A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two Page 16

by J. L. Clayton

  Where were they? Not at his house! He didn’t think they were in Charlie’s home. So were then? Jace started to get a bad feeling. Plus, where were Sam and Janet? And the most important question of all... Charlie? Jace shot through the house looking everywhere. Nothing, he couldn’t find anyone. The house looked ok other than a couple of rooms. Jace was sure no one had been hurt in the fire. Jace raced up the stairs taking them two at a time. He pushed Charlie’s bedroom door open with a grunt and looked around. All he could see was smoke. Jace choked and gagged, as tears filled his eyes from the smoke. A burning, stinging pain seemed to be wedged in his throat.

  Wiping his eyes to see, Jace called out. ”Charlie, are you in here? Charlie are you ok?” It came out in a gasp. “Damn it Charlie, if you’re here answer me.” Jace looked around; trying to see and breathe through the thick gray cloud of tiny particles of ash. He had about all he could take of the smoke, so he said one word.


  It was a simple be gone spell, he just pictured the smoke clearing as he said the word clear in his head. Jace sighed shaking his head and looked around. His shoulders sagged in a sickening defeat. Charlie wasn’t here. As he turned to leave something from the corner of his eye captured his attention. Jace looked over and saw the gift he gave Charlie laying on the now black floor and right by the necklace was a tiny wolf. Jace picked the wolf and necklace up. Quickly he stuffed the necklace into his pocket.

  “Why Charlie?” He asked out loud. “Why did you bring Tru’s gift here? And why are you not wearing mine?” Jace gritted his teeth. He wanted to throw the wolf out the window. He wanted to crush the wolf. He squeezed it just a little, but in the end he couldn’t do it. As much as he hated Tru for stealing her heart, Jace loved her too much to hurt her. So instead he put it in his other pocket and set off to find Charlie. His Charlie!

  My Charlie, not Tru’s!

  He searched the whole house; he even searched the parts that were too dangerous to search. Overall the house was in good condition. He must have made it in time to stop the fire from doing too much damage. Yet, when he saw the fire from his room’s window… Jace’s blood ran cold with fear as his heart pumped fast and blood rushed through his vein. He felt sick then and he was starting to feel that way again.

  Where was she?

  Then Jace saw Janet and Sam. “Oh thank God!” Jace whispered. Charlie’s guardians—well they were practically her parents—were ok. She would be happy.

  “Jace,” Sam called him over.

  Jace rushed to their side, face flushed with panic. “Yeah,” Jace asked. “Is Charlie ok? Where is she?” Jace’s eyes darted around. Sam and Janet both looked devastated, but Jace knew before Sam or Janet answered. He picked it out of Sam’s mind. Jace might not have been able to do so before, but with Sam so upset his shields where easily penetrated. “No,” Jace whispered on a croaked cry. “Someone has taken her, she’s gone! Gone like the other supernatural beings.” Jace stated.

  “Yes,” Sam said putting his head down in dismay. “We can’t even use our abilities to find her. We have let her down again. Whoever kidnapped Charlie,” Sam shook his head, “Well they’re very well diverse in power.”

  “I am afraid for her.” Janet cried, “She’s not used to this kind of world. Jace, we have to find her.”

  Jace closed his eyes, heart breaking into a thousand pieces.

  If anything was to happen to her! Whoever has her and lays one finger on her beautiful head . . . So help me, I will kill them!

  Jace clenched his fist in fury. He thought about her face, her eyes. To him she was beautiful. Charlie was everything a guy could want, full lips and curves that never stopped. She was the sun and stars, funny and full of life.

  My night and day!

  He could not lose her. He would not lose her!

  I am not going to lose her, Jace vowed.

  Jace had loved her from the moment she tossed her long brown hair in his face when she was just a little girl. He knew then he was lost. Jace wondered if she thought about that now that she can remember. He wondered if she knew what her scent does to him. He wondered if she knew that when the sun shined on her hair, that you could see a touch of gold and amber color. Jace smiled thinking of her. His body got hard at the thought of this beautiful being becoming his. Owning-claiming-taking! That was all he wanted, Jace wanted her. She was the one for him.

