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The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)

Page 2

by Hudson, Stephanie

  I decided the only way I was going to warm up without Draven was to take a warm shower. I was so tired but I was fighting against it, as I wanted to wait for him to come back. I hadn't been in the bathroom since my nightmare when I first saw Sammael but I knew I didn't have anything left to fear when it came to that Demon, as I had witnessed Draven send him back to the underworld.

  I got undressed and let the warm shower caress my skin, making my muscles ease and relax. I loved water and enjoyed it even more when it washed away my troubles along with cleansing my skin. By the time I was finished my hair was squeaky clean and my fingertips looked like raisins but I smelled great thanks to some luxurious bathroom products. Once I had dried myself off, I got dressed back into my clothes and went to sit on the couch hoping Draven wouldn't be long.

  When I next awoke it was dark and I was still half asleep but I was aware that I was being carried towards the bed. Strong arms gripped me tightly to a hard chest and I sighed taking in the tremendous scent. This was one of the things that always took my breath away with Draven. He always made my bones turn to jelly at just the smell of his skin. I still had my eyes closed as he laid me on the bed gently but I felt the covers move back with one swift movement. His arms left my body leaving my skin feeling cold in their absence. He then pulled the covers back up over me.

  I was waiting for him to get in next to me but he didn't. I could still feel him lingering over me before a hand came to my face. I felt fingers softly trace my cheek, running up to move the hair that had fallen over one side of my face. Then before his hands could leave me, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him to me. I lifted up my face to his before he could pull away. I didn't understand why he would want to pull away from me but before I could think about it in depth, my lips found his and everything stopped.

  At first his lips wouldn't respond and I was doing all the work but as soon as this thought hit me his lips parted, letting me in. His mouth was warm and so soft but his kiss tasted different. However my mind was still filled with an intoxication that I couldn't break from and this is where I found my drug of choice.

  His hand held my face and just before his kiss got even more intense he pulled back suddenly, causing me to open my eyes. I was about to protest and try to pull him back to me as my body was screaming to be touched but then the faint moonlight touched the side of his face, making his perfect features light up like the Angel he was. I gasped and bit down on my lip so hard I thought I would taste blood. Of course it was a Draven just not the one I was used to.

  It wasn't Dominic.... Oh no,

  It was Vincent!

  Chapter 2


  “Oh No.... Oh... I'm so, so,... so sorry, I thought...” I couldn't continue as I was so ashamed of what I had just done but Vincent didn't move. I was screaming with embarrassment inside but on the outside I couldn't even find the right words. I sat up, suddenly being wide awake and it felt as if my skin was going to melt off my cheek bones. I covered my face in my hands wishing I could take it back....what was Dominic going to say? Already I was referring to him as Dominic so as not to get confused even more.....well you sure couldn't fault my logic! I felt warm fingers find my hands and start to pull them slowly from my face.

  “Keira please don't hide yourself, it was not your were not to know it was me.” He said this so sweetly I couldn't help but feel worse. I tried not to look at him but now there was a glow of candle light, which helped in lighting up my guilty red face. He remained bent down on one knee, so that he could see me better.

  “Look at me” he asked me and unlike his brother, it didn't sound like a command. His hand found my chin and lifted my face so my eye line met his. His eyes looked like blue crystals, full of emotion set in a handsome angelic face. His blonde hair was smooth curls, all pulled back from his face. It was the first time I had seen him looking so casual, wearing a tight white t shirt and jeans that fit him very well, too well in fact, I felt wrong for thinking how sexy he looked in them. God what was wrong with me! Well at least I could say I was only human.

  “I am so sorry Vincent” I said but he just smiled making my heart melt.

  “There is nothing to be sorry about Keira, but in future, I think it best if Dominic himself were the one to put you to sleep” He was still smiling and he playfully ruffled my hair before getting up. But then something made him stop to turn and look at me one last time, before leaving me alone with my shame. The way his gaze had penetrated me, it made me blush seeing his soft eyes suddenly looking hungry for another kiss. Then he shook his head, as though he was trying to get the memory of my lips out of his mind. He left the room swiftly, almost like he had just taken flight, leaving the room in darkness once again.

  “Good night Keira...sleep well.” He echoed, his voice penetrating the walls before sounding further away and then fading into nothing but a bitter whisper. I threw my head down on to the pillow face first, I grabbed the other pillow and buried my head deep within the two, hoping I would wake and find it had all been a dream.

  “Oh no...what have I done?” I said out loud knowing that Dominic would know about this, he would find out one way or another. I wonder if Vincent would tell him? Oh God, Oh God.....There was just one word that kept going round and round my mind......


  I must have fallen asleep at some point but I had no idea how it happened as, after what I did last night, I never thought I would have been calm enough to sleep again! When I woke it was still dark but I soon realised this was because of the curtains that had been pulled around the bed, encasing me in a material island. I was lying on my front and my hair was loose, hanging down as I lifted my head up. I stretched out like a feline but froze when I felt my hands touch another body. I almost cringed as the memories of last night’s mistake came flooding back to me.

