A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two Page 15

by J. L. Clayton

  “Ouch.” He grinned. “I am not of age yet. Ye have to be eighteen to receive y’r wings.”

  “Oh, sorry,” I smiled sheepishly. He waved my apology away still grinning wickedly. “The lizard, err, um, I mean Thorn. Is he like your protector?” I asked.

  “The lizard can hear you and he can also answer you.” I frowned. He shook his green head. “I am a shape shifter, protector of Prince Reese, in training. Best friend to the prince. However, I have failed him and now I must die. ” Thorn the lizard said dramatically.

  Wow, I was taken aback, another Royal was captured? Are they that stupid? Do they want a war? On the plus side, with so much Royal blood here, someone is bound to save us.

  Chapter Twenty

  Eeny-Meeny-Miny-Moe the Kidnappers

  “Wow, so you’re like a prince? Like Ziggy?”

  “Yes, I am. And what my friend here said is not true. Don’t let him fool ye, he fought diligently.” Thorn shot Reese a coy glance, Reese shrugged smiling a little. “Nevertheless,” Reese continued. “With him bein’ fresh at this, and me not with my full powers, um-”

  He let the sentence trail off. I felt bad for Thorn, he looked dejected. I glanced into Thorn’s black eyes and saw someone vulnerable, someone young. I might have sympathized with Thorn more if he was not green and red with black spots, and if he didn’t look like a snake with feet. I hate snakes! I wondered though, why he was still in lizard form. Or maybe that was his true form?


  “Is there something ye wish te ask?” Reese’s low-husky-voice drew my attention back to the here and now.

  “Well,” I hesitated. “Yeah, um, it’s obvious to me that I don’t have my powers here either. By the looks of things, everyone else is without as well, but I’m curious? Can I ask you something Thorn?” Reese waved his hand for me to go on, but I waited until Thorn agreed. It was rude of Reese to assume he could answer for Thorn. Thorn smiled, acknowledging that I had respected him and slowly he nodded, and I asked. “Okay, are you supposed to be a lizard?”

  Reese and Thorn shared a look between them, and then both burst out laughing. Seriously, it was a slap your knee-throwing your head back kinda laugh.

  Reese and Thorn shook their heads. Reese grinned with a slight chuckle in his husky voice he goes, “Thorn is a shape shifter. A chameleon shape shifter, but instead of shifting color’s, he kin shift into any shape. Basically, he is a shape shifting God. ‘N’ unfortunately for my friend here he is stuck. If it wasn’t for this damn power shield that our abductors have so kindly erected, Thorn would be able to shift back to his normal body.”

  “Oh, so you really don’t look like a lizard?” I asked shyly.

  Thorn smiled a creepy smile and said with his voice slimy sounding. “Nope, I am a regular looking kid. Well until I shape shift!”

  At least when he talked his words sounded normal and not all snaky like. “Why did you shape shift into a lizard if you don’t mind me asking?”

  “It’s a funny story,” Reese said chuckling nervously. “We were having a bit of a pest problem ye see. So we decided to scare off our uninvited guest.” Reese glanced at Ziggy and gave a dry smile.

  I shook my head, frowning, and then I got it all of a sudden. Light bulb, ding! “Whoa, hold up.” I looked at the Pixies then back to Reese and Thorn. “Are you saying that your pest problem was-” I pointed at Ziggy, Dory and Magpie. Reese shrugged, arching one eyebrow in challenge. “Okay, let me get this right, you were having a bit of a pest “problem.” I did quotations in the air after the word problem. Reese nodded. “So you and Thorn decided to get rid of said “problem!” Again with the quotations. Reese and Thorn nodded. “Thorn then changed into a lizard boy-err-man-whatever, in order to scare some Pixies?” I all but shouted at Reese and Thorn, while pointing at Ziggy. Who was now flying in the air beside me with his tongue sticking out!

  I shook my head and stammered. “Like them,” I waved franticly at the Pixies. “These here now-these Pixies?” I was hysterical but had no clue why. Or maybe I did. Seeing Magpie looking the way that she did and knowing that Thorn and his prince might have played a little part in her being captured, made me ill.

  “You got that right baby cakes,” Ziggy grinned mockingly. “Score one for the tall girl.” Ziggy took on a game show voice, “Ding-ding-ding, winner-winner-winner! Tell us what she has won Dory?”

