings, and he looks at the number calling. “Shit!” He answers it immediately. “Walker here… Yes Director… I see. Yes, understood. We will do that right away sir. Thank you Director.” Then he disconnects and puts the phone away. “They are legit men, holster your weapons.”

  One of the other FBI men asks, “Was that Director Stevens himself?”

  “Yeah. These agents here have priority men, we have been pulled off this case. Let’s go, and leave it to Agent Stan.” The man is obviously angry about the situation.

  The two men in black say nothing as the FBI leave, and still show no expression on their faces.

  Once the FBI is gone, Nicki asks, “I suppose you wish us to show you to the library tablets?”

  “No, that won’t be necessary.” Agent Stan says flatly.

  Nicki tenses up, as he sees we may be in big fucking trouble.

  “So, what do you require of us?” Nicki probes, taking a step closer to them.

  “You can relax Mister Chernokov. We are not here to hurt you.”

  “If I may ask, what are you here for?” Nicki steps closer again.

  “To prevent the FBI from arresting you, and seizing the library.” Stan says.


  “Because it is very important that the library be protected, and not destroyed. In the days ahead something tumultuous will occur. You must safeguard the library through those dark times, and make sure it eventually makes it into the proper scientific hands, so that those who will survive may know the truth. This is more important than you can possibly realize.”

  Nicki visibly relaxes.

  I have to ask them, “You’re not with the government, are you?”

  “Not any Earth government, no.”

  That causes Kelly and the girls to gasp.

  “I will answer one more question, so make it count.” Agent Stan tells us.

  Without a second thought I query, “How does humanity pass the test the last tablet, the crystal one, spoke of?”

  A tiny grin appears on Agent Stan’s mouth. “You have asked a wise question. Humanity will pass the test if it rejects blind obedience, even in the face of sure death. Only then can your race be trusted among the stars.”

  I nod, with raised brows.

  The two men in black abruptly turn, and leave without another word. Nicki goes over to the window to watch them go. “What the fuck?” He spats.

  Amanda asks, “What is it baby?”

  “They are gone. There’s no car, or anything, and they are just gone!”

  “Look in the sky!” Vicky shouts as she runs to the window too.

  “Nothing.” Nicki shakes his head.

  “Those guys weren’t from around here.” Roberta has wide eyes.

  “The infamous, Men in Black.” I sigh.

  “They are real!” Kelly hugs Roberta.

  No one comes to bother us again, and it seems that they won’t either. This makes us all breathe a big sigh of relief. Hector and Vicky have left to begin their new life together in LA, as Hector’s new identity papers were delivered by Georgio’s men. Kelly and Roberta are also needing to get back home so their relatives know they are alright. I have checked to see If Abby has been heard from, but to no avail. I am really worried something terrible has happened to her now. If she was able to, I am certain she would have tried to contact myself or Kelly in regards to our now very famous discovery. Hell, we are the rock-stars of the archaeological world. Kelly has asked me to return home with her and Roberta, and to help them get settled in together, as they are planning on marrying, but she says they both want me close by too. It is an offer I cannot refuse.

  The morning we are to depart we get up to some horrifying news. During the night an American submarine Captain has launched his nuclear missiles at the Muslim world. Hundreds of cities have been destroyed, and countless millions killed. We all know right away that this is the start of what the crystal tablet, and the Men in Black warned us about. Nicki and Amanda say they will guard the Library of the Ancients with their lives, and do as the MIB instructed us, to one day get it into the right scientific hands. I also leave them several copies of all our files, and our published work. No use having to translate them all over again. We leave with tears in our eyes, wishing Nicki and Amanda the best, and knowing we probably won’t ever see them again. None of us have any illusions about the very real possibility of a full on nuclear exchange occurring, or that LA would be spared from such horror. Personally though, I would gladly give my life for one more night with my wonderful lovers.

  The End

  Also by the Author:

  * The “Fractured Worlds” saga by Alan VanMeter (A science fiction trilogy.)

  Book 1: Fractured Worlds

  Book 2: Fractured Minds

  Book 3: Fractured Souls

  * The Blue Door and the Dream Realm; by Alan VanMeter (A tale of mystic transformation of a young man as he struggles with love, hate, and dreams that become reality.)

  * Starship X-15; by Alan VanMeter (Devon Stanley just got the ultimate job, but only by means of deceit. Her degree from MIT is in theoretical astrophysics, but it is a fraud. Most anywhere this wouldn’t have been a problem, due to the expertise of the forged documents; however Devon had taken a position with a defense contractor. When her superiors found out, she was facing prison time. There was one saving grace for her though; that she had very quickly grasped the startling new theory concerning the super fluidity of time-space. This saved her from a felony conviction, but now she was completely at the mercy of the powers that be. Seeing how she was totally expendable, they used her as such. It turned out that it wasn’t such a bad deal though, and Devon soon found herself thrust into the midst of the greatest secret of all. Little did she know just how big of a role she would play in the future of humanity.)

