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A Blaze of Magic: Chosen Saga Book Two

Page 17

by J. L. Clayton

  Chapter Twenty Four

  The Traveler

  “Oh Charlie. Charlie!” Kate moved her head back and forth as she paced the small room. “How can you be the chosen one? Look at you!” She raised her hand pointing at me. “Pathetic!” With a mocking cynical laugh she gazed deeply into my eyes. I watched in fear as her blue eyes took a dark color, almost black.

  “Hey,” I said defensively. I swallowed. Oh God, did her eyes they just turn from blue to black? I had to do something to break this overwhelming surge of doom that was permeating the air, so with as much bravado that I could muster I snapped, “I did not ask for the job you know.”

  “Oh, right you are. If only I was given the gift that was bestowed upon you. He might love me then. He might call me his equal.”

  Kate ran her hands through her hair. She closed her eyes as she spun around laughing. The woman has freaking lost her mind, what little there was. I was trying to keep up. Who was this “he” anyways? And, what part did he play in my kidnapping? My mind was reeling with so many questions that I didn’t even notice Kate had stopped her erratic pacing and laughter to look intently at me. Not good Charlie. I gulped. The look she was giving me was pure wickedness. This once lovely woman had lost everything I thought was good about her, now she’s just a junky striving for that next fix. Somehow I knew her next fix was going to be me.

  “Don’t you see Charlie, you have what I want. Gods, you have what he wants. Ahhhhhhhhh!” Kate screamed madly. Her hands convulsed at her sides. She closed her eyes shaking, with a slow determined breath Kate ranted. “However,” she threw one hand in the air. “I will not let him have you. “ She pointed at me mockingly, as if to say I wasn’t his—whoever he was.

  That was just friggin peachy with me, like I wanted to be drawn into this madness.

  “You are not worthy of Crispin.” Kate raged ignoring my inner thoughts. “I am. I am.” She poked a perfectly manicured fingernail at her chest as she spoke. “I don’t understand. Crispin?” Kate murmured to herself. She sounded sad and pathetic; I almost felt sorry for her. “Why will you not share with your followers?” I shook my head as Kate started to cry.

  “Because,” she hissed. “We are nothing to him, nothing but sheep! His own personal sycophants!” Kate turned her penetrating eyes on me, tears streaming down her face. Kate shouted. “All I ever wanted was his love.” She wiped her face hard with the back of her hand, as if the tears themselves offended her. Anger bled into her eyes. “But,” she said. “He will never love me until you’re gone.” A flash of something wicked crossed her face. “All Crispin ever talk’s about is the chosen one-the chosen one, the chosen one.” Kate chanted dolorously. I was afraid, very-very afraid. “Crispin always boasted about how she is his other half; how she is the one he was meant for.”

  I gave her a quizzical look. What was she talking about? Who is this Crispin?

  “I know what you are thinking,” She tapped her head hard. “Who I am talking about? Oh, Charlie,” Kate laughed bitterly. “Crispin is the evil Traveler that you keep hearing about.” Kate smiled coldly as her words penetrated my mind.

  I was shocked so much that I thought my mouth had hit the floor. God this can’t really be happening, can it?

  Crispin—the Traveler—my dream guy? Oh God. No. No. No. Because of the Traveler/my dream guy liking me and he thought I was his other half . . . I was going to die.

  “You’re the one that is supposed to destroy him,” Kate laughed. It sounded harsh. “And he thinks you’re his other half,” She laughed again.

  Oh hey, I was right with crazy, this time. It was all laughable. I can’t be the destroyer of anyone.

  “Crispin is to blinded by his infatuation to believe the prophecy Subrand foretold,” Kate looked at me frowning. “I cannot let you be the Traveler’s downfall, not someone as pathetic as you.”

  I had nothing to say to that, my mind was trying to understand that Crispin was the name of the Traveler—my dream guy— and he is the reason I was in this damn place. Grrr!

  “But, really.” Kate continued, “You are nothing, merely a peasant. Crispin will soon know this and then he will love me. Crispin will finally accept me. Me!” Kate screamed.

