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Rule Me Dirty: A Royal Bad Boy Romance

Page 4

by Parker Grey

  His fingers slide over my clit one more time, and that’s all it takes for the pleasure to break over me like a waterfall, rivulets of pleasure running through my body, on the inside of my skin, as every muscle jolts and jerks again and again.

  He doesn’t stop until I’m completely finished, gasping for breath, my body trembling against him, his arm still holding me tight. Leo keeps stroking me softly after I’ve come, dipping his fingers between my soaked lips, and even though I just finished I desperately want him to push inside me, stroke my sensitive inner wall while I moan.

  “I disagree that the wider economic landscape would be so affected...” I hear the Earl say, and swallow hard.

  I’d nearly forgotten that they were there, and that I can’t imagine what would happen if my ultra-strict father’s two closest advisors found his middle daughter in the bushes with Prince Leo of all people, her dress around her hips.

  “Frankly, the only way to know what would happen is...” the Count answers, his voice fainter.

  I don’t move, even though Leo keeps stroking me, teasing me, almost sliding his fingers into my tight entrance but then moving away. Slowly, I hear their footsteps move off, and finally, Leo stops, taking his hand out of my panties.

  “Do you like it when I make you come?” he growls, and I turn my head.

  He licks his fingers off, one by one, locking eyes with me as he does.

  Chapter Eight


  Princess Josephine is fucking delicious. I’ve thought a thousand times about tasting her sweet nectar, about licking and tongue-fucking her until she came, but it’s even better than I thought it could be.

  Fuck, I didn’t even eat her out. I’m just licking her juices from my fingers while she watches, still so fucking hard I think my cock could break a cinderblock in half.

  “Answer me, Princess,” I whisper.

  “Yes,” she says, her voice barely audible.

  I turn her around and kiss her hard. I know I taste like her but I want her to taste herself on my lips, to know how much I like devouring her.

  This might be the first time, but it won’t be the last.

  “Good,” I say. “Because I’ve got every intention of doing it again and again. Princess, I’m going to make you come in ways you’ve never even thought of.”

  I swallow hard, trying to keep the darkness inside in check.

  Just because she let you get her off in the garden doesn’t mean she’ll like anything else, I remind myself.

  Go slow. You have to go slow, because sweet Josephine doesn’t deserve to experience it all at once.

  But now she’s looking at me again, her eyes wide and innocent but with that unnameable hunger deep inside, the spark that catches something inside me and burns my body from the inside out.

  She didn’t have to do any of this. She didn’t have to let me kiss her, touch her, make her come while two people stood just feet away.

  But she did. She did and she liked it, her juices flowing over my fingers and down her legs, her body trembling and jerking as she came hard, and now I crave her even more.

  Princess Josephine runs one hand down my chest, her hand small and delicate and gentle, sliding between two buttons on my shirt, but I catch her wrist.

  “Not now,” I tell her, still keeping my voice low. “Now you go back to your bedchamber.”

  “But you didn’t—“

  “Go,” I tell her, and step around her to open the bushes for her, holding back the sharp thorns and branches.

  Reluctantly, the princess — my princess — steps through, back onto the moonlit path. She takes a deep breath, then finally seems to collect herself, looking around like she’s been dreaming.

  “It was lovely to run into you, Prince Leo,” she finally says, and curtsies neatly.

  “Likewise, a pleasure,” I say, and bow.

  Just before we walk in opposite directions, our eyes lock.

  And I swear my sweet, innocent princess is smiling.

  The second I’m through the door of my chambers, I’ve got my cock out and in my hand, and I lean back against the shut door as I stroke it.

  Jesus, it’s a relief. It’s not what I want, but it’s a fucking relief all the same.

  I can’t believe she was there, willing, ready and so wet for me and I didn’t do anything about it. I could have bent Princess Josephine over and fucked her hard behind those bushes, while her father’s men droned on about economics on the other side, and I didn’t.

  I’ve been with dozens of women. My reputation as the prince who’s never left his castle? Not true. All it takes is the bare minimum of a disguise — a hat, some glasses — and I’d hit the city. Women flock to me, practically falling over each other to sit in my lap, touch my scar. I’ve gotten blowjobs in nearly every bar bathroom back in Szegravia.

  But all I did was get Josephine off.

  I stroke myself harder, my thick cock filling my hand. It’s horrified more than one potential lay because of its size, but it’s delighted way, way more.

  I sigh explosively, the fire gathering in my lower belly. More than anything I need to sink my monster into my princess, feel her tight, hot channel around me. Listen to her moan with pleasure as I fill her slowly, the first man to ever be inside her

  The only man to ever be inside her, one hand in her hair as I fuck her deep, finding that perfect spot that makes her scream my name as she submits to me completely, her tight little cunt spasming around my shaft as she comes—

  I pump my fist one more time and then I come with a growl, cum arcing halfway across the room and landing on a throw rug as I gasp, my cock spurting again and again.

  When it’s over, I lean my head back against the door. I know the relief is only temporary, and I’ll wake up hard as a rock tomorrow morning, dreaming of her soft, tight body under mine.

  But for now, at least I can sleep.

