A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two Page 11

by J. L. Clayton

  Eli: Now I know she is our anomaly.

  That damn word . . . Anomaly, I don’t want to be called an anomaly.

  “I can hear your thoughts again,” I pointed out and not in a very nice way. “So tell me, why are all of you looking at me like,” I waved my hand in their direction. “Like, well like you are now? Like I am the antichrist come to destroy you–woo.” I asked raising my eyebrows swaying my head back and forth like a snake that has just been charmed.

  Did I seriously just use a snake analogy? Ooh things were bad.

  Maybe I was a little melodramatic. Besides, they’re not really looking at me like I was the antichrist, more like a side show freak.

  “Sweetheart,” Mom smiled softly, “Um, your eyes just went black!”

  “So what,” I shrugged. I did not want to tell her what I just saw. Instead I smirked and asked harshly. “You’ve never seen someone with black eyes before?” Yeah it was mean, but with everything that has been going on with me, I just didn’t care.

  “Yes,” Mom looked sheepishly sad.

  Curse my soft heart. I want to be mad darn it; however, I don’t want my mom to be sad. Well, I guess I don’t want anyone to be sad. It’s official, I’m a sap. Guilt stricken now, all I wanted was to say I was sorry. Tell my mom I was sorry for what I said, I was wrong. But I couldn’t, so I did the next best thing in my book. I smiled my, sorry I am such a b-with an itch today smile. Luckily for me Mom knows that smile. Her blue eyes brightened and the sad looked faded away.

  “Charlie, Hun, well, I’ve seen people with black eyes, just not on you dear. It was kind of unnerving.”

  I sighed. I should tell them what I just saw. I could only imagine what I looked like, my eyes completely blacked out so I could see a word. Yeah, I guess it was unnerving for everyone. I looked over at Eli, hoping he had some answers for me.

  Eli grinned; he must have read my mind because he waved us over and quickly spun the book he was reading around. Eli tapped one word. One word! I looked at it curiously. There it was. Ugh. Mom, Dad, and Jace glanced at the word too: Cypher.

  “Eli?” Mom asked, “What is this book? I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a book as this in the archives. I know you called her this earlier, but what does this word have to do with our baby?”

  “That my dear friend, Janet, is true.” Eli beamed, “Only me and one other person, until now, have ever seen this book before,” Eli stated, “And this word Janet, has everything to do with our Charlize.”

  “Ok,” my dad’s deep voice piped up, “Tell us then Eli, what does it all mean?”

  “Yes, yes I was getting to that,” Eli grinned yet again. I was starting to think he was a tad bit loony.

  I glanced at Jace silently asking him what was going on, Jace shrugged, smiled and took my hand giving it a gentle squeeze. That squeeze had my stomach doing flips. It sent hot tantalizing heat over my body. I wonder if Jace could feel what I felt when he touches me? All too soon Jace pulled his hand back leaving me cold and unsure. I was glad he was here helping me through whatever was fixing to hit me next, but I wish he knew what was going on and could at least tell me.

  “Remember Subrand?” Eli asked eyebrows lifted.

  “Why yes,” Mom looked shocked.

  “Absolutely,” Dad looked concerned.

  Jace just nodded and this all happened at once.

  I was thinking with the way they were looking, that I was so screwed, so totally and utterly, screwed. I didn’t know who Subrand was. Even my memories didn’t remember any mention of anyone named Subrand.

  “Eli,” I asked, “Who is Subrand and what does the word cypher have to do with me?”

  “Ah, that my anomaly is the perfect question,” Eli grinned.

  I didn’t like that he just called me anomaly, again. You might be thinking why is she getting so bent? Anomaly sounds wicked cool, especially when someone powerful like Eli said it.

  Do you know what the word anomaly means?

  Irregularity: Something that deviates from the norm, or from expectations.

  Peculiarity: Something strange and difficult to identify or classify.

