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The Complete Demonblood Saga: A Demon Made Me Do It; Fire With Fire; Curse of Shadows and Light

Page 26

by Penelope King

  Ironically, my human half hates me for being of the same vein as these creatures—ones capable of this much destruction and heartache.

  Deep down, I know we’re both at fault. And neither of us is to blame.

  I glare at the monsters in their glowing orange cage, and they eye me curiously. I wonder if they know who I am or why I’m here. My face is like stone as my eyes bore into their enchanted prison. Why don’t they seem bothered? Why are they just standing there contentedly, smiling and looking around as if they don’t have a care in the world?

  Suddenly, they grab hands and start dancing in a circle, singing a child’s nursery rhyme.

  “Ring around the rosey, pocket full of posey,

  Ashes, ashes, they all fall down!”

  On the last word, they collapse in a fit of giggles and playful screams. Everything they do, designed to torment and mock me.

  They know who I am.

  The rage burning inside me threatens to erupt. But I force myself to remain still, motionless. I sit on the cave floor and just watch them as they repeat their act again and again, dancing and singing and laughing hysterically as if they’re the happiest little girls who ever lived. They repeatedly flash cherubic, dimpled smiles in my direction as I glower at them, fireballs in hand.

  The time has come to do what I need to do. And once I do it, there’s no turning back…my fate will be sealed. Bracing myself against the cave wall, I slowly rise to my feet and lift my arms.

  Suddenly, Tatiana’s face flashes in my mind. I think of how she’d found me in the woods as an infant after I’d been abandoned and left alone to die. Of how she took me in, cared for me, raised me, and gave me everything, and more, that I could ever hope for. She’s more than a guardian—she’s a friend.

  I glance at the Amazèa again and back down at the swirling fire in my palms. I see Bones, my dearest friend and companion. I don’t know what the future holds for us, but I do know I never want to see him get hurt. It’s bad enough I’ve already hurt his feelings, but I know someday he’ll forgive me and things will be good again. I cannot let him get physically hurt because of me. I have to protect him —protect him from defending me, which he undoubtedly would, if I become a target of the Legionary for my crimes.

  My heart racing, I slowly lower my hands to my sides as the Amazèa dance and sing happily. I swallow the bile rising up the back of my throat.

  There’s Liora. She’s a part of me. Her humanity, a hindrance and a strength. As much as I hate her sometimes, I know it’s only her ability to feel love that allows me to experience it myself…an intoxicating sensation I know I never want to be without. True, when it’s bad, it’s really bad. But when it’s good, it’s really good. And if killing the Amazèa doesn’t lift the curse, Liora will be hanging around for a while. As long as she’s alive, she’s vulnerable. Therefore, I’m vulnerable. She’d never survive a life on the run.

  Finally, Kieron. As much as I desperately craved hearing his words of love, I can hardly believe they’re real—that he’s actually real. He who fits me so perfectly, who is my exact match in every way, and makes me feel like a better version of myself. He who makes me feel so alive after years of feeling dead inside. He who sees me—really sees me—with all my flaws, but is still here anyway. He who is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for me and my happiness.

  My arms go slack and the flames on my palms subside.

  This isn’t just about me anymore.

  Michael and Kayla—as much as I loved them—are gone forever. Nothing will bring them back. The love between us can now serve as my compass…my guide.

  I slowly realize my criteria for achieving happiness has changed. Even if I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that killing the Amazèa would reunify Liora and me, we’d never be whole. Not if it meant losing all the people dearest to us.

  Michael and Kayla taught me that.

  I glance at the smiling faces of their killers for the last time. Then I turn and head toward the darkened corridor, never once looking back. The balls of fire on my hands are now reduced to tiny flames on my fingertips, showing me the way out.

  Kieron sits on a rock, staring off into the vast wasteland. He’s made a small fire, the only light in the otherwise gloomy night. His mouth is set in a hard line, his jaw clenched. I can see he’s bracing himself for what I’m about to tell him.

