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The Complete Demonblood Saga: A Demon Made Me Do It; Fire With Fire; Curse of Shadows and Light

Page 53

by Penelope King

  “Way to live the cliché,” I say in Kieron’s ear. Apparently Jade hears me because she turns around with a smile.

  “The humans love it.”

  I give her a nod and a fake smile as I survey the scene. Demon Bar back home is about the size of a small, intimate restaurant, with low ceilings, dirty floors, and stone chairs. I don’t think there was a color in there that wasn’t black, grey, or brown. Here, I don’t think there is a color that isn’t electric and glowing, as if the place itself is totally alive.

  Jade leads us past the DJ stage and over a bridge. The churning river of fire below reminds me of entering the inner sanctum of Dryndara. “Here you go, through these curtains,” she says. She holds open the long velvet drapes whose tops seem to extend indefinitely to the night sky.

  As soon as we pass through, I feel an immediate and drastic change in the atmosphere. The music dulls to a muted beat. The lighting is dimmer, more natural, less vibrant. The air is cooler. Still smoky, but familiar.

  “Now we’re talking,” Kieron says with a relieved laugh.

  “This is our VIP lounge for our special guests,” Jade says with a wink. “From now on you’ll use the back entrance to come directly in here. But we always have first-timers come in through the front to get a lay of the land.”

  “You have humans and demons mingling in the same place? How is that even possible?” I’m still stunned.

  Jade waves her hand dismissively. “The humans only see what they want to see. Most of them think that they are the center of the universe and that the world revolves around only them. People like that are the blindest of all and are the most easily deceived. It’s the ones who have their eyes wide open we need to worry about. Fortunately, not too many of those find their way in here. But we need the humans, just as they need us. It’s a symbiotic relationship, and one that works.”

  Kieron and I exchange looks. We’d always done everything in our powers to remain a secret from the humans. And here these guys are partying with them.

  “The worlds of man and of demonia are not as separate and distinct as you might think,” Jade continues, motioning for us to sit at a table. “This club was built around the largest collection of portals to the demon realm in the entire mortal world. There are one hundred and eighty-seven separate entry points here connecting to portals all throughout Thiberoux. And there are close to a thousand more connecting to various other places on Man’s Earth. From almost the earliest period of civilization this place has served as a transitory stop for messengers passing between our worlds, and it’s a very important link between humans and demonia.”

  “So this place is sort of like the Grand Central Station of Demonworld portals?” I ask.

  Jade smiles. “I suppose one could look at it that way. And while we do have a great many passers through, especially these days, we also serve another important function. We’re an embassy of sorts. Among a great many other things, we help those demons who’ve been lost or cast out.”

  Kieron and I exchange glances again. “Like us.”

  Jade turns and motions to the room behind her. “You are welcome here. And you are safe. Violence and fighting is prohibited and punishable by instant death. The bar is always open, and we have everything you might possibly need. My sister Ruby is the best bartender in the game. She’ll take great care of you. Go get a couple of drinks and make yourselves at home. I’ll be back shortly.”

  She flashes us both a cute smile and gives Kieron’s shoulder a quick squeeze before heading off. An entirely unnecessary gesture.

  “C’mon.” Kieron grins and brushes his hair from his face, and together we head towards the other side of the room. The long, clear glass bar looks like it’s made of ice, with an eerie, cool-blue tint. As soon as Kieron and I sit down, a carbon copy of Jade appears, only this one has flaming red tips on the ends of her bright-white hair that perfectly match her crimson eyes and lips. Despite the Hollywood stereotype, red eyes on demons are actually pretty rare, and on Ruby the effect is nothing short of stunning.

  “Welcome,” she says with a wide smile as she taps her long scarlet nails against the bar. “I heard we had some new arrivals. I’m Ruby. It’s very nice to meet you both. I’ll be taking care of you.” She doesn’t hold out her hand for us to shake. Which is good, ‘cause we probably wouldn’t take it if she did.