  Always has been. My stubborn little Fox! Jace chuckled inwardly.

  Jace burned thinking of his Fox.

  Damn it, not mine yet.

  Jace just had to convince her, but first he had to find her. Jace thought Tru was no good for her.

  If only she knew how much I love her, how much I need her.

  Jace knew he would give his life for her and by saving her; Jace just might.

  Determined now more than ever Jace said, “Don’t worry, we will get her back. I will get her back, and in one peace.”

  Chapter Twenty Two


  Nikko picked up his phone and keys, but he couldn’t for the life of him find his wallet.

  Last place he had it with him, Nikko recalled, was at Charlie’s house for her birthday party. So maybe he thought he had left it there. Nikko really hoped it was at her house because he could not find it anywhere and he really wanted that wallet, besides it was his favorite. Nikko pulled Charlie’s name up from his contacts. He chuckled softly remembering Charlie telling him that she didn’t know why she had a phone when she hardly ever got a call or text.

  “Well, today you will be getting a call from me.” He murmured as the phone started to ring.

  The phone rung and rung, then her voicemail picked up.

  “Hey this is Charlie, you know what to do.”

  Perplexed Nikko said, “Why have a cellphone if you are not going to answer? Call me!”

  He hung up deciding he would go to her house and see if she was home. Maybe then they could find his wallet and if it’s not at her house, Nikko thought he would enlist her for the job of finding it. Nikko nodded and headed out the door.

  Chapter Twenty Three


  “Wake up Kitten. Kitten, wake up. Come on Kitty-Kitty, someone wants to talk to you.”

  I opened my eyes to the face of a Clown. I squeaked and jumped back. Well I tried to jump back, but seeing that I was tied up, I didn’t get too far. I had a feeling that I looked like a fish out of water, flopping around in my chair. Ugh. Great, the four cloaked Clowns again. When will these idiots get a grip and lose the costumes already?

  “So, is this you guys daytime wear? Or, do y’all have some freaking Clown fetish? Wait,” I tilted my chin, eyes going wide. “That’s it, isn’t it? You guys do have some creepy Clown fetish. You know, that’s just wrong and nasty on so many levels.” It’s just too bad all that was said on a croak.

  Man, my mouth was dry.

  It felt like they stuck cotton balls down my throat.

  Maybe they did, who knows, these guys seemed to like Clowns an awful lot, so I wouldn’t put anything past them.

  For my flippant tone, again, I was back handed and this time my mouth filled up with blood. Ooh, on the plus side, now my mouth wasn’t dry any more.


  Hey-who knows, if they keep this up I might turn into a Vampire.

  I vont to drink your blood.

  “I like you Kitten… And that mouth of yours…. There’s something about that mouth of yours that has me wanting to taste it.” Moe-Creepy grimaced. “Me and you, well, where going to get along great.” I didn’t know if he meant that sarcastically, or if he was serious. Meanwhile, Moe-Creepy continued. “Just keep that pretty little mouth moving for me, ok?” Something strange glinted in his eyes just then, and he reached for me. Seeming to know what he was doing, Moe-Creepy stopped himself from touching me. He glanced over at the others, then he turned back to me and I saw determination flash in his eyes. Moe-Creepy leaned in and patted my cheek none to gently, soon, I thought bitt
erly, I’ll be looking like a prune! Joy! He looked at me intently and said, “Does this Kitten have claws to go along with that sharp tongue?” What was with the look? Also, why was he reaching for me?

  I didn’t say a word.

  “Now,” he cleared his throat, “As I was saying Kitten, you have a visitor and she is looking quite forward to seeing you.” He brushed my hair kinda reverently-that’s strange. Catching himself again, he snatched his hand back. He turned and glided smoothly over to the door and opened it. That’s when my world crumbled around me, I watched in befuddlement as Kate sauntered in.

  The first thing I thought was: Oh thank God they found me.

  Then I thought: Now that was a stupid thought.

  Followed up by: Oh crap she was taken to?

  Yeah, my mind works in mysterious ways, because when the truth hit me, I was speechless.

  “Charlie, how have my boys been treating you?” Kate asked.