  Dory grinned her razor sharp teeth. Then she promptly knocked Ziggy backwards. Ziggy spun around and landed hard on the dirty floor, he let out this humph and said. “I guess the games over?” Ziggy sounded dazed and a little drunk.

  I grimaced, it didn’t faze Dory, she patted my cheek and said, “Sorry about him child. Don’t pay him no mind.”

  She sounds older sometimes, but when she does things like knocking Ziggy to the ground I get this feeling she is around my age. Dory flew to Ziggy and lifted him up, then she propped him against the wall. He glared at her. She winked at Magpie who was smiling. Dory grinned sweetly at Ziggy and gave him a hug patting his head. I shook mine and looked back at Reese with a sigh. Reese gave me a sardonically sad look. He ran a hand through his red hair, closing his eyes for a brief second.

  With his shoulders hunched Reese opened his incredible green eyes and gave me a dazzling grin. “Why yes. Those Pixie‘s, are the Pixies we were going to scare.” Reese snorted. I shook my head, Reese’s smile faded and he frowned at me. “It is not what ye think! Maybe, they should have thought about trespassing on our land, we were just having a bit of fun.” Reese sounded defiant. “Besides, it wasn’t I who captured them, nor was it Thorn. I’m just sorry that they were indeed taken, as we were. I assure ye, I did try to fight, but my powers were nothing compared to our assailants.”

  God he sounded arrogant, you could tell he was royalty. “Look,” I said feeling bad for my thoughts. “I understand. I was just asking. Sorry if I upset you.”

  “Nay,” Reese dropped his head. “It is I that should apologize, fair lady.” I blushed at his endearment. He smiled sadly and finished. “I’m the one that told Thorn to play with the Pixies.”

  “We told you already,” Dory smiled and in a singsong voice she sang, “What is done is done, and all is forgiven.”

  Reese sighed and looked back at me a little curiously. His scrutiny of me was a bit unnerving. I felt vulnerable in his gaze. His green eyes seemed to be assessing me, judging something. But what? “What Sal asked you earlier, is it true? Are ye the one our abductors have been talking about?” Reese asked eyes probing, almost looking through me.

  “That depends on what they were saying.” I was skeptic; there was no telling what the kidnappers said.

  Reese smiled a sweet smile and shrugged. “Ye know what I think? I think ye are what they have been going on about, very remarkable though, ‘n’ fascinating.”

  Frustrated, I fumed. “Well okay, tell me what they said and then maybe I can confirm it.”

  Before Reese had a chance to say anything, four masked people came into the dungeon and opened my cage. All four where dressed in black cloaks!! What’s up with cloaked beings anyways? All the same, that wasn’t the bad part. No, the bad part was that their masks looked like clowns, and these clowns were not your friendly-smiley-faced Ronald McDonald Clowns. Yeah, move over Ronald MacDonald . . . Hello IT. So I was exaggerating a little. Okay not IT! These clown faces had no color and all four where frowning. Crap, crap, crap. That’s a triple whammy. In unison-freaky-all four clowns turned their pale evil faces my way. Their dark eyes seemed empty, a bottomless pit with no soul. As my friend Tammin would say, it sucked a big piece of cow poo. Oh how I miss my blond-southern-sweet country girl.

  Clowns, I flippen hate clowns more than snakes. Remember Charlie, they’re not really Clowns-they’re people—scary dead-eyed looking people with clown faces on—yeah people that came here to scare the living crap out of me . . . Um that’s all.

  One was short and slender like a dancer. I’m seeing them for them what they are . . . People,
just people! Two of the people were tall and broad shouldered, sort of like a linebacker. I smiled thanking of the girl back at my school. Molly the volleyball-wielding linebacker! She sure could pack a punch. I glanced at the one that had my hair standing on end; he most definitely had to be the creepiest. I don’t know why he bothered me the most. But he did. There was something about him, something unnatural. More so then normal and that’s saying a lot coming from this realm. He was tall and well-muscled; but there was this quietness to him, a stillness that would only come from dead things. I just knew that when something bad happens, it will come from this creepy-guy.

  I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye; turning my head I caught Ziggy readying himself for an attack. Oh God I hope he doesn’t do anything crazy. Dory saw this to and grabbed for him as he started to fly right towards our kidnappers. Fortunately, Dory was much faster than her brother. She lifted a stick-or was that a bone?


