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Requiem (Remington Carter Book 2)

Page 14

by Emma Cole

  I fall asleep on the way to my mom's and wake up to Ethan giving Eli directions. Beck's head is resting on top of mine; I'd slumped over onto his shoulder in my sleep. I try to stretch and untangle myself without waking him up but don't quite succeed. He wakes up to see where we are. With a glance in the back, I see Dylan had been asleep as well.

  "Well, brother,” Beck says, “it's been a long time since we took this road out of here."

  "That it has, Beck. That it has."

  It registers that they've not been back since their dad sent them away. I spontaneously peck Beckett on the cheek. Suddenly, Dylan’s whispering in my ear.

  "What you do to one, you have to do to the other Love."

  The words echo my thoughts. I shiver at the timbre of his voice and don't even hesitate to take the olive branch. Leaning back, I peck him on the cheek, too, when he leans forward. I glance in the mirror, catching Eli's gaze, and he doesn't seem upset. I give him a small smile that he returns and feel relieved.

  We turn down my lane and pass the orchard. It's bittersweet and presses home the realization that I'm happy, that I've been able to reunite with Ethan and the twins. Those young people are gone but the adults are here now, testing the strength of those bonds that formed years ago.

  Pulling into my mom's driveway, I warn the guys my mom might be surprised to see them. I may have left that small detail out when I talked to her about visiting and bringing friends. Oops.

  To say mom is surprised is an understatement. She actually pales under her makeup, yet again, confirming what I already suspected. She for sure knew what dad had done and most likely had a hand in it. We did have very similar handwriting, after all. Awesome. I already decided back at school that I wouldn't bring it up and ruin the visit. Knowing she knows that I know is good enough for me.

  "Mom, you remember the guys, I'm sure. And this is Elliot. My boyfriend I've told you about." I pull Eli forward as I make the introductions, taking the spotlight off the others.

  "Pleased to meet you Mrs. Carter." Eli sticks his hand out to greet Mom, and I have to roll my eyes at her dainty return. I love my mom. Really, I do but she is a wilting violet, or whatever the saying is. Poor Eli, his big ass hand already dwarfs hers. Dirty thoughts creep in while I get caught up staring at him and thinking about those hands.

  Not in front of the Mom, moron.

  Yelling at myself helps, until I see my personal lurker eyeing me knowingly. Seriously, Ethan is a menace to my red-faced episodes.

  "Remi, why don't you go get everyone settled? I made up the guest rooms. I, uh, wasn't sure if you'd want to share with Eli or…" My poor mother. I rescue her, I'm a nice daughter like that.

  "I'll find room for them all, don't worry." Changing the subject, I ask, "Do you need help with dinner?"

  "No, I just ordered pizza before you all got in, it should be here anytime now."

  I nod and lead the guys upstairs. Aside from my old room, there are two extras up here, and a third up in the finished attic where I'd had a huge play area as a kid. Alex and I had practically lived up there, so my dad put in a twin daybed with a trundle pull out for sleepovers.

  Actually, Ethan and I had spent some time up there as well…

  Again, it's like the devil can read my mind.

  "I'll take the attic," the devil says.

  All heads turn in Ethan’s direction. The twins speak over each other.

  "You have an attic room?"

  "Are we talking about the attic?"

  I look on from one to the other in embarrassed horror before aiming my attention at Ethan. He's standing at the end of the hall by the door that leads to the stairwell for the attic.

  "You told him about the attic?" I'm gonna kill him.

  Eli looks lost. So does Dylan, for that matter.

  "That wasn't your place, Ethan!" I nearly hiss the words at him.

  I can’t believe he told him. That was a private thing and not meant for anyone else. I hadn't even told Alex the particulars of that and just hinted at it on Halloween with Eli. Beck doesn't look so gleeful now. Eli and Dylan are glaring between them, knowing someone's messed up. Eli, most likely in my defense, but Dylan is a shit when he's left out of the loop.

  Eli comes up and puts his arm around me, and I turn my back on a crestfallen Ethan. Beck looks fairly contrite himself after his outburst.

