A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two Page 10

by J. L. Clayton

  “Shhh, do you trust me Youngling?” Zeb asked. I thought about it, and then I nodded. I had no choice right about now, I had to trust him, or the ones I care for will continue to suffer and that was something I was not willing to accept. “Good, that is good. Now I want you to think of a box, picture that box in your head,” Zeb said wincing as he sucked in a sharp breath.

  He was fighting the pain of emotions I thrust at them. Ugh.

  I am sorry: I mentally thought Zeb’s way. He smiled a warm understanding smile. That clinched it; I was determined to do whatever it took to make this right. I pictured a big black ugly box. When I thought I had it I said, “Okay, I got the box, now what’s next?”

  Zeb looked at me with pride and pain filled eyes. Breathlessly he said, “Good that is good. You are doing a wonderful job. However, now comes the tricky part.”

  Boy, I did not like the sound of that! Tricky part?

  “Youngling, concentrate,” Zeb said slowly, painfully.

  Oh God, I can do this, I can do this. I chanted and shook my head nodding at Zeb. I was ready.

  “Now you have to slowly, carefully remove the feelings you thrust at us. Picture a hand grabbing the feelings. Picture the hand seeking the emotions, diving deep into our bodies and grabbing hold. Once you have that mental picture you must put all the unwanted emotions into that box you conjured up in your mind. Then once you have hold, lock it away and slowly the box will disappear. Do you understand Youngling?”

  I nodded and pictured a mental hand. I saw the hand; it was big, strong and translucent. Translucent? How can something see through grab hold of anything? Wouldn’t it just slip right through? But then, if my mental hand wasn’t translucent, how could it go into a body? Ugh! I shook my head, now was not the time for crazy thoughts. I had to focus. With a trembling body, and sweaty hands I pulled on this knowledge that was inside of me, the knowledge that I could do it, that I had to do it. So I just went for it. I mentally shoved that big translucent hand into everyone’s body, seeking, finding and probing for the unwonted emotions.

  There was a sharp stinging sensation in my head as I searched for the problem as this hot burning feeling was shooting deep into my mind. I tugged with my body, but nothing happened. Nothing happened, because this was a mental war, not a physical one, I chided myself. It was official, I was a moron. There was no doubt about that.

  I gritted my teeth and fought through the stinging, burning feelings, this overwhelming thought that my brain was going to combust, and I mentally pulled. There was an audible snap as the ties that were tightly bound around everyone gave way. From then on it was easy. I pulled, it gave and the emotions were being promptly locked into the ugly box I conjured. Just as Zeb said the box faded away, and to my surprise it worked, everyone slowly stood up on trembling legs.

  I dropped my head. “I’m sorry,” I said to everybody holding back tears.

  Jace came up beside me; he took hold of my hand. There was a zing of heat and magic that bounced between us, but I didn’t care what it could mean. I was just happy it was over and grateful to have him here holding my hand.

  “It’s ok Charlie.” Mom said, “Tell us what happened?”

  Jace’s hand tightened on mine.

  “First,” Zeb pointed at my face. There was blood still flowing down in rivulets. Somehow, through all this I forgot about my cut, the cut that started the war. “I shall heal you. Zeb picked up part of his torn shirt and wrapped it around his waist. And how did I forget he was naked? My face burned yet again.

  Well, soon I’ll be joining the vegetable group. Just call me a beet. Woohoo!

  Zeb took three gliding steps forward; he placed his dark-as-night palm on the side of my cheek. The same feeling I felt when Oz did it hit me again, however, this time there was more, it was warmer, a softer feel of magic. I grinned at him gratefully.

  “Now,” Zeb said, “Explain what happened here.”

  “Yeah, I’d really like to know that too,” Jace glared at Oz who was still in Dragon form. Mom took hold of my free hand; as dad placed his hands on my shoulders, while Jace still held my other hand. Kate and Jerold stood off to the side.

  And then it happened: I heard everyone’s thoughts.

  Jace: I am going to kill Oz for hurting her; he will never lay a hand on her again.

  Mom: Thank God our baby is ok.

  Dad: Wow, kiddos powerful like her mother, like Lilly.