  I don't know why but my heart started pounding in my chest as I moved my curtain of hair back to discover it was Draven (Dominic that was) lying next to me. What else did I expect?

  I looked at him and my eyes met perfection, only for a change he was still asleep. It was the first time I had seen him like this and I couldn't help but smile at being able to study his features at length. It's not as if I hadn't looked before but I couldn't help the fact that being around Draven still had me in knots. Sometimes he was just so intimidating that I found myself looking away from his intense gaze, so this was nice to be able to stare freely without feeling the heat flood my cheeks.

  I tried to move closer to his face that seemed to be lost in a peaceful state of sleep. His strong jaw moved slightly as I turned on my side to face him. There was enough light coming through the cracks to show every detail. I had to resist the urge to stretch my arm out to touch his face, to brush a piece of his black hair from his olive skin. There was dark stubble covering his solid jaw line and framing his perfect lips. I followed it up to his straight nose, resting my eyes where his were still closed. He literally took my breath away. My dark Angel. His dark Demon.

  I don't know how long I was starting at him, getting lost in his splendour but my bladder decided for me to get up and use the bathroom. I turned my head begrudgingly away from him and moved off the bed slowly so as not to wake him. His reactions were so lightning fast, I couldn’t help the little shriek that came from my lips as his strong hands gripped my arms, pulling my body to his, as though I should have never been allowed to move in the first place. My heart rate rocketed for two reasons, one being that I was scared about what his reaction would be at finding out what had happened last night with his brother and the other was the feel of his immense manhood pressing into my back. Ok, so it was more the second reason but I couldn't help it, just the feel of him made the memories of the intense pleasure he caused me during sex was enough to get any girl’s heart rate up. Hell I thought I would find my release, just thinking about it!

  His huge arms were wound tightly around my torso and his head was above mine, he hadn't woken, so grabbing me had just be
en a reflex action and the thought made me smile to myself. I waited for his breathing to become steady again before I tried to move. Don't get me wrong I would have stayed like this all morning, day and night but my bladder was now screaming out at me and I wanted to pee before it resorted to cursing. Getting free was no easy task, as every time I moved he just held me tighter. I managed to wiggle out of his hold and shimmied down, getting very embarrassed when the back of my head got closer to his.... umm.....Sergeant. I had to resist the urge to giggle at what I had christened his large manhood. I know I was being a prude but the term penis was too much like sex education and the other words sounded too vulgar! So Sergeant it was!

  Once I got free, I slipped out of the curtain without letting in too much light and shuddered when my bare feet touched the slate tiled floor. I was still wearing what I had put on last night and when I lifted the t shirt to my face I was glad it still smelt fresh thanks to the shower I had last night. Once in the bathroom, I decided not only to use the toilet but to brush my teeth to get rid of morning breath and to wash my face. I brushed my tangled, messy hair and tied it back into a high ponytail. It was still wavy from not being able to dry it last night, so it curled up at the ends by my waist.

  I really needed to get another hair dryer for when I was here. But wait... what was I saying? How did I know that Draven would still want me after last night. That thought was a painful one. I stared at myself in the gorgeous gilded mirror and my reflection didn't help my paranoia. My pale skin looked even paler than usual, thanks to the cold chill in the air. My eyes looked almost as black as the lashes that framed them and my lips were the only part of me that held any colour, like a red heart painted on a blank, white canvas.

  I shook off the feeling of dread and walked back into the room only what faced me filled me with even more dread.....Draven was now awake. The curtains had all been pushed back and Draven was still lying in the bed looking at me. The falling covers revealed muscle after muscle on his torso and wasn’t the only strong thing I could see. It was very evident that he was now, most definitely wide awake and his Sergeant looked like it could be used to bludgeon someone to death! The whole sight made me swallow hard. I could tell by his face that he didn't yet know the awful truth, as he was smiling at me with a wide, cocky grin.

  “What are you doing over there and dressed may I ask?” His voice sent a shiver down my already cold back and I bit my lip at what the sound of that voice did to me. It was so rough and deep, with lashings of authority to it. Oh yeah, he most definitely didn't know, rather that or he damn well knew how to play it cool before erupting. I stayed silent because I really didn't know how I was going to tell him. I walked over to him but stopped before I got to the bed and it didn't help when he started frowning, as I paused to lean on his desk. I'd not felt like this since the time my neighbour’s baby had thrown up on my homework and I had to try and explain it to my science teacher the next day. I’d received a hundred lines on reasons not to lie.

  “Draven we need” My voice didn't sound like my own and it didn't help that he wasn't taking me seriously because he was grinning... like it was funny?! Well he wouldn't be so amused in a minute and as someone very familiar at witnessing Draven’s temper, this was not going to be pretty.

  “Is that so?” He said as though he was mocking me, still with his confident grin that wouldn't leave his lips. He was propped up on his side, with his hand holding his head up on his elbow, he looked like Adonis. He wasn't taking me seriously, that much was clear. He then patted the bed as a gesture for me to join him but I knew if I went over there, then no will on earth would stop me making love to him before I could finish my disgraceful goal. But when I didn't move, his smile disappeared and was replaced with another frown. His eyes burned into mine, black and intense.

