Blood Doll (The Vampire Agape Series Book #3) (The Vampire Agape Series #3)
Page 13
She’s wearing a clean nightgown and the evidence of her recent shower still lingers in the air–the fragrance of her favorite fruity, floral body wash and shampoo. I’m guessing a shower–rather than a complication with her health–was the delay. “Someone looks chipper. And beautiful.”
I cross the room and kiss the top of her hair. I admit the sweet plum and orchid scent is more preferable to the former one. “You smell really good.”
“I’m sure his scent was all over me. Being close had to be nearly intolerable for you.”
“Never.” She scoots over so I’m able to sit on the bed next to her. I cup her hand in mine and bring it to my lips for a kiss. “How do you feel?” She’s no longer blocking me so I feel her happiness and her joy is apparent allover her face. She can’t stop smiling. “Dr. Knight tells me you’re strong and healthy. She expects you to make a full recovery.”
“She says I’m very lucky my heart was strong enough to pump oxygen to my organs after the massive blood loss.” She points to the beside table. “Good thing I can swallow big pills. The vitamins she left for me are enormous.”
Her heart is pounding faster and gaining speed with every beat. “What is it, baby doll?” Her eyes become glassy and I try to sort through her emotions. Happiness. Joy. Fear. They’re all running together and I can’t decipher which is the strongest. “You’re scaring me, Avery. Tell me what’s wrong.”
“Nothing in the world is wrong.” She reaches for my hand and places my palm against her lower belly. “There’s a part of you growing inside me.” She places her hand on top of mine and presses firmly. “Our child is right here beneath your hand.”
I had already convinced myself she was pregnant because I wanted it so badly. I’d believed it in my mind for a couple of weeks now–and even gotten used to the idea–but hearing her confirmation is surreal. The words are almost dream-like. “Dr. Knight confirmed it?”
She’s smiling as she nods. “She wants to see us in her office tomorrow so she can start monitoring the growth. I’m much earlier than Chansey was when she first saw her so she told me to not worry if we can’t see anything with the ultrasound yet.”
There’s no mystery as to when she became pregnant. “It’s pretty easy to figure out how far along you are. Two weeks and two days as of midnight.”
“That’s not how Dr. Knight told me they calculate due dates. It’s counted by the day I started my last period so technically I’m considered four weeks pregnant.”
Already a month? I know it was Marsala’s fault that Chansey delivered the twins early but she wasn’t even three full months pregnant when they were born. They were on the small side but fully developed so they had to be almost full term. “I don’t understand all that so I’m rolling with whatever you and the doc say.”
“We discover we’re soul mates and then get separated for sixteen days. When we reunite, we find out we’re expecting a baby–or maybe even more than one. That’s not the norm on any level. Are you okay with all of this?”
She really has no idea. “I’m so much more than okay with this.”
Avery leans forward and grabs my face, planting a sweet kiss against my lips. Our mouths mold to one another as I move over her, careful to not press too much of my weight against her. I feel her hands pushing at the comforter so I lift my body and together we eliminate the barrier between us.
Our kiss is gentle–yet urgent–as our bodies press harder to one another. Her hands begin at my shoulders and roam until they make their way down my lower back to find the hem of my shirt. “I want this off of you,” she whispers in my ear before pulling it up and over my head.
Her soft voice is a reminder. It’s night and the vampires in this house can hear our every word. And movement. And each sound we make. It’s such an invasion of privacy but I won’t stop. I couldn’t if I tried.
I’m certain Curry has joined Chansey in their quarters behind closed doors so they are shut off from all sound within the house. Oh, how I envy them that luxury.
The rest of my family is respectful so they’ve probably already stepped outside or into my office but I’m still asking for privacy just in case anyone within hearing range remains. “Go find something to do and give me one hour of seclusion with my agápe. That’s all I ask.” I don’t hear movement in the house so it is as I suspected. We’re already alone.
She’s wearing a mischievous grin. “Only an hour? What I have on my mind might take the rest of the night.”
“I’ve been distracted for a couple of weeks so I haven’t contacted the contractor about the new construction.” I trail kisses across her jaw and down the side of her neck. “I promise to get on that first thing in the morning.”
Her hands are sliding up and down my back. Her gown gathers at her hips as she brings her legs up and around my waist. “Good idea. The sooner the better.”
We were only able to experience this kind of connection once before we were separated but I know this time will be different. I won’t drink from Avery, yet I’ll experience the best of both the human and vampire worlds.
I slide my hands from the back of her knees up her thighs. My palms are inside her panties and I squeeze her bottom as I pull her hard against me. She reaches between us and yanks the button of my jeans open before sliding the zipper down. She pushes them with her hands until they’re low enough for her toes to hook around the waist and take them off. “Whoa, baby doll. That takes talent.”
“That wasn’t a one hit wonder. I can do the same with these.” She hooks her toes around the waistband of my boxers and repeats the process.
I’m bare and I love the way her satin clad body feels against my skin but I want her naked so I gather the bottom of her gown and push it up. She rises from the bed so I’m able to lift it over her head. I toss it over my shoulder and push my fingers in the waistband of her panties and pull them down her legs so I can toss them next to their matching companion on the floor.