  She popped him on the back of the head. Momentarily stunned, Ziggy swayed. I too was momentarily stunned, but quickly the shock faded. Without haste Dory snatched onto Ziggy’s forearm and did a little flick of her wrist, it was funny and strange, but it seemed to do the trick. Ziggy flew up and over Dory landing face first on the ground. Promptly Dory sat down on him. Ziggy was saying something, but Dory kept a firm hand over his mouth shutting off his words.

  I was amazed at what had just taken place, apparently so was the kidnappers. They just stood there staring . . . All of them but one. The evil creepy one never took his gaze from me. Ooh wonderful, I have a fan and probably not the admiring kind.

  Get in line buddy!

  The slender one that looked like a dancer said, “Well, are you having fun making . . . Friends?” I couldn’t make out her voice, there was something distorted about it. However, I knew this clown wannabe was a girl. I kinda had a feeling that all of them have been shopping at The Halloween Store–the voice, the outfit, the freaking whole nine yards.

  So lame! What was this—some scary monster convention and I wasn’t invited? Shoot!

  You know that moment when you do something totally awkward and just not appropriate for what was taking place around you? Well I sort of had that moment: I laughed. I couldn’t help it. This was all too crazy, Dory grabbing Ziggy like she did, while the kidnappers gawked at her. It was crazy-scary and the only thing I could do was laugh; however, I can say without a doubt that was not a good idea. The dancer back handed me. Hard! My lip split open. Reese swore and Thorn stood up. I was losing it so I laughed again. It was comical; I mean what could Thorn and Reese really do? They were behind bars on the other side. I was mad and feeling a little cocky. I ran my tongue along the cut and smiled evilly at them.

  Yeah it was dumb, but hey. . . I felt like smiling.

  In that same freaky voice the dancer said, “Do you think this is funny little girl?”

  Um, yeah, that sobered me up a little and I shook my head, no. “Good,” said another one.

  Remember folks, it only sobered me up a little.

  I named my kidnappers. I decided to call them Eeny-Meeny-Miny-Moe.

  Why you may wonder? I was crazy. I laughed while that annoying playground song played in my head. All I could see was the Clowns. I was so freaked out. I sung: Eeny-Meeny-Miny-Mo which one of these effin freaks will be the first one to go? A little cocky of me, but I am the chosen one you know! Oh God, I just made up a new version to that stupid song.

  “Leave her alone!” Sal scraggly voice chimed in. Sal had been quiet when I was talking to Reese, but it looked like she was speaking now.

  “Shut up, Troll. Or we will cut you and feed you to your own kind.”

  I shot her a sympathetic look mouthing: It’s okay, just be quiet. Hoping she got it. I looked at the four creeps and couldn’t shake that song out of my head. So I go, “So, Eeny? Um, Meeny? Err, Miny? And, Moe?” I pointed at them as I said it with a smile. “Which one of you, retards thought it was a good idea to buy the knock off Scream voice thingy? Because, it blows and is so not scary.” I grinned wickedly rolling my eyes, and stood in my infamous Peter-pan-pose. Then I did something that surprised even me. I spit unattractively on one of the creepy masked guys shoes, totally forgetting about being a girl.

  Ugh, did I just grow a big pair of balls or what? Oh, you know I‘m bad I‘m bad! You know it! Who‘s bad!

  I shuddered. What’s with the singing? Ziggy laughed, Dory and Magpie grinned at me. Everyone else just stayed silent, seeming to be in shock. Well guess what? So was I. Oh well, at least Magpie smiled. The masked kidnapper, I named Moe-Creepy had been quiet through my tirade. But then he laughed that eerie voice laugh. Then suddenly he turned his penetrating gaze on me, shutting the laugh off as quickly as it had come. I shivered, now that was unsettling. Slowly he rolled up the mask showing off his mouth.

  I hate to say it but his lips were sexy-I must have Stockholm syndrome-I shook my head. I watched as this sick smile framed his lips. He was still looking at me as Moe-Creepy kicked dirt at little Magpie. The force of his kick sent rocks and nasty chunks of God knows what flying all over her. Thorn jumped, reacting as a guardian should and tried to block the big pieces, but it was too late. Magpie cried out in pain as a big rock, bigger then my foot landed on her arm. I closed my eyes.

  “No,” I whispered, “Magpie! No.” I shook my head.

  Ziggy started thrashing under Dory’s body, but I guess since she was older she was stronger, so it was useless.

  “No,” Ziggy shouted. “Magpie! Get off me Dory! Mag needs me!”