  I slip out of Eli's embrace with a wan smile and take his hand, leading them upstairs. One of the guys says my name, asking me something, but I wave it away with my other hand, ignoring them.

  Chapter Seventeen

  As far as I can tell, the attic hasn't really been touched since I was up here last, besides some cleaning. The gleaming, well-worn hardwood floor still has the huge area rug Alex and I made for a sixth-grade project. It's a teensy bit lopsided, but still beloved. The white walls with their wainscoting and textured ceiling my parents had spent several weekends putting together, were lovely accents to the space. Alex and I even made the curtains, the gauzy canopy, and the quilts for the beds with help from my Mom.

  I had long ago packed the dolls and younger type things away in the big storage cupboards across the huge area. I’d gotten the entire third floor. It also held wardrobes with a lot of the things I got from shoots and a design drafting table for fooling around with fashion designing.

  I had collected quite a few odds and ends over the years from leftover projects from some of the designers as well.

  This room, more so than my bedroom, encompassed the stages from childhood to adolescence to adulthood.

  Eli makes a noise of surprise at some of the sketches and mockups I'd made that are displayed here and there.

  "I didn't know you were interested in design,” Eli says, “Or that you were so talented, either. Why are you just going for a generic business degree?"

  Huh. I've asked myself that question, too, but it always comes back to practicality.

  "I can earn a steady, dependable degree or try for the arts and maybe flop,” I explain. “I do have some elective arts planned, once me business requirements are met. I'll most likely minor in design and major in business."

  I eye the twins as they poke around, checking things out. When Dylan gets to a cupboard with a locked compartment inside it, he motions Beck over. Apparently, they haven't noticed I'm watching them. Beck slides a flat, wallet-looking thing out of his jacket pocket, and when I realize what's in it, I flip out.

  "Don't you dare, Dylan!"

  He startles, looking around at me in surprise, holding up the metal, wire-like tools. The little shit was going to pick the lock!

  "What the hell?” I ask him. “You two regularly break into locked drawers to rifle through people's belongings?"

  "Actually, yeah, sometimes. Part of the job description."

  Huh, didn't expect that answer.

  I switch my attention to Ethan with a censoring look.

  "It's occasionally necessary, Remi. Guys, ask. Don't assume Rees— Remi, doesn't care." Ethan admonishes.

  "Why would she care?" Beck seems genuinely surprised.

  I nearly stomp my foot in aggravation. These two have zero boundaries, just like they used to.

  "She, is standing. Right. Here! Now, get away from that drawer." I don't think I'm speaking the male version of English or something. Maybe it's my lack of accent.

  By now, even Eli is amused. "Babe, they told you they wanted to make sure it was clear." At my confused expression, he adds, "Like that glass of water? Back home, before Halloween? Ring any bells?"

  Oh. Ohh… Obviously, I've missed something.

  "Remember? They asked when we were talking, you waved at them,” he says. “They took that as a go ahead." Now he's talking to me like I'm the dummy.

  I kinda am now, I think.

  "Yeah, sorry, wasn't really paying attention,” I said. “Go ahead. With everything. Except that drawer. That's off limits."

  "Reese cup,"

  Oh, so now it's back to Reese Cup, apparently, he doe
sn't realize that drawer isn't gonna help his case of blabbering mouth disease.

  "They have to check all the electronics and frames and such. It might not pick up through the materials it's built out of. I mean, it should, but just to be on the safe side. If you don't want us doing it, would Eli be okay?"

  Um, definitely not. Fuck me this is gonna get awkward.

  "Exactly, how detailed did you get?" It takes a second, but then his eyes widen and cut to the drawer in dawning understanding.

  "Not that detailed. And I'm sorry. I was explaining my first—" I hold up my hand to stop him.

  "It's all in that drawer. Among other things."

  He nods in understanding, eyes wide. "Yeah, um that would probably be a really good place to put something if you wouldn't let anyone, including your mom, near it…"

  He has a point and I'm really not sure I care. It's not just things that affect him in there.

