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The Complete Demonblood Saga: A Demon Made Me Do It; Fire With Fire; Curse of Shadows and Light

Page 14

by Penelope King

  I debate for a quick second. Then, I flash my hand, releasing the controlled stream of electric fire. Instantly, his weapon disintegrates into black ash.

  “I just did you a favor. You would’ve probably shot your own balls off. Now go back inside and forget you ever saw us.”

  The man nods dumbly and retreats. Kieron steps beside me. “That was very nice of you.”

  Shaking my head, I give him one last look of disgust. Wordlessly, I turn and sprint towards home as fast as my demonic legs will fly.


  “Hello, dear.” Tatiana’s smile greets me as I burst through the cabin door.

  “Do you know what she did today…do you have any idea?” I yell, and storm into her room to retrieve some emergency Energy stash. I can’t wait for the Bar—I need to cool down now.

  Tatiana follows me in. “I saw Liora with the new demion. I admit, I was surprised to see her go off with him like that. Although I guess I shouldn’t have been…”

  I stop and glare at her. “You knew about him?”

  “I saw him coming, yes.”

  “Did you know that he would like her? That they would hook up?”

  With a shaking hand I grab the green bottle and take several deep gulps. Why am I so angry right now? And Tatiana’s been in on it the whole time! Just what the hell is going on around here these days!?

  Tatiana goes to her cauldron. As soon as she places her hands inside, cool smoke snakes forth.

  “The demion’s arrival was foreseen, but his actions and role were uncertain. Being part human gives him an unpredictable nature that demons do not have. His free will changed the course of his path, and as a result, he and Liora connected with each other.”

  “But what about me?” I spit out angrily.

  She looks at me with infuriating serenity. “How you choose to connect with the new demion is entirely up to you,” she says.

  I finish drinking the bottle and stalk from her room. I need a shower, and quick. Kieron’s scent is all over me. Is it because she’d been wearing his clothes? Or is it some other reason? What did they do today?

  I don’t want to even think about it.

  I slam my bedroom door harder than I mean to, and when I hear the sickening splinter of wood I know I’ve shattered it. Great. Tatiana’s gonna love that. But one time she fixed my entire bedroom when I’d accidentally destroyed the walls practicing my fire charms. If she could restore a demolished room with a little of her hocus-pocus, then fixing a tiny door will be a breeze.

  As I wait for the water to heat up, I couldn’t be more repulsed by my reflection in the mirror. My hair is a total rat’s nest and my makeup looks like it was applied by a blind preschooler with epilepsy.

  Fabulous. Real classy, Liora. What the HELL does he see in you?

  After a hasty shower, I scan through my wardrobe with an eagle’s eye, finally deciding on purple, skintight leather pants and matching halter top lined with silver studs. Slaying clothes. I braid my hair into a single plait down the middle of my back, because I know I look beautiful with my hair pulled away from my face. As I apply my favorite cherry red lip gloss, I realize I’m getting upset for no reason. It’s beyond silly. Laughable, really. Liora may have tried to sink her pathetic little claws into Kieron today, but now it’s my turn.

  I admire my reflection in the mirror. She can’t compete with this. No way, no how.

  “Are you hunting tonight?” Tatiana asks when I exit my room a few minutes later.

  “Most definitely.”

  “Lucky, please sit down a moment. I’d like to talk to you.”

  “Now, Tat? Can’t it wait? I need to get going…”

  “It will be brief.”

  “Is it about the bedroom door? The thing practically broke on its own; I barely touched it…”

  “No, although I would really appreciate you showing some restraint while you are inside. This is about last night…what happened with the Altrumina.”

  I had totally blocked that out, and remembering it now floods me with fresh waves of nausea. My knees buckle and I sit down on the couch.

  “It was no big deal. I gotta go.” Ignoring my dizziness, I stand back up.

  “Do not lie to me, Lucky.” Tatiana’s eyes are hard, and I know better than to mess with her when she means business.