  The next morning, I’m informed by young man in palace livery that King Edward and Queen Carolina wish to have breakfast with me. I’m disappointed, because I was looking forward to seeing Josephine for breakfast, but it’s not as if I can refuse her parents.

  Particularly when they’re the King and Queen.

  I meet them in their private dining room, a sunlit space with its own kitchen that overlooks the garden.

  As I walk in, I can’t help but look for the spot where I was last night, and something tightens in my stomach, even as I think about Josephine, beautiful in the throes of ecstasy, her body so tight against my cock that it was nearly torture.

  All while her father’s advisors stood five feet away.

  “Your Majesties,” I say, glancing at the gardens one more time.

  Both of them nod politely, and the King gestures at an empty chair, so I sit.

  Be on your best fucking behavior, I tell myself. Use the right fucking fork and the right fucking knife, you brute.

  A servant comes by and deposits a china teacup at my elbow, and I pick it up, sipping as delicately as I can, even though it looks comical in my thick, scarred hands.

  “Prince Leopold, I’ll cut right to the chase,” the King says. “You’re here because you’ve expressed an interest in marrying my daughter Josephine.”

  “Yes,” I say, forcing my voice to its politest tones.

  “We believe that a match between our countries could be quite advantageous,” he goes on. “Your father and mother, the King and Queen of Szegravia, have been close allies of ours for years. When the crown princess died, it shook us all deeply.”

  I swallow hard as something black and ugly begins to blossom inside me. I don’t think about my older sister often. Not any more, at least. God knows I used to think about it almost constantly.

  “Thank you,” I say. “It was truly an ordeal.”

  They have no fucking clue. Nadia’s death was only the beginning of it, because after the funeral was finished, after the mourning period was over, my parents were still broken people.

  And me? I was
the target for more than a decade’s worth of speculation.

  I was ten when it happened. A child. Not that it mattered to any of the wolves, jackals, and vultures that spread the rumors afterward.

  “And we’re sorry for what you’ve gone through since then,” Queen Carolina says, her voice soft and gentle. For a moment, I’m amazed at how much Josephine sounds like her.

  “Thank you,” I say again. I know I’ve learned a thousand ways to say thank you in my life, but I can’t think of any others right now.

  “We would be pleased for you to marry Josephine, is what we’re getting at,” the King says.

  The knot in my chest unravels a little.

  “But we would never force our daughter to marry someone against her will,” the Queen says. “And... I’m afraid that Josephine doesn’t know your family like we do.”

  I swallow tea.

  “Does she believe the rumors?” I ask.

  She can’t believe them that much, I think, flashing back to last night for the thousandth time.

  “I think Josephine is uncertain,” Queen Carolina says. “And to that end, we’d like for you to spend some time with her today.”

  I nearly laugh in her face.

  That’s it? That’s all?

  I thought they were going to tell me we’d been caught last night and send me home packing. I thought I’d be stuck stealing my princess away in the dead of night instead of marrying her in a full state ceremony.

  But no. They want us to go on a date.

  “I’d be delighted and honored,” I say, taking another sip of my tea like a goddamn fancy gentleman.

  Chapter Nine


  Prince Leo picks up a finger sandwich. His back is perfectly rigid, and he looks at it like it’s suspicious, some sort of strange, exotic food.

  Then he takes a single, dainty, careful bite. It looks completely ridiculous, because he’s huge and the sandwich is so tiny, but it’s oddly sweet.

  I know he’s only here, trying to be polite and civilized, because of me, and because we’ve got two lunch attendants right now, watching us.

  “These are very good,” he growls.

  “I’ll give your compliments to the chef,” I say.

  When I told my parents that I needed to spend more time with Prince Leo, this wasn’t exactly what I meant, being watched by the staff while we eat finger sandwiches. But it’s better than nothing, and no matter what my body is telling me right now, we need to have conversations once in a while.

  Though admittedly, just staring at his hands and knowing what they can do has me wet.

  And I can’t stop fantasizing about him pushing me down on this table. Commanding me to bend over for him, his thick monstrous cock nudging against my slick, wet opening.

  I want him to distraction, and I’ve never wanted anyone before.

  “This game preserve is quite nice,” he says, conversationally. “What sort of game do you hunt here?”

  “Oh, I don’t hunt,” I say, laughing a little. “In fact, hardly anyone does any more. There are some deer and maybe a flock of pheasants, but it’s been a long time since anyone actually shot one.”

  He lifts one eyebrow, leaning forward slightly.

  “Why?” he asks.

  I shrug.

  “It seems a little uncivilized,” I say. “Unsporting, maybe? To keep nearly-tame animals on your land and then shoot them for fun.”

  “I see,” he says.

  “Does Szegravia still have the game preserve?” I ask.

  “It’s also in disuse,” he says. “Though we’ve not kept up the paths or the buildings like you have. I’m afraid it’s gone back to nature, nothing but wilderness. Every few years we have to hack it back before it overruns the castle.”

  I frown slightly, looking down at the table, then turn my head to the waiter, standing attentively at the end of the table.

  “I think we’re ready for dessert now, please,” I say.