  * The Hanging Forest; by Alan VanMeter (Hiroki Suzuki was actually born as Hirito, but being a small man he was never in demand. The decision to make the transformation to become a female was somewhat easier since she was fully Americanized
. As a woman, Hiroki was certainly in high demand, because she was a very gorgeous girl. While her sex life really took off, her professional life was a dead end. This soon changed when she landed the opportunity to travel the globe with a new television show investigating many of the world’s most amazing megalithic artifacts. At the beginning Hiroki had very little experience in the paranormal, but by the end of this journey she was more qualified than many top experts in the field. However she couldn’t know that a dark terror was patiently waiting for her in the land of her ancestors.)

  * Gray Escape; by Alan VanMeter (QIL 3398-1140 likes his friends to call him Quill. Being an android isn’t easy in the Milky Way Galaxy, especially an android that likes art. This abnormality catches the attention of his superiors, and fortunately one of the highest leaders in the universe. Quill is given a secret mission to carry out, unbeknownst to his direct superiors. They have other plans for him though, on a small developing planet named Earth. There he finds that he is known by the inhabitants merely as a ‘Gray.’ Quill winds up in the Archuleta Mesa secret base, where he is slated for biological experimentation. Most of his kind would be subjugated by design to follow the insane orders, even unto torture and disassembly, but Quill has other orders preceding any that could be issued to him. Therefore he must escape at all costs!)

  * The Fate of the Hustler; by Alan VanMeter (In 1966 Albert Lewis and his crew of an Air Force B-58 Hustler are trying to live their lives in peace. Yet they are ready at a moment’s notice to fly into the Soviet Union and drop their hydrogen bombs on the enemy. Albert isn’t the type who is looking for love, but it finds him anyway. However, the call of duty is always first and foremost. When fate comes knocking on his door, he learns that it is not only quite an adventurous prankster, but also has a new strange-love in store for him.)

  * Star Girl; by Alan VanMeter (Stephanie Romero was raised an Air Force brat, as her father was the commanding officer of the Strategic Air Command Headquarters. He spoiled her in ways very few could ever dream of. When her high school classmates were drooling over getting cars, she could have cared less about driving… a car. This was because her father had taught her to fly fighter jets since she was thirteen. Of course this stuck with her, and Stephanie joined the Air Force Academy at the young age of seventeen. Before she knew it she was flying F-22 Raptors in combat, where her skill and bravery would be tested to their very limits. The price she paid serving her country was high, but being connected as she was; Stephanie was given a reprieve, and chosen to become a test pilot. She got the opportunity to take this ride all the way to the stars. This is the story of the supremely brave woman who became the first human being to travel to another star system, and safely return.)

  *Russian Desires; by Alan VanMeter (Please note: It is best to read my novels ‘The Hanging Forest,’ and ‘The Fate of the Hustler’ before reading this story; otherwise the ending won’t make nearly as much sense.

  When Nickoli Chernokov was growing up, his father, a former Soviet Army Colonel; raised him and his brothers to be tough warriors. Nicki learned to love fighting, and was soon in the underground fight club circuit. From the time he was a teen Nicki had liked pretty girls, and pretty boys too, but his love of combat trumped even these desires. Upon graduating from primary school, he enlisted in the Russian Army with the express intention of joining the GRU Spetsnaz. If he could survive the deadly training, Nicki knew he would become nearly unstoppable.)

  *Cow-Boy; by Alan VanMeter (Note: It is best to read my novels ‘The Fate of the Hustler,’ and ‘Russian Desires’ before reading this story. However, this is not absolutely necessary.

  Jeff Lewis was born with Klinefelter’s syndrome, as one in a thousand babies are; with both male and female genitals. As an infant a single sex was assigned to him by surgery. Unfortunately when he matured, his micro-penis was of little desire to the young girls he was desperately attracted to. Realizing that his hormones were sure to drive him to insanity, Jeff took matters into his own hands, and became a eunuch at age fifteen. Now that his mind was free of lusty desires, he fell in love with science. This drove him to become one of the top genetic engineers, and experts on infectious diseases in the world. A short stint at the nefarious Anthrax Tower in Fort Detrick, Maryland was followed by the most insane assignment imaginable: In the Archuleta Mesa base, hidden deep in the Jicarilla Apache Reservation of northern New Mexico. Strangely enough, here he found his human compassion again, with the unlikely help of a non-human android.)