  I’m the irregularity-peculiarity-chosen-one, the destroyer of the Traveler. I am the anomaly. It just doesn’t sound as good when you think of it that way. Besides, I’m a freak, and freaks rule! That bit was okay with me, but when someone is basically calling me a freak in a different term, and then I have the right to be ticked off. I was already on the verge of over freakishness as it was. Now I just topped the Rector-scale beyond freakazoid-ness. Err, my skin, my traders-nightlight-magical-ability-turned-red-again skin had to show itself. Meanwhile, that had me thinking? Maybe when I am mad my skin turns red. Well that’s just great. What good will that ability be? Too glow? Too let everyone know what I am feeling… No, this ability I’ve decided sucks eggs.

  You know what kind of eggs? The nasty smelly kind of eggs, rotten puke in your mouth suckieness kind of eggs!

  I groaned, sighed and took a seat. I waved my hand for Eli to go on, now feeling years older than just sixteen.

  “Ok,” Eli patted my knee, “Subrand was one of the oracle‘s, and she was crazy.”

  Oh, this is already off to a good start. A crazy woman has something to do with this book. Joy!

  “For all her madness though, Subrand still managed to predict something extremely remarkable.” Eli waved the book in front of my face grinning, “Subrand wrote a prophecy of a chosen one who will one day have the ability to cypher magical powers from any being with supernatural abilities.”

  Great, it’s no wonder my powers are wacked.

  “And you my dear girl,” Eli was saying. “Are the chosen one, you are our anomaly. You can cypher any ability from any supernatural being whatsoever.”

  “Ok let’s say in theory I was this chosen one—”

  “You are.” Eli interrupted, God he’s like a little kid that’s been given a new toy.

  I glared; he coughed and looked down, “Why does it only come every now and then? Like right now I don’t seem to be pulling on anyone’s power. Thankfully, right now everything is calm.” I said, hoping that everything would stay calm for a while.

  “That,” Eli smiled, “Is because I have erected a force-field to block you although I did wait a tad bit too late to set the force-field up. I wanted to see what would happen.”

  I looked at him waiting, but when he said nothing I sighed and said. “That’s why my eyes turned black, because you didn’t have the force-field up in time and you wanted to know what would happen?”

  Eli tapped me on the head, kinda like he was saying. “Good doggy.” I glared; well I guess it’s good that this doggy don’t have sharp k9 teeth, or said doggy might have this inkling to take a bite out of Eli’s hand. Grrr.

  “Yes that is right,” Eli said not a hint that he read my mind and that he knew I thought about biting him just now.

  “So, Charlize what did you see when your vision went black?” Eli asked.

  Like he didn’t know already! I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat, closed my eyes and caved, “I saw that word cypher.” My shoulders sagged in defeat; finally I was accepting that I was this anomaly/chosen one. “I guess I am, what you have been calling me, I guess,” I gritted my teeth and all but spit the word. “I’m this anomaly. This cypher”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Testing my Nifty Magic

  Eli put me in a room. No not a padded room-thank God- just a normal room to test my cypher skills. Needless to say, I learned a lot of extraordinary things. For instance, when I disappeared earlier. Um, yeah that was not a good idea. And it wasn’t one of my nifty powers. Oh no, I was cyphering off my mom, dad, Kate and Jerold or anyone with said ability. Shocking right, I know? I didn’t even know I was doing it. When I stepped into the ley-line thinking I just wanted to disappear, and not knowing that I would pull on someone’s power, hence the disappearing trick in front of everyone. So accordingly, I did disappear; I fell out of the sky and lande
d sprawled awkwardly on the ground. Falling wasn’t so bad; however, the cut and battle afterwards, was.

  Plus, I would not have fallen out of the sky, if said person or persons I was drawing from would have accompanied me. Eli went into this whole speech about what I should and shouldn’t do until I have my magic under control, because I’d never know where I would end up.

  Eli: “Charlize, maybe you should not cypher from your parents or whoever you were cyphering off of until you have your magical powers under control, especially if you’re planning on leaving them behind.”

  I frowned, protesting and feeling kinda like a leach.

  “But I didn’t know!”

  Eli nodding: “Well, in case it happens again, this time you will know what is happening and then maybe you can stop yourself.”