  “If I didn't know any better I would say you looked afraid of me Keira, is this true?” I couldn't do anything but nod, not needing to meet his dark gaze.

  “Why in the world would you be frightened?.... Here.... Come to me.” This was one of Draven’s orders but I still couldn't move. I was rooted to the spot like it was the safest place to be.

  “I think I should stay here until you hear what I’ve got to say” I said, without any backbone at all. He tilted his head to one side and commanded in a dark tone

  “Look at me.” Which was a bad idea, as it felt as if he was trying to burrow inside my head, making me do his will.

  “Don't do that!” I said, getting angry that he was trying to use his powers on me but he just laughed.

  “Then obey me and come here.” His face was soft and I couldn't help but trust his easy smile.

  “I doubt you will still want that, after I tell you what I’ve’s something bad….like really bad.... but it was a mistake and completely my fault!” I blurted out and he laughed again as though I was missing something.

  “Poor Vincent, I doubt he found it that bad.” He laughed again but this time I was sure it was at the sight of my face drop.

  “What…how… you already know?” I asked dumbfounded.

  “Of course, but you are not at fault” he said so matter of fact that I had to shake my head at him.

  “You’re not angry?”

  “I might be a jealous fool over you Keira but I do know the difference between an honest mistake and one not so innocent.” He said this last part as if he remembered seeing Jack kissing me in his club.

  “However” he said drawing out the word before continuing.

  “I will get angry if you don't give me what I want and you have kept me without your skin on mine for far too long, come here.” He nodded next to him and I bit my lip, loving how demanding he was for my body. I walked over to the bed, taking my time and watching his aggravation grow made me smile.

  He grabbed my body before I had chance to sit down on the bed and pulled me so close to him I could feel his passion for me press hard up against me. Well it looks like even Demon/Angel half breeds get a morning glory! His lips found mine before I could speak and his tongue parted my lips, creating a fire in my lower belly. The intoxicating taste of his tongue on mine had something else in me burning very quickly. His hands ran up my back and into my hair. He pulled my hair band out gently, letting my hair flow down around us both. But before I could get too carried away (ok too late for that), we needed to talk about this. So when his lips left mine and started to travel down to my neck, I took my opportunity to ask him.

  “How did you know?” My voice was shaking with the pressure building between my legs that his kiss was doing to me.

  “Vincent told me.” He said as if it was obvious. He sat up and when I did the same he shook his head telling me no. He gently pushed me back down as he expertly removed my clothes in silence. His eyes scanned every part of my now exposed skin and I saw his jaw twitch as he ground his teeth together. His hands gripped the top of my thighs and explored further up to my cheeks, once there he ground me into him further. I let out a moan as I felt it rub up against my weak spot.

  “Draven I think...mmm.” I was stopped in my tracks as the feeling was getting more elevated.

  “You were saying” He said into my neck but I had lost my words and my mind for that matter. His hands were still pulling my body into him and moving me to his will. I felt like a bendy doll that just wanted to be played with!

  We were soon on our sides, facing each other then he pulled me down to the right height. He was looking down at me with hunger in his eyes. His hands found the inside of my legs and he spread them apart, so he could then enter me. The force made my back arch and I screamed out. His hands fought my body’s reaction, as I tried to pull up but the hands on my hips were stronger and pulled me back down onto his solid manhood, causing me to shriek out again.

  The pleasure was clearly too much for me to take and I climaxed after only what seemed like seconds. But as he continued to thrust against me, he got even more aroused by the noises I was making. He growled at the sound of me s
creaming, which brought me back to the bed that was getting a pounding. His hands held my wrists down over my head and his mouth found my exposed nipple. I looked down to see the deep, purple ring around his black eyes as the Demon side was dominating his powerful body. He saw me looking at him and this seemed to drive him into a supreme frenzy. His hands left my wrists and fisted into either side of the pillow under my head, so as he could tear it apart. Ripping it in half caused spotless white feathers to rain down, landing on my equally white skin.

  Then his arms wrapped around my body so tightly, I could only just breathe as I knew what was coming next. For once he was the one to arch half his body upwards, taking some of me with him, as it was time for both of us to climax in perfect sync. His neck went back, the tendons straining against his skin as his head looked at the canopy above, he then released one last cry that turned into half a growl. The action reminded me of a wolf throwing his head up to howl at the moon.

  Meanwhile my head rolled back into the mass of feathers as I bit my lip to hold in the scream that found its way out anyway. When I had finished convulsing Draven's body collapsed on top of me and his weight was comforting. His head rested next to mine and I waited until his breathing calmed before speaking first.

  “Well... that was intense,” I said smiling but he whipped his head up to look at me seriously.

  “I didn't hurt you did I?”

  “No, no, of course not, what I meant was that it was intense, in a good way,” I said smoothing out the line that had formed in between his eyebrows.

  “Ah, well as long as you enjoyed it” he smirked and then winked at me making me melt like butter on a hot crumpet.

  “Umm... I don't think there would have been a woman alive or man for that matter that wouldn't have enjoyed that. That was bloody marvellous!” At this he let out a roar of laughter that made me jump.


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