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Bought by a Billionaire Daddy_When a daddy dom bids at the slave auction

Page 10

by S. L. Finlay

  When I arrived at the door, I swung it open without even looking through the peep hole, and standing there, of course, was Daddy.

  The fear gripped me straight away. My mind was moving fast as time slowed down. I had let the door handle go when I opened it so I would need to reach for it if I wanted to close the door again. I realized when I had this thought that if I reached for the handle, I would leave myself vulnerable to be pushed out of the way, or into the wall. If I reached, too, I was declaring that I didn't want him there by my actions and potentially inviting things to happen that I might not want to happen.

  Daddy was standing there, looking upset. His eyes were red, which threw me off for a second as I ran through possibilities of getting away, or at least putting a few barriers, like the door, up between us.

  "Why did you leave me?" Daddy asked, his words a little choked.

  Between Daddy's voice, and his sad face, I was thrown. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do here. I wasn't sure exactly what Daddy wanted me to say, or how I was supposed to respond to him. I just knew that I didn't want to be in this situation. I needed to get out.

  Thinking fast, I answered Daddy's question, "I didn't want to be with you anymore." I managed to tell him honestly, "I'm sorry." I added, even as I wasn't. I just didn't want to invite his wrath. He was already here, and that was already intimidating enough.

  "You didn't want to be with me?" Daddy asked, although it wasn't really a question. "Then why did you sign the slave contract?" He asked, this time it was a question and his voice was sad and frustrated.

  "I signed, because I thought that was what I wanted. It's not. I'm sorry." I couldn't help the sorries from coming, Daddy looked upset. I wasn't sorry for what I had done, but I was sorry for his upset feelings. I wanted him to feel happier than that. Or at least, I didn't want to be the one who caused him any pain.

  "And you think you can just walk away, without even saying goodbye?" Daddy asked.

  I took a deep breath and said the only thing that I had said from my heart all morning, "what are you talking about? You didn't want to be with me, either. I told you I wanted to be with you, to have a real relationship, and you turned me away." I felt my own anger bubbling inside my chest and moving throughout my body. My anger made me feel strong, sturdy against Daddy's accusations. Sturdy against Daddy. Should he come at me, I would simply push back.

  "That was never the offer, baby girl. I bought you in a slave auction." He told me in a tone that was both matter of fact and a little 'huh! I'm telling you!'.

  The anger was still inside me, and was still driving me forward, "I remember where I was bought." I told Daddy, "but life does not stay the same. It is not static. People change. Their needs and wants change. I no longer need or want to be a slave. I want to be treated as an equal. I am an equal." I told him, my chest puffed out now inside the over-alls I had fallen asleep in.

  "You want to be an equal?" Daddy asked, his beautiful face smug.

  I nodded once, "I do." I said, leaning on the door frame with my arm above my head, "because I am."

  "An equal would have made me treat them as such, they wouldn't run away!" Daddy said, his voice raising.

  I shook my head, "an equal wouldn't follow me here, either." I told him.

  "I was worried!" Daddy shot back, his voice shaky. I could feel that I had the upper hand then, and the power I was feeling - that I was finally feeling after being his slave for so long - was intoxicating, but only for a moment. Then I was back to feeling sad for Daddy, and a little guilty.

  Hesitating for a long moment, I looked around Daddy and saw some of his staff were behind him. "How many people are with you?" I asked.

  Daddy seemed to catch himself, and remember where he was and who he was with at my question. Blinking, he turned around to see his staff behind himself before turning back, "just three. The pilot, one security guard and Al."

  "Pilot?" I asked, confused.

  Daddy nodded his head, "for the helicopter."

  "The helicopter?" I repeated, feeling he was being a little drastic taking a helicopter here.

  With another nod Daddy told me, "yes, I took the helicopter. It's faster."

  For a long moment, I stared at Daddy, disbelieving. I couldn't understand how he had managed to bring a helicopter and felt a little strange about it. Why had he used such transport? When did he leave? When did he land? When did he know where I was? How?