  My mind flashes back to the last time I sat at Demon Bar and ordered drinks. It feels like a lifetime ago. Gyan had served me and insisted on going on the rescue mission to save Kieron. He’d betrayed us all, and it ultimately led to Bones’s death. So I’m not planning on becoming buddy-buddy with any demonic bartenders anytime soon.

  “I’ll have a—”

  She holds up her hand. “No need to tell me. I can tell exactly what each patron needs just by looking.” She smiles at me, and for a split second her eyes flash bright red. I think I see a faint glimmer of surprise cross her face, but she doesn’t say anything. Then she looks at Kieron and again does the quick eye-flashy thing.

  “Got it, coming right up!”

  Kieron and I exchange yet another silent glance, then turn to survey our surroundings. Despite the obvious difference in décor, in a weird way this place does sort of remind me of Demon Bar back home. Several small groups of demons and demions cluster around booths and tables talking amongst themselves while enjoying their drinks. Most look completely human, save for a few obvious vampires, and something that looks like a cross between a dog and a fat woman. The energy is contained, but powerful. As if we are all in tune with the same unseen and unspoken forces.

  “Some place, huh?” Kieron asks and puts his hand on my knee.

  All of a sudden, I really miss Bones. I wish he was sitting here with me now. I wish he could see this place and all its over-the-top insanity. I wish I could hear his laugh and see his smile. I wish I could see that devilish twinkle he always got in his eyes when he was teasing me, or that serious look he got when he wasn’t…

  “Here ya go, darlings. Cheers!” We turn back to see Ruby smiling at us again. I frown… My drink looks suspiciously like what Bones used to have. As a demon, he always took his Energy pure. But my human body needs it diluted with alcohol for it to metabolize properly. I can tell just from looking at the bright green drink that it is as straight-up as it comes.

  “Um, I’m not so sure I should have this—”

  “Yes, you absolutely should. Trust me.” Ruby’s eyes flash again, and I look away. Maybe drinks are different out here. Hell, everything else is.

  Kieron and I clink our glasses together, and I take an apprehensive sip. Immediately, a powerful rush jolts through my body and I almost jump out of my chair.

  Kieron looks at me, startled. “Lucky, you okay?”

  My eyes wide with pleasure, I nod and eagerly gulp some more. Ruby smiles knowingly at me as she wipes down some glasses. I feel like I’d been dying of thirst, and my body is eagerly absorbing every last molecule of Energy like a sponge and putting it to the best use. Before Kieron has taken even three sips of his drink, I’ve chugged the whole thing.

  I signal Ruby for another. She approaches slowly with a wry smile and sets down a second, smaller cup. “Don’t overdo it. A little goes a long way with this stuff.”

  I scowl but pick it up and start to drink. All I know is that this is the most blissful concoction to ever pass my lips, and a sense of euphoria and strength is surging through me that I’ve never experienced before. I feel so incredibly alive. It makes me realize even more just what a weak zombie I’ve been lately. Now I feel like I’m finally waking up— body and soul— and I’m on fire.

  I can’t take it anymore. I need to do something before I explode.

  I turn to Kieron and grab his arm.

  “Come with me.”

  Chapter 10. Lucky

  Kieron quickly slams the rest of his drink and sets his glass down on a passing table as I drag him through the bar. We exit through the curtains and return to the main club area. The s
moky room is still packed with sweaty bodies, barely discernable under the funky glow of the strobe lights, and the music is deafening. There’s no way to talk and be heard in here, but that is exactly the point. All communication is purely physical.

  I push through the sea of bodies and find us a space. The beat is hard and fast, and it consumes me wholly as I press my body to Kieron’s and we start to move to the slower thump, thump of the bass. Strong… seductive. We twist like serpents dancing in the shadows, broken and disjointed under the pulsing rays of light. I close my eyes and let the music take me away as the beat pumps through my heart. Kieron’s arms are around my waist, and our hips connect and move in rhythmic synchronicity. I feel so sublimely free, like I’m literally floating in the air.