  He doesn’t flinch as I sit beside him. I reach out, and immediately his soft hand surrounds mine. Finally, he turns to look at me, and the love in his eyes wraps around my heart. Without the faintest hint of judgment or condemnation, he searches my face for clues.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  He swallows. “For what?” he asks hoarsely.

  I lean closer to him. “For believing in me.”

  His eyes sparkle, and a small smile tugs at the corner of his mouth. He places one hand behind my head, pulling me to him. The sweet reunion of our lips douses the last embers of hate raging within me.

  “I believe in us,” he whispers in my ear.

  He rises to his feet, pulling me with him. “I have to go now. Finish this once and for all. My contract expires at dawn.”

  I almost laugh. “Good thing you’re not cutting it close or anything.”

  He wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close for another kiss. I don’t want him to move, I don’t want him to leave my arms, not now, not ever. But I know I have to let him go this one last time.

  I know it’s okay. He’ll be back for me.

  For us.

  End of Book 1

  Book 2: Fire with Fire

  Copyright © 2011

  Penelope King

  All Rights Reserved

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and events are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

  All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author.


  It’s cliché to say it’s always darkest before the dawn, but in my case it’s true. There is a brief window of time, just before I wake, when I am not Me, and she is not Her. We are together as one, unified in our blissful state of unconsciousness.

  Sometimes this sleep lasts for a few seconds; other times, a few hours. It is during this time that we exist in harmony, slumbering away our fears, hostilities, our mutual disdain and resentment of each other. It is during this time that we have a few fleeting moments of peace. Because for more than five years, it has been only during this time that we are together as we should be. As we were meant to be.

  It is also during this time that we can dream of him…remember the way he held us, kissed us, looked into our eyes and filled us with such love.

  The memory of loving and being loved by Kieron is the one thing she and I now share, along with the unbearable pain we’ve silently suffered since he’s been gone.

  Now, we also share the soul-crushing fear that he’s never coming back to us.

  …And we are more damned than ever.

  Chapter 1. Lucky

  I don’t know what it is about strip clubs that seems to draw the nastiest types of demons, but for some reason they’re attracted like stink on fish. To be honest, I’m not sure which is worse—the soul sucking Lazerines who work these places, or the scummy human men who frequent them. I swear, if one more grubby Sapie asks me for a lap dance I’m going to rip his thing right off.

  “Hey, sexy, want some company?” asks a middle-aged Sapie wearing a rumpled business suit. Apparently my disgusted glare isn’t enough to dissuade him as he moves to the empty chair beside me and, without waiting for my reply, begins to sit down.

  I roll my eyes and swish my hand, causing the chair to fly out from beneath him. He falls hard on his backside, spilling his overpriced cocktail all over his ch
eap suit. A few patrons glance in our direction, but quickly return their gazes to the center of the room. They are far more interested in the scantily clad girls moving seductively on the raised stage beneath the pulsating lights than some clumsy drunken fool.

  The cheesy voice of the club DJ rings out over the loudspeakers. “And now get those dollar bills ready and help us welcome the very lovely Serenity to the stage.”

  Hoots and catcalls sound as a slender brunette wearing a miniscule skirt and bikini top sashays out from behind the thick velvet curtain. She begins her seductive routine, rolling her hips, swishing her hair, and spinning herself around a tall, metal pole. As she bends backward, letting her long hair fall free, I catch the distinctive markings on her back under the flash of the strobe lights.

  To anyone else they look like tattoos, but I know better. They are the Mark of the Lazerine… powerful female demons who control men’s minds through lust and desire. Only the Prince of Darkness knows how many countless Sapies have lost their house payments and kid’s college funds under their spell. Not like I care about that, but Lazerines are loathsome creatures who are particularly satisfying to kill. And right now I could definitely use some satisfaction.