  Letting out a sigh and resisting the urge to continue the argument, I simply moved to the side, and let him in just like I'd always done when he came to visit me in the little room. "Come in then, but only you." I told him.

  Daddy turned to nod at the security guy and entered my home. He hadn't been here before, and I felt a sense that he was a bit out of his depth. This wasn't anything like the homes I was sure he visited frequently and was definitely not anything like the mansion that he lived inside. This was a small suburban house that used to belong to my late mother. My mother's family photos were still on the walls as he walked down the hallway into the kitchen. A kitchen that was still decorated in the homely style my mother had used to decorate it many moons ago, with pale blue checkered curtains and matching pale blue bench tops.

  "Can I offer you a coffee?" I asked Daddy, thinking to myself that maybe I couldn't, as I wasn't sure what was here.

  Politely, Daddy declined. I let out a breath of air I hadn't been aware I had been holding and gave him a little smile. Daddy wanted to sit down and I offered him a stool at my mothers old bench top. It was strange to think how much my mother still inhabited this place, considering she wasn't with us any longer, but I tried to dismiss the thought from my mind so I could sit down and talk to Daddy.

  "So, how did you know I was here?" I asked the bench, feeling unable to meet Daddy's eyes.

  Daddy took a moment to answer, so I looked up at him and, as if he was waiting for my full attention he told me, "I knew you were here because I had someone check." He told me.

  "That's not creepy at all." I shot back.

  "How is it creepy to want to check on your girl?" Daddy asked and I stared at him for a long moment. I didn't really have anything to say to that, but I still felt weird that he had someone check on me. Who did he even know in this neighborhood?

  Before I had a chance to ask anything more, Daddy was telling me about how he wanted me to go home to him. I was shaking my head at every word, I didn't want to come home to him. I was already home, and besides, I already knew that what Daddy had to offer me had an end date, and that end date had passed. I couldn't be a sexy slave baby girl forever, eventually my life would need to move forward.

  As if reading my mind, Daddy asked, "what do you need in order to come back?"

  Astonished at my luck for having been asked the question I told Daddy, "I need you to go away now, and I need you to give me space. In a few days, I will contact you with what I need."

  The answer felt safe, it was both an answer that would get Daddy out of my kitchen, and an answer that would mean I had time to consider my options, if I wanted this or not.

  Daddy nodded before standing up and striding towards the door. I cleared my throat when he was nearly there and he turned, his face expectant. I shook my head slightly and he marched towards the door then without looking back. Daddy continued his march out my front door, onto the porch and into the yard. He kept walking past his staff who scurried behind him as I looked at him through the door.

  Daddy wanted me to want him, he wanted me to call him back, that's why he had turned when I cleared my throat. But I wasn't about to do that. I knew how to contact Daddy if I wanted to, but I wasn't sure I would need to. This may just be the last time I see him, I thought to myself as I watched him march out of sight, and I'm not too upset about that.

  Taking a deep breath, I locked my door and went back to bed.


  They say the first six months are the hardest after a break up. For me, the pain felt like a deep, dark well t
hat I could always draw from, even when I didn't want to drink. I guess that's why we get thirsty, because it forces us to drink when we don't want to. Much like our sadness forces itself on us when we don't want it to.

  For me though, that first three days without my Daddy were the hardest. I couldn't feel much, outside of the sadness that chased me. I would spend most of my time in bed, or on dating apps. I spent all my time trying to get other men to tell me that they thought I was pretty, or desirable, or worth talking to.

  But none of those men were him. None of those men were the man I wanted, and the more time I wasted talking to them, the more I realized that it was him who I wanted to talk to. The more I realized that it was him who I wanted a relationship with. The more I tried to get over him, the more I struggled against my own feelings. It was my Daddy who I wanted to be with, nobody else. It was my Daddy who I loved so much, and my Daddy who I thought about before I went to sleep and when I woke up in the morning.