  Zeb: What happened here Youngling? If you are reading my mind please enlighten me.

  Kate: She has too much power, and it’s just what I need.

  Jerold: The power she is wielding is tremendous.

  Okay what is up with Jace’s guardians? Their thoughts were freaking me out, but the saddest thoughts came from Oz’s mind.

  OZ: I am so sorry. Please Charlie, please forgive me. Whatever happens now with Zeb is fine. I accept it. I deserve it. However, I cannot accept the thought of knowing you didn’t forgive me. I just hope you are reading my mind and know that I am truly sorry.

  Oz’s Dragon shoulders sagged with relief. And then abruptly their thoughts were cut off. The only thoughts in my head now were my own. Did I stop it? Did I do that? Or were my powers on the fritz again? I shook my head just grateful to have my own thoughts because we all know that is plenty. Oz slowly, sadly stood and changed from Dragon to human form. Thankfully Zeb had him covered up before I saw anything. That’s one thing I don’t know if I could recover from, seeing Oz naked. Can you say eek?

  Oz looked miserable, I guess even though I forgave him and I’m pretty sure he knows I forgave him, Oz just can’t forgive himself yet. Zeb grabbed his wrist and held him from moving.

  Zeb snapped, “If I don’t like what our Youngling tells me, then you shall suffer the consequences.” Zeb said coldly. There was a red glint in his eyes.

  I shuttered at the thought.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Oz was in trouble

  I told them what happened, letting them know that I provoked Oz when I knew better than to provoke a Dragon. However, my stupid mouth just didn’t know when to be quiet.

  “Youngling, I understand you want to protect him,” Zeb’s voice was rough, but it was also still kind. “However, he knew better than to use his magic on someone in anger. Furthermore, it is forbidden to use such magic on anyone in the City of Callamose, and he knows this.” Zeb then turned his steely gaze on Oz. An icy chill covered my body as he spoke his next words with so much menace. “I thought you Oz, was past the point of childish behavior. I see now little whelp, there is much, much more that you need to learn.”

  I saw the fear in Oz’s eyes; it made me feel bad for him and the emotions swirling in the air was overpowering my thoughts. Anger, hurt and sadness, it was all around me. I had to do something. I had to help Oz. And I had to stop the emotions from taking me over yet again. I opened my mouth to say something. To say anything, however I was too late. Zeb quickly changed his shape and then flew off.

  “Wait. . . ” I shouted knowing it was useless now. But I wanted to help Oz. I wished I had wings so that I could fly and stop Zeb. Then I had this crazy, foolish thought that maybe using the air element I could fly. It was silly, but I was going to try it. I thought about the air around me, and remembered that just before crossing over to this world I felt the air element lift my hair. Just like a feather floating. So I thought about my whole body being light as a feather. I felt it moving through me.

  So I concentrated on that single thought, hoping I could in some way call on the air element and stop Zeb. I might not be able to fly, but maybe just maybe I could use this magic to help Oz. If I could blow him back to the ground just so we could talk about this reasonably. Then maybe get him to understand what had happened. I know it would probably not work but I had to try. I concentrated intently, dead set on the task to work. I felt something.

  “It’s ok Charlie.” Mom spoke up causing me to lose the hold I had on the air element. “Everything will be ok.” Sympathy was ro
lling off her in waves.

  I looked down and saw my skin was a light blue shade, but it was slowly fading. Crap I was so close! Once I no longer thought of the air element, or thought of blowing Zeb and Oz back my skin was its same old white color. Don’t know if that was better. To have ghost skin among golden Gods was almost as bad as having rainbow skin among golden Gods. I was so close. I looked up, but could not see Oz and Zeb any longer. It was really too late to get them back now. I was sad for Oz. I was sad that I had failed in conjuring the air element. I shook the thought of Oz out of my mind and gave a little smile, letting them know I was okay.

  “Sweetheart?” Dad looked at me intently.

  “Yes, daddy?” I asked, my voice a soft whisper.

  “Did you get all your memory’s back?” He asked me, his voice sounded melodic. It was much different from the husky timber I was used to.