  I looked at her, what did she mean her boys? She only has one boy-and that boy is Jace her charge. Why the plural? Kate smiled wickedly.

  “Um, err, um? Huh?”

  That was what came out of my mouth. It was as if someone had taken all coherent speech and thrown it to the wind. Kate laughed

  “Oh dear, Asher, I think a cat must have gotten her tongue.”

  She purred, grinning with a slight chuckle in her tone. Moe-Creepy took off his Clown getup. He smiled at me showing teeth, fanged teeth! Oh man, he was a Vampire! He could have killed me! I just wonder why he held back, maybe because Kate didn’t want me dead. However, next time I won’t think of supernatural’s as just people, for some reason I had convinced myself that-that was all they were, just people… Never again. As I thought this, Kate was giving Mo-Creepy, err I mean Asher, a killer stare. Asher seemed to not care that Kate was giving him nasty looks; he was a little preoccupied with me. He kept his eyes directly on me. I felt uneasy as Asher took all of me in like I was a big slab of bloody meat. Well that was almost certainly dead on, he probably did see me as meat, or better yet blood . . . I was Asher’s food!

  I decided to study him back, and immediately wished I hadn’t. Dang it, I liked what I saw. Asher had long beautiful blue-black hair that just brushed his shoulders, a well-defined jaw, long gorgeous lashes that brushed his cheeks when he blinked. There was a small scar that ran from his temple to his left eye, but still it did nothing to take away from Asher’s beauty! Dangling from his left ear was a tiny cross earring.

  I thought a Godly symbol would hurt a Vampire? Well, I guess that myth was blown all to hell! Great!

  Asher slanted his black eyes toward Kate, I watched in fear as they slowly turned red. I shivered at the sight of them.

  Asher started to move in a seductive way, peeling the cloak from his body. He swayed his hips.

  Hello Chip and Dales.

  Maybe it was for Kate’s benefit; however, I had this sinking feeling it was all for mine. Asher pulled the cloak off, letting it glide down his arms and fall to the floor, showing stunning milky-white-bare-skin. His body looked like it was chiseled from stone. A body of a God! Rock hard chest and abs that led down to…? Then the peep show was cut off beneath his leather clad pants. I looked back up and noticed he had a tattoo of a snake wrapped around his forearm, and that there was no hair what so ever on his chest, arms or belly. That had me wondering? But, I quickly pushed that thought away. I did not need to think about Asher in any way whatsoever. He quirked a smile, knowing where my thoughts were, I blushed. Ugh, I admit this grudgingly, but he was so hot!

  Still looking at me Asher said to Kate, “Mistress, I don’t think this one could lose her tongue.” His tone was sexy, a lazy just got out of bed sound. “However,” Asher continued crossing the room fast. I blinked, he had moved so fast I barely saw him. It was unreal! He leaned down, coming to close for comfort. I watched wide-eyed as his nostrils flared. Asher was taking in my scent, he closed his eyes and shuttered. I felt his breath brushing the side of my cheek. I wanted out of here, now.

  Asher opened his eyes, licked his fangs grinning wickedly and said, “I would love to sink my teeth into that pleasant little tongue of yours Kitten.” I cringed; he laughed smacking his lips and stepped back.

  “You wish blood sucker, and if you come anywhere near me with those fangs, I will bite you back!” I muttered rolling my eyes, he laughed.

  Freaking leach.

  “Ah, I see what you mean Asher. So our Charlie has been given you a bit of trouble. I would not expect anything more than arrogance from Lilly and Nathaniel’s child.”

  I looked up sharply at the mention of my biological parents names, into eyes of hate and distaste.

  “Well,” I snarled. “Thank you very much, but what is your excuse.”

  Kate looked at me a long time. She shook her head and said, “Dimitri, Erik, and Quilisa you are dismissed. Please leave us.” Kate waved her hands in a shooing gesture. Promptly as their master bid, the three Clowns that didn’t take off their mask turned and left. I was left in the room with a crazy woman and a blood sucking leach. Joy!

  “Kate, what’s going on? Are you the one in charge here?” I asked feeling sick.

