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The Two Kings (Afterlife Saga)

Page 4

by Hudson, Stephanie

  “Catherine Keira Williams, I didn't bring you up to have that attitude and family is important, you surprise me!” Ah, so now it was time for the guilt trip....parents!

  “Mum please, I am just getting settled here and this is the last thing I need right now.” Ok so I know it was a cheap shot, going straight in for the guilt thing but trust me...when needs must!

  “Keira there would never be a right time for you to see your cousin in your book.” Damn straight I hated the bitch and a frozen Hell wouldn’t even cut it!

  “Does Libby know about this?”

  “Not yet but she won't say no, anyway it's only for a week or two.” I thought I was going to choke on my own tongue.

  “Anyway I will let you know the details love, talk to you soon, bye bye, kiss kiss.” And with that my mother put the phone down before I had chance to have the tantrum that I was very close to having.

  “Arrrgggg ....SHIT!” I screamed out before I could contain it any longer and man did Draven looked more stunned than ever.

  “Sorry about that but to say that I am pissed off right now would be a huge understatement!” I let my arms fly over my head like a drama queen. I had never been one for overacting but when it came to my cousin Hilary, no amount of overacting would ever be enough! She could give Margaret Thatcher a run for her money.

  “I take it, you don't like this person?” He was trying very hard to hide a grin and for a change he looked a bit worried about my reaction if he were to fail at concealing it.

  “Is there a stronger word for hate?!” I said bitterly.

  “I doubt you mean that.” He said as he followed me about the room that I was stomping round.

  “I bloody do! Trust me on this one, she is pure evil.” He might be almighty and powerful but when it came to keeping his face straight he failed miserably. His laughing didn't soften my features either.


  “I'm sorry but it is hard to believe that such a cute and adorable creature could be so angry, you are too loveable to hate anything Keira.” He caught my face in his hands and made me look up into his face and when he kissed me, I inevitably turned to putty.

  “May I ask what it is exactly that you do not like about this hell cat?” Umm... I liked that, Hell Cat... it had a nice ring to it. Of course it needed a few added words like…bitch, slut, skank, harlot, cow oh and man eater!

  “Everything!” At this he frowned as he wanted a serious answer. He didn't realise this was a serious answer.

  “Just trust me on this one. She is beyond a handful and she seems to make it her mission in life to make me miserable at every opportunity. She will try and steal you away, that I will bet my life on!” This had him laughing again and I can sort of understand why, this to him must seem a very trivial thing to hate over.

  “Well she can try but won't you feel satisfied when she doesn't succeed?” I have to admit I liked the idea.

  “She is very pretty, granted, but she would spread her legs for anything that has a pulse and a shiny new car but she does seem to get whatever she wants and when she sees that I have you, she will go in for the kill!” As soon as the last word was out of my mouth, he had picked me up and put me over his shoulder like a fireman. I let out a nervous giggle before he lay me gently on the bed. My legs dangled over the edge while he placed each hand on either side of my head. He came very close to my face before speaking.

  “Keira listen to me now when I say that I am yours as you are mine, do you understand?” I nodded as it was the only response I could give as I had lost all of my functions. The heavenly scent of his mouth had me hypnotized.

  “So we are not going to worry about this evil cousin are we?” He was shaking his head and speaking in a way that had me agreeing to anything he wanted. He pushed himself against me when I didn't answer quickly enough, so instead I moaned at the feeling he was creating between my inner thighs.

  “Good girl.” He said before his lips curved up on one side into a wicked grin. We stayed like that for some time, kissing like teenagers before his strong arm held my back and pulled me up until my body was fully on the bed. He held all his body weight on his arms above me and lowered to kiss me again like he was doing a press up. Things were about to get heated for the second time this morning when there was a knock at the door. Draven growled at the disruption.

  “LEAVE US!” He shouted but before they had chance to leave, I frowned at him and his black eyes softened.

  “Wait!” He said before smiling at me. He got off me and went to open the door to Candra who had brought some food. I sat up and smelled the fresh bread and hot teapot. My stomach made noises like it had radar. He stood back and waited for her to place the tray on the table and before leaving she bowed her head to him saying “My Lord.” Draven nodded in return but before she could leave I said.

  “Thank you Candra” And she turned looking shocked and then smiled gratefully before leaving. I got off the bed to tuck into a sticky croissant and some jam but more importantly a cup of tea which Draven had already poured for me.

  “Thank you” I said taking it from him but he just winked at me before pouring himself some juice. I still don't know why I kept getting shocked every time he did something so normal. I mean even Superman must eat and use the bathroom...surely?

  “So what would you like to do today?” Draven surprised me with this question and I had a feeling that the phone call with my mum had something to do with it.

  “Umm... I don't know. What brought this on?” I asked after swallowing a mouthful of butter pastry goodness.

  “Well I think your mother was right, I haven't gone about this the right way at all.” He was smirking at the idea of dating a human, I could tell.

  “To be fair Draven, when have we had the time, when exactly were we supposed to go on this date? I mean, before you kidnapped me and when you acted like you hated me or after, when we found out Morgan was coming for me?” I couldn't help but shake my head while laughing at the idea but he didn't seem to find the funny side.