  I watched this in a kinda horror-fascination. Kate had totally lost her mind. Gone was any evidence of a sane woman, all that was left was this crazy, insane person. But, what could I expect from her? She was, after all, playing for the wrong team.

  Kate’s eyes had a far off look, I coughed, “Kate?”

  “Hmm?” She asked fixing her eyes on me.

  “Where’s Jerold at? Is he in on this too?” Does Jerold know you are in love with someone else? Does he know you have lost your mind and you’ve went completely crazy! But I held those thoughts to myself knowing she could hear it anyway.

  Kate smiled coldly, saying, “See, Jerold and I have an understanding,” she laughed, “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” She shrugged.

  I felt sick and sorry for Jerold and I can only blame the next words that came out of my mouth on this feeling that Jerold was somehow getting the raw end of the deal. My mouth, dammit to hell was not up to speed with my mind. My mind screamed for me to shut up. This woman could kill me just like that, but my mouth didn’t seem to care.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  “Okay, so Jerold isn’t a part of this mad house? And you’re the crazy one?” I asked. Yeah stupid.

  Kate merely shrugged, “I would not say that . . . “She clucked under her breath. “No we’ve been the Traveler’s followers from many, many centuries. Going all the way back to. . .” Kate looked at me for a dramatic effect. She grinned. It was the most evil grin I had seen on a woman. “Well back when Tru’s ancestor Isha . . . You heard of him right?” She didn’t wait for a reply, “That poor man had a run in with Crispin. Mind you we were not among the ones who were privileged to kill the Indians, but I heard from Crispin that it was an extraordinary kill.”

  I seethed. God I wanted to rip her head off. “What? You knew about Tru’s family and did nothing?” I was about ready to bust with anger. Even if I just found out she was a bad person, I still had a sliver of hope in side of me that somewhere inside of her there was a good person.

  How pathetic was that? She clearly had none.

  “Why?” Kate looked at me truly disbelieving that I would ask such a question. “I only care for myself and Crispin. I don’t even care for Jerold; he is a means to an end.”

  Yeah, a raw end of a bone!

  I hated her with a passion just then, I wanted her dead: For Tru. For Rose. For Jace, even for Jerold the husband she would betray for someone she might never have. Even if Jerold was bad I hated her for him as well!

  “Oh, Charlie, your thoughts are so one sided. Don’t you ever judge me little girl or give me that self-righteous bullshit. Remember, you too are leading a double life. Loving two guys and lusting over others. Oh yes, you my dear have been playing with fire and I am the one who will burn you.”

  There were all kinds of bad words forming in my head, but she was right. But, in my defense, I don’t think that there is anything wrong with looking, as long as you don’t do anything about it.

  Yeah, I’m just going to keep telling myself that.

  Yet, I couldn’t let her get away with telling me what I already knew, or what I thought about myself. But before I had a chance, Kate stopped me.

  She said, “Charlie, don’t you know it is rude to interrupt someone when that someone is telling you a story. A story that will change your life forever.”

  I bit my lip. When was she telling me a story? All it sounded like was crazy talk.

  Kate nodded and went on. “As I was saying, after our Lord slaughtered all of Isha’s tribe he left the man with a little message. Crispin told Isha to tell his people that if they ever cross him, all would be damned, but you probably already knew this . . . Yes?”

  “Yeah, but why?” I cut in.

  Screw this ridiculousness. I didn
’t understand her crazy talk. Kate was everywhere and trying to keep up was useless.

  “Why-why? Because he could. Crispin is the Traveler . . . He is power.”

  I had all I could take of this crazy-going-around-in-circles-not-making-sense talk Kate was doing. I wanted to know why I was here, the past was the past. I didn’t want to hear about something I already knew. “Why am I here? Why do you need me? Better yet, why do you need everyone else as well? Why are we caged up like animals? Why?”

  “So many questions! Why? Why? Tell me, why do the clouds move and the birds chirp? Because they do! Does that answer you?”

  I shook my head violently. No, that did not answer me. I was so dealing with a psycho.