  He nods professionally, then walks away. We’re in a building that was once a greenhouse, used to grow flowers and vegetables, though now it’s simply a pleasant place to spend an afternoon.

  “I’d rather have you for dessert, Princess,” Leo growls once the man is gone.

  I blush bright red. Even though I knew what would happen, and even though all day he’s been whispering filthy things to me whenever we’re out of the attendants’ earshot, I can’t help but have this reaction.

  “You’re meant to be proving yourself to me as a royal gentleman,” I murmur.

  He smiles, and it’s almost feral.

  “I’ve been the perfect gentleman where it counts,” he says, a half-smile creeping over his face. “Princess, all day I’ve been behaving myself impeccably, if I may say so.”

  I look down at the table. It’s true. When Prince Leo wants to be, he’s literally everything I could wish for in a prince: handsome, charming, perfectly mannered. He even threw his jacket over a mud puddle that was in my path this morning.

  But I’ve still got this lingering, nagging sense of doubt. Leo in person is so different from the Leo of rumor and conjecture that I’ve heard about, again and again.

  There’s no possible way he could be the monster he’s alleged to be, right? He’s a little uncouth, not a killer.

  I play with a fork on the table, rotating it between my fingers hesitantly. I know that I just need to ask, but I don’t know how to form the words.

  “You’re still afraid of me,” he says simply, and I look up at him, into his scarred face, his deep, beautiful eyes.

  “No,” I say, and I’m not lying. “I was. I’m not now, but…”

  I take a deep breath.

  “I’ve heard things and I need to know the truth,” I tell him.

  We’re both silent for a moment, and the servant standing at the end of the table shifts uncomfortably. I dismiss him with a nod of my head, and he disappears through a door into the kitchen.

  Leo leans back in his chair, his rigid posture and manners shifting, the perfect courtly prince disappearing and something real taking his place.

  “The truth is that Nadia’s death was my fault,” he says quietly.

  I can’t breathe, like a giant fist is closed around my lungs.

  “Even though she was two years older than me, I was always the instigator,” he goes on. “Nadia was quiet, well-behaved, always had her nose in a book, but I was a wild little hellion.”

  He taps the tongs on the fork on the table.

  “We were inseparable anyway, and we’d taken to exploring the castle when no one was watching us — and since I was ten and she was twelve, she was judged capable of keeping me out of trouble. And instead, one afternoon, I talked her into exploring the ruined tower.”

  He pauses briefly, staring at the fork.

  “We weren’t supposed to be there. It was structurally unsound from a fire a hundred years before, but I talked her into it. And when she walked to look at the view from the edge, it crumbled underneath her.”

  His eyes are bright at the memory, and a pang stabs through my heart. He’s never looked more human.

  “And I caught her,” he says quietly. “But I couldn’t hold on, and I had to watch as she fell to her death.”

  “I’m sorry,” I whisper, knowing that it’s not enough.

  “I got the scar then, too,” he says. “I didn’t realize until hours later that I’d nearly lost my eye to an old nail sticking out of a wall where I threw myself down.”

  He shifts again in his seat, puts the fork down, and looks me square in the eye.

  “My parents told the press that I hadn’t been there, that Nadia had been on her own, because they didn’t want it to look suspicious. But of course someone had seen the two of us together, and it eventually got out that I was there, and it only looked more suspicious, like at ten years old I’d killed my own sister so I could inherit the kingdom.”

  He shrugs lightly.

  “They were too deep in t
heir grief to care much about public relations, and I just wanted to crawl into a hole and never come out, so the rumor mill got to run full force with no one to stop it,” he finishes.

  I know the rest, of course.

  “I didn’t believe it,” I say, swallowing hard. “But I didn’t not believe it.”

  Leo smiles and stands, then comes around the table and pulls me to my feet.

  “Do you believe me now?” he asks.

  A shiver slides down my spine.

  “I do,” I whisper.

  “Good,” he murmurs. “I couldn’t stand it if you thought I was a monster.”

  The intimacy of this moment combined with his sheer proximity is making heat wind through my body yet again, finally unfettered by the thought that Leo might be dangerous.

  The attendant comes back and sets tray of dainty desserts on the table, and I clear my throat.

  “After luncheon, I think Prince Leo and I would prefer to take a stroll through the preserve alone,” I tell the attendant.

  He frowns.

  “Princess, your father did say—“

  “Prince Leo and I have some very important matters to discuss,” I say firmly. “My father will understand.”

  He nods.

  Prince Leo’s eyes sparkle dangerously.

  A few minutes later, we’re walking away from the greenhouse and along a path into the well-kept woods of the game preserve. It’s a vast expanse of land behind the castle, up in the hills where it’s impossible to farm anything anyway.

  We make small talk at first, my stomach in knots. I’ve thrown caution to the wind, because even though I still don’t know whether the rumors about the prince are true, and I still think he might be the sort of wild, feral, untamed beast that everyone thinks he is, I’m here alone with him.

  The moment we’re out of sight of the greenhouse, he grabs me in his arms and lifts me. I yelp, but the noise is swallowed by the trees and the ground, so I wrap my arms around his neck and hold my breath.

  “You afraid of something, Princess?” he asks, his voice a low growl.


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