  “Keira, I didn't kidnap you and I most certainly didn't hate you! But I guess I get your point, which makes me wonder, what you would have said if I had asked you out on a date, after our little car journey the second night you worked upstairs?” This question made me stop eating and look at him. Yep he was being serious.

  “Why... did you want too?” I swallowed hard while waiting for the answer.

  “I was thinking about it yes, but I had to fight with what was right and what I wanted. I am afraid my logic won over my heart that night. However I still didn't want to leave you. It was my first experience at being worried about someone I loved and unfortunately it was not to be the last time I felt this way.” I couldn't judge his facial expression this time although I am usually good at it, but this time it was like a sadness he was trying to hide. I could tell he was worried about something but I knew he would never tell me so.

  “But I am still curious as to what your answer would have been?”

  “That's a tough one, because if I were listening to my heart I would have said yes but the same as you I would have gone with my logic and said no.” At this he looked truly stunned and no wonder, with a man like Draven, you don't say no.

  “Why would your logic tell you that?” I think my answer knocked his ego slightly because now he had come to sit next to me and was giving me a very intense stare.

  “Because I knew there was something different about you and you did kind of scare me but come on, do you blame me?! I mean up until that point you treated me like I was ...was...”

  “Yes?” He raised his eyebrows but I just looked down at my hands.

  “Well, like I was some silly little plain and pale outsider that you needed to get out of your club quicker than cockroaches!”

  “Oh Keira, you can be so blind sometimes, you really don't look at yourself the way others do. I apologise for ever making you feel this way but I needed you to stay away from me at the time. You don't know the
endless nights I spent thinking. No not thinking but fantasising about touching that soft pale skin of yours.” At this he ran the back of his fingers up my bare arm, making me close my eyes and my breathing to become heavy.

  “Those times I am not proud of but now I have you, I will do anything to keep you and that includes making you happy, so back to that. What would you like to do today my sweet?” He leaned his head down to catch my smile with his lips and when he had finished he licked his lips saying,

  “Mmm, sweet indeed, jam has never tasted so good.” Then I went the colour of the jam but this seemed to just excite him more.

  “Ok I have made my mind up, can I go home?” I said while he was kissing my neck though it made him stop and look at me.

  “You don't like being here?”

  “No, no, it's not that, I love being here with you but I guess I'm just ready for things to get back to normal.”

  “Keira, you are dating a Demon/Angel half breed that has to control the worlds supernatural, I think you can kiss normality goodbye.” He said, laughing while he pushed his hair back with a pair of large hands. This was definitely a weak spot of mine. I just couldn't stop my heart from doing a back flip in my chest at the sight. It had me wondering what he would look like under an exotic waterfall, naked of course.

  “Well as close to normal as you can get around me, plus I need to do stuff at home, human stuff and not to mention I have no clothes left.”

  “Now that is not what I call a problem, if it were up to me, you would never wear clothes again but then I would have to keep you hidden away for myself. I don't like it when you get leered at fully clothed so I can imagine you naked would send me into a blind rage.” He wasn't joking. I remembered when I had heard the loud crash in the VIP area when me and Jack had kissed, then the power to the entire club had gone out. Talk about blowing a fuse!

  “None the less, I still need to go home at some point but I would like it very much if you came with me?” I looked up at him giving him my best wide eyed puppy look, which I hoped made him melt the way he does to me.

  “Of course I am coming with you, I'm not going to let you go alone.” He said this as though such an obvious thing.

  “Okey dokey lets go, oh and by the way, I'm driving!” I got up but he pulled me down onto his lap and kissed me before saying,

  “Not a chance!” But when I got up I actually stamped my foot looking like a spoilt teenager. He got up and towered above me only I wouldn't back down.

  “Come on, I need to get my car back at some point and this way I have to give into to you next time.” He gave me a huge grin that lit up his eyes and he rubbed his chin with an exaggerated gesture.

  “Umm....I like the sound of that but you’d better remember this bargain because have no doubt that I will collect Keira.” I felt almost giddy at the thought.

  Minutes later we had made our way down a maze of stone passageways as Draven held my hand leading me all the way. It didn't take us long to get outside and I was amazed at the door we went through. It was a hidden stone wall that moved when Draven touched it causing it to slide to one side. It made me jump at the sound of stone grating against stone.

  It was at the same side of the house that held the metal door that also led to the bins. I had used this door twice, once on my first night working in club Afterlife and second when I had tried to escape from it. Draven had known I was in danger and that Morgan was after me but I had tried to run from it all including Draven. I had always wondered though, just how he had gotten out to me so quickly that night. Well now I knew the answer to that one. But thinking more about it, he did have wings and could have just jumped from the balcony above us, the one that connected to the VIP.

  When we got outside I was ready with extra layers on, as the weather had changed overnight, turning bitter cold but I didn't mind so much as this way I got to see Draven in a black fitted leather jacket. The man made me feel warm down below at just the sight of him. Oh my my.... He caught me looking and he opened the door to my big blue truck with a confident half smile.