  I take a few sips of my Jack Daniels and stand up, careful not to trip over Mr. Mid-Life Crisis struggling to get off the floor. As I make my way to the stage, I retrieve a fistful of bills from my inside my bra. Lazerines are addicted to money and use their powers to drain their victims dry. The money will keep her distracted. Otherwise she might realize that I’m a demon, and I am so not interested in a public brouhaha tonight. I’ll kill her clean and easy, in the VIP room where there are no witnesses. None who will be paying any attention to me, that is.

  The room of men turn to gawk as soon as I start laying dollars down on the stage, their faces aglow with carnal pleasure. Of course they love it…this is their best fantasy right here. I’m by far the most beautiful girl they’ve ever seen, and Sapie men are such suckers for a little girl-on-girl action.

  I wonder if they’d still be so turned on if they knew I was planning to rip her heart out in a few minutes.

  “Hi, beautiful,” the Lazerine purrs in my ear as I lay down a row of five-dollar bills in front of her.

  “Can I get a VIP dance with you when you’re done?” I ask as she rubs her face against my cheek in appreciation.

  “I’d love to. It starts at one hundred dollars.” She reaches for the money and slips it into the side of her tiny pink G-string.

  “Not a problem.” I flash another thick stack of bills under her nose. Her eyes glow brightly before giving way to a smug smile.

  “I’ll be right back, darling.” She collects the rest of her tips before prancing off the stage.

  I return to my table and signal the waitress to bring me another drink while I wait. When she returns, I take several sips of my Jack Daniels and let out a long sigh. My heart just isn’t in the game anymore. There was a time when I loved nothing more than slaying unsuspecting demons—if not for fun, for the practice. All so I could keep my human half, Liora, protected from harm, and to make sure I was ready to face the Amazèa when it came time for our final reckoning. But of course, that didn’t go as I’d planned.

  I’ve had more than my share of second thoughts since that night in the cave when Kieron took me to face the Amazèa—the demons responsible for killing my closest friends and splitting my soul in half. I had a decision to make…I could kill them, but I would lose Kieron forever. Or, I could let him turn them in to the Legionare and we could be together.

  I still blame Liora for whatever emotional insanity swayed me to choose a life with Kieron over killing the Amazèa like I’d always planned. Many nights, I wonder if I made the right choice.

  It would be so much easier if Kieron would return so I could look into his eyes again and feel his lips on mine. To give me a reason to remember why I’d chosen him…why I’d chosen us. But he’s been gone for over two months, and now I’m starting to wonder if he’s ever going to come back. And the more I wonder, the sicker and angrier I feel.

  In the meantime, I have to do something to keep myself from going completely crazy. If it’s killing some low-level Lazerine in a seedy strip club outside of Fairfax, Virginia, then so be it. A demon’s gotta do what a demon’s gotta do.

  “I’m ready when you are,” the unsuspecting Lazerine whispers in my ear as she comes up beside me. I take a quick swig of my drink and flash her a smile as I rise to my feet.

  Together we enter the glass doors and head to a darkened corner. “You’re so pretty,” she coos as she leads me toward a couch in the back. “What’s your name?”

  I sneak my hand down into my thigh-high boot and remove my emerald dagger.

  “They call me Lucky.”


  “Cuttin’ it kinda close, aren’t you Lucky girl? You don’t have much time until sunrise in Sapie land. Don’t want your better half showing up and making a scene.” Bones laughs and rubs my leg affectionately. Scowling, I elbow him in the ribs and take another drink.

  “Last one and I’m outta here,” I say, and spin my barstool around. Demon Bar, the place where all demions, demons, and creatures in Dryndara come to replenish off the Source Energy, is nearly empty. Most of its usual occupants are off preparing for their lives in the human world, just as I should be doing. But the nagging sense that something is wrong has been plaguing me for many nights now, and gotten much worse over the past several hours. I just needed a quick stop off at the Bar on my way home, and a chance to chat with my best friend, Bones.

  Things had been pretty weird between us for a while, so I’m glad we seem to be getting back to normal. I hated the awkward tension. But it was my fault, I suppose. In a moment of weakness, I’d given in to his irresistible charms and almost allowed myself to be seduced by him in his mountainside lair. If it wasn’t for the fact that, in my euphoria, I’d said Kieron’s name instead of Bones’, who knows what would have happened?