  Me frowning deeper: “Trust me, I will NOT be doing that for a long time, maybe not ever again.”

  Eli shrugging: “Good, good because that might lead to bad things or bad things might happen to you if you pull from anyone without experience. Meanwhile, until we know how far and long you can cypher, I suggest you tamp down on that thought of jumping into any or out of any ley-line.”

  Another remarkable thing I found out was that Jace has the ability to read minds. He always seemed to know what I was thinking; I so rock when I’m right. And Jace has the power to compel someone into doing just about anything. That had me wondering, the times I felt like kissing him was he compelling me? Oh and how lovely it was to turn that trick on him. Although, it would have been nice to know for sure that he had these abilities. There is no telling what he picked up in my mind. All the embarrassing thoughts I had.

  1st Ability: It’s the main one that sets me apart from being an ordinary Dulcedo. That’s my wicked cyphering power. This magical power allows me to cypher any, and I do mean ANY supernatural beings power. Basically, if you put me in a room with a Vamp, Dragon, or any magical being, then I will have all their supernatural abilities, without any down side. So no blood sucking and no morphing! The negative aspect to this cyphering power is, if a supernatural has hardly any power, just strength, and then I’m screwed. Because let’s face it, me, in hand to hand combat…Get real. Me, Charlie, the clumsiest person in this realm…I don’t think that would be a pretty picture.

  Okay, this is so totally off topic, but I have to contribute this part to my mind and how crazy-mad it works. Every time I think of cyphering, I imagine some stick figured black and white cartoon guy with a water-hose and bucket standing next to a car trying to suck out the gas, all the while some fast crazy music is playing. Then it gets funny, the stick guy tries and tries, but nothing happens. He’s so thin that he can’t get enough air in his lungs, and then finally someone sees him. He drops what he was doing; throws his hands up in the air waving them back and forth and with his thin legs wobbling like a chicken, he runs away. Now that I shared that useless bit of information with you, back on topic.

  2nd Ability: I can read minds like Jace, Zeb and Eli. Eli is helping me learn how to shield my mind. Eli said I have been doing a good job of it all by myself. Unconsciously I was shielding, that’s why I haven’t been bombarded with a crap load of thoughts.

  3rd Ability: The one I wish wouldn’t have shown itself. Why, you wonder? I bet you already know. Come on, think really hard. What is the one skillful magic ability I wish would make like a Tree and Leaf! Haha! Yes you’ve got it, my glow stick/nightlight skin.

  Eli said that it will one day be a strong power, I will have the magic of the elements, and he thinks’ I will be an elemental to all five elements. Eli said I am already showing parts of air and fire, plus before crossing over all the elements took to me as if I was a part of them, and that has never happened before.

  But as for now, it’s just a pain in my butt. I wish I could trade it for Eli’s clairvoyance or Jace’s compulsion. What I wouldn’t give to put one of my not-so-nice teachers under a compulsion; however, I do have Jace, and I could cypher off him.


  I studied with Eli for several long agonizing hours; I had to pee and my stomach was growling so loud it scared even me. Finally I learned how to put up all kinds of shields. Eli said that was one thing I needed to learn. Mom blessedly scrounged up cheeseburgers and fries while I took an overdue bathroom break. I was doing the pee, pee dance while pulling my shorts down. At last, relief! You know that moment when you had to go so bad and when you finally get to, all you can say is ah? Well I was singing ah, that was my vocabulary at the moment, the only coherent thing I could think of. After the bathroom break it was time for food.

  “There is one thing I don’t understand.” Eli mused.

  “What’s that?” Mom asked.

  I watched and listened as I wolfed down two cheeseburgers, fries and a milkshake in record time.

  Hungry, hungry, hungry!

  “Well, who was Charlize cyphering off when the empathic abilities showed up?” Eli looked suspicious.

  I too was wondering that.

  “I don’t know,” Dad chimed in also suspicious.

  “Jerold, Kate, you and Janet all only have the ley-line power and your shielding ability.” Eli thought aloud looking at my dad trying to find out who I cyphered from...

  I was done with my food and about to die, I was so full. I leaned back and rubbed my stomach.