  “No,” Kate smiled. “I suppose it would not suffice. Charlie, I need you. See, after Tru’s family declared war on the Traveler and his followers, I knew it was time to take matters into my own hands. I went to Crispin. I begged him to share some of his power. I told him he needed all the help he could get. Even so, Crispin laughed at me. See, he would not allow us more power. I could not accept that, so I found someone that would help me and that someone made a little machine. A machine that could suck power out of any supernatural being.” She smiled, I shivered. “That little machine had the mechanics to transport their power into another. Do you know who that other is?” I nodded sickly, she grinned wickedly laughing, “Me!”

  “W-what?” I stammered, “That’s why we are here then, you are killing us for your own personal gain? For power? But why are you waiting on me?” I asked knowing that was stupid, but I wanted to know why… If she wanted my power, then why not take it now?

  “Yes, that is right and I am waiting for the right moment to hook you up.” She crooned.

  I felt sick. “Who made the machine?” I felt myself going numb as I asked. I was hoping she would tell me.

  Besides, isn’t that how all movies go? The evil villains think they will get away with it, so they tell their dastardly plan and how it came about! “Who was the man? Who is the man that would make such a thing?”

  Kate smiled at me, “Why Eli made the machine.” She said simply. “He’s a genius you know. If not for him,” Kate shrugged tilting her head to the side eyebrows lifted. “The power shield that is set to block your power would not be up and running right now, plus that wonderful machine would not be invented.”

  “But why? How?” I asked feeling betrayed.

  Kate smiled again, “I asked Eli for help.” I looked at her in shock and outrage. “Oh don’t worry, he didn’t betray you. Eli had no clue why I needed the machine. That silly man never asked me why I needed it . I told him it was for the Traveler, and he believed me. That, cupped with a little persuasion goes a very long way. Poor man is to kind to think I would do evil. If Eli only knew what he has done.” She laughed, it was an evil sound. “However,” Kate continued, “Now it is too late, the deed is done and soon he will be dead as well.” Kate tapped my nose after every word. “Just,” tap. “Like,” tap. “You,” tap.

  I closed my eyes in despair. We are all doomed. I was going to die here in this place. Oh, Eli what have you done? A flash of anger hit me and I blurted out before thinking, “So, congratulations, you’re a first class bitch. God, why are you telling me all this?” I was so mad! Well, if I was going to die, then I was going down with words.

  Reading my mind Kate shook her head saying, “I am telling you because I like seeing and feeling your pain. It has a sweet taste.” She shook her head, “There is nothing you can say that will make me kill you sooner than I wish, Charlie. You will die in time, once all of your power is drained, and you are nothing but a shell of yourself.” Kate grinned at me. Abruptly, she turned on her heal and left the room.

  I watched her go. Suddenly, tears welled up in my eyes and started to slowly stream down my face. Hours, minutes, seconds. I had no clue how long I’d been sitting there crying, but it seemed like a lifetime had passed. I was defeated, and all I wanted to do was just sleep. I was supposed to be the chosen one. Now that was laughable. How was I going to destroy the Traveler? I couldn’t even get myself out of this, but if I did have my powers.

  Gosh, I would even be happy to get my nightlight gift back. At least then I could set someone on fire, well I could try anyways. Perhaps I should be glad that I was just a normal girl again, besides, isn’t that what I wanted all along? To just be normal… and now, thinking of my fire power brought my mother and father to the forefront of my mind. I hoped they made it out of the house before it burned down. I started to cry again. If they didn’t make it out If—I was the cause of the fire —but then again, if Kate was the reason for my house catching on fire and my mom and dad didn’t make it out...

  I shook my head and wiped my face on my shoulder as good as I could. Freaking ropes. Ugh, I had to find a way out of this. I just had to. While I waited for whatever, my mind went to dark places. What if Kate sucked out all the power in the supernatural world? What would she do to the Earth world when she finally achieved her goal? What would happen to my friends? I sighed. My tears finally stopped coming and numbness settled over my body as I sat there waiting for someone to come and end this–end my existence. I just hoped that when I’m hooked up to the machine, that it won’t hurt too much.