  Hot, sweaty and breathless, we grind to the music, lost in our own world, oblivious to others around us. I lose all sense of time and perspective. I just don’t care. Right now it’s just me and Kieron. There is no one else. His muscular body presses against mine, and he douses me with feverish kisses as our entangled bodies continue to gyrate. I haven’t felt like this with him in so long… the passion, the desire, the absolute need to ravage him and be consumed by him. It’s almost driving me mad.

  “Let’s get out of here!” I shout in his ear. He nods and leads me from the dance floor back to the VIP area.

  “I could definitely use another drink,” Kieron says as we pass through the long, velvet curtains.

  Me too.

  Jade is waiting at our table with a small smile. “Our house DJ is legendary for his beats. Nobody can resist getting their groove on when he spins.”

  I brush my hair from my face and nod. “I love dancing. Haven’t had the chance to do much lately. It’s nice to get some aggression out.” Especially since I have no outlet for any of my pent up energy these days. Right now I feel like I could run for miles and miles, and then kick a whole army of Light-angel ass by myself.

  “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. In a minute, there are some very important people I’d like you to meet. They came here specifically to see you.”

  I frown. “Me? Why?”

  Jade glances back and forth from me to Kieron, who’s standing with his arm around my waist. I catch her eye following his fingers as they slowly stroke the side of my hip. “Actually they want to speak with both of you. About your experiences in Thiberoux, and with the Light-angels, I believe.”

  Ugh. Party foul.

  “Are they from the Legionare?” Kieron asks. Jade shakes her head.

  “No, they work on our behalf as attachés to Thiberoux.”

  I frown. “What’s an attaché?”

  “It’s sort of like an ambassador, in a way. They serve to pass information from there to here, and vice-versa.”

  I glance at Kieron. “So we’re not in trouble? I mean, we’re still safe?”

  Jade nods. “Absolutely. In fact, I believe they are special envoys, sent to ensure just that.”

  I raise my eyebrows. “Special?”

  “These two particular attachés haven’t been around here in a while… decades. Guess they’re pretty important back in Thiberoux. So it’s kind of an honor to have them here. And…” A mischievous look flits across her face, and she leans closer to me. “I must say it is verrry nice to have them back in the mix, if you know what I mean.”

  “No, I don’t know what you mean,” I mumble, and then turn to Kieron. “Will you grab me a drink while I go freshen up real quick? Tell Ruby to make it exactly how she did before.”

  He nods, and I glance at Jade. “Where’s the restroom?” She points to a neon sign in the far corner. I give Kieron a quick peck on the cheek. “Be right back.”

  I need to make sure I’m not as disheveled on the outside as I feel on the inside. I don’t know what came over me out on the dance floor, but it was like I’d been plugged into the most powerful charge of energy I’d ever encountered. Every part of me felt like I was on fire, in the best, sexiest way possible. I need to check and reassure myself that my hair isn’t singed and my face all red.

  Fortunately, the bathroom is clear. Demons don’t suffer the same mundane bodily functions as humans, so I’m lucky in that regard. And one look in the mirror tells me I needn’t have worried. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever looked better. Healthier. My long, ebony hair is extra thick and glossy, tumbling in waves past my shoulders. My cheeks are flushed and rosy, and my eyes glow light icy-blue. I’m still the same ol’ me, but for some reason I feel and look so much better. Maybe this place has really great lighting.

  When I return to the table, Jade and Kieron are sitting across from two men. I give them a quick glance as I move past Jade to sit on the other side of Kieron.

  “Lucky, this is Vincent and Demetri,” Jade says, pointing to each of them. “They are our attachés to the otherworlds, specifically Thiberoux.”

  “Hi, nice to meet you,” I mumble, and immediately glance away. Now I know why Jade is happy to have these boys ‘back in the mix’. For some reason I’d pictured an attaché as some ugly old stuffy guy. Not like these two.

  The one sitting directly across from me, Demetri, is fair with shiny golden hair. Vincent is darker, more intense. His eyes are a deep chocolate, and he has a light stubble on his strong jawline. Both are solidly built and achingly beautiful.

  “We heard about you… what happened in Thiberoux and your troubles with the Light-angels,” Demetri says. His skin is so smooth it almost looks like he’s been dipped in wax.