  I nodded, giving them a puzzling look. “But—”

  “But what?” Mom asked. Concern filled her eyes and the air around us.

  Let me just say it’s really freaky to see my mom‘s, or heck to see anyone’s emotions in their eyes and then I would get to feel everything I just saw play out before me. Creepy!

  “But,” I threw my hands in the air blowing hair out of my eyes. “There is a whole hell of a lot wrong with me right now.” I looked at them waiting to get in trouble for swearing, but my parents said nothing. You know things are pretty bad when you can drop the H-Bomb and not get in trouble by the rents for it. “First off,” I continued. “I can hear what everyone is thinking, but it only hits me every now and then.” I held up one of my fingers as I counted off my problems. “Second, I guess I am a clairvoyant. Number three-I know I am skipping the whole third bit, but I am the one complaining after all.” I had to point that out. “I am a freaking glow stick.” I glared at them all. “Forget the numbers!” I said frustrated, flinging my hands to either side of me. “There is just too much to count off.” I all but shouted. Hauling my emotions in, I took deep gulping breaths. Sighing I continued. “Anyway, I have two separate memories. One part of my brain remembers this realm, while the other part of my brain thinks this is crazy. Thinks I am crazy!”

  At this point of my pathetic-pity-party, my eyes started welling up with tears. I could only imagine what I looked like! Probably a wide-eyed crazy person who can invoke magic! Yeah that was so not the best recipe for sanity. Plus the icing on the cake: Jace standing beside me looking sympathetic, while I looked pathetic. However, I did with much effort managed to push my tears aside and tread forward.

  “Mom I flung you across the room. I can feel what everyone is feeling. And all I have done since getting my powers is fudge up royally. For gosh sakes look at what just happened here.” Cue the tears please. From this point all I was doing was babbling, really it was bad and they could barely make out what I was saying. Mom wrapped her arms around me in a loving way and my dad, awkward as usual patted my head murmuring nonsense. Hey, at least some things haven’t changed. And Jace kinda looked out of place. I could tell that he wanted to comfort me, but he didn’t want to step in while my mom and dad were around me trying to do their own comforting spiel. How did I know Jace felt that way?

  Well duh, I am a freaking genius… Wrong! It was these stupid Jedi mind tricks and my emotionally reading thing that I have grown so fond of. Whoop-ti-freaking-do!

  I groaned. “So how did all of you know where to find me?” I asked.

  Mom smiled. “Charlie, Sweetheart, that is one of our powers remember? You are locked into us as we are locked into you.” When I gave her a quizzical look she added hastily. “Your father and I weren’t going to come looking for you so soon, but when we felt that you needed us we quickly leaped through the ley-lines. Zeb, Jace, Kate and Jerold insisted on coming along.” Mom smiled, tentatively.

  Dad coughed, “We should head back. Eli can help you; he can teach you how to control your abilities.”

  I nodded vigorously. I was so ready for anything that could help with the many problems I was having. Mom grabbed hold of one hand, while Jace held the other one as Dad crafted the ley-line for us four. Kate and Jerold was jumped a separate ley-line. Ever so slowly, I stepped through the ley-line.

  Chapter Fourteen


  When we stepped into the ley-line I felt this warm tingling sensation creep up my spine, as heat enclosed around me in a bubble of light, energy and magic. We were sucked through like a vacuum. Yet as quick as it started it was over, we stepped out of the ley-line and back into that medieval-times looking room. All the elders where gone, but for a very eager looking Eli. There were no Gargoyles. I knew I shouldn’t be freaked-out now that one side of my minds remembers this realm and the beings that dwell here. I should not feel uneasy. Nonetheless, remembering and knowing doesn’t mean that I can’t say I’m not happy to see any of them standing guard. I still feel like a deer in the headlights when it comes to the supernatural, so to speak. Bambi move over I have arrived.

  Looking around I saw that the creepy altar was missing and the huge green-velvet-curtains were now pulled back letting the sun spill light into the room. The sunbeams were casting eerie shadows over the walls and floors. It was kinda like watching an elegant dance. The shadows would flicker back and forth with one another in a slow moving somewhat sinister wave. It was creepy and yet still captivating at the same time, how this shadow would flick to the right and another shadow would flick to the left. Back and forth-back and forth, the shadows moved with each other. It was as if they were dancing to their own staccato beat. I moved my gaze away from the shadows and glanced at a long garnet stone table that was now placed in the center of the chamber room.