She’s lying naked and I have to stop to take in the beauty of my child’s mother. I place my palm on her flat stomach and I’m overwhelmed by the thought of our baby inside her. “I will love this child of ours with all of my heart and I will protect him or her with my life.” I lower my mouth to her abdomen and place a kiss below her belly button.
Her fingers glide through the top of my hair. “I couldn’t be happier. My life feels complete for the first time.”
I kiss my way up from her abdomen until my mouth finds hers again. She relaxes her legs and my body nestles between them. “You’re sure this is safe for the baby?”
“Doctor approved. I asked.”
My elbows are resting on each side of her head and I cradle her face with my hands. “I love you, my agápe.”
I’m pressed against her warm, welcoming body when she shifts slightly for the perfect position. “And I love you as well, my vampire.”
Her hips lift to meet me as I gently push myself inside her. She smiles as I begin to move and meets every one of my thrusts with one of her own. We find our perfect rhythm together and enter that magical place where only the two of us exist.
And this time is different–even more beautiful than I imagined. There are feelings and connections happening that we’ve yet to experience. And the deep affection between us is so strong that it deserves a new name because the word love simply can’t do it justice. But all words are unnecessary when we’re like this.
Avery’s body tenses as she pants through her mouth. I feel her body contract around me–squeezing like a tight glove–and I can’t stop the incomprehensible garble leaving my mouth as I empty myself inside her.
She goes totally limp beneath me. “I second that.”
She giggles as I relax against her and every inch of my body from head to toe is euphoric. “I have no idea what I just said.”
“I don’t either but it made total sense when I heard it come from your mouth.”
“I know, right?”
apter Eighteen
It’s almost dawn when I hear the family return to the compound. They showed extreme kindness by leaving for the entire night so Avery and I could have privacy. I’m not sure where they went but I’ll need to find a way to thank them.
It’s eight o’clock and Avery is still sleeping. She’s quite the sleepyhead this morning but I suppose that’s to be expected after everything she’s experienced these past two weeks. And since she’s pregnant.
I trail my fingers down her arm and stop when I see a large purple and yellow bruise on the inside of her wrist. I lift her arm–careful to not disturb her sleep–and see bite marks up and down the length of her arm. I shift to inspect the other one and find the same types of crescent shaped contusions.
No vampire will ever drink from my agápe again. Including myself.
I lie next to Avery as she sleeps and I remain perfectly still as only a vampire is capable. I’m not educated on the growth and development of a baby. I think it’s too early for a human embryo’s heart to beat but I listen closely for any evidence of our baby’s existence. I hear nothing so I carefully move closer and place my ear against Avery’s lower abdomen.
The sound is so faint it’s almost nonexistent but I hear it. Lub-dub. Lub-dub. Lub-dub. I’ve never heard anything more astonishing in my entire existence.
I’m startled when I feel Avery’s fingers in my hair. “What are you doing?”
I’m a little rattled by what I’ve just heard. “I wanted to see if I could hear the baby’s heartbeat.”
She’s amused by my anxiousness. “I think it’s a little early for that. Dr. Knight doesn’t even think we’ll see anything on the ultrasound today.”
“But I do. I hear it.”
Her eyes grow large. “No way.”
“It’s very faint but it’s there.”
She’s simultaneously happy and sad. “I wish I could hear it.”
Maybe I shouldn’t have listened. It’s not right that I’m able to hear the heartbeat when she can’t, especially when she’s the one carrying our baby inside her body. “I’m sorry. That wasn’t fair to you.”
“Don’t be sorry. I’m thrilled to know there’s already a heartbeat.”
My mind is whirling. “Maybe there’s a way for you to hear it.”
“I doubt it. Your hearing is far better than any type of equipment Dr. Knight will have in her office.”
That’s not what I had in mind at all. “No. I wonder if you’d be able to hear it through our connection.”
“It’s an interesting idea if nothing else. It wouldn’t hurt to try so I’m up for it.”
I place my ear to her lower abdomen. “Concentrate on our place where it’s only us.” She strokes my hair and I close my eyes so I can focus as well. I listen until I’m able to pick up on the sound again and then I centralize all of my thoughts on connecting with Avery.
Our connection comes easy and I sense how hard she’s trying to find the sound within my head. It’s a peculiar feeling–one I’ve never experienced–and then I feel her burst of happiness and know she is able to hear our baby’s heart beating.
She’s silent and perfectly still but the happiness animating from her is unmistakable. “I hear it. It’s hard to wrap my head around it being so tiny and already so amazing.”
Maybe she can’t believe it but I can. “This baby is genetically tied to you so it doesn’t have much choice in the amazing department.”
“You contributed half the genes and I happen to think you rank pretty high in the amazing department yourself.” She leans up and kisses the top of my head. “Thank you for giving me this baby. And for giving me the gift of hearing it’s beating heart. I’m glad you and I were able to do that together at home instead of in a doctor’s office using cold, foreign instruments.”