  I shrug. “Yeah, so?”

  “So we knew you were coming here, and we need to talk with you.” Vincent leans toward me, and my eyes linger on his face a moment. There is something about his voice I instantly like. I want to hear it again.

  “What do you want to talk about?” I ask, looking directly at him. But it’s Demetri who answers.

  “We want to talk about your experience with the Light-angels. What you know. What their plan is. What advantages they might have. Anything you can tell us would help.”

  I glance at Kieron, then back to Demetri. “How do you even know who I am, let alone my experience with Light-angels? In fact, how’d you know I’d be here at this Bar tonight?”

  Vincent smirks and takes a sip of his drink. “We have our ways.” He leans back, and I can’t help but admire the shape of his body under his snug t-shirt. Muscular, but not too big. Just right. He narrows his eyes and focuses on me, and I feel an unexpected tingle in my stomach.

  “That’s not a good enough answer,” I say evenly. “I don’t care if I seem paranoid. I have every right to be, especially knowing there are plenty of demons out there who would like to see me dead.”

  “Which is exactly why we are here,” Vincent replies. “We’d prefer to not have that happen.”

  I take a sip of my drink. “Why do you care? Wouldn’t I be a lot less trouble to you if I was out of the picture?”

  Vincent and Demetri exchange looks. “It’s our job to make sure you are safe,” Demetri answers. “You and your human personality can be of great use to us. You’ve had more intimate contact with Light-angels than any demon we know of.”

  “Besides,” Vincent adds. “So far the only demons who really want you dead are those from tribes we consider to be our hostile enemies. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” He gives another little smirk.

  “What do you want from me?” I really hope I can trust these guys. As much as any demon can be trusted, that is. But it’s not like I have a ton of options right now.

  “We need to talk about what happened in Thiberoux,” Vincent says, “and what that means for you. And for us.” But despite his annoying sexiness, I’m not in the mood to talk about any of that right now. Too many bad memories.

  I shrug and focus on the tabletop. “We were kicked out of Thiberoux. Banned. Barred. Banished. 86’d. Personae non gratae. Return under penalty of a most painful death. That’s all you need to know.”

  Kieron frowns, and from his other side Jade gives a tinkl
ing laugh. “Sweetheart, you think you’re the only two demons to have ever been expelled from there? Hell, more than half my VIP clientele is on the death upon re-entry list.”

  I glance up and see Vincent staring at me, and I shift uncomfortably in my seat. At that exact moment Kieron puts his hand on my leg and I jump, spilling some of my drink on my lap.

  “Crap,” I mutter and quickly stand up. “I’ll be right back, just going to clean this off real quick.” I hurry away before anyone can say anything.

  At the bar I see Ruby is busy talking to a few vamps, so I take a napkin and start to dab at my pants. She gives me a nod and comes over.

  “Hey, I accidentally knocked over my drink.” I give her a sheepish smile and wonder why I feel guilty asking for more.

  She presses her red lips together and pours a small glass for me. “This is the last of it tonight. You need to be careful not to overdo it in your condition. I know you are responding favorably, and that you’ve been without proper nutrition for far too long. But you still must imbibe in moderation. Too much too soon can have negative effects.”

  “What is it that you’re giving me… why is it so good?” I ask, as I take a few more sips.

  “It is pure Source Energy, with some essential oils.” She smiles. “You’re in a unique position and condition. I’ve never made a batch like yours before, but I know it’s exactly what you guys need right now.”

  “You guys?”

  She eyes my stomach knowingly.


  I’m feeling so strong and healthy now, I almost forgot that I’ve been dizzy and nauseated for several nights… and I also forgot the reason why.

  “How am I taking the Energy pure? I’m a demion. I’ve always needed mine diluted with alcohol.”

  “Your needs have changed, and so has your body. Drinking your usual potion now would do more harm than good.”

  I shrug. I have to admit, this stuff tastes great and makes me feel far better than any adulterated Energy I’ve had. So I’m not exactly going to argue with her.


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