  I sigh and sit back down. “Okay, fine. It totally sucked. I was stupid and wasn’t paying attention. One of them touched me, and I went all Alice in Wonderland down the rabbit hole of horrors. It completely sucked ass, and I will take great pleasure in ripping every Altrumina in the area to shreds, if you’d be so kind as to point me in their direction…”

  “What did you see?”

  “Um, what?”

  “You heard me.”

  “I-I- don’t really…remember..,” I stammer.

  “Lucky…” The warning in her quiet voice is unmistakable.

  “Okay…okay…I saw them. Michael, Kayla, me—my good pals, the Amazèa. I got to relive that day all over again, as if I needed the reminder. Then I got to watch Bones do what he does best. Who needs Pay-per-view when you’ve got the Altrumina acid-trip porno channel? Then I ended up in the Wasteland…you know, the super fun place where demons get banished for eternity? That was a blast and a half. We should plan our next family trip there; the views are something else…”

  “Is that all?”

  “Yeah, well, as sad as I was for my little party to end, unfortunately, someone insisted on slaying my dear hosts. All good times must come to an end sometime, I suppose.” This time when I stand up, I head toward the door. This inquisition is over, whether she likes it or not.

  Tatiana presses her lips together and nods. “I’m glad you are okay.”

  I pause with my hand on the doorknob. “I wouldn’t go that far, but I’ll be a lot more okay once I waste some Altrumina.”

  “The few who survived the night scattered far away. Your friend was quite menacing. I don’t think they’ll be back anytime soon—”

  “Fine, whatever,” I say cutting her off. I’m so not in the mood to think of Kieron’s heroics right now. “Find me some others, then.”

  “There are some Chax demons by the highway…”


  “Well, if you feel you are up for the challenge, there are some followers of Thammuz in a cave by Wellington Hot Springs. You will hear their song, which will carry for several miles. It sounds like a cluster of owls.”


  “You cannot kill them with your hands or your Powers. You must slit their throats. Make sure you have your dagger.”

  “Always,” I say, patting my boot.

  “And, Lucky…”


  “I know you’re upset with Liora right now. If you do anything to harm her or her life in any way there will be severe consequences. Understood?”

  I roll my eyes. Does she ever bother to tell Liora not to mess with me or harm my life? Noooooo…

  “Tatiana, I wouldn’t dream of it.”


  When I reach the River of Kings, I dismount Diablo and take a quick look around for Bones. I hate how we left things between us last night. I want to talk with him and make sure we’re still cool.

  Or do I?

  After all, I’m the one who said I needed some time and space to figure things out. But really, what is there to decide? I want him. I want him more than just as a friend or a companion. I want him to be mine…all mine. He may want me, but he also wants others. Many others. It’s who he is. This will never change.

  And how awful this makes me feel will also never change unless I can go back to the way I was before…before the split and without Liora’s human emotions infecting my judgment.

  Question is, can I live with that? Can I stay friends with Bones, even though seeing him go off to seduce Sapie women drives a knife through my heart? Can I continue to pretend forever that I’m fine with it? Can I live with the sadness I feel whenever I se
e the cocky smile he gets before heading out to make his conquests, or see his eyes aglow from his satisfying missions?

  Can I ever forget the image of watching him make love to all those women?

  If I was normal…if I was still a pure demion, I’d be better able to shut these unwanted emotions off. Maybe then I could deal with this situation with a clear head. But as things are now, I can’t. Since Liora went human, all my hard work toward mastering the fine art of apathy has gone right out the window.

  And it really pisses me off.

  And then there’s Kieron. Sure, I’ve met plenty of other demions before, but there’s something about him…I don’t know what it is. Sure he’s gorgeous…he’s a demion. That’s not it. Last night, after he helped me with the Altrumina…sitting there in the park beside him…I don’t know, it’s like I felt safe. Whole. Right….if only for a moment. Being with him felt easy. Good.

  But then tonight, waking up in his arms…knowing he’d been with Liora…that something was going on between them. The sick feeling hit me almost as hard as it does when Bones leaves me for his Sapies.