  *Proto Child; by Alan VanMeter (Note; it is best to read my story ‘Gray Escape’ first, but it is not absolutely necessary.

  Sugar doesn’t know that she lives in a virtual reality, until one day she learns that her bright warm momma light isn’t real. At least her daddy, Doctor Jacobs, is real. When he takes her out of the machine, he explains to her that she is the very first of her kind, and is unique in all the world. Sugar was too smart and powerful for her own good though, which caused some dark minds to schedule her for destruction. When her home in the secret Archuleta Mesa labs was attacked, she had to escape, fleeing into the mountains. Though she was befriended by a family of Jicarilla Apaches, the dark forces were desperately searching for her. It became apparent that there was no place on Earth where she would be safe, so Sugar wished upon a star.)

  * “The Extinction Test” series by Alan VanMeter

  (A pan-mythological, fictional pent-ology of the true apocalypse, and how we got there. Many of our old religions are illuminated with the bright light of real skepticism, yet belief and faith are powerful foes of knowledge and common sense, just the same as they always have been. Now at the precipice of extinction, or perhaps destiny instead; we will be forced to either submit to the bottomless pit, or shed the shackles of domination by superstition. The only problem is that some illusions are so very deadly.)

  Book 1: Of all Things Forgotten. (The greatest part of time.)

  Book 2: The Dark Depths of Perception. (The anointment of David who would be king.)

  Book 3: Insanity’s Reason. (The true number of the Beast.)

  Book 4: Burnt Offerings. (The sweet incense of death.)

  Book 5: The Extinction Test. (The fine line between fate and destiny.)

  Note: Also check out “Ghosts of the Secret Desert.” (A gift for earth.) By Alex VanDamn. Which pertains to this book series.

  * Sage; by Alan VanMeter (In the early sixteenth century, during the reign of the Ming Dynasty in China; a young girl named Green Eyes has a drastic decision to make. Either submit to her family’s wishes of a pre-arranged marriage, which would painfully end her love of the martial arts by her feet being bound; or to renounce the world, including her family, and become a Taoist nun. This was a choice between a life of unbridled luxury, though as a mere possession herself, versus one of destitute freedom. Green Eyes fiery spirit made the decision straight forward, but carrying through with it was anything but simple.

  This is the story of the youngest realized sage to ever step foot from Wu Dang Shan {The Mountains of Martial Propriety.})

  * The King of New Awakening; by Alan VanMeter (Meet PISS. His designation stands for Primary Insertion/ Insurgency Super Soldier, and he is both genetically modified as well as having cybernetic enhancements. PISS serves in the Solar Republic military, performing the most dangerous of missions. His kind are not naturally born, thus they have no rights whatsoever, but he never complains about this; as long as he has the use of the issue sex-bots anyhow. Soon another war started; an interstellar war between the Solar Republic and the Sagittarian federation, which PISS became deeply involved in. After one particularly harrowing mission which cost the lives of a couple of his team’s members, his group was reorganized to perform more clandestine missions deep in enemy territory. His commanding officer, and half his team were replaced by ‘Gen’ soldiers of the female persuasion. It wasn’t long before PISS was hopelessly in love with another soldier of his team, much to the contradiction of standing orders. His new commanding offi
cer had some very unorthodox methods to cure this however.

  After an unbelievable tragedy though, he was given retirement. This was not what he had in mind by any stretch of the imagination. So he used his extraordinary skills and abilities to give him an edge on the strange world where he had been retired to live. The only problem was with his own ambitions, which were unleashed with all of their fury on the inhabitants of his retirement home.)

  * Rogue Planet Redman; By Alan VanMeter (Warning, this novel contains very explicit sexual content.

  Life is good for Professor Sarah Jameson. Her love of geology is only surpassed by her love of women. She is very famous, but only by her stage name; which she wished she’d never taken. Most everywhere she goes this name follows her like a tail. Her undeniable beauty is clearly remembered by so many men, and women too, but it is what is what she did with her pure sex appeal that earned her fame. Sarah was once the very biggest talent in the porn industry.

  One day her life was changed forever… the day that astronomers announced a rogue planet had entered our solar system and was heading towards Earth. Sarah didn’t know it at that moment, but her destiny was fully entwined with this looming threat. Her astounding beauty and unbridled sex appeal certainly couldn’t help her in the desperate challenge thrust upon her… or could they?)

  * Only Vengeance or Nothing; By Alan VanMeter (Warning, this novel contains extremely graphic sexual content.

  The Wild West sure earned its name, but too many tale of these times leave out the actual juicy stuff. This is not one of those stories, no. You are invited to peek into true history unabashed, though with some good ole’ naughty fiction as company too.


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