She laces her fingers with mine. “I’m happy I was able to give you that, love.”
“I hope I’m able to give you something as equally special one day.”
“I’ll think of something.” Nothing could top the special gift she was giving me but I had thought of something else I wanted from her. Now wasn’t the right time to bring it up. I needed perfect words–and a beautiful ring–so she would give me the answer I desperately wanted to hear.
I’m driving Avery in my black Lexus convertible to her first prenatal appointment with Dr. Knight. I bought the car about a month after she came to live with us. I was searching for anything that might bring some distraction from her presence but looking back on that decision, it seems so ridiculous now. What kind of vampire buys a convertible he can never drive in the sun with the top down?
Oddly enough, I can now if I’m willing to accept the minor sting that goes along with sun exposure. But this car isn’t baby friendly so I guess I’m trading it for something designed to fit a family.
Weird. I’m thinking like a human husband and father.
“What’s so funny?”
She’s picked up on my internal conversation with myself. “This car.”
“And why is it amusing?” she asks. “I happen to love it.”
“I have to get rid of it after I’m able to drop the top and drive it in the sun. The irony of it is humorous to me.”
She takes my hand in hers. “I say keep it and enjoy the sun.”
Most women wouldn’t want their mate driving around in a car that gets so much attention. “You’d be okay with that?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I be if it brings you joy?” We are mates. She knows I wouldn’t look in another woman’s direction.
“We need something for a family. I guess I’ll get rid of one of the other vehicles since the garage won’t hold another.” I have too many anyway. I can only drive one car at a time.
I have chased pleasure in material things since becoming a vampire but nothing has ever fulfilled the need inside of me until Avery. My fruitless search for happiness is finally over because I have everything I need in her. Except my ring on her finger but I plan to remedy that as soon as possible. We aren’t bound by human standards but it only seems right for her to be my wife before this baby arrives.
Avery is sitting on the exam table clutching her gown closed when Dr. Knight and a nurse enter the exam room. She takes a seat on a rolling stool. “How do you feel this morning?”
“Great.” Her voice is cheerful.
“And what about you, Solomon?”
“Couldn’t be better.”
“Good.” Dr. Knight rolls over to the exam table and positions Avery. “We’ll get the routine stuff out of the way and then move on to the fun part.” I don’t look after they place a drape over her legs and I hear the sound of metal clanking. I don’t even want to know what’s going on under that sheet.
No more than two minutes and she’s finished with what she referred to as routine stuff. “You can slide up the table.”
Dr. Knight holds the probe for the ultrasound in her hand as the nurse squirts clear jelly on top of Avery’s belly. She places the wand in the goo and slides it back and forth a few times to spread it. “Let’s see what we have hiding in here.”
She’s watching the screen as she moves the probe one way and then another but I have no idea what it is I’m looking at. “There it is.” She points toward a white spot. “I didn’t expect to be able to see it with the abdominal ultrasound but there’s your baby.”
She said baby so that means she sees one. But then again there was only one on Chansey’s first ultrasound.
She presses some buttons. “I’m going to do some measurements to see how far along you are.” She enters the data and a date pops up on the screen. “You’re measuring around six weeks.” Six weeks is still a tiny baby but it’s already two weeks bigger than it should be.
Dr. Knight talks to us in terms she would use for all of her patients because the nurse is present but we all know the information is to be disregarded. This pregnancy is already showing signs of abnormality–just as Chansey’s did–but at least we have someth
ing to compare it to. Curry and Chansey weren’t that lucky.
Dr. Knight is busy entering charting into the computer. “I’ll just be another minute, Jane. You can set up the room for our next patient.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
The door closes and she looks up from the computer. “We should scan you once a week to track the growth and watch for the appearance of a second baby. We should expect the unexpected so I want you to call me immediately if anything unusual happens.”
I need to hear her affirmation because I don’t want to assume anything. “You think everything looks all right?”
“It looks like a normal six week pregnancy but we already know how deceiving the first glance can be. We’ll have to wait to see how things progress but I think we should expect rapid development since we know the exact date you conceived and you’re already measuring ahead. I’m guessing we’re looking at approximately three months if this pregnancy follows the same growth curve as Chansey’s.”
Three months. It’s the timeframe I imagined in my head but hearing Dr. Knight say it makes it feel … real.
Avery is quiet on the ride back to the compound. She’s full of joy as she stares at the ultrasound picture in her hand–and I am too–but I can’t stop the worry I feel. I try to push it away so she doesn’t pick up on it but I’m unsuccessful since I haven’t had practice. “This baby and I are going to be fine so please stop worrying.”
“I’m your protector but I’m helpless to control the situation. It isn’t a reassuring place for me to be.”
“I’m quite sure all fathers experience the same uncertainties you’re having right now.”
Our situation is unique–only known to have occurred one other time. “There’s only one other father that’s shared the fear I have right now.”
“Then it’s a good thing he’s your best friend and you can talk to him about your worries.” I’m lucky in that regard but so many complications can pop up over the next couple of months. Seeing Avery hold a healthy baby in her arms is the only thing that’ll give me peace of mind.