  If these three days are hard, I thought to myself, then what will the rest of the first week feel like?

  In that first week, I was focused on avoiding how I felt. I spent my time doing anything but dealing with those feelings I had, dealing with the sense of rejection and hurt I had that my Daddy wouldn't allow me to grow. All Daddy wanted was for me to sit in this box and be his good little girl.

  Personal growth was important, it was something I had to do. Just like a shark, who if they stop moving they die, I couldn't sit back and stop moving. I couldn't fit into a perfect mold. I couldn't be his perfect little girl forever. Now that I was regaining some confidence, I wanted to stand on my own two feet. I felt ready for that in a way I had never felt ready for it in my entire life.

  It's one thing to know that your relationship is worth saving, and another to know it needs changing. I might have sold myself as a slave to meet him, but I didn't expect to fall in love. I expected to learn more about this underground society that I had been fantasizing about for years. I yearned to learn more, to acquire more knowledge.

  If I sat back and let the knowledge go, and looked at it for what it was, the world of BDSM was an interesting one with a variety of colorful characters. The world of BDSM was like a circus, and these were the players. There were so many players of so many stripes that you could spend your life learning about them.

  But what was learning anyway?

  Knowledge was important, personal growth more so. I wanted to learn about BDSM, I realized after I took a step back, but I wanted to grow more. I wanted that independence I had never had.

  I had sought out this man who was all of these things I thought I wanted, then I had quickly discovered it wasn't what I wanted after all. Perhaps though, it was what I needed, all that structure and someone to push me to do the things I wanted to do anyway.

  But through all that time with Daddy, I had been quietly growing and gaining confidence in myself. Being naked on a daily basis made me more comfortable with my body, learning more about this lifestyle I wanted to pursue in books and through conversation with Daddy made me feel more sure of myself and my own decisions. I had decided to pursue this path, and it had been great for a time.

  Until it wasn't anymore.

  Like all things, change must happen, people must grow.

  I realized that I had outgrown the relationship, and that Daddy couldn't keep up. It made me sad to think about how he hadn't been able to grow with me, so all I did with those feelings was push them aside. It was too painful to deal with the reality that it was over, even as I had been the one to run away in the first place (literally, I ran. I ran all the way back home).

  For money, I was okay for a while, I figured as I started to research the field I wanted to work in. My days in that first week were spent avoiding thinking about Daddy which meant they started with a head full of thoughts of Daddy, then throughout the day I could distract myself. I went for runs, I got things ready in my life for what was to come. I prepared everything and I was happy.

  But I wasn't.

  Because no matter how well I did at vanquishing Daddy from my thoughts in the day time, every night I would think of him. When I was warm in my bed, I would remember what it felt like to be warm in his. I would remember just how tightly he held me, and how much I could feel his love for me. I would remember his cuddles, and his love. I would remember everything about my Daddy and it would make me smile.

  I loved that man, he meant the world to me, even if I couldn't be with him.

  Then one night, on the eighth night away from Daddy, I finally gave in to my own wants. I dialed his number and pressed my phone to my ear. The phone was ringing and I breathed a sigh of relief, already feeling closer to him through that phone, even as he hadn't picked up the phone yet.

  When Daddy finally did pick up the phone, I smiled and asked confidently, "Daddy, can I have a tuck in? Just a small one? Very little. Won't take long."

  There was silence down the phone. One beat. Two.

  "Why are you calling me, baby girl?" Daddy asked.

  I hadn't exactly expected the question, or the harshness of his words, but when it came it wasn't a shock to me either. I let out a long breath of air and spoke from the heart, because it was my heart that had been aching inside my chest for days, wanting so badly to come out and say things to my Daddy. "Daddy, I just miss your voice. I want to get my tuck ins before I go to sleep."