  Actually, I know what would have happened: We would have made love, it would’ve been amazing, and my feelings for Bones would be more confused than ever. If I think I’m emotionally unstable now, I can just imagine how I’d feel if I let myself fall for him. It’s bad enough that Kieron just abandoned me. But to watch Bones leave me every night to make love to other human girls—many other human girls…forever—well, that’s a recipe for self-inflicted torture if there ever was one.

  But there are times, despite my intense feelings for Kieron, I still can’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with Bones. To really be with him. To run my fingers through his luscious bronze hair and lose myself in the depths of his coffee-colored eyes. To feel his intoxicating energy flow through me, and succumb to his delicious masculinity. When Bones looks at me, really looks me, I feel like I’m softly melting under his gaze. If he was a drug, I’d be addicted.

  Just say no, Lucky.

  Now, with Kieron being gone so long, Bones and I have started to ease back into our normal routine. Our playing and flirting has almost reached “pre-Kieron” levels. As I catch Bones’ gaze, I can’t help but wonder if he hopes Kieron never returns, just as I desperately hope he will.

  I swallow the last sip of my drink and lean over to give him a light peck on the cheek as I stand up. “Bye, sweetie, see you tomorrow.”

  He rises to his full height and wraps his arms around me, smothering me in his gentle warmth. “Later, Lucky love.”

  Once outside, I sprint across the Bridge of Kings, barely glancing at the churning river of fire below. Upon reaching the other side I let out a sharp whistle. Almost immediately, my black stallion emerges from his hidden spot deep in Dryndara’s forest. I leap onto his back and lean forward, clutching a fist of his onyx mane.

  “Home, Diablo.”


  I pause outside the cabin, half-hoping Tatiana is in her room busy making a potion or casting a spell…anything that’ll prevent her from seeing me and giving me a h
ard time about my night.

  “Greetings, Lucky. May I presume you stopped by the Bar on your way home?” Tatiana asks as I walk through the door. I roll my eyes and sigh. Of course she’s waiting for me…when is she not?

  But I play it cool. I walk over and give her a pat on her back. Five inches shorter than me, older by who knows how many years, and sitting on the floor in the lotus position with her eyes closed, my beloved guardian looks no more threatening than an ordinary housefly. But I know better. Tatiana is one of, if not the, most powerful witches around. A mere utterance from her lips, or a well-designed potion of her making can cause effects even I can’t believe a mere mortal can create.

  “Sorry, had to talk to Bones.” I give her shoulder a light squeeze.

  “May I presume Liora will be needing some of my remedy when she wakes up?” she asks, opening one opaque eye to fixate it firmly on me. Although she’s completely blind, Tatiana has a way of seeing things. Too many things.

  “She might need a few sips,” I admit, not guiltily. Why should I feel bad about who I am and what I need? It’s not my fault my human half can’t handle it.

  “Any particular reason you drank so close to sunup?” Tatiana asks, this time with both eyes open.

  I avoid her gaze and head to my room. “I had a nasty encounter with a Lazerine earlier,” I call out over my shoulder. “Didn’t realize she had several friends with her. Took a lot of energy to take them all out and then put a forgetting spell on all the Sapies there. Was kind of a pain, actually.”

  Tatiana doesn’t respond, and I let out a deep breath. Good. Maybe she won’t be angry with me. Perching myself on the edge of Liora’s four-poster bed, I carefully remove my steel-tipped boots, then stand to peel off my tan leather pants, noticing some ash marks left by one of the Lazerine demons.

  I sigh and brush them away, annoyed with myself. This is what happens when I get distracted—I get sloppy. Their attack had caught me off guard. Fortunately, I was able to rip out their power sources and reduce them all to dust, but not before freaking out a whole throng of witnesses. Not exactly how I planned my night to go. But it’s hard to stay focused when I’m worried.


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