  "Eli, sorry sweetie, but I'll fill you in later. Let's go get the other rooms checked. I'm assuming you can do that without those two?" At their affirmatives, I open a combination lock on a fire safe that has extra keys and documents I may need and toss a set to Beckett. "Check it and lock it back up. Not one word to me if you two discuss what's in there. Not one. I mean it."

  I leave them with those parting instructions and urge Eli and Dylan to go downstairs. We make it almost to the bottom when I hear, "Holy handbaskets!" It’s muffled but audible. Shaking my head, I groan. Loudly.

  "Sorry, Duckie!" The door clicks shut.

  "Remi girl, what is in—" I slap a hand over Eli’s mouth.

  "Nntt! Later." May as well get the rest over with. "This is my room." Opening the door, we step into shades of purple and gray. It's definitely more spartan. A few things like books and knick-knacks are around, as well as a few pictures of me and Alex and other friends and family, but the rest is just a dresser, a nightstand, and the closet. "Bathroom there, and closet there." I point out each door, respectively.

  Soon enough, everyone is back in my bedroom with baggies of little black plastic and metal pieces sunk to the bottom of the liquid in them. At my questioning glance, Eli explains that it's an acid to eat the metal components and stop transmission. I'm pissed. The whole house is probably bugged.

  Ethan comes up to me. "Reese, this is overkill. We need to talk when we get back. Something is seriously not right here."

  I'm in complete agreement with him. I need to figure out how to get to the agents’ superiors. I think there's a folder somewhere with contact information. Maybe a drawer in the kitchen or office? Mom packed away most of what the agency didn't take and uses it for household business. Thinking of my mother, we need to go tell her what's going on and let her know not to let those two asshole agents inside again without a warrant and their supervisor.

  I say as much to the guys. They agree to keep doing their thing. I go to find my mother and take her to a room that's already cleared.

  With Mom in tow, I have her come into my room and show her the baggies the guys left for me. After explaining she looks so defeated.

  "So, this isn't just a visit home then?"

  "Oh, Mom. Yes, it is. I didn't even think there would be an issue here until they started looking. It should have occurred to me, and I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads-up sooner. Do you know where the contact list is, the one they initially gave us? I don't think those two are following proper channels, and I'll be calling the head office on Monday.

  I hug my mom before we go back downstairs to the kitchen where the guys have congregated. Another set of filled baggies sits on the kitchen table. Ethan takes the lead this time.

  "Mrs. Carter, I think we found them all. We got the phones and computer, too. We still need to check the outbuildings and your vehicles, but we can do that tomorrow in the daylight, so we don't chance missing anything. The agents will probably show up as soon as it doesn't look suspicious. They have to realize by now that their surveillance has been discovered and compromised. If there are any locked areas, we'll need to check those, and your cell phone."

  Mom immediately goes to get her phone and purse, and of course both have them. She leads them to two separate safes. I remembered the one in their bedroom but forgot about the one in the floor of the theater. Strangely enough, it isn't bugged. There is something odd in there, though. The receipts for all the work on my car and pictures to document the stages, are all in a scrapbook. The cover is a picture of my fuzzy dice that hang from the rearview mirror. I remembered Dad giving them to me and the ensuing issues with Ethan. It wasn't long after that he went on that last assignment and disappeared. There's a sticky note right below it.

  "Always remember life's a roll of the dice, Love you always baby girl. ~ Dad"

  The blood rushes from my face so fast I feel lightheaded and tingly in my hands and feet. Eli notices right away.

  "Remi, what's wrong?" He pats my leg and when that doesn't get a reaction, shakes my shoulder. "Babe! What's. Wrong?" I look at him, still reeling, then at my mom, who has wide eyes and her hand over her mouth.

  "You don't think?"

  She slowly nods. "Oh, he most definitely would have." She's getting angry now. "That jackass, he knew something was going to happen. And now he's put you in danger. I'm gonna kick his ass when he shows up!"