  Daddy was silent again. I wondered what he was thinking, even as I felt so relived that he had picked up my call and that he wanted to talk to me.

  "Girl," Daddy began, "you left me. Now you want to call me for tuck ins - whatever that means to you - is that really fair on me?"

  Daddy's words caught me off guard. What did he mean, fair on him? He was the one who told me this relationship wasn't romantic. I rolled my eyes and didn't answer him for a long moment.

  Anger boiled inside of me, this man wanted everything his own way. He wanted me to submit to his will and do as he said one moment, then when I wanted more from him, he told me no, that he wouldn't give me want I needed. Daddy wouldn't even give me this small thing. He wanted everything his own way and it stung. I had accepted that things couldn't work already, why must he make this harder for me?

  Letting out a heavy breath, I told him, "what do you mean fair on you? You have not been fair on me!"

  "What are you talking about girl? I fulfilled my half of the contract. You are the one who ran away and broke contract." He told me.

  "Life is not so black and white, Daddy." I told him earnestly. It was true, that life wasn't so black and white. Life couldn't be. If life were black and white, I wouldn't have entered into this arrangement in the first place. Hell, if life was black and white, I wouldn't be able to entertain something like this in the least. I would be able to be his good little baby girl slave forever without ever developing real feelings, or wanting anything real from him.

  But I did want things from Daddy, and it was time he saw that and accepted it. As the thought crossed my mind, it also crossed my mind that this really wasn't over. It's not over until the fat lady sings, or in this case, until the princess gets her way.

  Daddy hadn't responded to my remark, there was just silence down the phone. I decided to puncture that silence again, "Daddy, you had your way until you didn't. Then I told you things had to change, that I wasn't happy, and you said no. You said no as a slave owner says no, not as a Daddy says no." I told him honestly, although my head was still a mess of thoughts, half-formed thoughts. What I wanted and what I needed was a mess in there, but Daddy seemed to know what he wanted as he confidently answered me.

  "Baby girl, I am both a slave owner and a Daddy to you, at all times. I only ever speak to you as what I am." He told me.

  "But a Daddy would see what I needed, a Daddy would see that he needed to look after me." I told Daddy honestly. Of course a Daddy would see me for who I was, and he wasn't behaving like a Daddy when he told me who I was.

  "I do see what you need." Da
ddy said before another long silence, I wasn't sure but I thought I heard a sniffle as if he was crying, "you need to be released."

  My heart got choked up. Even though I had run away from my Daddy, I didn't want this. I didn't know how I could handle it. It was so final, signed divorce papers. I would never allow it.

  Choked up as I was in my heart I managed a very steady answer, "no. No Daddy, I will not."

  "You will not what?" Daddy challenged.

  "I will not allow you to release me. You are not getting rid of me!" I cried, sad and angry that he was so quick to get rid of me.

  "You do not allow, girl. This is a choice I make." He told me. Then, before I had a chance to respond he followed that comment up with, "I will release you from slave-hood, baby girl. Then we will see what happens. I will release you then we will know if this can ever work."

  "What?" I asked, shocked. "What did you say?"

  One beat, two. I wanted Daddy's response with every fiber of my being in that moment, but he was taking his time. What did he mean? What was going on? Was he saying what I hoped he was saying?

  "I will release you, baby girl, then we can see what happens between us. As you wish." Daddy told me.

  "So, we can be together?" I asked, my feelings bouncing around inside my body then. I couldn't believe what I was hearing!

  "I am not saying that." Daddy told me, "I am only saying that this relationship - this arrangement - is over, and that I want to acknowledge that. I want to let it go. Then, when this relationship is truly over, maybe we can see what is there."

  "What do you mean?" I asked, confused, "we can see what is there?"

  I could hear Daddy taking a rattled breath, "I mean that I need closure. We both need closure, baby girl. We need this relationship over, before we can see if there is any other relationship there for us."

  "Why wouldn't there be any other relationship? What are you talking about?" I asked, confused.


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