  All evidence of what had taken place here earlier was cleared out. Man, they work fast! How long exactly was I gone? I shrugged, it didn’t matter really. I glanced over at Eli; he had old dusty books sprawled out in front of him. There was a half grin on his face, with a pair of golden rim glasses perched at the bridge of his nose. Eli’s gray hair was disheveled, and he looked happy, cartoon happy. I swear it was comical. I looked around to see if someone was going to jump out and sing a happy song. Hmm, I wonder? Whatever he has been up to must’ve been fascinating. There was a bright glint in Eli’s brown eyes that had my senses on high alert. I looked at him and then I started to get an eerie sensation. It began at the top of my right foot, spreading along my body, shooting up my spine and surging upwards towards my brain.

  God, I hope I’m not about to have a brain aneurism, or something fatal. It didn’t hurt, but I still didn’t like the feeling. Great, I can guess what my supernatural obituary will read. Something along these lines: The newly turned Dulcedo died of a brain aneurism not long after discovering she was the destroyer of the evil Traveler. The supernatural world is in an up roar, not believing that a magical being could die of a normal human fatality. She will go down in our archives as a failure.

  I groaned. Whatever it was, I sure didn’t like the sensation, and or thinking of my “normal” demise kinda sucked.

  Although, on the plus side, my powers where being quiet! Well fudge, I must have thought that too soon because then I knew what that sensation was. It was the sensation I felt just before seeing into the past, present and future. I felt sick and a little pissed off. I just wanted everything to come together already. I was so ready to have all this magic stuff figured out. Was that too much to ask? And now my skin was turning a “lovely” shade of red. I groaned thinking not again, but oh God here it comes.

  With a resounding: BOOM-Boom-Boom! Pain hit me dead on. It was a searing-blinding-pain. It hit my head more forceful then it did earlier. You would think with power and magic coursing through my veins that I would not feel pain. Oh nothing in my life can just be that easy. When it comes to me-nothing… I do mean nothing, is ever that easy.

  Grrr. Why? Out of everybody, out of every supernatural, why do I have to be the one to feel pain with this magic? Damn, fate. Why do I have to be the one with ab
ilities that no one has ever had other than the Traveler? Man-oh-man-oh-man! Where are the backup singers when you need them?

  I wiped my hand down my face and sighed thinking why? Why do I have to be the one, the freaking chosen one? The Cypher! Why-why-why? I sighed and looked at everyone, to my dismay everyone’s eyes were on me while I shook with anger, frustration, and did my pitiful whine. They’re probably freaking out at my crazy behavior right now; I was after all shaking and glaring, and whimpering sadly. I don’t blame them for looking at me like I was a puzzle that needed to be fixed.

  “Oh, poor Charlie, she has finally lost her mind! But folks, it was just a matter of time!”

  A sixteen year old can only take so much. At least the pain ebbed up a little; however, as soon as the pain eased I was plummeted into darkness. Blackness crashed over me, I was down for… about three seconds. The blackness was crashing in on me, and, were my irises changing colors?

  I felt them turning black. I don’t know how, but I could literally feel my eyes turning. I saw one word: Cypher. My vision cleared and I could see everyone again. The surprising thing about all of this was that I still stood there on steady legs.

  Yay me! I can still stand, but where is wood when I need to knock on it just in case? Everyone’s mouth was gaped open; they all looked just like a fish out of water. The sarcastic-crazy-insane part of me wanted to ask if they all needed to be put back in their little fishy bowl, but, the reasonable more sane part of me, which was lacking. That part had to know what was happening to me.

  “WH-what,” I managed to stammer out.

  Jace: Wow that was freaking cool.

  I have already ranted and raved over my pathetic self. Sure, almost anyone would like magical powers. However, if people could feel the pain that I felt, then maybe just maybe no-one would like the kind of powers I have. Whatever, I was so over it.


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