  I was nodding off, pretty sure that I was going to be here for a while. It already seemed like several hours had passed and yet no one even came to take me back to my prison, or to the machine Kate told me about. Finally I was too worn out to care if someone was coming to get me and my body hurt all over so I decided to rest, but just as my eyes were closing; I heard someone opening the door. I wasn’t surprised to see Asher walking in. God he looked badass: A nineteen or twenty something year old Gothic punk, dressed in all black, from his biker boots to the black duster that was flung over his broad shoulders. Yeah, he sure was taking this whole undead thing to heart.

  I smiled coyly, “A little cliché aren’t we?” I tilted my chin at him.

  “Well it is all how you look at it. I do like the gothic look myself. Are you saying I don’t look good right now?” He placed his hand over his heart in mock hurt, Asher then stepped close to me. There was a glint of something I couldn’t grasp flash in his eyes. Sympathy, maybe longing, lust, and kindness perhaps, I didn’t know. He leaned down and started untying me. I swallowed, I was uneasy with him so close to me.

  “Are you freeing me?” I smiled.

  “Oh, unfortunately not Kitten. As much as I like you’re company, I can’t set you free. The bosses’ rules you know.” He shrugged, “You my Sweet, are going back into your cage.”

  I narrowed my eyes, “Well good, because I would rather be with them than any of you.”

  Asher smiled sadly. I didn’t understand why. He bent down and lifted me up. I squirmed trying to push him away.

  Asher tightened his grip pulling me against his chest he said. “Shh, Kitten, this won’t hurt a bit.”

  My heart was pounding as Asher pushed my hair to one side exposing my neck. I opened my mouth. I knew what was to come, but before I could scream. He moved in with a predator’s speed sinking his teeth into my neck. I gasped, thrashing. God this was the end, I thought bitterly. There was a sharp sting; I knew my life was over. I fought with all I was worth, but Asher’s grip was too tight. Something strange started to happen; slowly I began to feel good. Heat stirred in the pit of my stomach seeping to my core, a burst of ecstasy hit me with a force of a hammer. I gasped in pleasure, and then something extraordinary happened . . . there was a click and Asher’s thought’s started to flood my mind.

  Asher: She tastes so good, can’t stop feeding. Must stop feeding, have to help! Have to save her! But her blood’s so good, have to have more! No, must stop now! She is so powerful, need more. No, need to stop.

  Slowly his thoughts faded and lethargy took over my body. I was floating on air. I could see my body lifting up. I didn’t care anymore because this feeling was too good for me to be worried that Asher was taking
too much blood. He can have it all as long as this feeling never leaves me.

  Quickly, Asher pulled back gasping. Huskily he said, “One down, two-to go and we will be bonded.”

  The heat faded, and reality settled in. I looked at him in disgust, he grinned at me sadly. “Why?” I choked out.

  “Shh, it’s not so bad being bonded with me.”

  “Why?” I asked again tears falling from my eyes.

  “I had to.” He said briskly, “This is going to help you, I promise.”

  “No,” I shook my head in disbelief.

  “Kitten, no one can get to you, you are shielded right now and no one can find you. I have to do this to get you out. It will be ok.” Asher whispered into my ear, “Kitten, you tasted so damn good. I almost couldn’t stop.” I tried to push him away. I could feel his breath warm on my cheek, touching me like a lover. I felt sick.

  “Don’t,” I choked out. “Don’t you ever do that to me again; I swear if you do you will not live to regret it.” I said it with as much bravado that I could muster.

  Asher gave me a regrettable grin, and then he leaned down and kissed the bridge of my nose. His eyes intent on mine, feeling up with emotions. I started to shake, not knowing what he was going to do to me next. Feeling sick and hating him for what he had just done and how it made me feel. Oh God no. Don’t, I thought as Asher touched my lips with his. I kept mine tightly closed glaring.

  “Shh, it’s ok. Close your eyes and forget this ever happened between us. Kitten, go to sleep and forget until next time.”

  I tried to fight his compulsion, but his mind was to strong and my powers where out. Slowly I obeyed, hating him even more. My eyes closed and I forgot everything that just happened with Asher. All that I could remember was what Kate told me, how we were her playthings and we were all going to die by this crazy woman’s hands.


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