  “Thank you kindly.” I said while batting my eyelashes making him laugh.

  “You are most welcome, my lady.”

  He suited being in my truck as he had such a rough side to him, especially when he had stubble framing the lower part of his face. I could imagine him chopping logs in half with one swing and with arms like that, this wasn't the only image I had of him. In most of my images I was entwined in those strong muscular arms of his. I started the engine but because it was cold it didn't want to fire up first time. I stroked the dash and said,

  “Come on big blue, time to wake up.” Then she started after a few spluttering sounds but I had a feeling this was down to Draven who had touched the ignition making God only knows what happen.

  “You are so very sweet, aren't you?” He said as I pulled the big Bronco round.

  “Not so much, I can be naughty when provoked.” I said giving him a wicked grin and wink of my own.

  “I wouldn't do that if I were you, not while you are driving and I am very, very tempted.” This was Draven’s way of saying he was turned on, which of course was making me horny as Holy Hell! I couldn't keep the smile off my face or the colour from my cheeks most of the drive home, but it was his fault. He wouldn't stop staring at me.

  “You are a very careful driver aren't you?”

  “What you mean is SLOW...right?” His laugh said it all.

  “Well seeing as you’re immortal and I am so not, I think the speed limit is beneficial for both of us, as I don't want to die young and you don't want me to die young, so it’s a win win situation.” This was said in a light hearted way but it had the opposite effect and just made him look serious.

  “I won't let you die, period!” He said it in such a way that made me shiver but I decided to leave him to his thoughts as he looked out of the window for the first time. I mean, it's not like he could help it if something did happen to me. That was just the natural way of life but never the less, I kept silent on the matter. I was a firm believer in ‘it is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all’, and I was standing firmly by it.

  The last few minutes of the drive were filled with the sights of the wilderness either side of the road and the sound of the engine. Draven didn't say another word. I think death was a sore conversation to have with him but it was inevitable so at some point we would have to discuss it. Ok not on our first date, that was kind of a depressing subject to bring up, so now I was secretly scorning myself over it. I was trying to think of a way to bring him back so I did a very lame thing but hopefully he would find it more cute and endearing.

  “Ok, I have one for you, why is six afraid of seven?” I asked hoping he wouldn't look at me as though I was totally nuts....Ooops too late.

  “I'm afraid I'm not following you.” Jeez hadn't he heard a joke before, even one as lame as this.

  “Nooo, this is where you say “I don't know, why is six afraid of seven?”” Ok this was painful but at least we were having a conversation again...well sort of.

  “Oh sorry, Keira please tell me, why is six afraid of seven” Well at least he was smiling now.

  “Because seven, eight, nine!” I bit my lip waiting for his response and thankfully the car started to shake and fill with the sound of his laughter. He stopped just as we pulled up outside the house.

  “That was adorable.” He said taking my hands in his after I turned the key and cut the beast.

  “Are you alright?” I asked cautiously.

  “Yes I am. I am very very happy and when I didn't know what it was to be this it feels I mean, well.... it still takes me back but most of all it makes me terrified at the thought of ever losing it. Of ever losing you.” His eyes glazed over making them look so deep you could have drowned in them. He brought my hands up to his mouth and kissed them over and over before saving his last kiss for my willing lips.

  “Well lucky for you I have never been th
is happy too and I ain't going anywhere!” Just as I finished this last word he was out of the car and round to my side opening my door and pulling me out into those solid arms I love so much. He kicked the door shut and the sound made me jump but he just held me tighter to him.

  “I just love that cute Northern English accent of yours but most of all...” he carried me to the porch steps before he continued and placed me on the second step so I was at the right height. He leaned in to kiss me but before he got there he finished his sentence. …..

  “I love you my Keira.”

  Chapter 4

  First Date.

  Ok, this was the thing with having a ridiculously handsome boyfriend, who has had hundreds of years to perfect the art of kissing, you can't help but feel a little self conscious about your own ability. He seemed to enjoy it but I didn't know if the reason he kissed me so much was down to how good it was or the fact that he thinks I needed the practice. Either way I wasn't complaining but I was kind of hoping for the first.

  Once he had finished kissing me he ran his thumb over my lips ever so slowly but I still couldn't open my eyes. This was the other thing about Draven, he was, to say the least....intense. Those black, deep set eyes would stare at me with no idea about what it did to me, or maybe he did know and just didn't care. Draven was the type of man that if he wanted to stare freely at someone then he would, without giving it much thought. Like the first night I saw him at the club. He was walking up to the staircase that leads to the VIP when he saw me. He stopped right in front of my table and with a club full of people fascinated with his every move, he stopped dead and stared at me at length, without a care in the world. I had looked away first because as much as I love Draven he still kind of scares me. Don't get me wrong I know he would never hurt me but I can't help feeling a fear at the power that lies beneath his flawless skin.

  I opened my eyes to see Draven smiling at me.

  “I hope my kiss wasn't sending you to sleep.” He said knowing full well that was impossible.


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