  “Jace only has compulsion and mind reading, Rose has none as of yet, she is not of age.” Eli rambled on, “I am telepathic, clairvoyant and have some other skills, but I am not empathic. Nor is Zeb and the other elders.”

  “What about Oz?” I asked wanting to solve this mystery as well.

  Eli shook his head, but considered, “I shall ask Zeb if Oz has gained new powers that he has yet to tell anyone. However, now that I think about it, Oz was not here when you gained your magic, so he can’t be the one. I suggest you be very careful. If someone has that kind of power and there not supposed to. Well then I am afraid you are in more danger then I could have thought. We might have a trader among us, one that might be working for the Traveler. And with all the missing supernaturals lately, staying here could be very risky.”

  I shivered wondering who it could be, hoping it’s no one I knew, but, I had this sickening thought that it was someone I was close too.

  “Wait,” I looked at Eli, “Did you say other supernatural beings have gone missing from Callamose?”

  “Yes I’m afraid so. Several have gone missing in the last two weeks, we’re looking for them, but we’re turning up no leads. The elders have sent out our most powerful watchers, in addition to the ones that are missing, their families are out looking also.”

  “That’s awful.” Mom gasped, but I was more interested in who the watchers were. I couldn’t remember anything about beings called watchers.


  “Yes!” He looks at me.

  “Moms right, that is terrible and I will do whatever I can to help find the missing ones.”

  “That’s good,” Eli smiled, and then he cocked his head to the side studying me. “You want to know what the watchers are.” I nodded; he must have picked it out of my head. “They are the fallen. There are six of them. They’re evil and powerful and if not for the tight binding we elders have on their souls, they could destroy the worlds. If something bad like that was to happen, if they broke the binding . . . Well, I don’t want to think about it.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Going up in flames

  As my family and I were leaving, Eli said, “Charlize, there are two more important things you should know.” I stood there waiting for his reply. He cleared his throat. “There will be many beings. Um, how should I put this . . . Many that will want to be with you. Your magic is very strong. You in turn will also be drawn to them.” I looked at him shocked. “You will have Seven. I do not know what that means, but it is all in the book. I will study the book and find out what it means for you.” Eli nodded and walked away.

  And with those ominous words we
headed off with Jace’s family back to our homes in this world. As we headed over, my mom and dad had a little talk with me. I learned that in this realm time moves different. Here in this realm one-week equals three days on the earth plane. That was wicked cool, but when I found out I would be staying here for four weeks, not so cool. I kinda tripped out.

  “W-w-what? Ooh no! Mom, you can’t be serious. I have school.”

  As if I cared! School! Give me a break; I have Tru, not school.

  Mom looked at me like I was joking, “Sweetheart, I know you are a good student, and that’s probably why you learned so fast with the shielding. But honestly, that is not why you’re upset, right? So, tell me why you want to go home now?”

  I frowned. God, she has to be a mind reader. “My friends. I, err, um, I won’t get to see them for a whole month. Come on Mom, you can’t say that’s not a long time.”

  As if. Um no, that’s not the reason either. I say again, she is reading my mind. I swear it. Even though I know what her powers are; I think she can so read minds. Oh hell, nope she just knows me that well.

  Mom’s eyes seem to take on a deep cold blue. I shivered.

  Mom sighed and strummed her fingers on her pants leg: “Charlie, that’s not it either. It’s not school, and it’s not your friends. Tell me, does this have anything to do with that boy?”

  God, she knows me too well and did she really have to call Tru that “boy” again? I thought we were past that point. Okay, yeah, so Mom knows whoopdie-freaking-doo. But who would want to be away from a Sex-God, one that is now my boyfriend. I get all giddy and happy when I think of Tru as my boyfriend. Plus, I wanted to do a lame jumping up and down dance, while clapping my hands and saying yay me, over and over. Yeah, I’m such a dope. But, I could not and would not stand being away for four weeks. Sure, to Tru it’ll only be four days, but to me… It’ll feel like a life time. Can she not understand?

  I pouted, “M—ooom, you don’t understand.”


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