  Dory started to cry. I felt sick. Oh God I did this. If I would just be quiet things like this might not ever happen. I looked at Reese who was slowly lifting the rock from her. Magpie gasped in air and blinked up at Reese with tear filled eyes.

  “Thank God!” I thought aloud, she was still breathing. In the next moment time moved slowly. Something dark inside me snapped. A red filled haze covered my eyes. I did something stupid. With a guttural savage cry I charged our kidnappers. It was not my best moment. I did, however; manage to catch one by surprise. I knocked the one that had the body of a dancer to the side where she landed into the arms of Sal.

  Yes! Go me, go me! Okay focus. One down three to go.

  The kidnapper in Sal’s hands screamed, as she wrapped her big arms around the masked guys’ neck. I shuddered, and charged Moe-Creepy.

  However, he saw me coming and in the next second it was all over. Moe-Creepy hit me so hard I was thrown across the floor. I hit my head against one of the bars. Blood poured down my face. “Ugh,” I slurred. “Thanks a lot effin Moe-Creepy.”

  Not caring of my pain Moe-Creepy stalked towards me with his fists clenching. He hit me hard across the face and I was out.

  Chapter Twenty One



  Jace awoke with a start.

  What was that, he thought on a panic note. Sweat poured down his face, as his heart beat erratically. Something was wrong! Jace shook his head.

  “What is wrong with me? What is going on?” He said aloud.

  Something woke him up; he thought he heard… Charlie? Was she here? No!

  She wasn’t here his mind told him; as he reached out with his thoughts trying to read who all was in the house. Rose, his mother and father they were still asleep.

  Um, he wondered, where was Kate and Jerold?

  Jace set there as panic clouded his mind. Something bad was happening. He just didn’t know what. He could have sworn he heard Charlie’s voice. With an awful sensation in his gut, Jace got out of bed dread filling him with every step as he walked towards his window. That’s when he saw the fire.

  “Shit,” Jace cursed.

  He quickly grabbed his shoes and raced out of his house. Sprinting to where the fire was blazing, his heart beating a thunderous sound in his ears. He reached her house. Jace’s knees almost gave out from under him at the house up close.

  Oh God, what am I seeing…?
r />   “No, no!” Jace shouted, shaking his head violently.

  Did Charlie do this? Her powers are crazy out of control, but surely, she didn’t set her house on fire. Is she in there? Jace’s mind raced. He had to help her. Jace had to get her out, if she indeed was there. Damn, He thought, she just got her memories back. God! She finally remembers me.

  The joy he felt from that was overwhelming; he couldn’t lose her now.

  Not like this, Jace told himself.

  He knew what he had to do. He had to summon water.

  “And it looks like a whole hell of a lot of water,” Jace muttered. Trembling, Jace readied himself; he started visualizing water: Blue-dark-cleansing water, wet-fire-drenching water.

  Jace shouted, “Unda, aqua.” He held his arms out, palms up and wrist together, as a bolt of pure water shot from his hands. Jace staggered backwards from the blast of magic. The amount of energy it took for a power ball that size drained him. Still, it wasn’t enough; he was going to need help. Jace just hoped this would work. Normally for a spell such as this, you would need a bowl of water in front of you or something that was holding water so that you could visualize and focus more clearly.

  “Crap, this would be so much easier to have something other than an incantation to draw from.” Jace muttered looking around for anything with water. But seeing that he was almost out of time, the incantation would have to do. Jace just hoped it would work.

  Jace breathed in deeply closing his eyes. Fingers crossed, he chanted in a powerful voice. “Water-Nymphs I call to thee. Foray the clouds for me. Let this volley fall freely to the ground. Water-Nymphs I beg of thee. Dowse this fire so moat it be.” Power surged out of him in a blast of blue light. With his eyes closed, Jace hoped this would work.

  As he stood there worry settled over him in a thick suffocating mass. He was afraid that it wouldn’t work in time. Then he felt it. The first drop of rain touched his face. Jace smiled. Jace opened his eyes and looked. Watching the downpour stop the inferno was bliss and knowing that he helped, well it made it all that much better. Glancing around, Jace saw other supernaturals surrounding the house. They too were starting to help the Water-Nymphs. Gradually all the fire was out. Jace could breathe a little better now. All the same, it was not over. He had to find Charlie. He had to make sure her and her family was ok. Jace franticly looked around. He spotted his mom, dad and Rose, but still no sign of Kate and Jerold.


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