  I'm shocked. I think I can count, on one hand, the times I've heard my mom cuss. And to threaten Dad? Wow, Mom does have a backbone. I'd thought it was broken where he was concerned.

  I fill the others in before Eli can bust from worry and curiosity. I see Ethan already has an idea, as he's been in my car recently.

  "He's hidden something in the dice that hang on the mirror in my car,” I explain. “Those words are what he told me when he gave them to me. I was so mad at him for butting his nose in that day. It's when he told me about you, Ethan. Then again after I found out he'd orchestrated your leaving." I ignore Mom's wince. No reason to tiptoe around the subject anymore.

  "Remi, you guys need to go and get those," Mom says, freaked.

  Ethan and I speak at the same time.


  "No, Mom. They'll be waiting to see what we do. Not until I have someone, or several someones, in charge will I touch those dice." The guys nod in agreeance. "We'll finish our visit, and Monday we'll go take care of it."

  "Remi's right, Mrs. Carter,” Eli, ever my warrior, says. “Her car is in our garage, and we'll know if anyone tries to access it. It's safer to wait "

  I tuck into his side, and Mom gets a goofy smile on her face.

  "I'm glad to see you're in good hands, dear." She looks around, a tad uncertain, very aware of my past relationships. She'd faint dead away if I told her what was really, most likely, happening. "Why don’t we sit and have that pizza? It's staying warm in the oven. Then you can tell me all about how everything else is going. And Alex. Is she coming over while you're on break? I was surprised not seeing her with you."

  I get paper plates and drinks, while Mom rambles and pulls the pizzas out of the oven. Apparently, she remembers their appetites and doubled the order.

  "Alex is dating a guy and she brought him with her,” I fill her in. “I'm not sure if she'll be coming tomorrow or not. If she does, I'd imagine it would be just to pop in and say hello."

  After dinner and cleaning up, we all go to our respective rooms. It's been a long day, and Mom likes to get up super early to start cooking. Eli follows me into my room, closing the door behind him..

  "Decided to brave and give my mom the stutters again?" I tease him.

  With the way Mom has acted, you'd think she'd never heard of boyfriends and premarital sex, which I know for a fact isn't true, as I've heard my grandma give her crap over it when I was an eavesdropping teenager.

  "No. I'd feel like a total ass if I made your mom uncomfortable. She's so sweet. I'd like to make a good impression since I plan on being around for a very, very long time."

  I loop my arms around his neck and lean back to look up at him. He w
raps his around my lower back anchoring me to him.

  "Oh, just a really long time?" I smile at his scowl.

  "You forgot a 'really' in there. And I'm thinking more on the forever side of that, but give a guy a break, will you? Let me handle that part."

  Now I'm gonna pull a Mom and swoon. This man is going to propose.

  "Absolutely. All up to you, Eli. Now shut up and kiss me already. If you won't help me break in my childhood bed, we can at least make out." He shuts me up then, crushing his lips to mine. Eventually we come up for air and he asks the question I know he's been dying get to.

  "So, what was in the drawer?"

  I sigh and pat my bed. He sits and I start to explain. "You remember that I wasn't quite inexperienced?" He nods. "Well, there are a few mementos in there from both Ethan and the twins."

  If I didn't have his full attention before, I sure did now.

  Four years ago …

  I got a text message from Ethan that the package had arrived. I was nervous as heck and excited too. Also, maybe a tiny bit embarrassed over the contents he was going to give me. My parents were going on a date tonight, and we had plans for him to come over. The anticipation was killing me, and I tried to find things to do to occupy my time. I went full-on, at home, spa day. After I'd shaved my legs and underarms, I'd eyed the patch of hair between my legs. I'd looked it up and talked with Alex before, yet I wasn't sure how to do it. I decided on just trimming and clearing my bikini line like normal. By the time Mom knocked on my door to let me know they were leaving and for me to order in for dinner, I was as primped as I was going to get. I was also a bundle of nerves.

  Soon after they left, I heard the back door open and close and tried not to race down to Ethan.


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