  And now I don’t know what to think, or do. I wish I could make these feelings disappear! Maybe I can talk with Tatiana…maybe there’s something she can do to fix me. Maybe she can create some sort of concoction that can make me how I’m supposed to be… No more sadness, anger, jealousy, loneliness, insecurities, confusion…nothing. Nothing but pure instinct.

  Sigh. Talk about wishful thinking. Despite Tatiana’s great powers, even she can’t influence my curse. She’s already tried.

  I slowly make my way across the bridge, pausing briefly to gaze at the churning inferno below. The hypnotizing dance of the flames mildly soothes me, and helps me remember who I am.

  I am a demion. I am proud, beautiful, and powerful. And I am not about to let some stupid males make me feel weak and question my greatness. If they don’t want me…only me…then it’s their loss.


  My chin held high, I stride confidently toward the Bar, ready to face anything. Then it hits me, and I stop suddenly in my tracks. Liora…Kieron…

  I already knew that my mixed up feelings about Bones were caused by Liora’s influence. It’s her human side that corrupts me. But, it isn’t just my feelings about Bones that are messed up. Even when I meet other demions I’ve never had any urge to pursue them because of how much Liora hates all things demon. At least, I think that’s why.

  So why is Kieron different? Why was she with him? Why was he with her? And if she didn’t feel something for him, would I be feeling this way?

  I need answers. Now.

  A demion named Daisy sits by the door painting her fingernails blood-red. Just as pretty and just as deadly as Ivy, one controlled touch from Daisy can instantly turn any living creature—human or demon—into stone, ash, or fire, depending on her mood.

  “’Sup, crazy Daisy?” I cautiously air-kiss both her cheeks.

  “Lucky, love. Long time no see. You look amaze as always.”

  “Thanks, you too. Love the pink hair. But I’m surprised to see you working…Where’s Ivy?”

  She shrugs and gently blows on her fingertips. “Dunno. Didn’t show up tonight so they called me in. Cody’s not here either, so maybe they’re off having one of their world-famous blowouts…”

  “Hmm. Hope everything’s cool,” I say, secretly relieved to be spared Ivy’s gossip for one night.

  The smoky room is crowded, but I spot both of them right away: Bones at the bar drinking by himself, looking sulky; Kieron in his usual corner with his back to me.

  I decide to approach Bones first. If nothing else it’ll be good for Kieron to see he isn’t the only hottie in town. Make him realize I’m not the only one with some competition.

  “Hey,” I say, sliding into the seat beside Bones. “How goes it?”

  He stares straight ahead with a blank expression on his face and chugs from his glass. Then he sets it down and turns to me. His eyes are cold…like a stranger.

  “I don’t know. You tell me.” Even his voice sounds different. Hard. Detached.

  “Good…things are good.” I glance around nervously. I didn’t expect him to be this mad. Actually, mad would be better. Mad would imply he still cares.

  I peek over at Kieron. He’s not looking my way, and now I hope he doesn’t. If Bones decides to make a scene, I certainly don’t want Kieron witnessing my humiliation. Again.

  “So, it’s okay for you to talk to me now?” Bones asks in a flat tone.

  “Bones, yes, of course it is.” I signal Gyan, Cody’s fill-in, to bring me a drink.

  “I thought you needed space from me. If you want to be left alone so much why are you here talking to me?”

  “Bones, you’re still my friend. That hasn’t changed…for me at least. And I hope not for you. I just need to figure some things out. It doesn’t mean I don’t care about you. Don’t be mad.”

  He finishes his drink and sets down his glass. “I’m not mad. But I gotta go. I’ll catch you later.” And with those cold words he grabs his brown leather jacket off the back of his chair and disappears.

  I take a few sips of my drink and stew at his attitude. What gives Bones the right to act like this? I only told him I need some time to figure out the crazy thoughts and feelings in my head. And I need to figure them out so I can be his friend even though I like him too much. It’s not like I called him a disgusting, whorish, mangy mutt or something.