  I thought I knew her, now that I could remember, I thought she was one of the good guys. Did Jace know about this? No, Jace didn’t know. For some reason I would know if Jace betrayed me.

  “He will never love you dear.” Asher quirked an eyebrow at what Kate just said. I looked at her curiously. “Oh,” Kate rambled on. “He might tell you that he does. But, I know how it will all play out.”

  Who was she talking about? I glanced at Asher; his lips were pursed together in a thin line. I looked back at Kate. Was she talking about Tru or Jace? Did she just read my mind? But how? She is? Or was a guardian? I don’t know now if she’s still a guardian, when you torture other supernaturals for no reason, does the rules still apply? Anyway, guardians only have two powers and mind reading was not one. So, something was very wrong.

  “What’s going on?” I asked. “I know you are reading my mind! Um, I think, but how? And why are you doing this?”

  Kate smiled; it was a cold calculated smile, the kind that told you bad things were going to happen so sit back and enjoy the ride. “I have found a way to achieve the ultimate power.” Her voice sounded commanding as she said ultimate power. She raised an eyebrow. I looked at her shaking my head.

  Um, what could I say, really: Jezz Kate, that’s wonderful, but you need me and the other supernaturals, why? Also, when did you turn into an evil hag? Or how about this one. . Why don’t you just go to hell now? Please.

  All of that sounded good, but I had this feeling if I said it out loud, I would so regret every word. However, I did get pure satisfaction knowing she could read my mind Kate was ignoring my inner monologue.

  Dang it!

  “See Charlie, we are the followers.” She stopped and looked at me.

  “Okay,” I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “You have me hooked, the follower of what exactly?”

  Kate pursed her lips and closed her eyes. I’m guessing she was trying hard not to smack me around like leechy. I glanced over at our Vamp, finding that he was not looking at Kate. Gulp. He was looking at me. I shuttered, forcing down vomit that was threatening the back of my throat, Asher smirked, noticing my shutter, he slowly licked his lips. I quickly glanced away; my face was now flaming with heat. I brought my attention back to Kate were it needed to be.

  “Followers, of our lord and liege.” Kate smiled; slowly she moved her hands up the length of her body, closing her eyes Kate breathed heavily.

  Good God, the woman looked like she was about to have an orgasmic experience. Well, not while I’m sitting here!

  Hell-to-the no!

  “Oh,” I said sarcastically before Kate could blow up in front of me. Gross, get a room. “You mean God? So am I!” I smiled innocently.

  Kate stopped in mid movement to gape at me, Asher on the other hand thought this was funny, he bellowed out
a laugh. That, was so the wrong thing to do. By the look in Kate’s eyes, she was pissed off. Man, I just hope Kate doesn’t take Asher’s laughter out on me. Stupid leech. Kate spun on Asher. The air crackled with her rage, power fumed off Kate’s body in waves, her fury was so thick and palpable that you could feel it physically. Spark’s like lightning flickered out from her body, tiny tendrils of hands reaching for something to touch. All of a sudden I was frightened and really afraid of what might happen, a charge of overwhelming power grew heavy in the small room. I cringed at Kate‘s burning intensity. Asher, however, seemed to not be fazed; he just looked at her all smug with arrogance plastered on his face.

  Seeming to notice that she was about to lose it, Kate pulled back her rage and power; she bellowed, “That is enough. Never laugh at me again. Do you hear me? You can take leave as well.”

  A lot of expressions passed over Asher’s face: Anger, hatred, awe and distaste. Even so, he decided to go for submission, lowering his eyes Asher said through clenched teeth, “My apologies Mistress. I do believe that you’re right. . . I should have not laughed, it was rude.” He turned to me, and to my utter astonishment he gave me a wink. Smirking, Asher pushed himself up right and with a bow he said, “Lady’s.” Then he turned and left the room.

  I watched the white door close with a thud; my heart was pounding as I looked around the small white room for a way out. Kate and I were the only ones in this colorless room, and there were no photos hung on the walls, there was not even a window. So I knew my efforts of escape were futile. Sighing, I finally looked up at Kate, who was pacing back and forth, back and forth. The bad part of this was that I wished Asher would have stayed.


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