  “This seat taken?” a voice whispers in my ear, causing my heart to jump a beat. I hadn’t even noticed him come up on me.

  “No.” I wave my hand absently, trying to appear calm. Bones’ ambivalent departure had made my stomach clench. But after what I told him, what did I really expect him to say?

  It’s better this way. It has to be.

  Kieron sits down and orders us more drinks. We sit in silence, neither of us looking at the other until we are both finished. After I take my last sip, he stands up and places his hands on the back of my seat.

  “Shall we?” he asks, pulling out my chair as I rise.

  “What is this, 1850?” I mutter.

  Once we get outside, I shoot Kieron a quick glance. “Try and keep up.” The instant the words leave my mouth, I streak into the depths of Dryndara’s forest as fast as I can.

  Although all demions and demons have extraordinary speed as well as strength, I’m one of the fastest. Because of my Brand, there are few who can keep up with me when I really let myself loose.

  So I’m quite surprised to see Kieron keeping pace with me almost stride for stride. Without thinking, I head to my secret, safe place. I’ve never brought anyone here before, not even Bones. I don’t know why I’m letting Kieron follow me here now.

  Before long, I reach the top of the cliff. The Sirens are singing tonight, filling the air with their hypnotizing melodies. I glance down at the lightning-peaked volcanoes and the rivers of fire below, before turning to give Kieron a furious glare.

  “Okay. You need to tell me exactly who you are and what the hell is going on.”

  Chapter 12. Lucky

  Kieron wanders to the edge of the cliff and sits down on a patch of grass. He looks up at me with what I’m sure he thinks is an irresistibly charming smile.

  “You seem upset,” he says.

  “Well, no shit, Sherlock. You win a cupcake for being so damn observant.”

  “Why are you mad?” The corners of his mouth hint at a smile.

  “Are you serious? I don’t exactly appreciate waking up with a gun pointed at me, let alone at her. At least I can defend myself, but she can’t. And for some reason you were right there letting it happen. I want to know what you were doing with her and how she wound up in that situation. And why you seem to be the one responsible for it.”

  Kieron leans his body back so casually he may as well be sunning himself at the damned beach. I don’t know if he’s intentionally trying to be sexy, or if it just comes naturally to him. Either w
ay, it’s pissing me off.

  “I was trying to figure it out…I needed to see how it works,” he says.

  “How what works?”

  “You two, you and Liora. I…I’ve never seen anything like it before. I thought the stories couldn’t really be true, but you really are two separate identities, aren’t you?”

  I move closer to him, my hands on my hips. “Yeah…so?”

  “So it’s…fascinating. I mean, you’re like me…a demion, but for some reason you have completely split up your traits—human on one side, demon on the other. A human by day, a demon, or I guess I should say, demion, by night.”

  “And another cupcake for the brilliant Captain Obvious.”

  “But why…I mean, how did it happen? Were you Created this way?”

  “I’d rather not discuss that right now. It’s wonderful that you find us so interesting, but that doesn’t explain why you were with Liora today and why you almost got us killed.”

  “ she here now? Liora? Does she know what’s going on? Can she hear us?”

  I’m quiet for a moment. “No. She’s sleeping.”

  “Does she know anything? About you and your life? Or is she completely in the dark?”

  My eyes flash with anger. I’m the one asking the questions around here, not him. Especially if his questions are going to be about her. “I don’t know what she does or doesn’t know, and I don’t really care. If you’re so interested, talk to her.”

  He drops his head slightly. “I guess I just thought it would be easier to talk with you about…this.”

  “Well, I can’t really answer any questions about her. Sometimes I see what she’s doing, but most of the time it’s so mundane there’s no point in even paying attention. She’s woken up a few times, but since she hates all things demon, she keeps her distance as much as possible. I sleep when she is awake and vice-versa.”

  Kieron bites his lip and taps his fingers absently on a rock.

  “So today…you had no idea what was happening…at all?” His voice is quiet.


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